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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 213 KB, 681x475, shocked spongebob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1085363 No.1085363 [Reply] [Original]

Some faggot on my Facebook just posted this trash as his status:

As he stared into the glass his refelction said to "kill me" and as he jumped toward the mirror he took comfort in the double's scream. As the passerby walked near he was overcome with sadness as he saw the reflections eye and knew of immeanse madness. He who has ever been suspicious of the cold eye of a puddle surely knows what its like to have a scream you need to muffle.

>> No.1085366

Cry more, then give us an update.

>> No.1085365
File: 14 KB, 320x240, daffy duck2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just threw up a little...

>> No.1085377

These are the response: 3 likes;

"My God"

"You never disappoint in your writing, ___."

And then from the faggot himself : "Hehe writing is fun!"

>> No.1085388 [DELETED] 

Wow that is just...appallingly bad.

>> No.1085393


Fuck man, you don't have to tell the whole world.

>> No.1085396


The shit are you talking about?

>> No.1085397

How interesting...

>> No.1085402
File: 162 KB, 702x499, 1278801406734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is young and you probably are too which also means the other people are most likely young. So they're all inexperienced and probably don't know what they're talking about. So a sense of fun and self-importance takes the place of the experience and knowledge they lack.
On top of that, the mediocre will generally praise mediocrity because it reminds them of themselves.

>> No.1085405
File: 22 KB, 369x464, billlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about you being a tool.

>> No.1085406


He is 18, as are the ones commenting, and myself.

>> No.1085420

>He who has ever been suspicious of the cold eye of a puddle surely knows what its like to have a scream you need to muffle.


>> No.1085421
File: 29 KB, 366x440, lolbrunette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o rly?

>> No.1085425

>As he stared into the glass his refelction said to "kill me" and as he jumped toward the mirror he took comfort in the double's scream.

So he's looking into a glass, and then he LEAPS toward the mirror?

Where the hell is this guy?

Also, if he can already see his reflection in the glass, why JUMP towards a mirror?

...Seriously, who leaps towards a mirror?

>As the passerby walked near he was overcome with sadness as he saw the reflections eye and knew of immeanse madness

Again, where the hell is this guy? Staring at a mirror on main street? Why is there a passerby?

Why be overcome with sadness? You just wanted to throw a random emotion in there or what? And then he knew madness. Just like that. Hi madness, I see you've brought that sugar I asked for.

This guy's writing is so all over the place and unjustified. He may as well have written "and now he's a gazelle. See him hopping along." It would have made as much sense as the rest of it.

>He who has ever been suspicious of the cold eye of a puddle surely knows what its like to have a scream you need to muffle.

Well this is just bad. Why suddenly turn all proverb sounding? "He who"? Really? Why not break out the "thou"s while you're at it?

Honestly, I think this guy just threw together words he thought sounded profound, and gave no thought to what it would actually mean. You could put this stuff together with a madlib sheet.

>> No.1085428
File: 61 KB, 338x506, aftertheface2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1085436


This kid is known for generally being a faggot who thinks his depression makes him"deep."

>> No.1085432

If you think 18 is either mature or old... well, you're young. You might be a little more developed than them, but I doubt by much, judging from your attitude of contempt which you expressed here like the world is going to give a shit that people you know are banal and you yourself are trite in showcasing their vanity.
And I'm done with this thread. Life will be fine, or it won't, don't sweat the petty stuff and be careful petting sweaty stuff.

>> No.1085448

>this kid is known for generally being a faggot and thinks his disdain for others makes him deep.

>> No.1085450


I never implied that I thought it was old or mature. I was responding to you. Not only that, but...contempt? Where are you reading these emotions from? I merely posted this on /lit/ because I knew a few people would get a kick out of it. I called it trash because it is trash. I also keep calling him a faggot because this is /lit/, where stuff like that is generally considered necessary to have a semi-successful thread. But fine, go, I don't care. You clearly misinterpreted the entire point of this thread and, instead, felt the need to show off how mature you are at 20 years old by acting like a general asshole about everything.

>> No.1085456
File: 170 KB, 590x387, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you aren't funny

>> No.1085461

Why so many fucking spelling mistakes?

>> No.1085467
File: 144 KB, 608x352, vegeta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're showing contempt by coming on a board so you can say "lol everyone laugh at this guys petty attempt at writing." That just makes you a tool.
mfw I don't give a damn.

>> No.1085470


You're getting trolled so hard right now, dude.

>> No.1085471

I think the kid getting butthurt in this thread is the kid who wrote this to begin with.

>> No.1085477

o rly?

>> No.1085480

Hey guise.. guise.. srsly

Imagine if OP never posted this thread in the first place.


>> No.1085496


Well, let's see. You sage twice like a loser. Then, when called out by someone, you don't sage to make sure everyone sees how "funny" and "smart" you are. Then you go back to saging after someone points out how you're getting trolled so no one can see your failure. Looks like you got trolled to me.

>> No.1085504

actually, I just forgot my sage. With that guess you came as close as you did when you thought anyone would give a shit about your shitty post.

>> No.1085512


And then when you get embarrassed, you pretend to have forgotten to sage, which is such an obvious coverup.

>> No.1085537

He's talking about a body of water, you stupid idiot. It's obviously about suicide. I guess it's just TOO DEEP FOR YOU.

>> No.1085540

Brilliant. Any thing else you'd like to add?