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10863826 No.10863826 [Reply] [Original]

>A modern day Shakespeare adaption

>> No.10863846

Tbh the guy who does Firefly made the best adaptation of Much Ado about Nothing. He made it in his back yard with all his normal actors.

>> No.10863942

Umm, excuse me, are you attempting to insult the greatest film adaptation of all time, She's the Man, starring Amanda Bynes?

>> No.10865064

Coriolanus was breddy gud though

>> No.10865086

Romeo+Juliet is kino

>> No.10865097

Elizabethan theater including Shakespeare's company "modernized" ancient settings by having the actors speak in early modern English and dress in Elizabethan attire. Shakespeare's plays performed in latter eras continued to use contemporary trappings. People only became interested in historically accurate period dress with the invention if the camera when accurate images of such clothes could be shared and when innovations in transportation allowed people to travel more easily between countries and continents so exotic dress became something that more people were familiar with and thus expected from other eras as well. Modernized Shakespeare adaptations should be the norm. I disagree with modernizing the dialogue, though, because no one can match Shakespeare in that.

>> No.10865200
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>> No.10865213

The modern world doesn't allow for this lad, you might as well try and modernise antiquity. You'd sap the vital essence of the thing in transfiguring it

>> No.10866017

>I can't even into the new Coriolanus.

>> No.10866192
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>> No.10866200
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kill america

>> No.10866294
File: 21 KB, 200x200, s200_gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute, this looks identical to a poetry professor at my UNI.

>> No.10866318
File: 102 KB, 640x389, f73dc05b6d3a0f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only that's Trotsky.

>> No.10866333

i figured it wasn't the professor, was just a weird coincidence to me,.

>> No.10866337

>Only that's Trotsky.
The architecture, lighting, and clothing lend towards a time period too modern for a setting of Trotsky at that age. I tend to believe more that it truly is Gary.

>> No.10868428


so there's no good efforts then?