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/lit/ - Literature

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10852471 No.10852471 [Reply] [Original]

Which translation/version?

>> No.10852617

The one with the Eleanor introduction is pretty iconic

>> No.10852690

Nrsv>NIV>>>>>>power gap>>>> KJV

>> No.10852706

The one where the parts about her masturbating aren't cut out.

>> No.10852714

>a jew


>> No.10852733

Grab a Definitive edition. The 5 lost pages are deliciously raw regarding her parents. Any after 98 should do.
Fair warning: >>10849366. I think I actually like the album less after reading the book. Also here's yesterday's thread >>10837773.

There are no passages about schlicking. There's only this:
>"Until I was eleven or twelve, I didn't realize there was a second set of labia on the inside, since you couldn't see them. What's even funnier is that I thought urine came out of the clitoris…When you're standing up, all you see from the front is hair. Between your legs there are two soft, cushiony things, also covered with hair, which press together when you're standing, so you can't see what's inside. They separate when you sit down and they're very red and quite fleshy on the inside. In the upper part, between the outer labia, there's a fold of skin that, on second thought, looks like a kind of blister. That's the clitoris."
Blame dumb soccer moms for blowing this out of the water and getting the versions with it banned from schools.

>> No.10852957

Start with the Greek.

>> No.10852988

The Bell Jar is a superior semi-auto-bio kino.

>> No.10853930 [SPOILER] 
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The where she gets pregnant

>> No.10854129


>> No.10854697


>ywn stick you dick inside a nine month pregnant Anne’s ultra-sensitive slit and give her the time of her life


>> No.10855296

Who's the father?

>> No.10855498

Is the diary even real or just a bunch of propaganda? Even if real it must have been modified and edited heavily a million times.

>> No.10855587
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>Even if real it must have been modified and edited heavily a million times.
why would that be............ even when people say this about the bible they're overstating th case desu.....

>> No.10855924

The one where she survives the war and lives a happy, productive life.

>> No.10855934

But the funniest part was when she died

>> No.10856304
File: 177 KB, 1050x600, Anne-Frank_Diary_HD_768x432-16x9-1050x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would that be
Because it makes for some very emotionally appealing propaganda. The assumption that a text like this from such a political era has not been screwed with is naive.
And what's with the different handwriting in this image? Some claim it was by her father. It's still signed as Anne Frank though

>> No.10856314 [SPOILER] 
File: 895 KB, 1111x1320, 1521317152499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Peter van Pels, her papa, or dentist guy

>> No.10856864


Should’ve added pregnant Anne for that meme

>> No.10857407

>muh holocaust
Fuck off kike enabler

>> No.10857441

Id rather read a diary of some Russian kid during ww2.

>> No.10857803

I don't know enough about the context of the pic to say anything definitive, but weren't you taught cursive as another kind of handwriting?

>> No.10859259


She like a balloon that’s gotten too big

>> No.10859316

i seriously unironically love her and if you don't don't at me

>> No.10860196
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But will you give Anne the baby sh e so desperately needs

>> No.10860200
File: 661 KB, 687x1117, B1B782A8-D6F4-4D02-A1DE-332FBDD241ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But will you give Anne the baby she so desperately needs?

>> No.10861647


Need to complete that sentence friendo

>> No.10863216 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 889x1216, 1521425445351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Make me a mother Peter. I want to experience the joy of having a new life grow inside of me. To have you put your hand on my belly and feel our baby kick. To stare at you in pure lust as we make love. To feel my heavy belly grind into yours as I ride you. To squeal with joy as your hot goo fills my super-wet slit and the hole in my soul. To feel the ectasy of holding our child for the first time after hours of laboring and pushing. To feel the baby suckle on my breast and drain it of milk. Make me a mommy Peter, I want to experience all of it."

What do?

>> No.10863221

he meant don’t @ me because he’s a twitter faggot

>> No.10864638



>> No.10864667


>> No.10864681


>> No.10864890


Been reading the definitive version for a few hours. According to the intro Anne wrote version A of the diary, fixed it and compiled into version B. Book C is the first publish which her dad compiled and removed about 30% of the original material.

>> No.10865803 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Want more?

Here have more.

>> No.10865820

>it's a one retarded /pol/ namefag spams his fetish on /lit/ while other retarded /pol/edditors get triggered by the existence of a jewish girl episode
wow sure are running this one a lot lately

>> No.10865841

So what happend to the other diaries the other jewish kids had? Were they not as well written?

>> No.10865914

Which ones are you referring to?

>> No.10865933

most people didn't have the means to go into hiding like the Franks did, plus most people don't keep diaries, plus most people didn't have their diaries preserved by family friends, but there are some other nice examples of similar books to Anne's, they're simply not as famous

>> No.10866009

I've come across a collection of children's writing from the Holocaust before. It's quite varied and haunting.

>> No.10866166


Rutka Laskier's was kept hidden by a gentile friend of hers for over 60 years and wasn't translated into English until 10 years ago.

Anne Frank's got a 60 year head start in the PR department.

t. work for a book publishing company

>> No.10866197

>one retarded /pol/ namefag spams his fetish on /lit/

Pregnant Anne Frank started on /his/ though

And which namefag are you talking about? There's barely any on /his/.

>> No.10866461
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>> No.10867839

>one retarded /pol/ namefag

lol which one?

>> No.10867881
File: 546 KB, 1440x1152, nbfdegen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wrote it and then spammed it on every board but only /his/ were retarded enough to think it was amusing

>> No.10868401


Isn’t he a rabid antisemite though?

>> No.10869055 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1010x1501, 1521518298268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, but she gets pregnant too and thus knows the pleasure of being cummed in while a week overdue having her her huge belly caressed by Peter as she rides him, throwing her head back and her grip of the bedsheets tightening as the sensation of his hot goo filling the hole in her body and soul overwhelms her

>> No.10869157

I don't understand this fetish.

>> No.10869413

may I say in a completely innocent, almost paternal manner
what an absolute qt
would slit a nazi's throat to defend her innocence

>> No.10869841


You're not supposed to.

>> No.10869884

even women cant find the clitoris lmao

>> No.10870463

Let me finish this for you anon

That’s the clitoris. Then come the inner labia, which are also pressed together in a kind of crease. When they open up, you can see a fleshy little mound, no bigger than the top of my thumb. The upper part has a couple of small holes in it, which is where the urine comes out. The lower part looks as if it were just skin, and yet that’s where the vagina is. You can barely find it, because the folds of skin hide the opening. The hole’s so small I can hardly imagine how a man could get in there, much less how a baby could come out. It’s hard enough trying to get your index finger inside.

>> No.10870494
File: 531 KB, 2000x1050, CW-025-HighWaterMark gettysburg mort kunstler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would slit a nazi's throat to defend her innocence

But would you charge straight into the Jaws of Death to defend Anne and the unborn child growing within her?

>> No.10870960

>ywn tousle her hair as she tells you all of the stupid things that happened at her school that day

>> No.10871609


God, I want to make her pregnant so badly.