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10846999 No.10846999 [Reply] [Original]

>Stirner was a highschool teacher from age 30 - 38

Is anyone else genuinely surprised by this?

It seems like a very spooked job.

>> No.10847004

>he thinks philosophers actually live by their own philosophy

When's your 18th birthday, kid?

>> No.10847016

what are you two retards even trying to say

>> No.10847019

*private upper class cute girls school teacher

literally anime and the opposite of spooked

>> No.10847038

I'm Retard #1 (OP) and I'm saying I find it weird that Stirner wasn't some low-paid clerk or anti-work edgelord, and that he worked as a charming highschool teacher for like 8 years while writing Ego and Its Own.

>> No.10847077

>Stirner worked as a teacher in a school for young girls owned by Madame Gropius

>> No.10847603

You have to eat bread nigger.
He was a dandy and a philister in everyday life, minding his own business, being smug and all. He knew they would fuck with him because of his book, therefore he quit his job because they could do so. His book was banned at first, but then they revoked the ban because they deemed the content too absurd.
Also he stopped touching his first wife after seeing her naked (she later died in childbearing), his second wife left him after his failed milk business and turned catholic. Stirner came to die through a infected insect bite (!!), the only philosopher of the gang to visit his burial was fucking Bruno Bauer. There is no photo of Stirner and he his only known by his nickname "Forehead" (Stirn). Later some other niggers implemented his milk business idea and made loads of money. It's a fucking tragedy.

>> No.10847612

>quit his job because they could do so
before* they could do so

>> No.10847662

>Bruno Bauer
More tragic than Stirner. Stirner could apparently get women if he tried and, by his work, seemed to feel above it all. Bauer ended up isolated both by the left (because he clashed with Marx) and the right (because he was anti-Christian). I imagine him slumped over the counter of his tobbacco shop, wathcing the hours pass, thinking about how all his friends turned on him except for that weird guy that doesn't mind him ranting about jews and jesus all the time.

>> No.10847688

what a fuck-up

he'd be shitposting here if he were alive

>> No.10847699

Every retard on here thinks that about every retard they like.

>> No.10847702

slice of life adventures of max and bruno when?

>> No.10847703

I don't like him

>> No.10847706

>highschool teacher
>It seems like a very spooked job.
how so?

And whatever the answer is, what's an unspooky alternative by your standards?

>> No.10847712

You're still a retard and you're still wrong that he'd be on here.

>> No.10847719


>> No.10847721

ok, baby, don't get mad

>> No.10847729

>More tragic than Stirner.
Are we doing dick measurement contests here?

>> No.10847730

I'd like to see a TV series about the Young Hegelians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-mi0r0LpXo

Marx and Engels seem like such assholes, they keep antagonizing their former friends.

>> No.10847731

He would probably shitpost on /b/. Marx would be in /r9k/. And Evola in /mlp/ riding the tiger.

>> No.10847734

I see that you've replied but I'm not going to bother reading it. I will not willfully read the ramblings of a retard.

>> No.10847741


>> No.10847745

That's what he did later in life after he gained notoriety. He basically took out loans and moved when he had to pay.

Stirner strikes me as someone who would post 'Ass' on s4s.

>> No.10847754

>More tragic than Stirner.
A bit more of meme in some ways as well. When he was at his peak popularity and got stripped of his lecturing rights he genuinely thought that this would be the trigger point of a popular uprising and rushed to Berlin to lead this struggle only to find nobody cared and it was business as usual.

>> No.10847765

I heard it was only banned in Saxony and even then the censors couldn't understand it so it was unbanned

>> No.10847766

I think it's a great job. As long as it's useful knowledge, bonus if you're self-employed and you're not a cog in a company/system. It's fairly unspooked, maybe similar to Diogenes and late (not too late) Nietzsche.

>> No.10847786

It wasn't banned in Saxony, that was literal fake news.

Its frank espousal of anarchistic egoism led to the not unexpected announcement in the newspapers of Saxony that the book had been immediately confiscated in Leipzig. Anxious not to be outdone, where usually they were so far ahead, Prussia banned the book. Then, Berlin received more accurate news: the book had not been banned in Saxony at all. In fact, the book's farfetched overstatement was regarded at Dresden as its own best antidote. The small states of Germany fell into line, on one side or the other, often with considerable difficulty owing to the scarcity of copies to examine first.

>> No.10847817
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>maybe similar to Diogenes and late (not too late) Nietzsche.

High school teacher is a normal job that thousands of people have. Why would those two names be related.
As far as I can see, teacher is just another and possibly rather comfy job. Wittgenstein did the exact same thing. And Wittgenstein was born to the second richest man in the country.

OPs claim that this job would be "spooky" is just completely random and doesn't just not make sense, it's not even clear how to interpret the statement. Which job then, according to him, isn't spooky?

The only possible way for me to read the OP is if he was implying that someone was spooked by the idea to teach the world, do good, or to discipline children or whatnot. This doesn't seem to fit Stirner at all. Even if he had an agenda with the kids, he was most likely just enjoying it, and in any case Stirner was mostly just trying to make a living.

>> No.10847822

>He basically took out loans and moved when he had to pay.
/lit/test thing I've ever read, on par with Debord who wrote astral charts for race horses.

>> No.10847842
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>I set my affair on nothing.

>> No.10847860
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By which he means 'himself'. He formulates a framework where the self, "the ego", is a "creative nothing" and when he speaks of putting the affairs (Sache) on nothing, the non-literal intended meaning is he put himself (=THE nothing) at center stage of primary importance.

But of course, the fact that a 6 letter sentence like that can't be taken at face value and you have to read the book before you quote these things makes it impossible to discuss Stirner on 4chan, because only 2% participating in the threads ever had his book in hand.

The book is generally much more about his notion of property than e.g. about spooks, but spooks is what sticks. as meme. And not in a good way.

>> No.10847872

more like the adventures of Engels and Schmidt

>> No.10847880

I'm actually reading the book (220 pages in) right now

the most memerable parts are his comparisons to political and social movements as religions and how the rights of man aren't actually the individual's

>> No.10847884
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>he'd be shitposting here if he were alive

>"What I have in my power, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing." He says, "I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property!"

he literally shit posts. the weak faggot died from a bug but talks a big talk in his book

he would 100% one of those skeletal aids ridden antifa homo talking about beating spooks to dead with his hand

>> No.10847887

I'm a high school teacher and it's pretty comfy, despite the shit salaries. Also, a lot of them are unspooked, though almost everyone hides their powerlevel from kids, some even acquiring a kinda moralist façade.

>> No.10847905

How you deal with kids that think they are far more intelligent than the teacher ?

>> No.10847906
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I'd actually say one can always start by reading the first 3 pages of a chapter, then the last 3 where he always summarizes his strongest points, and then go read the full chapter.
Mind you, he wrote this 170 years ago in a non-existing German state as we know it today, before all left- and right movements as we know them today. I find his ramblings on the state and communism and socialism too long winded. Would be cool if there was a real Stirnerian today with modern context.
Moreover, good parts of the work - e.g. the beginning with the human evolution, young man, old man, eastern men, western men - that's making sort of fun of Hegel and stuff, so if one doesn't know that, that will fly over ones head. Of course, a 170 year old text that's written as casually as Stirners book will probably contain hundreds of references to things back then that are completely lost on any of us. Sad, really.

>> No.10847919

Depends, really. I'm an art teacher, so whenever it happens, it's because some edgy cunt wants to complain about how something doesn't take real skill or some shit, so it's very easy to BTFO them, since I have been having this discussion ever since I first wanted to go to art school. If I feel they're getting too cheeky, I will try to low key embarass them with some particularly tricky argument, but mostly I'm earnest with them. It helps that I'm one of the "cool" teachers I guess.

>> No.10847921

I find his ramblings helpful because this book is one of the first books on philosophy ive picked up (the other two being The Philosophy of History and God and the State)

I find it interesting that I picked the one book that contains the whole western eastern man so I understand Stirner's reference

I'm 18 and are my teachers (at least my gubbermint and literature) really this spooked or are they hiding their power level in this sort of thing

>> No.10847926

no because he had sex with his students, it was a girls school, his whole philosophy is geared towards pedos you fucking idiot. that’s the whole point, its sadomasochistic dom rhetoric for owning and fucking younger women (and of course is used by homos
too) just look at most stirnerfags on here and /leftypol/, obsessed with age of consent,
that’s the number one thing besides theft (he was probably a kleptomaniac) that they screech about. stop being fucking stupid, you’re all so unobservant and imprecise. take some god damn responsibility for your knowledge of
the world, read a book, if that’s not enough get your fucking face out of social media and your friend’s assholes and listen to what
being told to you you fucking ant cattle ape slaves

>> No.10847928


>> No.10847932

It's hard to know, there are, of course, spooked teachers as well. You have to analyze it on a case by case basis, tell us about them and we'll figure it out.

>> No.10847935

So it seems it's true that I've not yet heard of a teacher or professor who did not take delight embarrassing the children in their charge

>> No.10847944
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I see, well then be aware that almost no philosophy book is written as playfully as Stirner. There are a few (say Nietzche) who basically write prose, but after that you mostly have a much much drier and also clearner style. I'm a Mathematican at a tech company and for better or worse, Stirner influenced me quite a bit.
Despite that I like the book, as it's freeing.
On top of that, I got into crypto last year and now have a few $100k so that I don't need to work for the next decade. This means I sit at work 8h each day and have to face the fact that I do this for myself, to learn, and also have to be there if it's hard and stressful and somebody (poorer, and usually with "burdens" like a family) is telling me what to do. I could just stop and do my hobbies, write a book, but then it would probably be shit and I die no smarter than now - and I love learning new things. Non-dependency like that really doesn't make live easier.
Live-directions, I mean. So as a choice I put myself in a position where I'm not an expert and in fact I'm the one with the stupid questions and I'm bargaining if that's stupid or smart to do.

>> No.10847960

Stirner was a high school teacher in an all girls school. Who knows how many bastards he had

>> No.10848020
File: 15 KB, 290x479, Max-Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no photo of Stirner
i saw like 10 in 30sec google search

>> No.10848030

lol he is dudolf steiner sorry pal

>> No.10848038


>I see, well then be aware that almost no philosophy book is written as playfully as Stirner.
Key insight. All the best philosophers are playful.

>> No.10848247

Where can I go to learn about the wacky adventures of the young hegelians?

>> No.10848340

Who cares, they all basically fucked up hegal's will, and made the world more selfish, fucked up, cold, and full of pseudo intellectual nonsense based on emotional, reactionary and rash drivel.

>> No.10848349

>christianity is dumb and i dont like it

there you go lad

>> No.10848772
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>mfw the milk shop meme was actually real

>> No.10848969

He married 2 women who were 20+ and 10 years his younger. Nothing wrong with fucking younger women, especially 170 years ago when a woman getting married at 16 was normal. Stirner definitely wasn't a pedo and if you called him one he'd laugh at you and call you his property while you stand there with a look and anger of a retard. You probably got called creepy by a younger woman and now you're just assblasted.

>> No.10849180

Teaching is the only job that philosophers are legitmentally qualified for

>> No.10849248

I meant more to learn about all the shenanigans they got up to like

>> No.10849265

>it's because some edgy cunt wants to complain about how something doesn't take real skill or some shit, so it's very easy to BTFO them

Please explain exactly how you go about doing this. Because you sound like every other teacher who's an ass yet wants to excuse themselves for it.

>> No.10849864

Only because the CAPITALISTS shut down the philosophy factories.

>> No.10849877

>the milk shop meme
post it

>> No.10849892

>turning down a paying job because "dude spooks lmao"
Sounds spooky.

>> No.10849925

This. Even the spook can become a spook.

>> No.10850185

but jobs are spooks

>> No.10850270

No you fucking idiot
Believing your job is a duty is a spook, knowing that you're working so you don't starve is unspooked

>> No.10850291

>people who dont work starve

quite the ghost story youre telling me. the most spooked thing you could have said. being scared into being someone elses property lmfao@urlife

>> No.10850298

Alright dawg just go back in time to 1840s Saxony and not have a job and see how long you last
Also wanna know how I can tell you've never read Stirner and are only here for memes?

>> No.10850311

you know how many millions of americans alone dont have jobs much less the entire planet?

>> No.10850584

t. essence of Man

>> No.10850615
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>> No.10850629

>working like a spooked slave instead of just taking others property as the need strikes you

>> No.10850631

>tfw people are confusing rationalist assumptions with higher powers subjecting themselves on individuals

>> No.10850655

its literally objective fact that one does not NEED to work a wage slave job or die of starvation on the street. i suppose you couldn't construct some hypothetical that makes it so but it doesnt really relate to real life very well. maybe best koreans are the only non-spooked people on the planet? the anarchist holy land is Somalia and the spooktards is norkland?

>> No.10850659

looks like to me you're too dumb to understand I'm agreeing with you

>> No.10850664

n-no i knew that, a spook just flew in my eye for a second

>> No.10850696

>he gets subjugated this easily

might makes right kiddo

>> No.10850704

nooooo this cant be happening! i have the high ground!!

>> No.10851057

Yeah, I don't have to work. But it's in my interest to do so, if it's in moderation and allows me to grow it makes me feel good to work. Same way morals are mostly spooks, but I still may freely chose to help or love another because it makes me feel good and is in my interest.
Back to the theme of work: Even if I do not respect the authority of police and state, I'm not stupid: If I proclaim something my property and I don't follow the established codices, they're gonna rip me a new one. People are spooked so much you could consider them lunatics, but even so, the physical strength they outsourced to the state and police is no spook. Police will beat me up and put me in a prison, this is not in my interest, which makes abiding by some rules in public legitimate.
As far as I'm concerned, being unspooked is a state of mind first and foremost. Participating in activities others do for spooked reasons doesn't necessarily make you spooked as well if you make clear to yourself what it is your doing, you do it out of self-interest and are aware of that.
Those who just want to legitimate crimes never are really unspooked. They're being a puppet to the things they put on a pedestal.
And finally, be careful not to make a spook out of the concept of spooks.

>> No.10851256

>the most important thing to remember is that although im exactly like you and do the same things im actually superior

spoken like a true ghost worried about his spook image

>> No.10851559

Yes thank you anon, I'm sure the social support systems of a pre-unification Germany were the same as 2018 America
I hope you fucking kill yourself, or at least stop coming on /lit/

>> No.10851569

Yes thank you anon, I'm sure the social support systems of a pre-unification Germany were the same as 2018 America
Stop coming on /lit/

>> No.10851680

>He thinks this is Stirner

>> No.10851709

Sociopathy and delusion 101

>> No.10851746

So this is the power of egoism?

>> No.10851751

name 1 thing he said that was not said by stirner

>> No.10851795
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>> No.10851799

Have you read the recent translation that came out last year?

>> No.10851802
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>> No.10851808

in honor of stirner I drink a gallon of milk a day, or GOMAD as I like to call it

>> No.10851815

The Spook is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Spook and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.

>> No.10852151

Society is a spook. Greater good is a spook. Family bond is a spook. God is a spook. Truth is a spook. Purpose is a spook. Nation is a spook. You're spooked.

>although im exactly like you
That's not it at all. You don't go into the world telling people how unspooked you are (you only do this on Stirner threads, see above), you mind your own fucking business and take care not to get involved with ideas that serve foreign interest. You won't let yourself be used for war of any kind or protests that don't serve your interest. You don't confound your interest with states interest, corporations interest or church's interest. You're not spending your energy for niggers that only want to abuse you, instead you free yourself and try to life based on what you deem ok, not what your family, the church or society tells you. That doesn't mean you turn criminal, that means you rid yourself free of crippling guilt mentality. You don't need to marry that girl they want you to, you don't need to finish medical school if that isn't what you want no matter how much people will condemn you for it, you don't need to stay in a shithole country and help to build it up, you don't have to put up with shit. You're responsible for your own life, whatever you do with it is entirely up to you. There is no one to blame and no one you have to follow.

>> No.10852160

>GOMAD as I like to call it
Is it okay if I use this acronym too?

>> No.10852162

Hey assholes, people have been using this for awhile now. Gb2Reddit.

>> No.10852194

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as GOMAD, is in fact, GNU/GOMAD, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus GOMAD. GOMAD is not anarchist milk unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU union made useful by the GNU spookbuster, egoism and vital components of nothingness comprising a full spookless milk as defined by Stirner.
Many pseuds drink a modified version of the GNU milk every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU milk which is widely used today is often called GOMAD, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU milk, developed by the GNU Stirnerists.
There really is a GOMAD, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the milk they drink. GOMAD is the fluid: the part in the milk that allocates the taste to the gustatory buds that you have. The GNU is an essential part of a milk union, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete spookless milk experience. GOMAD is normally used in combination with the GNU spookbuster: the whole milk is basically GNU with GOMAD added, or GNU/GOMAD. All the so-called GOMAD flavours are really flavours of GNU/GOMAD!

>> No.10852222

So is stirner basically nietzsche except boring and simple?

>> No.10852226

t. Germany at the turn of the century

>> No.10852272

so much for /fitlit/

>> No.10852321

Stirner wrote his book when Nietzsche wasn't even born, that's a based thing in my eyes. (In fact Nietzsche was born the month and year Stirners book was published) Stirner was a philistine whereas Nietzsche valued the arts, therefore the different style. Stirner didn't care for transvaluation of values (he devalued them as spooks), but Nietzsche did and tried opening a path to unspooked value systems that serve life. There is some kind of greatness in what Nietzsche envisioned with the yet to be self-made Übermensch. If you're anal about it you could say Nietzsche still held on to some abstractions, but I would argue Stirner did as well - although unconsciously. IMO they can be read and learn from complementary, if you implement the spookless life successfully to such a degree where you can make "personal, unspooked interest" explicit for a general audience, where you act as an example of unspooked peak performance, where you forge unspooked Yourself as in Everything out of Youself as in Stirner's "creative Nothing", you basically are the Übermensch. It may sound like a spook to you, but is supposed to be unspooked. The fact that me and you can't imagine what it is about, would prove that we aren't Übermensch yet.