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/lit/ - Literature

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10856532 No.10856532 [Reply] [Original]

uh bros I am looking to begin a serious study of the new and old testaments. but which bible should I use? i'm not an expert in these matters. I've narrowed it down to three: NABRE, Douay-Rheims, and original Greek (UBS5) for NT only which is fine because that is what interests me most. I already have a KJV and that is what I read as a child but I don't know if its the best for study. thanks for your help.

>> No.10856540

cambridge study bible NRSV

>> No.10856545

uh bro can you tell me why you recommended this i am genuinely curious of its merits and advantages over the others

>> No.10856559

has introduction to themes and settings of books and chapters, crossreferences biblical passages, has verse by verse annotation, you can get editions which include the apocrypha, and it's the standard study bible

>> No.10856579

uh bro youre aces i just looked it up and it looks great except it was printed for ants no exaggeration i would need a magnifying glass to read it

these are the sacrifices made for god i guess

>> No.10856587

get one of those old lady a4 size magnifying screens if you're going to use it regularly

>> No.10856591

KJV is the word of god.
Rot in hail satinist

>> No.10856605

inb4 some brainlet unironically says the KJV. >>10856591 Doesn't count

>> No.10856622

KJV's perfectly cromulent for English literary study. It's the English standard translation for too long to not be.

>> No.10856624

Ignatius Study Bible

>> No.10856628
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>> No.10856653
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uh bro that may be but im not going for literary study, I'm after the original meanings of the apostolic texts.

you're aces again my guy i will do this thank you for your help

>no ignatius j reilly bible
chart needs update

would appreciate this one but would prefer no denominational meddling keep the recommendations coming though bros

>> No.10856659

>people shitting on the king Jesus version of the Bible?
Why? It's the Jesus version ffs

>> No.10856777

>recommending Catholic bibles is denominational meddling
As opposed to the neutral totally non-protestant KJV, RSV etc.

>> No.10856815

uh bro pretty sure I didn't consider any of those in fact I explicitly disregarded the KJV in the OP

trips ignored

>> No.10857743 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 720x663, 1506322135039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic semi related...

>> No.10857769 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 635x720, 1506166702758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, pic semi related.