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/lit/ - Literature

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10871954 No.10871954 [Reply] [Original]

This is not ok

>> No.10871967

You're just waiting for somebody to ask why it isn't okay aren't you?

>> No.10871974

Why not? Since they have brief descriptions, I'd take a chance

>> No.10871980

Is that Elizabeth's Bookshop in Newtown, Sydney?

>> No.10871990


Obvious the one about Napoleon is War & Peace, shall we try and guess the rest?

>> No.10872001

bottom left is probably I claudius
maybe the road for third one on second row

>> No.10872012


What is this sudden feeling in the pit of my stomach?
Is it Kafkaism?

>> No.10872023


It's in Australia alright.

>> No.10872032

Why not? It stops faggots like you from just reading the same spoon-fed shit that gets posted on here. I'm not knocking the quality of the work that gets tossed around here, I'm saying maybe something like this will encourage you to get out of an established comfort zone and try something new. And it's not like whoever is making these things is actively trying to sway you into buying one particular book; all of the stuff they've written seems to be objective from what I can tell.

I've been to this place btw. Barely remember what they wrote on the bag but it was something like "drugs, weird, reality bending" or some shit and it ended up being The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Dick and it was pretty sweet 10/10 would go through the whole experience again if I lived in Sydney


>> No.10872048

>maybe something like this will encourage you to get out of an established comfort zone

This is code for "read my leftist drivel."

>> No.10872055

Do they use this to trick people into buying expired books?

>> No.10872062

3rd from left top row princess bride

>> No.10872065

Book is catch 22

>> No.10872073
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>> No.10872075


I like your chain

>> No.10872083

>Kafkaesque, cult classic, absurd, hilarious, paradox

What book is it?

>> No.10872088

That makes sense

>> No.10872091
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groupon tickets to hamilton

>> No.10872167

my diary desu

>> No.10872270

they might actually sell a book for once.

>> No.10872364

House of leaves

>> No.10872536

>they might actually sell a book for once.
My first impression was that this was a marketing gimmick to offload books that could not otherwise be sold.

>> No.10872548

How would you react if you opened one of those at home on and found the Tractatus or Being and time or something. "lmao ebin trole"

>> No.10872564

looks like something a woman might enjoy

>> No.10872795
File: 324 KB, 914x1291, ForutuneWheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you trust Lady Fortune /lit/, has she ever wronged you?

Yes Fortuna has taken the form of a pink haired Newtown dyke.

>> No.10873060

Fuck you, this is fun.

>> No.10873072

>Why don't you trust Lady Fortune /lit/, has she ever wronged you?
I'm untouchable, 'cause that bitch untrustable.

>> No.10873086

Hello fellow newtown bro

>> No.10873100
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>21 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Doesn't post YOLO, Juliet

>> No.10873113

>Open it
>It's the Bible

>> No.10873129

Scent of rotten estrogen from pussy hermetically sealed with baddragon dildos detected

>> No.10873170

Friend got me this and the Macbeth Emoji one.

Read through them, it's an awful thing but some of it is so heretic it made me laugh

>> No.10873193

My library does this. I think it's a good idea there but not in a book store.

>> No.10873205

What are you doing in Newtown faggot??
Buying a green tea latte with your pink haired, stud nosed, Marx worshipping fuck boy?

That suburb is the den of inequity

>> No.10873212

whats worse, reading these or 50 shades, etc?

>> No.10873219

you're delusional and grasping for straws if that's what you get out of that snippet

>> No.10873252


Can you define "grasping at straws" and explain exactly how it applies?

>> No.10874024

Bullshit. If it said Italy or WW2 then sure. The description is way too vague to make that assertion.

>> No.10874032

Paradox and cult classic gives it away.

>> No.10874040

Search the terms on google and Catch 22 comes up on the first page

>> No.10874089

it's iniquity you fucking booma whipper

>> No.10874294


Why are you so hostile?

>> No.10874580

Why not? If you don't like the idea nobody is forcing you to buy them. I'd probably find it useful if I found myself in a rut.

>> No.10874611
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This was in the bookshop at Perth trainstation

>> No.10874614

>/pol/tard who just can't stop himself afraid of outdoors and differing value systems

>> No.10874615

Considering this is aimed at women, I wouldn't trust any of those books.
>trigger warning

>> No.10874619

I can't tell if it's a self-aware mockery or a genuine attempt at appealing to younger people

>> No.10874712

>I can't tell if it's a self-aware mockery or a genuine attempt at appealing to younger people

Basically the same thing at this point.

>> No.10874714

>Hilarity, despair
>Violence, booze
>Losers are winners
>Gritty realism
>Beauty, futility(?)

I'd try it

>> No.10874752

Is this a stealth Aus/lit/ thread?

>> No.10874761

who /hawkesbury/ here?

>> No.10874897

Sappho's secondhand bookstore in Glebe is way better

I even saw a used Gaddis Recognitions for $15 and a used hardcover of Pynchon Mason & Dixon for $25

>> No.10874913

>don't like book 10 pages in
>throw it away

>> No.10874917 [SPOILER] 
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>post apocalyptic
>hope is a farce
>survival at any price

>> No.10874926 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10874940


This is atleast based on somewhat worthwhile content. 50 shades is mindless drivel from start to finish.

>> No.10874986

Except it's probably The Red and the Black.

>> No.10874999

What is the fantasy classic?

>> No.10875021


>> No.10875030

None of those really interest me though

Is there an anthropology section?

>> No.10875067

Possibly A Wrinkle in Time.

>> No.10875102
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>being so butthurt about retarded underage /pol/luters shitting up the board that you feel the need to LARP as an SJW

>> No.10875122

I'm sorry I used a bad word moralfaggot.

>> No.10875139

just about to do my next UK online bookstore order, I keep feeling like I need to stack stuff up but there's no point with free postage. I can buy on a whim

>> No.10876139

ITT: design "blind date" book and other anons guess what it is. I'll start

>East Coast
>Near Future

>> No.10876160

sounds retarded but whatever

>20th century
>absurd, comical
>summer vacation
>forgot sunglasses at home

>> No.10876169

>paris, mid 20th century
>strolling through the city
>dread, despair
>depersonalization to the max

babby-tier choices

>> No.10876174
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They just look like such comfy bundles of nice smelling books to unwrap like christmas presents!

>> No.10876183
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Anyone know where I can gather a few copies of Lolita for cheap?
Perhaps a site that turns large text files into hard copy books? I have the bee movie script, aslong with the english sub text doc from boko no piko.

>> No.10876185

Those, while horrific, might at least act as a gateway to actual Shakespeare

>> No.10876190

>my house
>21st century
>why me why me
>oh god

>> No.10876205

>You will never date a cute little blind girl and read these books to her

>> No.10876218

I don't think you know what LARP is.

>> No.10876816

one on their site

>Dark thriller
>Serial killer
>Small town Texas
>Crime noir

I've never read it but it sounds like No Country for Old Men

>> No.10876876

Unironically get your testosterone levels checked

>> No.10877268

As we can see from this thread, a trigger warning is actually quite needed.

>> No.10877306
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>This is not ok
Oh yes it is ;^)

>> No.10877330

Did something like this once at my local library. Big mistake. Staff was all women, two out of three books were shitty YA lit and the third was a garbage romance.
Very dissapointing.

>> No.10877340

You're literally a retard if you think this way and that's from someone who basically agrees with you

>> No.10877358


Yeah I also agree with the statement that only a retard could believe.

>> No.10877368

r u rtarded? house of leaves is like a huge ledger with bible thickness

>> No.10877370
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>> No.10877375

get off the internet ignatius you fat fucking lard

>> No.10877422
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>cult classic

>> No.10878319

>Why don't you trust Lady Fortune /lit/, has she ever wronged you?
Ah, yes.

>> No.10879123
File: 1.19 MB, 320x240, 0B6D1780-1D4D-43F9-AD88-FB8600F84C78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 50 Shades
> Start to finish

>> No.10879130

Could also be The Killer Inside me.

>> No.10879140

Sad reality

>> No.10880385

>forgot sunglasses at home
kek, the stranger

i'd say nausea but it's not set in paris, what is it?

my diary desu

>> No.10880516

>hurr it's not LARPing because we're not doing it IRL
The reason people use the term LARP as opposed to just RP is because they want to highlight just how ridiculous your behavior is, not because they can't tell the difference.

>> No.10880927

I think you're right. The one I replied to was a complete dimwit with his social justice adherent accusation so I reckoned his use of the term was off as well.

>> No.10881551


>> No.10882814

Lol. Like I pay for books.
I mean..uh yeah I always pay for books. Don't shoot my dog please.

>> No.10882871

probably the first Hornblower

>> No.10883111

Probably buying drugs or getting a decent haircut, maybe a feed. Newtown isn't too bad. Some pubs in the area are very aussie and no sjw culture.