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1087602 No.1087602 [Reply] [Original]

Race realism is race reality.

>> No.1087614

look up the rates of black on white rape versus white on black rape. black males rape white women all the time, white males never rape black women.

>> No.1087620

Because black men know their own women are disgusting.

>> No.1087639

See, a perfectly non racist explanation..

>> No.1087649

black women really are disgusting. they only eat junk food and they smell like shit. black people really are overgrown children.

>> No.1087664

Too bad rednecks are fucking dumber than most blacks.

>> No.1087674

>implying that if the races were swapped between the people in the picture they wouldn't act in the exact same fashion
>implying they didn't back in the 50's
>implying rednecks don't exist

White male here, you're retarded.

>> No.1087678

lol, you must not know any blacks. trust me, there's not a group of people in the usa that are more ignorant and stupid than the blacks. For instance, here's the complete timeline of history as understood by blacks:

Bible times....Slavery times....The Present.

>> No.1087692


You could have at least cited some stupid IQ statistics without their relevant context, but all that ad hominem ignorance in one post really leads me to the fact that your trolling skills really need work.

>> No.1087695

>ad hominem


>> No.1087698

oh, and for future reference, insulting someone or a group of people does not necessarily make it an ad hominem attack. it would be "ad hominem" if i was using your personal characteristics to refute your argument, i.e., "don't listen to that guy, he's a nigger so he's obviously wrong."

>> No.1087701
File: 6 KB, 130x162, reaction4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when racist troll returns

>> No.1087702


> i.e., "don't listen to that guy, he's a nigger so he's obviously wrong."

That's basically the gist of his argument, but whatever. Let's not get bogged down in semantics here.

>> No.1087711

get out, chink.

>> No.1087733

agreed 100%

>> No.1087748


It's funny because by the same logic as racialists, Asians would be superior.

>> No.1087778

The difference between the average intellect of whites and asians is miniscule at best.Difference between intellect of blacks and whites is massive.White people also control the world.English is the lingua franca not some asian language.Whites on average are physically stronger than asians.

>> No.1087795

how the fuck is eugenics literature related?

>> No.1087811

Asians, generally have higher IQ, well, Hong Kong and Japan. In any case, Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ. IQ isn't everything, go to China and find that out. Chinese people have good IQ, yet they manage to be dumb as fuck.

>> No.1087812

Fuck I'm glad I live in Australia and don't have to put up with such disgustingly racist arguments. Everyone is equal in our country... except for those fucking abo's and boat people

>> No.1087813


Forgot the lebs

>> No.1087816


How stupid of me!! Fucking muzzas

>> No.1087830
File: 109 KB, 388x475, 1280794506983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the jew's excuse?

>> No.1087834


No foreskin?

>> No.1087839

What's that word for individuals who insist on defending unpopular political or social positions?

>> No.1087846


>> No.1087848



>> No.1087858



>> No.1087866

you racist fags! black people can't help it if they have a genetic predisposition to raping white women and stealing bicycles.

>> No.1087873

devil's advocate?

>> No.1087879

u r so ignorant and racist! bigot! black people are just as good as white people egypt was a black country ireland/england was founded by blacks italy/greece are black countries u guyz jus jelly.

>> No.1088019

Ron Paul?