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/lit/ - Literature

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10845148 No.10845148 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/erary confessions thread.

Confess your sins, you hate yourself anyway.

>> No.10845152

I pretend to have read most of western philosophy but I just read a lot of secondary lit

>> No.10845164
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Fantasy is just historical fiction where the author couldn't be bothered to do the research.

>> No.10845190

Inherent Vice The Movie > Inherent Vice The Book

>> No.10845193

science fiction is the most important of all literary forms as the authors imagined and predicted a future that most scientists are aiming to achieve and we have currently already attained.

>> No.10845201

Fire and Fury was a great book and reads like some of the best episodes of The Thick of It. It doesn't matter whether you like Trump or not, whether you think it's accurate or not, it makes for a great read and you just know it's going to make a great TV series/movie

>> No.10845288

I like to read books by black people (Pimp, Malcolm X, Book of Night Women, Frederick douglas) and women (Middlemarch, Jane Eyre, Fingersmith, Ursula Le Guin, Sense and Sensibility).

I find it difficult to believe that anybody open to reading good literature would dismiss books like this. If you do, you have to be genuinely retarded.

>> No.10845290

it's funny when people complain about reddit spacing on here, like seriously how the fuck do you know certain type of spacing is reddit unless if you eat drink live and breathe fucking reddit you spacka cunt

>> No.10845309


It's neater formatting, too.

>> No.10845311

I don't read books by women and niggers

>> No.10845317

it's people like that who seem to not know what a paragraph is

>> No.10845323


>> No.10845332

People think I read a lot, but I actually spend around one hour a day reading, two if I don't have anything to do.
I've been trying to change this up, by not using the computer on weekends and reading 5-6 hours

>> No.10845333

i dont know how to read lol

>> No.10845336

It's a reddit meme made in a desperate attempt to fit in. Pretty funny considering it does the exact opposite

>> No.10845338

You're still reading more than the average person, dude, even if it is only for an hour.

At most I may read between 30-50 pages a day depending on how busy my schedule is, the size of the typeface on the page, the size of the page and the amount of dialogue (these factors genuinely will affect the amount of time you spend on each page depending on the book).

>> No.10845342
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I own nearly 500 books like this.

>> No.10845472

this but unironically

>> No.10845607

Yeah but it still fucking sucked.

>> No.10845665

I sometimes think scientists and science nerds obsessed with sci-fi novels and films work hard researching and developing different technologies just so they can make their gay bedroom sci-fi spaceship flying car bullshit into a reality and part of me admires that because yknow you gotta do you, boo, but part of me also wants to punch them and flush their heads down the toilet fuckin DORKS

>> No.10845759

I spend more time being mad at anime pictures on a bangladeshi kite testing message board than I do reading.

>> No.10847146

Are you queer, boy

>> No.10847187

I'd like to think you're baiting but if not, there's still plenty of research needed for an authentic feeling fantasy novel. Tolkien being an obvious example - being a language professor who worked on translating foreign texts, he had a good foundation of knowledge regarding runes, norse languages, mythology, sagas and managed to incorporate all of it into a densely packed but naturally feeling world and narrative while having hints of post-war Britain's concerns about the potential for war in the future.

If you read Prattchett at all it becomes apparent that he knew his shit about maths and science. Or Frank Herbert and his knowledge of lineage, economics, oligarchies, etc.

>> No.10847325 [SPOILER] 
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I value writing by women, poc, and lgbt people more than straight white cis men and I genuinely think they're better writers.
A lot of PKD is kinda bad but he's still one of my favorites.
I have filters for certain words to remove low quality posts and it makes /lit/ much better.
Most classics are undeserving of the title.
I posted this at the end of the last thread right before it died and I want responses

>> No.10847393

kyas retord

>> No.10847404

heh, you got me

>> No.10847474

>it makes /lit/ much better.
why the hell do you even come to 4chan, then? I'm as left as they come, but putting yourself in a safe-space filter bubble so you can pretend the "deplorables" don't exist is for sissies. I get that you're a homo, but toughen up, jesus christ.

there. there's your reply

>> No.10847481

Why are you so mad?
90% of the posts are still seen, I just get rid of the chaff

>> No.10847483

I am currently in the process of getting back into reading as a hobby.
School broke me because it forced me to associate reading with tedious shit.

>> No.10847487

not him but if you think that's mad, you should probably leave this site forever. i mean, have you been shot by SWAT yet? no? then he's not even mad. you probably should get swatted because you seem clingy like metastasizing cancer

>> No.10847509

how so?

>> No.10847510

>filters chaucer, waugh, burroughs, iceberg slim, baldwin
>I value writing by women, poc, and lgbt people more than straight white cis men and I genuinely think they're better writers.
well, at least you also filtered twain?

>> No.10847517

> most classics are undeserving of that title

This actually angers me, good job you succeeded JERK

>> No.10847530

Yeah school and teachers overanalysing seems to put off a lot of people from reading but its cool if youre starting to appreciating it again