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/lit/ - Literature

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10843318 No.10843318 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read as an act of self-improvement or an act of leisure?

>> No.10843322
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>implying they are not the same thing
stay stressed, western society

>> No.10843385

por que no los dos?

>> No.10843950

¿Porqué no los dos?
Aprenda español, perro jijueputa

>> No.10843977
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>> No.10843995

bitch fuck your hypothetical

>> No.10844109


>> No.10844114

I'm too depressed to aspire to improvement and too anxious to rest in leisure.

>> No.10844127

Great post senpei

>> No.10844233

What a fucking retard.

>> No.10844304

i read because I'm stupid and need things spelled out for me. i've slowly lost intuitive learning.

>> No.10844308

Fucking jezebel posters

>> No.10844311

Both, obviously

>> No.10844317


>> No.10844321

The obvious split is that non fiction is for improvement and fiction is for pleasure. But there are some times where it switches. History books can be hilarious when they tell stories of great leaders fucking up. Some fiction resonates with you after you finish reading it and you come out a better person.

>> No.10844322

stop posting females.

>> No.10844327

tipico chicano.

>> No.10844380

my eyes must gaze upon this lady in real life or my life is for naught

as the other dude said por que no los dos. i just like human expression, its fun to see what people are talking about

>> No.10844462
File: 2.59 MB, 830x990, Funhaus Elyse WE LOVE DEATH Open Haus #64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10844473

Ill wager the most intellectual thing shes read was a "what do he think after le sexx xDDD" article in cosmopolitan

>> No.10844475
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>> No.10844478
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HIGH tier fpbp

>> No.10844493

Mainly for leisure. I radically altered my diet 2 years ago after reading How Not to Die by Michael Gregor, if that counts.

>> No.10844506

Not purely either (though sometimes basically just one or the other). I read because it's an aesthetic thing that I can experience, see beauty/truth in it that I don't in all if the same ways in life.

The leisure/entertainment and self-improvement purposes seem a bit denigrating to the self or the work, respectively.

>> No.10844578

>tfw so emotionally sensitive a simply webm of a pretty woman just making random silly faces makes you happy

>> No.10844597
File: 1.19 MB, 530x620, Funhaus Elyse WE GIVE YOU STDs Open Haus #44.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10844608

seems pretty normal desu, i think if it affect you, then you'd be easily diagnosed with the 'tism

>> No.10844615
File: 161 KB, 480x270, Funhaus Elyse 01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10844617

At this point I read to stay mentaly stable.

>> No.10844629

speaking of the 'tism...

>> No.10844631

To keep the ability of articulating my ideas the way I want to, in order to not being enslaved by the unknown.

>> No.10844671

hahaha you mean autism lmao? thats a funny ass terminology

>> No.10844883 [DELETED] 

good shit, dubs confirm

>> No.10844886


Not every act of leisure is an act of self-improvement

>> No.10844887

Read as an addiction. Stimulates receptors and fires neurochemcials.

>> No.10844890

he’s dreaming he’s Laozi watching him dream

>> No.10844908
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>> No.10844935
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>> No.10844979

I never liked reading, meaning I would rather do something else to have fun, but I see it as very important in ones life

>> No.10844996



>> No.10845146

Reading is my drug, but so is alcohol and caffeine and nicotine and cannabis too tbqh senpaidesudesu

>> No.10845369

Now this is comfy

>> No.10845380
File: 22 KB, 249x255, 5bb32c35d569e1b269a290cd868d0b7f791f69349d230346b0ecd1d0d366acda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never understood why people post dumb thots on a christian and literature board.

>> No.10846270

Depends what I'm reading, but typically both. I'm usually subconciously always trying to improve myself, and that's reflected at what I choose to read in the moment. I typically prefer more direct approaches to self improvement though when I'm actively looking to better myself.

A good example of what I'm talking about in something a little smaller scale. I have recently involved myself into Dungeons and Dragons as an adult because I have a lot of friends and we all want a solid creative outlet. I spent months actively learning how to be a good DM, how to design solid adventures, and generally learning about game design in association with D&D. This involved me watching different professionals play the game and watch a series of tutorials from really solid youtubers, involve myself in the community on reddit, and read books on cartography and DMing. Now, I'm reading through different classic fantasy books like the Belgariad, Thomas Covenant, The Elric Books, etc. I'm doing the latter because it's what I'm interested in now and I want to read more punchy fantasy, but it's also a great source for inspiration in my current creative pursuits.

>> No.10846378

Leisure, assuming I'll commit to finishing "Call of Cthulhu" before I die.

>> No.10846407
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>> No.10846641

the hindquarters on this negress... Like a damn centaur

>> No.10846760

ahhhh god bless those 56% genetics, cute and sexy mutt

>> No.10846762


>> No.10846771
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>> No.10846787
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>> No.10846859

>that creature
I can't even imagine how low some people's standards must plummet over time.

>> No.10846877

An act of boredom desu.

>> No.10846894

Self-improvement is masturbation. And I'm about to better myself all over that OP image. God, I love dusky whores.

>> No.10846900

bruh you don't always have to share your opinion. i think her face is delicate and cute, no need to call her a creature that's pretty harsh lmao

>> No.10846906

/lgbt/ is that way

>> No.10846913

I don't see why you can't do both. However, I read only for leisure, holding self-improvement to be a loathesome thing worth avoiding.

>> No.10846918

Only patrician response itt.

>> No.10846924

I suppose by that limited duality self-improvement.

>> No.10846927


I see reading more as an investment, an influential book will change my outlook on life forever, but it requires a clear, fresh mind to absorb the information. It's futile to read after work when the toxins have yet to be cleared from my brain.

>> No.10846930

That's how I ended up as a spookposting Stirnerite ready to die for Rojava.

You're not wrong, though.

>> No.10847116


>> No.10847690
File: 1.43 MB, 450x602, funhaus elyse instagram.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10848229

That is also true, you need to take the time to atriculate a question, or even just feel an intuition, because the reading movement need to be impulsed by the inquisitiveness of the mind. And we all know that when we're at work 12h/day we don't really have the opportunity to question the world.
so yes, you need to free some reflexion time.

This is so good to be understood. I'm really glad I'm not the only one. I feel like you read me so weel * pun not intended* in just one sentence. Or it is a pure coincidence.
Without lying, I am literally reading Stirner right now and I'm also thinking about Rojava like a answer. The most logical answer I found in order to beat my crippling nihilistic tendencies.
man that's good to be heard.

I have not finished the book though ( I'm halfway through), do you have any element of analysis to suggest to keep digging afterwards, anybody who've righted about him? If you are still her I'll be very thanksful...

>> No.10848309

>tfw sincerely admire enjoy and love the female form
>[attractive] women are all idiots
It diminishes the wonder once you have to really live with them.

>> No.10848311

you just know she's into some real freaky nasty unspeakable shit in the bedroom

>> No.10848440
File: 88 KB, 427x382, ideal-smiling-crying-face-meme-sad-pepe-find-share-on-giphy-smiling-crying-face-meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw someone gets it

>> No.10850027
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>> No.10850029

/lit/ is best board

>> No.10850223
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>> No.10850250

even though she looks perfect in the op its clear she doesnt normally look like that and its just a single perfect shot of her. in this pic and in others you can see how she starts to look weird all the way to ghetto trash that i wouldnt give the time of day to. is she half nigger or something? she has that "everything about me is fake" look like one of those crazy kardashiens or whatever and black women with all their fake hair, nails, colored contacts, implants, etc

compare to >>10850027 who looks perfect even in motion

>> No.10850255


>> No.10850272
File: 181 KB, 796x884, xzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10850274
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-03-16-10-46-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10850294


>> No.10850296

>compare to >>10850027 who looks perfect even in motion

out of all the examples you picked a woman with botox and fake teeth

>> No.10850300

Yep, pure redditry.

>> No.10850302

yeah i know i was going to say that but it doesnt change anything. all women wear makeup for example but some look good in it and others just like comical and extremely fake and overdone

>> No.10850433

>dam bix nood looks like THAT?

>> No.10850637

not that anon but i would strongly suggest you find the nearest mirror and have a word with yourself

>> No.10850669


>> No.10851412

I like you.

>> No.10851445

these are both masks, neither sincere, no connection was made, nothing was given or received

death of discourse

>> No.10851628

All that money for cosmetic surgery and her eyes aren't even symmetrical.

>> No.10851659
File: 929 KB, 1200x1815, Francisco_José_de_Goya_y_Lucientes_-_The_sleep_of_reason_produces_monsters_(No._43),_from_Los_Caprichos_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy nap time when?

>> No.10851697

I read for the same reason I drink, life is nothing.

>> No.10851703

I read because I want to and not because it makes me happier or better.

>> No.10851876
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x800, charlize theron prometheus 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10852435

Que buen post

>> No.10852645

Double dubs confirm. Top tier post.

>> No.10852807

She's mixed fuck you all

>> No.10852811

Half human half silicone?

>> No.10852815

Half Mediterranean half silicon and half black and half emoji spammer

>> No.10852892

>correcting people typos
Come back when you're 18 or when you can revert the effects of fetal alcoholic syndrome, pelotudo.

>> No.10854454

Self-improvment mostly right now, and I've stopped reading fiction as I don't find it useful, even if read leisurely.

>> No.10854455

el abominacion

>> No.10854459

>I've stopped reading fiction as I don't find it useful

>> No.10854479

It hurts so much that, I'd never hold such cutie in my arms

>> No.10854966
File: 906 KB, 1280x720, kate beckinsale vinyl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10855208

it's from ma boy Theo Von. Grew up in a small rural town where everybody was touched by a flick of the 'tism

>> No.10855865

both ma knicca

>> No.10856059


>> No.10856074

only in /lit/