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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 1080x1349, semen demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10862144 No.10862144 [Reply] [Original]

Which book helped you the most in terms of self-improvement?

>> No.10862164


>> No.10862178


republic bro

>> No.10862202

Source on the girl?

>> No.10862205

The Bible

>> No.10862225


>> No.10862226


>> No.10862235

Is pic a trap?

>> No.10862272

Source on the male?

>> No.10862277


>> No.10862297

Good news, I think it’s a girl

>> No.10862300


>> No.10862306

its an underaged boy who people on the internet memed into dressing like a girl so they could fuck him yeah

>> No.10862307

>implying it matters if it's a girl or boy
Just gimmie the kitty.

>> No.10862324

http://www.pictame.com/user/skoozams/1543653627/1463109559190531988_1543653627 I think I founder her
Boys don’t look like that you fucking upper class classicist Greek-fetishist wanker

>> No.10862347

Holy fucking shit I was right!

>> No.10862361

What a qt. Too bad she's 3D and likely does not live up to her aesthete.

>> No.10862364

uh bro...

>> No.10862367

>Dosya Hi. I'm cosplayer and model 20 years, Russia. Siberia. Surgut I <3 Asia and eat sweets.
She got exiled to Siberia! She’s /our girl/

>> No.10862368
File: 122 KB, 960x960, girl(male).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she read, /lit/?

>> No.10862385

Я хoчy тpaхнyть этoгo кoтeнкa - Дocтoeвcкoгo

>> No.10862387
File: 777 KB, 599x617, fannovel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh bro looks like russian version of B&N 19th century literature and yes (she) is of exquisite phenotype

>> No.10862402

Enchiridion of Epictetus

>> No.10862410

Twelve Rules for Life

>> No.10862418

Real women do not feel the need to hyper signal their femininity like that

>> No.10862428

Looks like Dosya(skoozams) or Anzu(anzujaamu)

>> No.10862436

Fun fact, she was 17/18 in this photo

>> No.10862443

I'm having a hard time believing something as ideal as a cute aesthetically-inclined weeb girl who read classic lit in a tundra exists.

>> No.10862449

Just believe, and anything can happen!

>> No.10862520

I hate your trip and i hate your gimmick. Please stop posting anytime.

>> No.10862537

if you have a brain, schopenhauer's works

>> No.10862578

I'm suddenly very upset that I'll never get to meet this girl.

>> No.10862612

uh bro you would have been disappointed anyway she's just a regular human maybe less so actually given what she has sacrificed of her undiscovered self to the spectacle

>> No.10862632

thanks for the cute grl!
very cute

>> No.10862657

uh bro I just looked through more of her pictures and i think you're absolutely right

>> No.10862743

uh bro...

>> No.10863405
File: 61 KB, 990x349, GrantCardoneBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10863489

Kant's 2nd Critique

>> No.10863604

girls dont have an adams abble

>> No.10863876

Looks nothing like Anzu

>> No.10863919

you can see from the legs shape and skin color its a man, without reading filename

>> No.10863933

Book of Proverbs.

>> No.10863940

It's fucking disgusting. Fuck you.

>> No.10863968

the language crystal

>> No.10863982

also this semen demon doesnt look all that mean

>> No.10864259

this >>10862164
The Enchiridion is literally a munual to a happy life

>> No.10864270
File: 28 KB, 339x499, 41mzOaXP%2BcL._SX337_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no meme

>> No.10864640


>> No.10864870
File: 240 KB, 720x640, 1520923783317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never

>> No.10865181

Being and Time

>> No.10865333

masturbate to her/she/it?

i will, right now

>> No.10866272


>> No.10866539

the Bible, not even memeing

>> No.10866654

Did you hook up with a high class prostitute and maybe did or did not stab her too death in a fit of jealous rage in a dream-like state?

>> No.10866683

Franny & Zooey
Unironically, Salinger is my favourite writer, this book changed my beliefs

>> No.10866736

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

I don't take everything in the book entirely to heart, but it does articulate how people are turds and how and why to avoid being a turd especially when it comes to maintaining relationships.

>> No.10866905

Sorry, bud, I'm not a fag.

>> No.10867384

How to Make Friends and Influence People

Also Ecclesiastes

>> No.10868984
File: 76 KB, 300x250, aa-big-books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
