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/lit/ - Literature

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10850645 No.10850645 [Reply] [Original]

I usually find /lit/ worse than useless. So I'm curious what you see it's value as?
Some positive things I've gotten from /lit/:
- I'd probably never have heard of the Tunnel (certainly never would've read it)
- Picked up Vanity Fair far sooner than I otherwise would have
- Someone posted a pretty useful Tractatus Seminar syllabus that I actually ended up following fairly closely
- Once had a discussion about DFW that got me thinking a little about relation of the Mousetrap to Infinite Jest
- I've gotten a lot better at identifying store fronts (I used to confuse them with bridges)

>> No.10850691

Posting provocative arguments for philosophical positions has generated some responses that revealed gaps in my knowledge. But there are generally more reliable sites for that.

Posting/lurking /lit/ is an entirely inefficient way to learn new things. The only reason anyone halfway intelligent would post here is for amusing memes. That's why the serious discussion is of low quality and the board fills up with memes.

You should leave, but you won't. And neither will I.

>> No.10850707

What are those more reliable sites? Serious question.

>> No.10850732

The fucking Student Room is more reliable than /lit/. I'm serious.

Just Google "philosophy forums."

>> No.10850852

funny greentext stories

>> No.10850875

I've never seen one that was actually funny.

>> No.10850883

I can post my stacks

>> No.10850907

it's fun
If I wanted to learn something I'd rather actually pick up a book.

>> No.10850919

Nothing, I like LARPing as /pol/tard and waste time with Marxists and I like LARPing as an sjw and waste time with /pol/tards.
Other than that, I've had a couple of good books recommended to me and I've had a good discussion about the relation between Calvin's Invisible Cities and Plato's Republic.

>> No.10850926


>> No.10851083

If you are Asian you will probably never get anything personally fulfilling out of literature, you don't have the neural structure for it

>> No.10851091
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Getting to see just how despicable Catholics and Communists are has been instructive in the extreme.

>> No.10852529

reults are in, op. what is /lit/ good for? answer is a resounding "nothing"

>> No.10852554

I would never have found out who Borges was if it weren't for /lit/, so it's good for that at least.

>> No.10852574

>implying Protestants aren't heretics
Very cheeky.

>> No.10852581

I don't get the self hate here. This is literally the least harmful timewasting activity possible. Assuming you use /lit to de-stress you're at the very least improving your writing skills and getting a rudimentary conversational knowledge of literature/philosophy. That's a fuckton better than wasting time on vidya or tv or whatever else you'd be doing instead.

>> No.10852583

I endlessly masturbate over how my books I've read

>> No.10852587

can you call Nietzsche a nigger there though? Or call anyone a nigger for that matter? Can you post borderline pornographic pics of qt3.14 euro's to help you stay motivated?

>> No.10852603


>> No.10852608

I don't think anyone really does the latter on this specific board anyway.

>> No.10852621

A lot of little recommendations I eventually get around to reading

And also it fills that lit shitposting shaped hole in my heart

>> No.10852639

If I didn’t come here I definitely wouldn’t be aware of a lot of great books and authors.

But perhaps now that I have been here for about a year, year and half or so, I’ve become aware of pretty much all of the top recommendations. I don’t post in critique threads because I don’t want my writing to be traced back here. It’s tough to get actual discussions going.

What’s the purpose at this point? I have the top 100 plus many other way more obscure books and authors on my to-read list.

Should I just leave and focus on plowing through that list that just keeps growing when I visit here? Would that be the most productive and helpful thing for me? I’m unsure how I could improve as a writer from visiting more.

>> No.10852644

It's a great place to shitpost because other people get riled up so easy.

>> No.10852649

- an echo chamber for similarly depressed angsty pseuds
- (Very) occasional good recs
- political vitriol
- about one good thread a month

Really I'm mostly here to complain and shitpost. I'd leave but every once in a while there's an amazing thread, like that one about the rhetoric properties of green text. I was laughing at
>a condescension so extreme, it implies that restating the position or claim alone is enough to discredit it
for about week.

>> No.10852760

It's not like you faggots discuss anything besides "how to get into" literature.
Why should I give a fuck about board quality when I can discuss things I want with people outside?
You are all a bunch of loser pseuds

>> No.10852847

I got no love for stack threads, but this post is accurate. I so seldom see anything of intellectual worth here that I can't take seriously any disdain for perceived plebeianism

>> No.10852858

>Nothing, I like LARPing as /pol/tard and waste time with Marxists and I like LARPing as an sjw and waste time with /pol/tards.

I have spent so much time doing this I am no longer capable of having earnest political beliefs beyond formless rage, misanthropy and self loathing

>> No.10852867

got me in to reading famalam

>> No.10852882

I fucking hate this place but everywhere else is even worse somehow.

>> No.10852883

(could you post that tractatus thing pls?)

>> No.10852896
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Sanest board on 4chan, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.10852950

its a sea of shit but more often than not I see a good discussion on a topic that I might be intereted in or get to know a book that otherwise I might not know

you still gotta crawl through shit on top of shit on top of shit to get all that

>> No.10852981

I do get a few good things from /lit/
>good novel recommendations
>decent flowcharts
>sometimes people will write insightful information
>arguments or positions against my own beliefs get posed that I had not heard before
>decent threads about twice a month
>only place to discuss authors I enjoy [see previous point]

Things it's shit for
>general shitposting
>90% of you are plagued with resentment (but that's probably true of all boards)
>Can almost never post non-fiction (philosophy, science) and have a serious discussion

>> No.10852992

It reminds authors exist and that most econ and STEM majors are not sapient, whenever i think STEM people are actually human i come here, wait, find a STEM fag being ignorant and then the illusion subsides. it has honed my appreciation of fedoraism and in turn strengthened my hatred for christfags. Some anon explained Deleuze really well 2 months ago which has helped in reading his work a good deal. The Wittgenstein thread with the Tractatus vs late Analytics fags was cool a few months back. You’re all insufferable, but 1-3 times a season you produce good content. Calling people on twitter nigger pseud faggots is fun, because i know they screen cap and send in dm groups waiting to be aided by their friends.

>> No.10853071

Protestantism is such a wide umbrella that some of them are alright. The Chrisposters seem to consist of wanna-be trad RCs though.

>> No.10853286

>rhetoric properties of green text

>> No.10853302

>>Can almost never post non-fiction (philosophy, science) and have a serious discussion
it's only partly our fault scientists and philosophers do research chemicals

>> No.10853331

There's a mix of trad and LARPer trad. I think the LARPers probably just want to troll the traditionalists because they're easy prey and write long posts like Thomists do, regardless of how brief the question.

There's a few Orthodox bros around who don't get the same treatment and just talk about Russian/Slavic/Balkan writers nobody's heard of who they insist are important to understand everything, and especially how your understanding of even Dostoevski's misdirection is misguided. They don't act like the Inquisition though so maybe the trads asked for the LARPers.

>> No.10853407
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On the real, I still hang around because we sometimes have an interesting discussion. I'm mostly interested in philosophy with a theological bent. First principles, phenomenology, p-zombies, that stuff. I don't give a shit about retards like foucault. Also I have gotten some good recommendations. The worthless post a girl get a rec thread a few days ago was actually not so worthless because anons put up some good books.

>> No.10853417

>I'd probably never have heard of the Tunnel (certainly never would've read it)

Sabato's Tunnel or Gass's Tunnel ?

>> No.10853464

Jesus fuck could you be any more of a faggot?

>> No.10853531

book/author recommendations

>> No.10853555

Sometimes I get Jeopardy answers from browsing /lit/. I don't read books, but I like to think about reading books.

>> No.10853608

i like /lit/ because im a deracinated american searching for belonging outside of my immediate judeo-protestant culture with all of its emphasis on immediacy and individuality

>> No.10853618
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it's one of the best board of this cesspit.
at least here the median is above 2 digit IQ

>> No.10853641

mostly i just get motivation to read, like i always feel a little more pumped to slog through long boring old shit after visiting, but the only threads i really enjoy is the write whats on your mind thread cuz u can talk to literate people about despair, masturbation, and whatever else

>> No.10853675

Nothing, really. This place is just full of teenagers bragging about how many pages they read.

>> No.10854361

most of the secondary literature available on b-ok (also something I got from /lit/)

>> No.10854375
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I don't know what else to do. I don't have any friends, no job, I don't go to school, I don't enjoy anything; it's either shitpost on the internet all day or stare at the ceiling.

>> No.10854739


go for a walk anon.

>> No.10854781

Excellent, thank you

>> No.10854819



0 results.

On the rare occasion that someone who has actually read a book discusses it on /lit/, you're bound to get 100% honesty (excluding political books as that's bound up within people's hangups - think Peterson discussions). /lit/ is the most honest place you can find on the Internet when it comes to how a book is received, it's almost impossible to virtue signal as nobody cares and you get nothing out of the signalling, nothing to associate the signal with. look at how viciously SF authors are discussed in these SF threads, nowhere else on the internet do you get discussions that burn as much as this. Look at reddit's /books/ or /literature/, reading posts there feels like reading the thoughts of a lukewarm castrate.

>> No.10855080

>There are no virtue signalling on /lit/
>/lit/ is honest
Maybe in SFF regard it is honest, but overall people just circlejerk about the same 20 books.

>> No.10855146

I thought he was being sarcastic