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10868390 No.10868390 [Reply] [Original]

[bumps into the archive a thread about pynchon or delueze] well /lit/? what would you do?

>> No.10868403

throw my spaghetti on the floor and sage this thread

>> No.10868426

"No thanks."

>> No.10868492

I don't spend time with aging dykes.

>> No.10868529

my mouth: oh, so you do like X? thats really neat, lets drink a cup of coffee we have a lot to talk!

my mind: fuck this stupid bitch, i bet she couldn't understand any of X works, i wonder if shes trying to impress me just by making me assume shes smart or something...

my dick: please, do it faggot

>> No.10868535

this is the single gayest thing i have ever read

>> No.10868550

Not him, but I find that hard to believe, given that you are on 4chan

>> No.10868557

This is terrible. I hope you didn't think this was funny.

>> No.10868558

Your mind and your dick, aren't in harmony. Your persona is broken.

>> No.10868581


I think the dude was being honest and you find it not offensively unfunny, but offensively real.

>> No.10868610

Perhaps. It is hard to think which is worse: thinking like this or imagining that writing this would be funny.

>> No.10868611


>> No.10868612

>Mouth: You like [book] too? I'm a big fan of [author] but I'm actually just getting started reading him. Sure, I'd be happy to get coffee.

>Mind: Where are the cameras? Am I about to be robbed? Am I hallucinating? Why is she talking to me even though we don't know eachother? This makes no sense.

>Dick: I want to suck the inner part of the crotch of her panties and suck up all her fucking warm salty juices after she walks around a bookstore for three hours. I'll fucking smell her ass and even when it smells like a smelly ass it will still smell good because she's a cute girl. I want to lick the soft skin on her forearms and smell her hair and root around inside her ass hole with my finger. I want to smell her fabric softener on the ribbed parts of her socks and lick under her breasts. I'll smell your holes bitch. Be my girlfriend right now because I want sex every day and I will do whatever you say if I can smell your holes. Stop smiling at me when you know that we both know that I want to suck your fucking flaps and pound your warm holes with my dick.

>> No.10868622

My dick is like super size
Your dick look like two fries

>> No.10868625


Seems too earnest to me to be an attempt at a joke. I rank that higher than comedy that poor. An awareness of personal despair > awkward repression; it's a step closer to working on addressing the problem.

t. me 3 years ago

>> No.10868633

My mouth: I'm busy.
My mind:
My dick: You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole.

>> No.10868636

>I would love to get coffee with you but it's going to make me shit violently several minutes after I drink it.

>> No.10868643


Me in a Thread on /lit/:
>"What, this copy of 50 Shades? I noticed it was in the classics section and was returning it to the trash section where it belonged."

>"Sure that sounds great!'
>Leave without giving or getting her contact info.

Me IRL in a Thread on /lit/:
>writing a greentext reply while walking at 4 MPH on a gym treadmill

>> No.10868647

"B-but this is 120 days of sodom and I was just in the fascist philosophy section"

>> No.10868649

imagine being this unfunny

>> No.10868654


>takes her hand and kisses it with a cheeky wink

>> No.10868668

this unironically

>> No.10868669

Nobody is this avoidant. If this happened to me I would be all over her.

>> No.10868673

>*look around*
>a-are you talking to me? *blushes*

>> No.10868675


>> No.10868676
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>Nobody is this avoidant.
That's where you're wrong, bucko

>> No.10868688

I had the woman of my dreams approach me and before it could go anywhere I said I wasn't ready for a relationship. I never talked to her again.

>> No.10868692

Sorry, I have a girlfriend and I don't think she'd appreciate that.

>> No.10868695

I would wake up, because only in dreams something like this would happen.

>> No.10868697

Are you some sort of fucking homo?

>> No.10868699

caring this much about women is a tell tale sign you are gay

>> No.10868733

Approach you spatially? or romantically/sexually?

If latter you ought to be killed.

>> No.10868759

Homosexually inclined individual detected

>> No.10868774

Her eyes creep me out

>> No.10868778

Not him but shit like this has happened to me before. Some people have fucked up stimulus response patterns from lack of healthy interactions with people of the opposite sex during their formative adolescent years, no reason to be executed. Eliot was a fucking sperg around women, he managed to create some half-way decent poetry.

But I understand how healthy people view this as reprehensible behavior.

>> No.10868788

This. I'm just really fucking stupid (or autistic?) + years of trauma. It's somewhere between horrifying and emotionally impossible for me to connect with a girl now. I like having dreams though, a girl I love and we're doing dress-up. Kind of like a dream within a dream.

>> No.10868814
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>"Um, sweetie... the Young Adult Fiction section is over that way - so why don't you go pick out a nice Stephen King novel and stop bothering the people in the big-boy section. Mmkay?"

>> No.10868824

I don't think most people would consider me healthy and I certainly haven't had healthy relationships with women. But Eliot married twice, and turning down the woman of your dreams is a disgusting self sabotage.

>> No.10868839

"Yeah, I'd like that. My name is Anon by the way, what's yours?"

>> No.10868883

' hold up...but why in the fucking world do you think that I'd even so much as want to acknowledge your presence let alone waste a cup of coffee on you? Do you think because you're ' cute' that you're entitled to my time and attention? Babe, a hooker's got more integrity than you. I don't know why you think that you can prance up to just any guy that way. But I'll fuck you in the ass if that's what you really want. If all you want is ' talk' then I'm not. your little cuckboy for that shit you fucking whore. What's that in your teeth? You can't afford braces?'

Dating prostitutes is my fetish desu.

>> No.10868895

>tfw you relate to a post too much

Difference is, I would probably agree to the coffee and then sperg out in conversation leading her to no longer be interested in me. I'd then go home and replay the incident in my head hundreds of times over the next few days. Sad times.

>> No.10868908

I know what you mean. I maintain the friends and family I have right now very well, but I just don't know how to make NEW friends--regardless of their gender or if was actually trying to get a gf. I just don't connect to people. I had something of an anxiety problem for a few years and while I've gotten over it I swear it gave me autism or something

>> No.10868924
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>her friends (and family) even tried to even goad you on, telling you about how virgin she was

Fucking kill me now, I deserve nothing less

>> No.10868940

Oh, thanks, hah, you have great taste? But no, sorry, I'm busy later. Have a nice day, though.

>> No.10868964
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>thinks to oneself: "yikes, nice nose piercing. i wonder how many stds this millennial skank carries in her spawn."
>say: "a-ok, haha."
>then go have a coffee, exchange numbers, slowly but surely sneak my way out of her interest circle

>> No.10868981 [DELETED] 

>Nobody is this avoidant.
hahaha i know r-right?

>> No.10869017

What would you sperg out about? Is it hard for you to talk to other people? If so, what has lead you to being that way?

>> No.10869032

>If latter you ought to be killed.
If he spered out that hard then he was being honest when he said he wasn't ready for a relationship. What he did was disappointing, but seemingly necessary until he can get his shit together enough to move forward. There is nothing wrong with being honest about that.

>> No.10869056
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Here, I improved the image for those of us who prefer penis over vagina.

>> No.10869066

“120 Days of Sodom is your favorite book?”

>> No.10869067

is this Norm macdonald's wife's son?

>> No.10869077

Coffee? Let's skip that and head to the bathroom stall.

>> No.10869083

Is that John Green's son?

>> No.10869125

I find it incredibly hard to talk to anyone because I can't communicate verbally very well. I'd end up speaking in a jarring manner about the book where I wouldn't be communicating my thoughts clearly and that'd make anyone want to stop talking to me. As for what caused it, I can't be sure. But I was bullied relentlessly in high school for 5 years straight, and after the first year I just stopped talking to people altogether. Was literally almost completely silent for 4 years, had long hair and kept my head pointed down to the table. Maybe that had an affect on my speech development and ability to make friendships? No idea. Plus I'm pretty sure I flat out have Asperger's, so there's that.

>> No.10869161

>My Dick:
Eroticism is one aspect of the inner life of man. We fail to realize this because man is in search of an object outside himself but this object answers the innerness of the desire. The choice of object always depends on the personal taste of the subject; even if it lights upon a woman whom most men would choose, the decisive factor is often an intangible aspect of this woman, not an objective quality; possibly nothing about her would force our choice if she did not somehow touch our inner being. Even if our choice agrees with that of most other people, in fact, human choice is still different from that of animals. It appeals to the infinitely complex inner mobility which belongs to man alone.

>My Mind:
Why kid ourselves, people have nothing to say to one another, they all talk about their own troubles and nothing else. Each man for himself, the earth for us all. They try to unload their unhappiness on someone else when making love, they do their damnedest, but it doesn't work, they keep it all, and then they start all over again, trying to find a place for it. "Your pretty, Mademoiselle," they say. And life takes hold of them again until the next time, and then they try the same little gimmick. "You're very pretty, Mademoiselle..."

>My Mouth:
You're very pretty, mademoiselle...

>> No.10869212

my dick: *ejaculates*
my mind: oh boy
my mouth: oohohhhohhhh

>> No.10869617

>swiftly yank ring out of nose
>dash away high-kicking and giggling like a fool
>stop at counter to purchase the bell hooks book I'd picked up

>> No.10869629

Tell her that if she even understood Deleuze she would understand that love is merely the self-reflexive affirmation of that which cannot be experienced by the self and is thus serves nothing greater than opening into the virtual and call her a troglodyte for giving herself to such a lowly signification

>> No.10869635

I'd just get incredibly anxious and gently try to bring the conversation to a close.

>> No.10869642

anyone else completely hideous?

>> No.10869645

Why else would we be on here?

>> No.10869650

Please don't breed

>> No.10869654

Now that's better

>> No.10869670
File: 9 KB, 300x168, download (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, nice try, OP. Girls aren't allowed in the /occultgeneral/ section of the bookstore.

>> No.10869974

I met some degenerate Foucault and Derrida meme woman once

>> No.10869977

"Sorry, I'm married."

>> No.10869980

>Mind: "No leave me alone"
>"Yeah sure!"

>> No.10869982

in reality every time you see a qt gril

"wow that girl is a qt i wish she would convert to catholicism with me and we could grow old readin books together in our log cabin thank you jesus christ i am so blessed but what on earth is that dude actually her boyfriend please dont stick your dick in my 3d waifu what on earth i have no chance of coexisting now, life is devoid of meaning, fuck this lesbian shit fuck that soyboy faggot fuck cuck JEWS BLACKS WOMEMES where's my fuckin pen i need to write my manifesto regardin mein kampf schopenhauer my lord i must commit sudoku wtf now im gay for sam hyde and elliot rodgers????"

>> No.10869986

is that marlon BUNDO

i'd get into his buns tho

>> No.10869989
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Every time I see cute girls I start to wish for a daughter

>> No.10870002

I always worry that if I ever had a daughter that boys her age will start objectifying her and ruining her purity so if my daughter doesn't grow up to be a nun I want her to be a lesbian

>> No.10870332

>dyed hair
>short hair

>> No.10870347

It's only funny if you read it as the dick sucking up her juices.

>> No.10870361
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Sit down, anon. Now, tell me about your relationship with your father and mother...

>> No.10870366

Proceeds to look around

“Oh ahh yeah ahh sure here’s my number”
*give fake number*

Yeah ahh hit me up that sounds great, looks forward too it.

* walk very nervous and fast to the desk, place all books on the desk, run out the store*

*gasping for breath*
I start crying, ahhh why oh why does this happen?

Call dad too come pick me up at the McDonald’s across the street, when dad arrives I cry I the car the whole way home, not before he buys me a happy meal.

Anon, son, wanna tell me what happened?

“Okay sure dad,”
“Well I got robbed by a guy, and a bunch of dudes (snobbing) (tearing up) threatens too kill me and stole my money. Ahhhhh oooohhh ahhhh.

“There there anon, it’s okay”

Eat my happy meal, come home, steal my dad’s beer, contemplate suicide that I was born in 1985 and should’ve moved out long ago but can’t function in society.

>> No.10870376

I love short hair, in fact only short hair, idk why

>> No.10870377

"Fuck off filthy roastie"

>> No.10870378

>sure thing
>proceed to act normally
>build up the foundation of our future relationship

>> No.10870387

"Are you fluent in Latin, meretrix?"

>> No.10870412

See >>10868612
Much better

>> No.10870430
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>> No.10871337

I'd say- ok- then tell her my name in a way that solicits she give hers. She looks like a pleasant enough person.

>> No.10871371

I would accept because I have great taste and rarely come across other people with great taste.

>> No.10871378

>her favourite book is schopenhauer's essay 'on women'


>> No.10871459

dont u hate when u tryna fap and one of ur roommates starts putzing around in the kitchen, i cant fucking concentrate like this

>> No.10871461
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>I'll smell your holes bitch
Lost it here. I know that feel, bro.

>> No.10871463

Because she hates herself and her whorish ways and wants to be subservient to you, duh.

>> No.10871500

>But I understand how healthy people view this as reprehensible behavior.
Isn't that kind of attitude what's really reprehensible?

>> No.10871532

>self-hating, subservient masobuta
why would you want a relationship with a girl that has no respect for or confidence in herself?

>> No.10871566

Is that James' Joyce's Son's

>> No.10871591

She looks predatory and sadistic. I'll refuse. Politely.

>> No.10871603

>Me: "NTFT friendo!"
>Her: "What?"
>Me: "No Time For Thots"

>> No.10871635

I'm in the same situation and it sucks, but im going to try to make some friends next quarter, hopefully.

>> No.10871656

same, although I don't have any friends
perhaps I never had any to begin with, just acquaintances that went their own ways

>> No.10871665

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.10871671

Not gay, just autistic

>> No.10871722

nice meta

>> No.10871726

>I'm in this section to laugh at the books brainlets read
>now step aside roastie

>> No.10871731

Say yes and try to hide my shock.

>> No.10871736


What a nice looking girl. Thanks OP.

>> No.10871750

Coffee for what? Is this an invitation to a ritual leading to sex? No way. I'm saving myself for marriage.

>> No.10871794

I want your daughter to be a lesbian too

>> No.10871850


>I'll smell your holes bitch.
lmao lmao

>> No.10871873
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For posterity

>> No.10871899


>> No.10871996

go away child

>> No.10872166

Is that a nose piercing? Bitch, get the fuck away from me.

>> No.10872175

Is that my wife's son?

>> No.10872181

Thanks but I don't like coffee.

>> No.10872183

This but unironically.

>> No.10872915

One of the greatest accomplishments of humanity is, that it has transformed the primal urge of lust into something transcendent. People aren't just attracted to each other physically, they long to be united with the person of their desires spiritually.

A romantic relationship is a kind of mutually asserted bond of trust, respect, deep understanding and empathy, a spiritual longing mediated by physical acts, which take on a symbolic function.
You can't have that kind of relationship with someone who doesn't even consider themselves a person. Their words are just empty projections of what they believe you expect of them, they have no real beliefs of their own, or at least no will to back them up - that's why they chose subservience and self-denial after all.

>> No.10872924

>Their words are just empty projections of what they believe you expect of them, they have no real beliefs of their own, or at least no will to back them up
that's literally all women though

>> No.10872934

The fact that he would marry twice shows he did not meet the "woman of his dreams." I don't think there is such a woman, to anyone. He was probably just saying that to receive more pity.

What, the attitude that a person with romantic issues/mental illness/etc. has toward themselves, or the attitude that such a person's behavior is reprehensible?

>> No.10872982

>or the attitude that such a person's behavior is reprehensible
This, obviously.
It's the people who like to pretend that they are sane simply because of their ability to flawlessly blend in when it comes to social games, and look down on those who can't as though they lack some essential human quality, as though they should be ashamed, crawling on the ground and apologizing for things which can barely even be said to be within their control, who are generally the most cruel, while at the same time being so sure of themselves, just moving through life utterly oblivious to that cruelty, believing that their hate is completely justified.

>> No.10872999


>> No.10873002
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When will the Jezebel posting end? Every time I come to /lit/ to see the updates on threads, well, I come to /lit/, because these marvels of nature are there to greet me in all their perfection. Alas, the semblance of thinking and writing about literature is completely lost to the whims of my groins.

>> No.10873010

Eh, I think the other guy is correct hypothetically, that if there were such a thing as a soul mate to self-sabotage in that case would be something to regret for one's whole life. But there's not such a thing, and there will be plenty of chances for most people who think they're broken in this was to have relationships, provided we go out and actually apply ourselves to making friends with people of the opposite sex. Anxiety around women is actually a very common problem for men, whatever the Chads would have us believe about our letztermensch status or sexual shortcomings.

>> No.10873030
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, lit's lowest moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full retard

>> No.10873035

>The fact that he would marry twice shows he did not meet the "woman of his dreams." I don't think there is such a woman, to anyone. He was probably just saying that to receive more pity.
You're confused. Those are anon's words, not Eliot's. And his relationship with Vivian was ended by her mental illness, not Eliot's lack of love or reciprocated love.

>> No.10873038

This. """"well read"""" women are absolute memes

>> No.10873049

In the same boat, I was a very boisterous popular guy when I was in high school. Lots of friends, very confident and outgoing. Then a few years after leaving I began to have anxiety attacks, I became introverted and avoidant, I spent most of my time reading inside. I got over the anxiety but now I can't relate to people at all. I feel like I am some horrid insectoid creature from outside time that is wearing humanskin and possessing a alien psychology.

If you have ever walked out into the surf on a beach, zoned out into a trance watching the horizon while the feeling of the waves hitting you barely registers on your body, that is how I feel talking to and listening to people.

>> No.10873053

>wandering around bookstore
>see some books on display
>cover art on one catches my eye
>pick up book from shelf (I don't remember what it was)
>girl walks over
>she is a 10/10 supreme cutie 3.14
>there is no way in hell I could ever get a girl like this
>she looks at me
>my heart stops
>she sees the book I'm holding
>she excitedly tells me that its her all time favorite book
>my heart is hammering in my chest
>she talks animatedly about her favorite authors
>I gaze at her, not comprehending a word she's saying
>"what do you like to read?"
>I feel cold sweat on my forehead
>I stammer incomprehensibly
>"anon? did you find the book you were looking for?"
>my stomach clenches
>it's my mother's voice
>she finds me
>she sees the girl
>she feverishly introduces herself
>"oh I'm his mother haha"
>she talks about herself
>rambles on about her hobbies
>girl is listening politely
>mom talks about me in front of her
>I'm standing there trying not to cry
>she won't stop talking
>notice I'm still holding the girl's favorite book
>carefully put it back on the shelf
>girl glances at me for just a second, her face brimming with contempt
>or did I imagine that?
>don't look at her after that
>eventually the girl excuses herself
>my mother gives her an enthusiastic farewell
>I stare at the floor in silence
>mom says that we can go look for the book I want now
>I lie and tell her they don't have the book I'm looking for
>on the way home she talks about what a nice girl that was, how a smart girl like that would be a good match for me, etc
>I'm not listening. I'm feeling sorry for myself and reflecting on my life choices that led me to asking my mother to drive me to the bookstore at 26
>get home
>go to my room
>collapse in convulsing tears

>> No.10873075

No, I wrote vaguely. I meant that anon probably said that soul mate thing in order to make people more upset or inclined to pity.

And if Prufrock is any indication Eliot had some problems with women, or was aware of the problems men of generation were having.

>> No.10873091

you sound SO cute i would totes lick your boi clit

>> No.10873093

>>"anon? did you find the book you were looking for?"
>>my stomach clenches
>>it's my mother's voice
>>she finds me
>>she sees the girl
>>she feverishly introduces herself
>>"oh I'm his mother haha"
>>she talks about herself
>>rambles on about her hobbies
>>mom talks about me in front of her
>>she won't stop talking
this actually happened to me once. got into a conversation with a real qt, and then my mother came up and started rambling about our family life, how great my cooking is, and how much of an intelligent, kind boy I am. I was honestly more amazed than angry, because at that moment I realized that the reason she married my dad was that she was even more socially clueless than I am.

>> No.10873104

christ men get a vehicle

>> No.10873109

for what it's worth, I was on vacation with my family.

>> No.10873121

This is a thing boomer moms do, my man. If you vacation anywhere with your boomer parents this shit will happen. It has nothing to do with their social ineptitude. They were raised in a different time, when it was much more common that parents partook of some matchmaking.

>> No.10873619

i would´ve told her that i have i a gf so no thanks (even though a i never had one xd)

>> No.10873948

I'd agree to it in a mildly flustered but not seriously autistic way.

>> No.10873993

Your gotta let yourself get mad anon. Tell your mom you don’t want her to ever do that again. It’s the only way.

>> No.10874027

this sounds like me at age 16-19

mom was so nice it made it even harder to hate her

>> No.10874034

fahrenheit 451 is literally the women's 1984. a dude who can smell the perfume from around the corner after she's left? that's a dude females want to bang.

>> No.10874072
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>> No.10874241
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stare into her eyes for 4 seconds while viciously thinking of sweetly ravishing her tender soul

then look her top to bottom and back over for about 5 seconds

tell her to join you as you buy the books and then take her to the coffeeshop adjoining the overpriced library

where you then begin a process of seduction via the reflection of her narcissistic desires and the presentation of a powerful, masculine presence

the affectation of the demeanor of her preferential man if you catch my drift /lit/

maybe even slip on a wedding ring before she notices

you then convince her to let you give her a ride home, maybe escape to the bathroom and slash her tires after copping a glance at her car key, and en route you make a detour to your house to perhaps make some phone call or to perhaps grab your phone charger or some such nonsense she would believe and then nonchalantly invite her inside

if youve played your cards right, once there shes yours, and if you do well, she will be yours until you find a better alternative, and if youre me, youll then have several of these girls completely insatiably addicted to a dominant masculine cock they have been learned to worship as the pillar upon which their existence is predicated

>> No.10874315

Reminds me of an experience

>at book store with parents
>qt is a cashier
>get my dad to buy the book for me since I can't into social interaction
>turns out the cashier loved the book and tried to talk about it

Don't really care though, Ive long since accepted my fate

>> No.10874371

she's really not that pretty.

>> No.10874414

how did you get an image of my son who's been missing for 3 years WHERE IS MY SON I WANT MY SON

>> No.10874434

:( its true

>> No.10874468

lit, literature board for 4chan website, im hear, watching me watch you all us together in certainty

>> No.10874483

My mouth: I'm busy
My mind: I'm busy
My dick: I'm not busy

>> No.10874490

if that canister is full of her farts then that is literally a picture of me

>> No.10874499

My crush: Dance with me.
Me: umm...no.
Arter that she drags me to dance with her, when she starts dancing, I turn around 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.10874511

How can you even tell it's dyed? Her pale skin complexion looks like most other gingers/redheads.

>> No.10874525

>my crush and I once had a drink together in a bar
>she was moderatly drunk
>we sit together on a couch, in front of our friends
>her hand gently and secretly creeps under my shirt
>she whispers dirty things into my ear, bites and kisses it
>I ponder if I should give her the d that night or shouldn't
>realise I woudn't love her anymore if I'll fuck her that night
>walked her home, said good night and walked away

>> No.10874529

This is glorious

>> No.10874532

What a virgin

>> No.10874542


I had sex once with the girl I had been pursuing for a while, now I can say I'm not a virgin and don't feel the desire to have sex again as well as a sense of accomplishment getting the girl.

>> No.10874552

Expose myself as a pseud when pressed on my opinions? Not fucking likely.

>> No.10874564

How would you describe this girl's eyes? Eva Lovia has the same eyes.

A girl with eyes like this is automatically at least an 8.

>> No.10874572

>How would you describe this girl's eyes?
Fake and gay

>> No.10874730
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>get terrified
>look at her like a deer caught in the headlights
>feel flattered and smile autistically
>is she being put up to this?
>what's going on?
>she's cute
>no girl has ever talked to me before
>ugh but she's not really my type, I should wait for a better one
>I bet she's not even my true love, it would be a waste of time
>I bet she doesn't even really understand or appreciate this author
>I could talk to her and pretend i'm normal, I'd even intonate the words
>but that's fucking gross and looks stupid, I don't want to be a stupid normie
>I see what's going on here, God, you're trying to have something nice happen to me
>well fuck you, I won't be part of your game
>oh no I've been standing here staring into the distance for 10 seconds
>she looks worried
>"Y-y-you too!"
>run away in terror
>jerk off thinking about her for a week
>regret for the rest of my life
>die alone

>> No.10874776

>short hair

Instant red flag. No thanks.

>> No.10874848
File: 75 KB, 750x750, 1520048943840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"it's pronounced kah-mooh, anon hehe. stop trying to impress me, i know you read ya trash."

>> No.10874857

>n-no thanks I'm in a hurry
>oh here's my number anon if..
>wait I just remembered-I mean-I need to go thxkbye

another bullet doged

I mean I can't even really imagine having a friend, a gf sounds nice but ultimately I know it would never come to either of those. I know how to act friendly, but I have never been let into this secret circle of "friends" where people get together to hang out when they don't have to. There seems to be all these secret handshakes and so on, and when I don't do them,people know I'm uninitiated, and act friendly but ultimately I'm not considered a friend. I think that I'm a friend, but then they disappear from my life completely sooner or later, without even a word.

>> No.10874859

Speaking the truth.

>> No.10874922

why am i in love

>> No.10874957

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

>> No.10874992
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>> No.10875000

r9k ?

>> No.10875026

>nose ring
>short hair

>> No.10875079

Who broke your heart anon? Ever heard of "there are plenty more fish in the sea"?

>> No.10875215
File: 39 KB, 539x1024, 1518910912016m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?
Do any anons know how to actually create meaningful relationships? Every "friend" I've ever had was basically someone I went to get lunch with so that I wouldn't be alone.
Never really felt cared for, even though I cared for then

>> No.10875553

>Mouth: Same as my mind because I am honest.
>Mind: Yes I'd love to.
>Dick: Nothing because I do not give in to lust.

>> No.10875582

Feels fucking bad man you hear about "those creeps on the internet" and never think they're talking about you.

>> No.10875778

>>Mouth: Same as my mind because I am honest.
>>Mind: Yes I'd love to

if you actually believe that you might be a brainlet

>> No.10875830

pls yamete

>> No.10875835

LMAO pure ideology

>> No.10875839

>Stop smiling at me when you know that we both know that I want to suck your fucking flaps

top fucking kek

>> No.10875912

I feel the same way. Having sex with a girl outside of a dedicated relationship immediately removes her from my pool of potential partners.

>> No.10875928
File: 442 KB, 500x508, 1519662905951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a surprisingly spot on post. in complete seriousness, only lesbians dress like OP

>> No.10875947

positively joycean

>> No.10876073

More like sardine flavored juices

>> No.10876074 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10876090

This picture was taken inside of recycled books in Denton, TX

>> No.10876150

this post was made from inside a basement in denton, tx

>> No.10876154

We don't have basements in Texas, silly

>> No.10876163

this is so old yawn
maybe find a new virgin snitch
and one that is actually pretty

>> No.10876195

this post was made in a dairy queen, next to a stars, across the street from a whataburger in denton, tx

>> No.10876228

Grimace with discomfort, look down at her groin three seconds too long, say "s-sorry", and then as she walks off looking disturbed and confused I behead her with my katana.

>> No.10876233

>and then as she walks off looking disturbed and confused I behead her with my katana.

>> No.10876258

complement her kafkaesqe attire. casually mention that i hate white people. try to pull her off my dick before the librarian sees and takes away my library card

>> No.10876279

And people said that lit was safe from reddit

>> No.10876302

>me at a party
>some slutty chubby girl sits next to me
>without any warning she asks me "why don't you want to have sex?"
>oh_heavens_how_can_I_scarce_myself_from_this_predicament.avi playing at ferocious speed in my soul
>immediately, without hesitation, subconsciously even, I say: "I will only have sex with a woman I love"
>"oh, okay" she says and we sit in awkward silence for like five minutes until it's my turn to play pool
now it's my motto guys and a noble excuse for being a virgin

>> No.10876437

Tell her we're going back to my place to fuck right now, and then do it. Because this is 100% a dream and I'm not wasting my dream on a coffee.

>> No.10876456

this is beta male incel nonsense, these make-believe 4chan alpha-beta-omega torture memes you fucking faggots pass around are repulsive

>> No.10876725

Have coffee, start dating, kiss her, go back to her place, eat her out so thoroughly she cries, get married, have kids.

>> No.10876788

>eat her out so thoroughly she cries
Are you sure, you aren't just biting her clit?

>> No.10876812

no fuck off, women never say anything interesting.

>> No.10876906

Me: Sure just let me call my Girlfriend and let her know I'm running late b/c having coffee with some random woman I met at the book store.

Her: (this conversation is over)

>This actually happened once

>Girlfriend told me if it ever happens again to just go get coffee and try to bed the cute smart girl.

>> No.10876917

Texan Larry McMurtry read Walter Benjamin at a Dairy Queen once at some random location in the great (big) state o' Texas..

>> No.10876934

disgusting and didn’t happen

>> No.10876971

Y-you too

>> No.10876994

Totally happened. The book I held was Hey Rube, a printed collection of Hunter Thompson articles he wrote for ESPN.com.

>> No.10877008

is your gf a tulpa

>> No.10877027

My mouth: licking her pussy pussy, this taste good
My mind: i hope she's liking this
My dick: being stroked by my hand, about to cum

>> No.10877033

but this is not a based braaap post :^(

>> No.10877049

Sperg out and kick her in the face

>> No.10877057

>haha actually i don't really like reading
>want to come over to my place and watch some quality anime?

>> No.10877064


Did you watch Twin Peaks and now you are using that word all over the place?

>> No.10877069

That's because she is sleeping around with other people herself.
So in case you find out she has something to hold over your head.

>> No.10877073

no I watched mlp instead

>> No.10877084

then that's fine.

>> No.10877112


Wait isn't that girl the one /lit/ literally caused to quit youtube?

>> No.10877120

lol I also remember browsing /mlp/ when tulpa and fluffy pony threads were popular there.
Though it seems fluffies aren't allowed anymore, so they moved those to /b/. I haven't been to either board for years now, but it was fun back then.

>> No.10877125

Are you me?
>at party to support a friend trying to get laid.
>girl he likes is there along with her friends
>get wildly drunk, on of them comes on to me.
>she makes out with me while I mime back, unsure how to respond
>my friend, his girl, her friend, and I go back to my house
>the friend tries to unzip my pants as I'm talking about Wonder Showzen and my dead lizard.
>I keep babbling like an Autist until she gives up trying to fuck me
>we sleep in my bed
>she wakes up the next morning to me sitting with my legs crossed reading Inherent Vice.
>I pretend to shower as she packs her shit and leaves
>my friend thanks me because he got head.;

>> No.10877136

my niggas
i remember pony tulpa threads as well, i tried to make one myself but i gave up which i'm glad for now

i would have probably ended up creating a monster, then i'd have to make a Jackie Chan tulpa to fight it and so on

>> No.10877155

Nah she's just weird.

>> No.10877167

tulpas don't work that way
they just magnify your autism x100 and you become a "tulpamancer", which is like a wizard but worse

you see once you have a tulpa you need to make another one to keep that first tulpa company, but since that is an odd number one of you will be always left out of the romantic relationship, so you make a third one.
if you have 3 why not make 3 more and so on, eventually you can essentially program your subconscious to induce permanent hallucinations in the form of a first person shooter overlay, or simply become a tulpa yourself, essentially living inside your own brain, and letting your multiple tulpas take turns on your body - this is called switching

nobody really knows what is the next level afterwards, probably creating and "retiring" personalities at will, leaving your ego in a constant state of flux, or something even weirder

>> No.10877197

yeah i did actually use to participate in the threads and learn how to practice, i was just referencing that old screencap


>> No.10877211
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>Being this much of a degenerated virgin with latent cuck tendecies

Stop being a massive faggot and don't ever post on this site or reply to me or my wife's son ever again.

>> No.10877253
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Keep telling yourself that dubs boi...

>> No.10877369

There are two, but no they aren't that cute

>> No.10877388


>> No.10877605
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me if the bookstore is a good place to meet girls?

>> No.10877637

Well, there are no girls in your mom's basement.

>> No.10877646

Unless it's that kind of basement... <_<

>> No.10877716 [DELETED] 

>Nah she's just weird.
You're so naive that I don't even want to insult you. I just want to give you a polite handshake and some kind words of reassurance.

>> No.10878084
File: 65 KB, 604x453, 1519247463631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is this avoidant

>> No.10878465

>friend wants to fuck girl
>he doesn’t habe the balls
>grow tired of being his wingman and make a move
>end up fucking her at random nights
>one day she comes to my house
>she came back from a weeb convention or something
>start making out
>she is blowing me when I realize that she has a deathly hallows bracelet
>boner almost instantly starts shriveling
>end up fucking harder than I’ve ever fucked anyone from behind
>cum in her mouth
>lit upa ciggie and say “you can leave now”

And I never fucked her again nor have I felt sexual desire for people whom I deemed unintelligent ever again

>> No.10878523

my twisted world wasn't that good

>> No.10878590

>fuck why is this happening why is this stupid slut talking to me what should I say I just wanted to buy a book and now someone is talking to me fucking why
>”uhhhhh” looks around awkwardly three seconds of “sorry I’m uhhhhhhhhhhhh kind of busy maybe some other time” walk away without exchanging contact info and gtfo store

>> No.10879098

s-sure b-but i don’t drink coffee

>> No.10879122
File: 84 KB, 700x930, 1517593624343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you know a cute and pure /lit/ chick but you're too much of a fag to do anything
>TFW she has been mercilessly trying hang out with you on and off but you refuse to accept
>TFW you know she's better off without you
I should be executed for being a ginourmous faggot

>> No.10879142

That's a scary bird, but I'm glad he's happy.

>> No.10879163 [DELETED] 

If she's really as /lit/ as you say then she'll be able to wrap her mind around neurotic aversion in general. Plus there are very few "cute and pure" lit girls out there, let alone ones that happen to be specifically into anon and trying to chase them down. You should seriously consider getting into contact with her. The odds that this is even happening to you in the first place warrants your giving it a chance.

>> No.10879195

As life is kind, she is cruel
I seem lucky, but am a fool
For all my fortune, what I lack
Is any grace and any back

Frankly anon, what I'm trying to say, is that she's too good for me in a great many ways that I'm too ashamed to describe here. Its not that I have any delusion of her perfection. Its just that I know all too well my flaws.
I appreciate your encouragement but I'm afraid I simply can't. I have plans on dying alone and childless, and ruining sweet young girls in the prime of both our mutual youths is not on the books.

>> No.10879233

me on the left

>> No.10879255

Sure, i heard about this author on goodreads :)

>> No.10880210

>I'll smell your holes bitch
this is how women should be spoken to

>> No.10881129

Me on the right. Please get a job my son.

>> No.10881213

Sorry lady, only cocks for me!

>> No.10881221

based aidsguy

>> No.10881224

>just lose my virginity to my roommates ex girlfriend last night
It wasn't fun. I feel really gross.