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/lit/ - Literature

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10849462 No.10849462 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I'm 14 chapters deep in Ihe Illiad, when does it get good? Before that I read Odyssey and that book flowed so much better.

>> No.10849465

It's not good, it's great

Big difference

>> No.10849473

so when does it get to be great? The locations been the same since the second chapter or so and all they've been doing is kill eachother through the help of some faggy gods.

>> No.10849515

If you didn't like book 5 and 10 you might as well stop reading now.

>> No.10849520

>there are actually people who don't enjoy homer

Just give up on literature

>> No.10849524

eh there were a couple of chapters that were entertaining specifically those that weren't just about "hector killing this guy and this guy and also this guy and then he gets zeus to buttblast everybody on the field". so yeah maybe im just buttblasted about the 2 chapters before 14, because that shit was unbearably boring.

>> No.10849529
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but i do enjoy homer, odyssey was a great fucking book, illiad on the other hand hasn't impressed me so far.

>> No.10849534
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it gets good when you close the last page and get to make fun of brainlets who haven't read it

>> No.10849620

ok just finished chapter 14, that was a good one, not great but good :^)

>> No.10849630

crazy, I thought the exact opposite. The whole time I was reading the Odyssey I was thinking fucking GO HOME ALREADY, dude!

>> No.10849677

at book 14 you've read diomedes going into such a berserk that he injures two gods
you've read hector's emotional conversation with his wife
you've read the embassy's heated plea for achilles to return
you've read the desperate struggle of the greeks by their ships
if you ain't feelin' it now i don't think you're gonna be feelin' it in the last 10 chapters

>> No.10849678

Actually I kinda agree with you. 12 to 16 are probably the most boring ones if you read it like that.

>> No.10849686
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ok ok i might've overreacted a bit, those are the good moments but at the least chapter 13 is a piece of shit filler chapter.

>> No.10849688

>guys, I'm 14

underage b&

>> No.10849777

>The locations been the same
What the fuck do you think it is, a travel guide? And the location does change.

>> No.10849849

Im regretting why i chose to buy moby dick over illiad now.

Moby dick is way out of my reading comprehension.

>> No.10849926

this desu

>> No.10849950

speaking of odyssey, do you memelords actually read through all the pages of him just listing off the names of the leaders and their villagers? jesus fucking christ

>> No.10850131

I bet you skipped all the genealogies in the bible too you pleb

>> No.10850232

if you don't take notes and draw family trees, you're a fucking pseud

>> No.10850262

you fucking pseud. Just make your own mnemonic or look one up if you are brainlet.

>> No.10850413
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