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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 705x959, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10876375 No.10876375 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10876391

1 word in:

>> No.10876439

So far, I'm at 40k words

>> No.10876465

I decided to write a different story like 1/3rd of the way through and then I went back and reread the abandoned story and liked it 10x more than the one i abandoned it for but I'm not in the headspace to continue writing it and it made me think my current writing is shit.

>> No.10876468
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>> No.10876487

I've thought about it for a while, and I think I know what I'm going to name my protagonist. I need to decide her hair color next.

>> No.10876579
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>tfw you read this and realize we're all gonna make it

>> No.10876593

Don't try to guess what the reader wants to visualize. Just do you.

>> No.10876606
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>> No.10876616

go back to >>>/fit/ >>>/r9k/ and >>>/pol/ you faggot herd animal

>> No.10876621
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you're gonna make it too anon

>> No.10876627

>I need to decide her hair color next.
No you don't. Unless it's relevant to the story or characterization in some way, don't describe your character's arbitrary features - at least not until their personality is developed, and try only to reveal physical characteristics through the eyes of others. Let your reader visualize, don't bore them with
>her hair was red and her eyes were blue and her cheek bones were high and

>> No.10877641


This poster speaks the truth. Avoid generic introductions, especially:


Followed by either:


That's how probably 95% of bad narratives begin.

>> No.10878775

Just a brief reading of Kafka and anyone can tell he had mental issues. Not surprised he kept this mopy attitude personally.

>> No.10878804


My fictionalized memoir of my travels through the western US in 2015 is at 33 000 words.

My next adventure should provide at least 100 000 worth.

>> No.10878944
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>anime fanfic = 35k (+ca1,5k a day)
>crossover fanfic = 30k
>novel 1 = 10k haven't written anything in months
>novel 2 = 10k haven't written anything in weeks
life is a fucking nightmare
why am I like this?

>> No.10878988
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>first novel 94k, wrote in 6-8 months, self published, wasn't great but better than expected, mostly a trial run.
>second novel 100k, taken 3 years, prose reached new heights, finishing up editing, think it's the big one boys.

>> No.10878993

That picture and the fact that Pepe doesn’t cum in the brownie mix before giving it to Wojak surprisingly touched me.

>> No.10879089

When can I buy.

>> No.10879093

>got 40k words in
>caved to the desire to go back and do a little proofreading
>realized the entire thing was hot garbage and abandoned it
That was two years ago now and I can't find the motivation to try and salvage it. Probably better to just let it lie.

Been working on the outline for my next work since then but I'm feeling less optimistic about it.

>> No.10879209

>You have to dive down and sink more rapidly than that which sinks in advance of you.
I loved this bit.

>> No.10879430

First draft will be done in the next few weeks

>> No.10879470

still working on that outline, but it'll be done eventually
anyone got any good adventure movies/shows i can binge for ideas? preferrably animated, but they don't need to be.

>> No.10879522

What is the second novel about?

>> No.10879523

And then you realize that Kafka was a depressed insomaniac with daddy issues and a boring job whos writing got published after his death by a "friend", even though he asked said friend to burn it all.

>> No.10879526

Teehee! Writing is le so le romantic xD! Totally not a neutered corporate controlled dead art form!

>> No.10879535

same. it's just so wholesome.

>> No.10879550

Yeah. Writing is a dumb sockpuppet unlike all those art forms that are immune to power. :^)

>> No.10879559

Why are you on this board? Serious question

>> No.10879573

for the /lit/ humor threads

>> No.10879879


>> No.10879938

Sounds exactly like it was written by a mind polluted by movies and pop culture

>> No.10880091
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It’s actually quite down to earth as it’s not a love story but in fact a coming of age story for two people on the cusp of maturity. Miles realizes he can’t sit around getting blasted with his friends and listening to Nitzer Ebb all his life and Annabelle learns the world has changed during the 100 years she’s been asleep and can never go back to anything resembling normalcy as she copes with the reality of being one of the undead. I think it’s coming together nicely.

>> No.10880094

What anime?

>> No.10880244

Hitman Reborn for 35k, and Beelzebub x Naruto for 30k. I don't even like Naruto. It just fuckin' happened.

>> No.10880372

>try to create an outline
>spend weeks polishing it
>start losing interest because I'm not actually writing anything
>can't start writing because the outline isn't finished
>never satisfied with outline

>try to just dive right in, start writing, and make everything up as I go
>hit a roadblock after a few days
>know idea how to continue

>> No.10880406

Are you <20? You're not very conscientious, I admit this is an age where you fuck around a lot, but soon you till be 30 or 40 with nothing - it's like time travel, simply amazing

>> No.10880427

I hope you let us idiots look over your first draft. I hear unconstructive criticism is invaluable.

>> No.10880433

I'm not currently writing a novel

>> No.10880468
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I certainly hope that’s the case.

>> No.10880494

if criticism was valuable to you, you would have grown up from posting anime a long time ago

>> No.10880498
File: 154 KB, 750x826, FC0E2B4A-FAE3-47E4-8384-8B0F84CEBEBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather well. My agent has found a publisher. What’s interesting is I’ve gotten a $300,000 advance on the first novel and a contract to write three more “works,” however they must be published as continuing “volumes” using the same premise, characters, storylines, etc. I wanted to be done with this fucking book once and for all, but now I feel I’m stuck in these golden handcuffs for a long, long time.

>> No.10880502

Wrote 20k words, feel like most of it is shit. Uncertain whether I should go back and edit or proceed.

>> No.10880505

what do you get if you complete all 3

>> No.10880511


>> No.10880522

what about a % of sales, and other rights? sounds like they're trying to rip you off

>> No.10880525
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it's an edited version of the original

>> No.10880538

A small amount. I took what I could get though, because I pitched it as a memoir even though I made everything up. The idea started as an “alternate memoir,” about a life I could have lived given different decisions had been made. When nobody bit, I revised slightly and played it off as if everything had happened. Since I’m worried I’ll turn into the next Million Little Pieces Guy, I wanted money in the bank as soon as possible.

>> No.10880565

>I made everything up.

seems like it

>> No.10880574

Just act like a hermit and don't talk to people about it. Nobody can ride your ass if you never make a statement.
If it does come out, nobody will give a shit if you don't go on the daily show and oprah.

>> No.10880582
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>> No.10880587

or just use a pseudonym

>> No.10880588

Proceed until it's done. Don't make my mistake (>>10879093), going back will just solidify your belief that it's terrible and make you want to give up. Keep going until you're finished, then fix it.

>> No.10880611

I mean, yeah, that's a given.
What's the book version of a mockumentary?

>> No.10880630

The problem is I failed to do this. I was on a tight deadline and honestly forgot. It’s a bit more complicated than just using a pseudonym, too. I would have had to file paperwork with the US Copyright office and all that. Boy, I really wish I had.

>> No.10880868

Sorry, but I won't even give it a chance.

>> No.10880886

Eek boppa derkel, check out the guy who’s going to get laid in college.

>> No.10880891

>Eek boppa derkel
am I having a stroke?

>> No.10880900

As usual I'm cursed by the allure of world-building.

300k of background notes to 10k of story

>> No.10880902

What type of ebonics is this?

>> No.10880933

Especially fapfics for some reason. I don't actually need the writer to describe their waifu, I can imagine an attractive girl without much help, thanks.

>> No.10880947

Ever considered writing RPG sourcebooks?

>> No.10880956

I feel that the only thing I can be certain that writing does to me is stray me away from having a normal and comfy life. With all the time I spend writing and studying the authors I'm interested in I could easily get a load of experience to land a programming job and then go ahead towards the family life. But I am afraid that all these years of lonely living and sticking to my own interests have made me incompatible with that and I will eventually reach a point where I regret each day my decision to go on that path.
On the other hand I can't possibly see any other outcome of the literary lifestyle than loneliness, alcoholism and suicide in my forties. There's no way that the weird and depressing shit I'm writing will ever attract anything else.
So I am stuck between assured self-destruction and lying to myself hoping that I will eventually start to believe in that lie.

>> No.10881047

That’s a lot of money anon. You’d better hold onto it for your inevitable legal battle with the publisher.

>> No.10881429


>> No.10881472


Every time I get the nerve to sit down and start something, I realize I'm an amateur with no real direction or inspiration.

I'd rather write a screenplay but the barrier of entry is much, much higher.

>> No.10881478

Gosh, you're right. I won't go back now. I'll proceed and finish this first draft.

>> No.10881489

>I realize I'm an amateur with no real direction or inspiration.

how do you function in daily life with that mentality? how did you even make this post in the first place, you're only an amateur shitposter after all

are you some kind of an invertebrate with professional caretakers to sustain your daily life?

>> No.10881491

Actually, I'm an expert shitposter

>> No.10881495

>Start writing
>get 20-50k words in a week
>get another "great" idea
>start writing
>repeat ad infinitum

Just as well. My ideas and writing is hot trash anyway.

>> No.10881499

that's just the dunning-kruger talking

>> No.10881503

Only 10,000 hours to mastery, right?

>> No.10881519

>Every time I get the nerve to sit down and start something, I realize I'm an amateur with no real direction or inspiration.
I'm going to tell you one of the single most important lessons I've learnt, anon:
Mantras build glass walls.

You're worried you suck? Just repeat "it doesn't matter/it doesn't matter/it doesn't matter" over and over again until the voice in your head just gives up. Oh, it'll still be there, waiting for you to drop your guard, but it gets easier every time and easier to ignore every time. Shove it all behind a glass wall.

Why, I live every waking moment viscerally aware of the kind of existential terror that has broken stronger men than me writhing behind the glass wall, and I'm almost a functional human being anyway.

>> No.10881521
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some people can spend their entire life doing something and never improve, just look at the sonichu comics - two decades and still at the exact same kindergarten level

>> No.10881525

Just do what all modern novels do and string them together with a series of tangential connections

>> No.10881539

What will the title be so I'll know what to look for in a few months.

>> No.10881548

>Just repeat "it doesn't matter/it doesn't matter/it doesn't matter" over and over again until the voice in your head just gives up.

you actually need some willpower to repeat that ad infinitum, and if you have that drive you also have the drive to overcome stress - it's just a placebo

for me it's almost as if I'm trying to lose weight, jojo effect but for everything I try to do
it's going good for a few days, then it goes to shit and I stop, then again I rebound and again sooner or later I give out

>> No.10881549

>even though he asked said friend to burn it all.

why didn't kafka burn it all himself?

he secretly wished the friend published it

>> No.10881550

yeah but he's autistic so

>> No.10881553

Yeah, definitely. Brod even told Kafka he would not fulfill his wish, and Kafka just stood there, rifling through his trouser pockets, as if looking for his keys or something.

>> No.10881559
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a non autist on 4chan?

>> No.10881566

>for me it's almost as if I'm trying to lose weight, jojo effect but for everything I try to do
>it's going good for a few days, then it goes to shit and I stop, then again I rebound and again sooner or later I give out
I spent 6 months living like a world class athlete, despite school. I'm talking measuring every calorie, going to the gym without fail every second day (even after having surgery), charting my weight loss / muscle gain. It wasn't even hard. I lost 30kg. Then I stopped going. Gained it all back. Wanted to go back, gym is closed. Now I'm an alcoholic and I hate myself. And I hate myself more because I KNOW I can do it. I've DONE it. So what's the fucking problem NOW?

>> No.10881574


I just feel like I don't read enough to justify my desire to write, I just don't get how the process works aside from spilling my guts on a page.

>> No.10881583

I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand the problem.
then read more, I guess.

>> No.10881633

there is something that I started doing that might work: my diary desu

I started a text file where I outlined all the things that I should/could be doing, and also made a plan of what an ideal day would look like
then every day I noted down all that I did on that day, how much time I've wasted, and wrote all the quotes and thoughts that I don't want to lose

the idea is to be as truthful with yourself as possible, and to stare at that truth every day
I don't mean to torment yourself about your current state, but to count only the actions that you did/did not do
being truthful also means living in the present moment, not running from it but rather embracing it and trying to experience all that there is - I do not mean in the stupid adolescent way, but rather in the way of noticing everything your senses detect, your every thought and so on - this sort of vipassanesque thing is when for me the time slows down the most and I feel sorta happy

>> No.10881637


Pretty good, but I'm struggling to find good feedback for the work in progress, and starting to realize that comic fiction has a very small market. Most people involved in fiction are either humorless pseuds, or too conventional for my weird sense of humor.

>> No.10881675

>comic fiction has a very small market.
>what is Pratchett

>> No.10881680

How do I start?
I legitimately just can't think of anything interesting enough to turn into a narrative. I've written a few short stories when the ideas come to me, but they're like three pages each, essentially just quick looks at scenes. When I know what I want to say the writing comes easily and when polished seems good, but I generally feel like I lack anything worth saying.

>> No.10881697

what is your IQ

>> No.10881702

Tentatively: Monsters.

An alliteration to the despicable people in the book, fangs or not

>> No.10881718

is tentatively part of the title

>> No.10881722


>> No.10881763


>> No.10881774

1 1/2 chapters so far, destroying myself on the inside and out trying to depict a white woman named Betty who has a drinking problem but is a brilliant journalist

>> No.10881796

>comic fiction
comedy and drama are the two founding genres of everything, you spaz.

>> No.10881854

I don't know, I've never bothered testing it. When I was in 1st grade I tested into "target," one-day-a-week advanced shit, and a friend recently claimed those were IQ tests, but that's the only one I've ever taken and I don't know my score. >>10881722 is some other ass.

>> No.10881948

Almost, you read a Rick and Morty reference.

>> No.10882342

82k words
already have the outline and plot points until the end, which is pretty close, but I realized everything I've ever wrote is garbage so I gave up and got a job

>> No.10882356

"So then there's this white girl named Betty who is a brilliant journalist but also an alcoholic. More on her later."

no need to thank me

>> No.10882367


Could you please recommend some recent titles?

>> No.10882557


Do you mean an allusion?
Unless all the characters' names start with M or have "st" sounds in them, I don't think the title will be alliteration to the characters' names.

>> No.10882578

You're not going to know what to do with yourself when animu girl gets rejected for the cover.

>> No.10882587

Some of us are schizo.

>> No.10882837

what was the first about?

>> No.10882908
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What do you guys write on?

>> No.10882952


>> No.10882988

you didn’t do anything like that at all you fucking faggot

>> No.10884100

well, gee, I guess you'd know

>> No.10884884

>Tfw kafka’s prose when he’s in a funk is better than anything you ever wrote

>> No.10884906


>> No.10884932

not writing a novel right now, that's started in may

>> No.10885139
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>> No.10885147

It’s just a place holder image for something I think is close to whom I’ve created. Doesn’t have to be animu

>> No.10885165

Works for me only on paper with a pencil

>> No.10885211

20k for the first one. It's an average realistic medieval story. Spent lots of time on it, but then realize it's too """realistic""" and left.

10 - 15k for the next random ones but I got boring quite fast on them.

6k for the current one, but I think I am going to make it, since I have learned to turn off the screen when I write and type what is on my mind.

>> No.10885336

It's a bit generic desu.

>> No.10885409
File: 36 KB, 298x475, 13D04E07-3F39-46D7-B39D-F7D369B4F996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, well, “Faster Than The speed Of Love” was already taken

>> No.10885471
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Haha good one.
I struggle just to get my essays done.
At this point I wonder if writing a novel might not be easier.

>> No.10885511
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Qestion: How do I make myself write faster? My current speed is that of a snail fucking.

>> No.10885527

i'm at a little over 1200 words and i started last week.

>> No.10885542


Snort speed.

>> No.10885547

Just ended my firsr short story in ages.
Where can i upload it so people can read it?
>inb4 ff
i want to write more short stories until i feel used to write again, any tips? I may try to revive my old novel.

>> No.10885576


>> No.10885577

a short story I conceived of as a novel at 11268 words (20 pages on docs) and the closest thing I have to a publishable piece of writing

a longer novel sketch of 37343 words (62 pages on docs) probably unfit for publishing anywhere but almost complete in my eyes

also many short stories few of which are complete and none of which are good

>> No.10885582

Post one

>> No.10885611
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>> No.10885928

On standstill until life stops brutally fucking me in the ass.

>> No.10885973

>Not having a clear visual image of your character
I personally find it easier to come up with scenes and character interactions if I know how the characters look like, whether said characters' appearances will be actually described or not.

>> No.10886164


I have been using the program for months, but I still can't figure out how to sort notes alphabetically.

>> No.10886197

Do you fear your work being criticised that much that you find solace in self deprecation?

>> No.10886324

sublime text 2 is the patrician choice

>> No.10886576

About 65k words into the first draft of a fantasy adventure novel that I was originally hoping to have sent off to an agent by the end of this year (not sure if it'll be done in time by now). I have a historical fiction novel i started for NaNoWriMo last year at 50k and I might start another fantasy for Camp NaNoWriMo in July

>> No.10886675

luckily there are tons of weird, lonely alcoholics in the world, so as long as you finish writing someone will want to read it, even if it''s only one person

>> No.10886677

Write in WordPad, edit in Scrivener.

>> No.10886810

Publisher needs 200 word draft tomorrow.

Help me anons.

>> No.10886858

>dude I'm just like Kafka :DDD

>> No.10887025

jeez, didnt realize i sound so pitiful. a psychologist might have a better answer for you but i wasnt even trying to be self deprecating. on the contrary i'm really proud of some of my work, i just know it's all pretty far from publishable at present.

>> No.10887148

What, you haven't written anything? Not even an outline?
If you have, two hundred words is nothing. Get to work anon.

>> No.10887747

Just write 200 word anon, it isn't that hard

>> No.10887902

This is going to sound retarded but I want to write a book about self improvement and developing your role in the world. I don't want it to be loaded down with generic self help advice or muddled with constant references to history and historical figures. Sometimes I just want to sit down and write about what my ideal citizen would be like akin to early Greek writers did. Are there any others I can draw influence from so I can better develop this concept? I want to combine practical advice with theory regarding the nature of mankind and their interactions with one another with a focus on making the most of your interactions, connections and opportunities in life. It sounds vague because I haven't compiled it effectively yet.

>> No.10887915

makes me feel better about the fact that most of the stories I attempt to write just end up as 5-10 page long fragments.
Writing might be the same as drawing, in that you need to build up mileage and go through the same process over and over again before you can tackle any bigger project without wasting your time and embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10887920

Longer isn't always better. Especially if your writings all follow a theme and adhere almost to a singular universe.

>> No.10888172
File: 21 KB, 800x800, 1383424795989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally saved up enough money to take a three month hiatus from work to focus on writing. 30k written, plus a finished outline of the novel. Nothing helps the writing mindset like the panicked realization that if you don't put pen to paper, you've got no choice but to go back to how things were before. (In case you couldn't tell, I don't much like my job.)

Now to spend the next few months working on my novel about a barbarian and a magician on a quest to punch a dragon in the face. There's more to it than that, obviously, but that's my favorite elevator pitch.

>> No.10888179

200 words is cake. If you fail now, you really don't deserve the opportunity.

>> No.10888198

Here's a start for you:

A home inspector gets called in to review an old house before it can be sold, and while checking over the heating and air conditioning units he notices strange sounds coming from the ventilation system. He notes it down but doesn't look into it further because it wasn't on his checklist, and gets asked to do a more thorough investigation as a follow up. While giving the air conditioner a more thorough inspection, he discovers...

A monster? That the AC unit is sentient? The house is haunted and the ghostly whispers of the great beyond can only be understood while there's a breeze for it to use as a voice, like the air circulating in the vents? Up to you.

>> No.10888210


Is that actually what Tao writes about? Also is he good? Please no memes I have never read him, should I?

>> No.10889244

There's an important mentality many have to change for them to be productive: the difference between saying, 'This work sucks.' and 'I suck.'
Once one can distinguish the two, improvement can begin.
To go even farther with the idea, one can begin to think: 'This work needs improvement' rather than 'This work sucks.'

>> No.10889279

A little under 2k on my current one, my first two projects clocked in at about 45k and 22k respectively. I always feel like my pieces end up short because I tell the story I wanted to tell and can't make it longer without it feeling artificial.
I hope there's a market for novellas.

>> No.10889605

>that pic


>> No.10889635

Terrible, you have no talent

>> No.10889642

It's going backwards. I had a serious rethink and deleted around 10k words as a result, so it's now at 47k words

>> No.10889751

No, that bitch didn't reasearch anything. There is literally nothing wrong with taking your time and making sure that you write a proper story that is well thought out and makes sense.

>> No.10890034

The only thing I can really think of is to read some greek philosophy, then form your own ideas

>> No.10890397

It keeps me going.

Yep. But every day you put off doing even that makes you worse than her. Any progress is progress, and no progress is... Well, you get the idea.

>> No.10890659

>that pic

Not sure why that was the thing that got me out of bed to write today, but i will take what I can get! Thank you anon.

>> No.10890703

So don't strive to create something in the short time we have on Earth, got it. Should I shitpost here or on r9k?

>> No.10890727

You're welcome, friendo.