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/lit/ - Literature

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10849671 No.10849671 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sorry to announce this, but the last tapir bro died in a car crash 4 days ago. As the successor appointed by the departed himself, I'm taking over the tapir business. Let's get along, everybody.

So without further ado, ekhm:

>Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10849690

Damn. RIP tapir bro

>> No.10849695
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In a world where anthropomorphic animals evolved alongside humans through convergent evolution, slavery has survived into the modern age - along with a reactionary political world order, following the defeat of liberalism in the 19th century after the Confederacy won the civil was and the Monarchies returned to Europe. Decolonisation never occurred and neither did the world wars.

The novel revolves around the development of an illicit relationship between a slave fraudulently sold as a domestic servant because consumers in Australia couldn't read the Russian "non-compliant" brand on the slave, and his master.

It would be titled "Not Better, Just Different," which works for both the master-slave love story as they come to view each other as equals, but is also a metaphor for the alternate reality itself. The novel's theme would essentially be a stoic message. It's not a defence of slavery and less democratic systems (because I'm a die-hard liberal) but more of an observation about people getting on with living in a familiar way, in an unfamiliar place.

I'm not entirely sure what I want to say or achieve with the novel yet.

>> No.10849697
File: 127 KB, 1153x823, Stopped_reading_there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a world where anthropomorphic animals evolved alongside humans

>> No.10849699

>Not Better, Just Different
Er, "Not Worse, Just Different"

>> No.10849713

I don't say this a lot, but that is hyper fucking faggotory.
It sounds exactly like something some 15 year old alt-right would think up and then jerk off to.
>"it's not racist and I'm not a furry MOM!"

>> No.10849723
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I'm both of those things.

>> No.10849727

don't worry. We can tell.

>> No.10849735
File: 195 KB, 553x936, the ride is starting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read more closely.

>> No.10849744

>It would be titled "Not Better, Just Different,"
I would chance this title. Sounds the most stupid sjw pandering with a title like this.
>The novel's theme would essentially be a stoic message. It's not a defence of slavery and less democratic systems (because I'm a die-hard liberal) but more of an observation about people getting on with living in a familiar way, in an unfamiliar place.
>implying you can't be liberal and don't support democracy

But in all seriousness, I realy like them message you are developing there. Specialy this "living in a familiar way in a unifamiliar place". Realy, realy like it. Hope you do a nice job anon, I am looking foward for your publicantion.

>> No.10849748


just do what your reaction image says already

>> No.10849761

>I would chance this title. Sounds the most stupid sjw pandering with a title like this.
Yeah, I'm not completely happy with it but it fits too well for me to replace it.

>>implying you can't be liberal and don't support democracy
Sic semper tyrannis, anon.

>But in all seriousness, I realy like them message you are developing there. Specialy this "living in a familiar way in a unifamiliar place". Realy, realy like it.
Thanks, anon. It's something that's always fascinated me. I get my fix from history - the way that people used to live can be so far removed from our own lives that it's hard to even imagine how it would work. It's not enough to think "well they washed their clothes differently" because the clothes were different too, and they had different amounts of them, and the water was different, and the tools, and the time it took, and all of these differences compound into other differences because for example household chores like washing clothes took so much longer that the division of labour was different, and it just spirals out to a point where to fully understand the historical ways that clothes were washed you sort of have to hold the entire way of life in your head simultaneously to see how it fits together.

The idea that you could post a letter from New York to Los Angeles and rely on it getting there without trucks or trains blows my fucking mind.

>Hope you do a nice job anon, I am looking foward for your publicantion.

>> No.10849886

>Yeah, I'm not completely happy with it but it fits too well for me to replace it.
I can understand this feel. Sometimes you keep a title for so long that you make a close connection to it. I suffer from the same from time to time with my ideas.

>Thanks, anon. It's something that's always fascinated me. I get my fix from history - the way that people used to live can be so far removed from our own lives that it's hard to even imagine how it would work. It's not enough to think "well they washed their clothes differently" because the clothes were different too, and they had different amounts of them, and the water was different, and the tools, and the time it took, and all of these differences compound into other differences because for example household chores like washing clothes took so much longer that the division of labour was different, and it just spirals out to a point where to fully understand the historical ways that clothes were washed you sort of have to hold the entire way of life in your head simultaneously to see how it fits together.
>The idea that you could post a letter from New York to Los Angeles and rely on it getting there without trucks or trains blows my fucking mind.
Yeah, I know how you feel sometimes. Since I am studing history in college, I guess you need to have this feeling from time to time to truly proprerly see how far mankind has reached so far.
Mostely, I like your concept. It always fascinated me how even in the worst situacions, people will act like in a everyday life fashion. We are so used to the idea that is also spread by midia formats that when something realy bad happens we halt everything and cry on the floor forever that when you realise that is exactly the opposite you just get stunned on how different life truly is. I find somewhat funny on how people, even living under the worst dictatorships possible will have the strengh to try live a peacefull every day life. This is more insteresting than the ditatorial aspects in my opinion.
I guess one of the reasons I find the aspect you are trying to explore so interesting is because at some level I try to do the same, tho I also sneak some of my political/philosophical beliefs here and there (I can't help it sometimes), if this dosen't fuck up the narrative.

I don't get it. Won't you try to publish this idea? Or I just butchered the english langue?
I would like to read a book like this anon, you better write it or I gonna come to your house and go full Misery on you.

>> No.10849889
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>Homeless kid is taken and raised by a magician, but isolated from the outside world.
>Kid is an apprentice to a magician for years, but one day the government comes and conviscates everything, and kills the magician.
>The young man manages to avoid death by sneaking out for the first time.
>Kid finds out his teacher was some psychopath, who worked on human experimentation. Taught the kid taboo magic.
>Kid realizes he unwittingly was an experiment for years.
>Kid tries to find a new life, while keeping his knowledge secret.
>wants revenge on the people who killed his adoptive father, despite him experimenting on him.
>joins the military, becomes a man
>finds and exact his revenge by killing those responsible

That's all I have for now. I'm not a good writer though.

>> No.10849915

>I don't get it. Won't you try to publish this idea? Or I just butchered the english langue?
Nah, I was just being self-deprecating. The idea that I could write something with enough mainstream appeal to be published is foreign to me.

>you better write it or I gonna come to your house and go full Misery on you.
Good luck. I'm great at starting stories, horrible at finishing them.

>It always fascinated me how even in the worst situacions, people will act like in a everyday life fashion. ... I find somewhat funny on how people, even living under the worst dictatorships possible will have the strengh to try live a peacefull every day life.
This is almost exactly part of the aspect I want to explore. Sort of the "that's just how things are" attitude combined with the attitude of "finding happiness where happiness is" (which is a Russian [if I recall correctly] saying which essentially means making the best of what you've got, appreciating small pleasures and luxuries, and choosing to focus on the good and not the bad).

>I can understand this feel. Sometimes you keep a title for so long that you make a close connection to it.
It's particularly bad because my inability to express the idea better is a manifest failure as a writer. I'm supposed to be able to use beautiful language to make a statement, but here I am having to choose between one or the other because I'm not good enough to manage both.

Ah well.

>> No.10849957

>Nah, I was just being self-deprecating. The idea that I could write something with enough mainstream appeal to be published is foreign to me.
Don't be so harsh with yourself, anon. And for all others, there is always the field of experimental literature.
>Good luck. I'm great at starting stories, horrible at finishing them.
Fuck. I know the feel. Until today I only finished one short story I published in a fanfiction site.
>This is almost exactly part of the aspect I want to explore. Sort of the "that's just how things are" attitude combined with the attitude of "finding happiness where happiness is" (which is a Russian [if I recall correctly] saying which essentially means making the best of what you've got, appreciating small pleasures and luxuries, and choosing to focus on the good and not the bad).
Nice, desu. I tryed to do the same with one of my unfinished works (I mean unfinished because I already know how should be developed and ended, I am just lazy to write it), and try to tip this aspect in general.
>It's particularly bad because my inability to express the idea better is a manifest failure as a writer. I'm supposed to be able to use beautiful language to make a statement, but here I am having to choose between one or the other because I'm not good enough to manage both.
I think its more about emotional maturity you know? Being able to give up in some things that you developed a emotional connection with needs a lot of willpower and maturity than keep hitting the knifes edgy for the sakes of not leaving your comfortable zone. It's like the theme we are just talking right now: tho life is harsh and sometimes unforgiving, it's more about not how hard you hit, but how hard you can get hit and keep going. In the end, is more connected to our natural need and wish to survive in the world as long as we can. And if we give up, we die, and we usualy don't want to die (be it because you emotionaly don't want to or because your instinct for self-preservation is stronger than your wish to end it all)

I hope you eventualy write this story anon, or something in the likes. The concept sounds great, I bet it would be a great hit.

>> No.10849988

I've had this strange sort of concept i've been tooling around with for a year+ now of a sort of third policeman meets fight club type book - a surreal unexplainable event happens to the protag and in trying to understand it meets more people that it's happened to and a sort of club forms based on that connection.

>protag gets hit by a car then realizes he can't get hit by another car
>finds no rhyme or reason in it despite all his searching
>meets people who have had a similar thing happen
>a cult of personality forms around the protag

i've basically had it as a fictive commonplace book, where the protag finds more and more authors that relate similar experiences throughout history (naturally accomodating technology's march) and refering to completely made up authors, it's become a reflection of what i've been reading at different times.
eg; after i finished the complete works of aristotle i wrote a small digression in a similar style into the story, comparing the effects in a psuedo-philosophical way to the whole metaphysics of being. after reading ovid i included a small "extract" from a poem by an author i created relating to the experience mimicking ovid's style and form

i want it to be comedic above all else but at this point i don't know if it can be considered complete if i keep reading and wanting to add things to it
need to sort out the second half first

>> No.10849993

I hope he’s in tapir hell where every tapir goes