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/lit/ - Literature

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10856036 No.10856036 [Reply] [Original]

>What do you think about Hemingway?
>He's worth almost nothing, he's totally overrated. They told me something the other day, I don't know if it's true but it goes with his character. In his macho-bullring days, someone entered in his hotel room and he was gluing hairs on his chest.

>> No.10856041

>In his macho-bullring days, someone entered in his hotel room and he was gluing hairs on his chest.

This is totally believable

>> No.10856044

Are you being sarcastic or unironic?

>> No.10856047

Well, he did crossdress when he was a boy.

>> No.10856058

Thats for you to decide

>> No.10856060

Hemingway doesn't interest me.

>> No.10856061

Not him, but it seems pretty believable, sincerely. He was a whiny bitch.

Plenty of young boys crossdress, and don't turn out faggoty like Ernest.

>> No.10856068

Charles Dickens is the only pre-50s writer people/plebs still read and talk about, some force themselves to like Jane Austen.
It's all genre-fiction now.

>> No.10856071

His mama made him to.

>> No.10856072

>Plenty of young boys crossdress, and don't turn out faggoty like Ernest.

The closest I came was wearing my sisters panties while jacking off but I doubt that statement

>> No.10856082

I don't mean "faggoty" in a literal sense.

And also, it depends on the age. Eight years old is a perfectly acceptable, normal, not-necessarily-sexual age to be crossdressing. At that point it's just play. But doing it during puberty fucks you up, definitely.

>> No.10856087

> In his macho-bullring days, someone entered in his hotel room and he was gluing hairs on his chest.

I imagine YMCA's Macho Man playing in the backgroud as Papa is gluing and singing in front of the mirror.

>> No.10856093

I'm surprised Houellebecq cared himself to talk about him

>> No.10856106

They made him the question. I wonder what authors he likes.

>> No.10856115

Some are obvious, Celine, Lovecraft. I believe he spoke well of Huysmans

>> No.10856114

wow you must be the most patrician kid in your whole grade

>> No.10856233

Celine is the definition of a middlebrow writer

>> No.10856242

I don't think Hemingway is the type of writer that non-anglos, particularly the French would admire

>> No.10856249

Not really, he doesn't even purport to be intellectual

>> No.10856260

He's right though. Even if you don't like the truth.

>> No.10856278

Yeah, plebs sure love their Dickens. What are you gonna do. Plebs will be plebs.

>> No.10856327

It's not true at all though. Most of my friends are readers, and read more widely than YA or /lit/ memes.

Get out of your house and meet people. Unlike most bourgeois hobbies you don't even have to be rich to be a reader. There are free and near-free books available everywhere online and off.

>> No.10856335

>Most of my friends are readers, and read more widely than YA or /lit/ memes.

Chimbongo Uywongos latest Post-Colonial diatribe isn't reading well

>> No.10856380

Now you're just attacking a strawman which is entirely irrelevant. I mean widely read when I say it, but even if we are just looking at trendy progressive pop-lit that's still not YA or genre fiction.

You're backpeddling and justifying it with a boogeyman. Have some self respect man. Your rash judgements of the world will get you nowhere.

Do not let the internet nihilism machine prevent you from living your life. Unless you are living in the arctic circle you can probably find some literary types to discuss Joyce or Blake or Bolano or Nietzsche or whatever strikes your fancy with.

>> No.10856404

Likes Balzac as well, and some sci fi.

>> No.10856405

>I mean widely read when I say it

Yeah and it means nothing without knowing what you consider widely read. I know as a hunch your friends are probably dipshit redditors

> Unless you are living in the arctic circle you can probably find some literary types to discuss Joyce or Blake or Bolano or Nietzsche or whatever strikes your fancy with.

I studied Literature at University at a top 100 department and nearly all of my classmates didn't read shit, I went to the literary club in the Uni and it was just as bad. Estrogen loaded imbeciles more interested in slam poetry than ever picking up a book.
Yeah there's genuine people out there but hoh boy good luck running into them

>> No.10856409

Top 50 deparment I should say

>> No.10856411

>he thinks humanities departments in the US are good
oh boy

>> No.10856413

Not American, nice try

>> No.10856415

UK? Same shit.

>> No.10856418

Hemingway's 'The sun also rises' is one of the books which left me seething because it was so lackluster in its plot line. That book was terrible.
'A day's wait' was a beautiful story imho. Hemingway should've stuck to short stories.

>> No.10856420

Nope, Irish

>> No.10856426

>Yeah there's genuine people out there but hoh boy good luck running into them
Rarer than unicorns. Especially if you live in the third world.

>> No.10856427

>I studied Literature at University at a top 100 department and nearly all of my classmates didn't read shit, I went to the literary club in the Uni and it was just as bad. Estrogen loaded imbeciles more interested in slam poetry than ever picking up a book.
>Yeah there's genuine people out there but hoh boy good luck running into them

I simply don't believe this. Maybe your country is worse than mine, but there's no point in arguing. This isn't the world as I know it. Maybe ask yourself if this is really the world you know or the world that 4chan memes and self-hatred has given you.

>> No.10856430

>The sun also rises
Isnt it a sexual innuendo? I've heard the MC has erectile disfunction.

>> No.10856435

He's worth something, but he is overrated.

>> No.10856436

The truth is you're probably one of them I'm sad to tell you

>> No.10856437

Is The Elementary Particles worth reading, Anons?

>> No.10856441

Yeah its good shit

>> No.10856448

Not him, but the world is even sadder, I mean literary-wise. In my country the common folk haven't even read the national classics. I have the feeling France is maybe the only reader country country in modern days. All I have for discussion is this board.

>> No.10856479

Hemingway was a closeted fag who spend his whole life trying to prove he was a man.

Almost as sad as his greatest pupil and imitator, Hunter S. Thompson.

>> No.10856491

Hemingway is one of those mediocre writers that Americans champion tactically because they also want to have relevant world class literature without ever quite making it. They do that a lot. Americans are so insecure they had to make up their own sports just so they could be the best at them. They call their national competitions world championships.

>> No.10856493

1 in 10 people in Iceland have authored a book.

I'm moving there when I make it big in the US,
that way they'll give me a work visa to write.
I am never moving there.

>> No.10856523

lol Hemingway is mediocre and Americans have much better writers to champion. I don't think any serious person champions him as an exceptional literary figure of world renown. You are taking /lit/ memes to seriously.

>> No.10856649

>Americans are so insecure they had to make up their own sports just so they could be the best at them. They call their national competitions world championships.
true lol

>> No.10856661

I wonder what second rate European or third rate Latin American country this poster is from

>> No.10856676

Based, death to America Tbh

>> No.10856680

History began in 1776

>> No.10856689

de Tocqueville

>> No.10856821

Melville, Faulkner, and Twain are more accepted as the great American writers that can stand somewhere on the world stage. America also has a surprising amount of great literature for such a young country. I don't think glorification of Hemingway is just American chauvinism, it's just that he's a very easy writer who has the aura of being "literary" and "deep" and associated himself with a lot of the Modernists and better writers than him of the 20th century. Circle jerking around him is more from hipster youths, who, again, want to read "literary" and "deep" stuff without reading very difficult stuff. I personally like Hemingway but think his relevance is fading out and he'll not be remembered much in 100 years, and scholars who read about him and the fame he gained will laugh at or be confused by it. Maybe a parallel is Ossian, who Goethe and many others thought was up there with Homer, and who Thomas Jefferson called the greatest poet who ever existed -- but, of course, Ossian was suspected even then and eventually discovered of being a fraud created by his so-called "translator". Now we just view him as a forgotten historical quirk and literary oddity. I think Hemingway will also become a footnote in the history of literature. It amazes me that he's as renowned as he even is. Although to be fair, I'll give his literary theory and its originality for the day and how well he applied it (iceberg theory, minimalism) was very influential and new for its time.

>> No.10856846

>Ossian was suspected even then and eventually discovered of being a fraud created by his so-called "translator"
Apologies, modern scholarly consensus is it was based on real Scottish poetry written in Gaelic found by the translator, but knowingly altered and edited by him to make it seem more unified and coherent and more appealing to modern sensibilities than they really were.

>> No.10856860

Wtf is this

Even if you don't like Hemingway how can anybody deny how influential this guy's style was?

Aside from all the masculinity and persona stuff, the dude wrote some genuinely great and timeless work

people think his writing is 'easy' and therefore not very good, which is retarded. it is really fucking hard to make writing look simple

>> No.10856872

Which country?

>> No.10856875

Was this said by Houellebecq? Sauce, pls.

>> No.10858107

>it is really fucking hard to make writing look simple

No its not

>> No.10858112


>> No.10858113

That one through his hand and into the wood sentence is worth Houllebecq's whole career

>> No.10858144

Imagine being so assblasted you have to take the time to invent conspiracy theories about literature kek

>> No.10858172

Yes, it's from an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País:


You can use Google Translate or something, or luckily you know basic Spanish.

>> No.10858200 [DELETED] 

Apparently "escote" teanslates to "neckline" not "chest", but Whatever.

>> No.10858217

>taking the use of pleb sincerely

>> No.10858222

That's from The Old Man and the Sea, not from a Houellebecq novel.

>> No.10858228 [DELETED] 

Apparently "escote" teanslates to "neckline" not "chest", but Whatever.

>> No.10858241

Apparently "escote" translates into "neckline",
not "chest", but Whatever.

>> No.10858723

I'd love to see Houellebecq throwing shit at some other writers.

>> No.10858726

There are a lot of tough truths out there but that is not one of them.

>> No.10858776

>but Whatever.

>> No.10858819
File: 27 KB, 290x300, hemingway-and-marlin-290x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was also known to purchase large fish from local fishermen in order to pose with them pretending they were his own catch.

>> No.10858828

That's pathetic. I'm never reading Hemingway again.

>> No.10858831

That's hilarious. I'm going to start reading Hemingway.

>> No.10858851

ITT: Hemingway Leaks

>> No.10858861

Guess not all writers are perfect

>> No.10858874

Successful attempt at creating a myth: the photo

>> No.10858888

some unproven anecdote doesnt really mean anything desu.

>> No.10858896

I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, but rumors, true or false, are often revealing.

>> No.10858909

Even if it were true so what, let him glue hair to his chest if he wants.

>> No.10858927

I think it has to do with Papa being not manly enough, and therefore a fraud.

>> No.10858940

But dont we know that already from verified anecdotes?Why invent some bs?

>> No.10858954

Because it's amusing and basically true in spirit and implication, of course

>> No.10858974

Imagine what Hemingway would be like in the social media age.

>> No.10858986

T. Complete pleb who has written nothing of value

>> No.10859059
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>d basically true in spirit

>> No.10859062


>> No.10859064


>> No.10859075

Relax, I'm just shitposting and having a bit of a giggle over old Hemingway. He's a sacred cow anyhow.

>> No.10859082
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>Relax, I'm just shitposting and having a bit of a giggle over old Hemingway. He's a sacred cow anyhow.

>> No.10859099

Read In Our Time and realize how wrong you are about everything, everybody.

Fame killed his talent but when he broke he was the best in the world and the best of his work will be read hundreds of years from now.

>> No.10859159

hemmingway's dumb insecurity and constant compensating is part of what makes him interesting

>> No.10859177

I only read Farewell to Arms and I had to give it up halfway through out of sheer boredom.

>> No.10859182

Yeah but those are the people who are most inclined to worship Hemingway

>> No.10859289

American lit is overrated as well

>> No.10859341

Le rube projects his flyover town to infinity meme

>> No.10859383


>> No.10859396


>> No.10860170


>> No.10860195


>> No.10860263

good post, anon.

>> No.10860377

He was dressed in children's clothes, which in the time and place he lived now look to us like girl's clothes, there was no such thing as dressing like a boy or a girl in many places for much of history, just dressing like a child.

>> No.10860395

So true. Do not underestimate anglo propaganda. They have created basically nothing of worth since Shakespeare

>> No.10860400

I'm not even gonna bother all this anglo screeching, the fact is that Houellebecq is right. Not only is he right, the same applies to Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hart Crane and a million other pre-WWII writers. It was only after WWII that american literature begin to acquire some character.

>> No.10860407

I'd like to see this guy take Hemingway in a fight

>> No.10860469
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>It was only after WWII that american literature begin to acquire some character.
anon, I...

>> No.10860539
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>he was gluing hairs on his chest.

>> No.10860915

>Melville, Dickinson, Whitman, Faulkner
>not world class literature

>> No.10860956

Does anyone?

>> No.10860964

A hair-gluing fight!

>> No.10860985

>it is really fucking hard to make writing look simple

True. I've been learning this lately. Somehow it's easier to write like Proust than Hemmingway.

>> No.10860990

Is ir easier to write like Faulkner than like Hemingway, though?

>> No.10860991


>> No.10861044

>In his macho-bullring days, someone entered in his hotel room and he was gluing hairs on his chest.
hemingfags on suicide watch

>> No.10861059

You can tell from the way he phrased it that this is probably bullshit and he didn't want to be called a liar later but still wanted to repeat it. But all Hemingwayfags know that it's kind of plausible. He was a ridiculous man.

You should try reading him. Maybe start with the short story "A Clean Well-Lighted Place."

>> No.10861076

>You can tell from the way he phrased it that this is probably bullshit.

>> No.10861091

Oh boy, an entire thread with discussion based on useless conjecture and name calling, how insightful.

>> No.10861136
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>> No.10861150


>> No.10861224

the original cliff sargent

>> No.10861286

Hemminways fake sexism is a real turn off.

>> No.10861440

those really look glued
what a shameless fake ass nigga

>> No.10861614

reddit tier

>> No.10861624

share yours, faggot, show us how it's done

>> No.10861651

Is OC even allowed on reddit?

>> No.10861744

t. butthurt hemingfag

>> No.10861754

nope, thats asking for a permaban

>> No.10861902

Lol, holy shit. Move out of your shit hole irrelevant country and maybe you'll find someone with an IQ higher than double digits.

>> No.10862332

how so