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10861967 No.10861967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have I never seen this discussed on /lit/? Is it a meme? Or does it raise interesting points that we haven't heard 10,000 times before?

>> No.10861977

it gets discussed every once in a while but the threads always die out because no one cares
it is a meme
no it doesn't

>> No.10861988

It's conspiracy theory tier nonsense with no understanding of demographics. Also assumes racial essentialism and other /pol/ bullshit

>> No.10862004

no, they don't.
the last thread I remember got over 300 replies.

>> No.10862010

>with no understanding of demographics

>> No.10862019

So are euros actually reproducing enough nah.

>> No.10862021

>no understanding of demographics

>> No.10862025

>Why have I never seen this discussed on /lit/?

Because its just a book version of the most obvious /pol/ perspective. Whats to discuss?

>> No.10862032

murray writes for the spectator, a 'liberal' magazine

>> No.10862045

Haven't read it but he's a sensible lad on podcasts I've heard.

He also admires Houellebecq so he can't be all that bad.

>> No.10862051

Read it.

>> No.10862068

And what did you think?

>> No.10862133

i think you might be confusing the spectator with the new statesman
although i guess most magazines that didn't advocate lynching wogs would be considered "liberal" by /pol/ standards

>> No.10862230

People who live in Europe are European. It's impossible for them to be replaced

>> No.10862241

>a mouse living in a stable is a horse

>> No.10862243
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>People who live in Europe are European. It's impossible for them to be replaced

>> No.10862255

There is absolutely nothing /pol/ about this guy. If you want to group all /pol/ posters in one group they wouldn't come to the same conclusions Murray does.

>> No.10862257

Weasel shit

>> No.10862275

they mean white caucasoids whose ancestors settled there in the last 2000 years

>> No.10862331
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Don't listen to the jewish shills. There have been hearty discussions on here about the book with the conclusion being that it is an essential introduction to the ongoing problem in the west, as well as a good book to show normie whites, but ultimately does not expound upon the actual problem, which is that jews are in control of our institutions and promoting these mass immigration policies, using control of our media to cover up crimes and attack dissenters, and are the core of the problem. The jewish question is largely left out, but that's not entirely bad since whites have to be eased into that anyway.

Important entry-level material for whites.

>> No.10862335

you have no sense of self at all faggot

>> No.10862350

Make aliya now.

>> No.10862475

I wasn't sure about the JQ stuff before I've seen that image but now I'm 100% anti-Semitic, red-pilled and woke, Heil Hitler

>> No.10862540

How is pic related wrong / evil?

>> No.10862565

How is a foreign tribe of middle easterners imposing mass immigration and multicultural policies on nations that aren't their own wrong? Really?

>> No.10862597

I don't really get who the target demographic for books like this is.

For people who already know there is a huge problem, reading this book will be redundant.
And for the bread and circuses normies who have no idea how bad things really are and don't care, then they won't read it either.

Basically, I can sum this book up quickly. Muslims are subhuman scum, and have no place in Western civilization.
Jews too, but like a separate anon said, the Jew redpill is something you have to be eased into because of the indoctrination over your entire life that Jews are just chill weed smoking bros like Seth Rogen and that they're all fucking BASED.

>> No.10862615

Multiculturalism is immoral because it sabotages the thriving of all the cultures involved, except maybe the parasitic ones.

>> No.10862644
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God, it's great to see my redpilled brothers dropping the BIGGEST redpill on these lefty cucks. Western civilization is going to saved by volk-memetics of kek, shadilay.

>> No.10862647

It's been brought up a couple of times. There's just nothing to discuss, Europe is screwed and we can't do anything about it.

>> No.10862676

>There is absolutely nothing /pol/ about this guy.
never said there was
i was taking issue with >>10862032 calling the spectator "liberal" when here it is generally seen as a fairly conservative magazine (but would still be considered "liberal" by the swivel eyed turds on /pol/)
for example, one of the columnists is rod liddle, who is generally seen as a bit of a fringe loony, but he is one of the only reasonably mainstream reporters to have acknowledged the white farmer murders in south africa.

>> No.10862681

not even /pol/, but jews have, relative to their population, an overwhelmingly outsized influence on many assets of american culture and american institutions
nepotism is one of the reasons for this, though i would not call this a racial feature or anything like, as kevin carson does
>Once we begin separating out the Jewish portion of Ivy League enrollment, our picture of the overall demographics of the student bodies is completely transformed. Indeed, Karabel opens the final chapter of his book by performing exactly this calculation and noting the extreme irony that the WASP demographic group which had once so completely dominated America’s elite universities and “virtually all the major institutions of American life” had by 2000 become “a small and beleaguered minority at Harvard,” being actually fewer in number than the Jews whose presence they had once sought to restrict.50 Very similar results seem to apply all across the Ivy League, with the disproportion often being even greater than the particular example emphasized by Karabel.

>In fact, Harvard reported that 45.0 percent of its undergraduates in 2011 were white Americans, but since Jews were 25 percent of the student body, the enrollment of non-Jewish whites might have been as low as 20 percent, though the true figure was probably somewhat higher.51 The Jewish levels for Yale and Columbia were also around 25 percent, while white Gentiles were 22 percent at the former and just 15 percent at the latter. The remainder of the Ivy League followed this same general pattern.

>This overrepresentation of Jews is really quite extraordinary, since the group currently constitutes just 2.1 percent of the general population and about 1.8 percent of college-age Americans.52 Thus, although Asian-American high school graduates each year outnumber their Jewish classmates nearly three-to-one, American Jews are far more numerous at Harvard and throughout the Ivy League. Both groups are highly urbanized, generally affluent, and geographically concentrated within a few states, so the “diversity” factors considered above would hardly seem to apply; yet Jews seem to fare much better at the admissions office.

>> No.10862684

It's typical pleb schlock.

>> No.10862691

>nepotism is one of the reasons for this, though
Nepotism + Higher average IQ (especially Ashkenazim) accounts for almost all of the disproportionality. Incidentally, there is nothing wrong with either of those things.

>> No.10862694
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>> No.10862700

That's a pretty foolish and uninformed conclusion to draw. Jewish population replacement policies only entered mass acceleration in the last decade and most people haven't even been affected by it yet.

>> No.10862719

what about when it starts having ramifications for american foreign policy? or the distribution of wealth? or the systematic elimination of black people?

>> No.10862726

Jews behaving nepotistically while promoting diversity for others is a major problem. They are indeed behaving according to their nature and doing what's best for them, but this is why whites now have to do what's best for us by kicking them out again.

>> No.10862729

>there is nothing wrong with either of those things.

>> No.10862737

Great, I'll move to Norway soon. Can't wait to be a descendant of vikings!

>> No.10862740

People who unironically spread that rhetoric should face violent expulsion

>> No.10862748

>They are indeed behaving according to their nature and doing what's best for them, but this is why whites now have to do what's best for us by kicking them out again.
Fair enough actually. Just try not to kill 6 million of them this time.

>> No.10862749
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>last 2000 years
Oh boy

>> No.10862767
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>6 million
A number jews sure seem fond of.

>> No.10862776

You never let us down, kosher bantz is a constant. One indeed has to see it to believe it.

>> No.10862778

The most interesting part of the book imo was when he showed just how much people are lying about immigration.

I don't understand what the people in charge are actually thinking. The book makes it seem like this is all just sort of happening and nobody really planned for it and now it's too late to do anything so the state has to sort of just cover up all the negative elements of immigration to prevent ethnic hostilty

>> No.10862793

>The book makes it seem like this is all just sort of happening and nobody really planned for it and now it's too late to do anything so the state has to sort of just cover up all the negative elements of immigration to prevent ethnic hostilty
That sounds like a pretty accurate description though.

>> No.10862798

Immigrants are cheap labor, easy to subdue. What's the problem?

>> No.10862801

>nobody really planned for it
>it's too late to do anything
Hm, where have I heard this before

>> No.10862806

maybe it is i dont pretend to know. I just wonder what somebody like Merkel truly thinks, if she really believes the migrants are just going to become new Germans