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/lit/ - Literature

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1084392 No.1084392 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your Idols, /lit/?
Mine are John Lennon, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.

>> No.1084395

>I'm a pussy


>> No.1084399

10/10 would lol again

>> No.1084401

Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Stirner, Pinnochet

>> No.1084406

Harry Potter

>> No.1084407

Mark David Chapman, Nathuram Godse, and James Earl Ray.

>> No.1084408

George W: Bush, Martin Luther King Jr, Ayn Rand and Mariah Carrey

>> No.1084409

op here, i am not trolling. my favourite fiction author is umberto eco. my favourite non-fic is "the Kingdom of God is Within you" by Leo Tolstoy.
i'd like to hear other opinions, yours

>> No.1084416

mine are God, boxxy, che guevara and the goatse guy

>> No.1084438

The guy who sodomised OP.

>> No.1084442

carl sagan, bart kosko, michio kaku

>> No.1084451

/b/ is to the right.
op would also venerate the guy who sodomised him.

>> No.1084459

Franz Kafka, Frank Zappa, and Syd Barrett.

>> No.1084460

>Mark David Chapman, Nathuram Godse, and James Earl Ray.
>bart kosko, michio kaku
to me these aren't known. what do they stand for to you?

>> No.1084480

david beckham, golda meir, nicolae ceausescu, fyodor dostoevsky

>> No.1084491

Don't have any.

Have yet to find someone that inspires me.

>> No.1084487
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George Carlin, Carl Sagan, Jack Karouac and Syd Barrett

>> No.1084493

Mark David Chapman, Nathuram Godse, and James Earl Ray assassinated John Lennon, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, respectively.

>> No.1084497

I dunno.

Maybe Marx.

>> No.1084499

That. Also, J.B.Tito, Nasser, Adenauer, Roosevelt, Bismarck and Joseph Stalin

>> No.1084504

Neil Gaiman, Buddha, Kerouac

>> No.1084523
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This man, for one.

Then Mario Lanza.

Then Scriabin.

Then Gerald Finzi, Cecil Sharp and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

...also Keats.

>> No.1084526


Eco is great... I didn't like Baudolino as much as The Island of the Day Before, but I do still really like him a lot.

You know he prefers some of his works in translation?

>> No.1084527


>> No.1084540

Batu Khan, Fürst Metternich and Conan the Barbarian

>> No.1084554

Fyodor Dostoevsky, Michel de Montaigne, Marcus Aurelius, Stalin and Teddy Roosevelt.

Probably Nietzsche too to some degree

>> No.1085630

>Fyodor Dostoevsky, Michel de Montaigne, Marcus Aurelius, Stalin and Teddy Roosevelt.

>Probably Nietzsche too to some degree
Nietzsche doesn't tolerate any idols or are you thinking of some other Nietzschean text?

>> No.1085651

not into idolatry. maybe antonin artaud.

>> No.1085657

William T. Vollmann, Gandalf and James Hetfield

>> No.1085664

honestly Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman

>> No.1085671

William Walker was a surgeon, a lawyer, a newspaper editor, and the president of Nicaragua all before the age of 36. Sure, he never did any of those things particularly well, but the sheer chutzpah of the guy is admirable.

>> No.1085938

whoever built that statue in ops pic

>> No.1085945

Crazy Brazilians


>> No.1085946

Emma Goldman and Nightcrawler

>> No.1085948

Voltaire, Jefferson, Thoreau, Aurelius, deBergerac, etc.

>> No.1085961

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is my fashion idol.

>> No.1085991

Gene Kelly

>> No.1086021

I once heard a historian say that pretty much anything you could say about Charlemagne is probably true. So I guess he really was an alien-born god-king made of awesome.

>> No.1086023

Alan Turing, Plato, Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.1086093

Sylvia Plath, David Foster Wallace, Ernest Hemingway, John Kennedy Toole, Yukio Mishima, Seneca, Virginia Woolf, Anne Sexton, Hunter S. Thompson, Walter M. Miller, Jr., Hart Crane...

>> No.1086095

Wittgenstein and Lenin

>> No.1086122

Donatien de Sade-pornographer and noble debaucheer, then revolutionary judge, jailed during the monarchy and put into an insane asylum by the orders of Napoleon. Endures occassional outburst of love by random european intellectuals.
Eduard Limonov-writer, gay pornographer, an exiled soviet liberal exiled back to France from the USA for trade union/negro rights activism, describes american trotskyists as pathetic marginals, returns to Russia to create and lead the now-banned "National Bolshevik Party", Partakes in Sarajewo shelling, jailed by Putin and becomes along with Kasparov the head of pro-western "Other Russia" opposition. Married a famed punk rock singer who has gone the of all rock and died. Writes for the English language moscow Magazine "Exile" and appears as a talking head in various marginal media outlets.

>> No.1086130

Alexander Hamilton, Nikolai Tesla, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

And on that note, screw Thomas Jefferson.

>> No.1086133

for organisation talents and political wit, as an able tyrant or as a democrat and enlightenment philosopher, anon?

>> No.1086135

>screw Thomas Jefferson

Fuck you.

>> No.1086143

Courage Wolf, Hipster Kitty and the Insanity Bear

>> No.1086154
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>> No.1086171

the trollface guy, the green troll guy, the negro troll warning guy

>> No.1086177
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Human Rights and Equality, 'by any means necessary.'

He wasn't the smartest man that ever lived, but he stood like prouder then any man the entire time he was alive. He was outspoken, and passionate.Most importantly he wasn't afraid to speak the truth. For that he is reviled by many.

His origins are very relatable to me. What he grew into is what I aspire to be.

People were scared of him, because he was a realist and didn't put up any airs about the world.

Whenever I think about a situation I'm stuck in, I don't think what would MLK or EInstein or Lincoln would do? I would think what would Malcom X do.

>> No.1086187

Adolf Hitler: The greatest civil rights leader of all time.Also effective at dealing with opposition.He was a true leader.Also wrote a awesome book.

>> No.1086190


>> No.1086193

if he knew where to stop he'd be considered to be the second Bismarck

>> No.1086195
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so you want to be involved with the nation of islam and eventually get murdered by them(like malcolm)?

>> No.1086197

Diogenes, Epicurus, Kafka

>> No.1086199

No the Nation of Islam is an idiotic cult with Mr. Yakub fantasy tales.

I'm talking post-Mecca Malcolm obviously.

>> No.1086203

"shoot dem house niggers and crackers?"
i think he was a CIA project. It more safe to have the negro kids busy praying to their very own flavour of Robert Mugabe rather than reading up folks like Harry Haywood, Raya Dunayevskaya or Saul Alinsky.

>> No.1086208
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>> No.1086212

Kirk, Picard, G'Kar.

None of them are real or reachable and that's the way I like it.

>> No.1086214

>No the Nation of Islam is an idiotic cult with Mr. Yakub fantasy tales.
Islam is an idiotic cult with Mr. Mohammed fantasy tales.

>> No.1086248
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everything is an idiotic cult

>> No.1086256
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Not Pictured.

Carl Sagan.
Albus Dumbledore.
Frank Sinatra.
The Founding Fathers of the USA.
Alexander the Great.
Stan Lee.
Uncle fucking Iroh.
Tom from Toonami.
George Carlin.
Mr. Magorium.
Steve Irwin.
The Pagemaster.
James Bond.

>> No.1086258

>George Carlin
a second rate lower middle class entertainer? whatfor?

>> No.1086279


>> No.1086333

He's but a bad carbon copy of Lenny Bruce. If I was to name a decent modern comedian, it'd probably be P.J.O'Rourke

>> No.1086475

I like people who stood up for a just cause
George Washington, Fidel, Lenin, Simon Bolivar you can continue the list

>> No.1086480
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Moloch - all hail!

>> No.1086502

carl sagan, and jacque fresco to a lesser degree.

>> No.1086504

I don't have any idols or heroes. I am a nihilist.

>> No.1086505

Oh /lit/...

You are so /r9k/ sometimes.

>> No.1086506
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>> No.1086509


Whatever bro. Enjoy your comfortable view on reality. 2deep4u

>> No.1086512

Say what you like about the tenants of national socialism, dude, at least its an ethos.

>> No.1086511
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>> No.1086807

a national socialist might be stern but still wouldn't stomp on your cut-off johnson, he wouldn't dare to sqoosh it. anon1086504 is much more inclement than anon1086187

>> No.1086837

Nikola Tesla, Dalai Lama, Douglas Adams, George Carlin.

Nirvana through science and laughter. Motherfuckers.

>> No.1086842



>> No.1086854

Andrea Dworkin, Mary Daly,

>> No.1086938
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Frank Zappa

Pic very related.

>> No.1086955

Karl Marx, Carl Sagan, Carl Rogers (fucking Carls), Clive Stafford Smith and Orwell.

>> No.1086956

please fucking kill yourself

>> No.1086965
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>> No.1086989

Ray Davies. Douglas Adams, Charles Dickens, Martin Scorsese, the Monty Python team.

>> No.1087001
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All mentioned are dumb fags and not even smart.

<- Mine

>> No.1087013
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Hunter S. Thompson, Nietzsche, Stephen Fry, Sean Connery

>> No.1087025

The Queen and Johnny Rotten

>> No.1087026
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Have you heard Stephen Fry with his band Mumford and Sons? Hottest shit outta the UK since Duran Durizzle.

>> No.1087029


Oh I like his song "The Cave"

>> No.1087031

It's ironic to see people idolising Nietzsche...
Have you fucking read him or what?

>> No.1087041

isn't it the indie atheist dude? yeah i like him. he got laid a lot with folks like rilke, salome, wagner and the sister of hitler.

>> No.1087045


>> No.1087066

Carl Sagan
Stephen Hawking
Obi-Wan Kenobi

>> No.1087123

Captain America.

>> No.1087165

Neil Gaiman and Jack Kirby

>> No.1087168

Captain Falcon

>> No.1087171

Albert Einstein, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Carlo Emilio Gadda.