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1084225 No.1084225 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of the Koran?

>> No.1084236


>> No.1084234

I didn't know Goku was muslim

>> No.1084239

Never read it. Islam is pretty interesting, though.

>> No.1084246

False consciousness, as all religious texts. Perhaps useful for historic studies, but that's it.

>> No.1084247


isnt that the one that says rape is okay and women dont have rights?

>> No.1084248
File: 49 KB, 373x380, biblealone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you're thinking of this.

>> No.1084249

Monotheism is the most stupid theism, islam is no exception.

>> No.1084251


What do you mean by "false consciousness"?

>> No.1084276

False consciousness as in ideology, product of human social relations, giving those relations some kind of necessity or sense. ("Allah wills it so" etc)

>> No.1084458
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>> No.1084462
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>> No.1084465

between someone who stays home with the doors locked and someone who goes out to walk their dog who do you think has more chance of being mugged?

>> No.1084466
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>> No.1084472


How is wearing a modest head scarf the same thing as locking yourself indoors?

>> No.1084479

A visit to a Muslim country will prove be very useful for you..

>> No.1084495


I suggest your educate yourself.

Unless of course you want to be another one of those "lol pedoprophet XD" willfully ignorant types. If so, by all means do so.


>> No.1084501

All cultures are bad.

>> No.1084510

It's kinda interesting. I especially love references to Jesus and Alexander the Great.

>> No.1084511

The Qu'ran is equally retarded/intelligent as the Bible is.

I don't care about the fucking head scarves, but I believe it's wrong to have your morality influenced that strongly by organised religion.


That may be true, but if a woman chooses to wear a short skirt and/or a revealing top, does that give men the right to objectify and/or harrass her?

(answer: no)

>> No.1084516

ITT: /lit/ can't read a book without whining like bitches

Read to read and understand, you don't have to believe it you miserable fucks.

>> No.1084525

I'm going to say four words, please stop me when you see one that you do not understand.





>> No.1084528

Actual Religious Text Tier: The Torah

Torah Fanfiction Tier: The Bible, The Koran

>> No.1084529

What the fuck does that statement have to do with anything?

>> No.1084530

The original posters comic is incredibly inaccurate and biased. Also. most of the comparisons are pretty bad... you could pick out any of them and find a huge bunch of reasons to point out stuff. Let's try...

... an example, the issue with headscarves at universities: The artist points out that any girl would've been able to wear anything they might have wanted to wear, but, if I recall correctly, they, too, cannot wear any headdresses. This isn't religious discrimination.

>Monotheism is the most stupid theism, islam is no exception.

>implying there are any right or wrong theisms

I'm an atheist but even I find it hilarious to see somebody valuing one theism over another.

>Read to read and understand, you don't have to believe it you miserable fucks.


>> No.1084535
File: 62 KB, 359x500, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie was better

>> No.1084546


He fucked a nine year old.

To say that children developed the same then and now is ignorant.

>> No.1084551

Good lord that is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen.




>> No.1084558

Yes, the film was extremely bad, and it's a shame that it's the only one set at the time of the Prophet.

And you mean Shi'i, not Sunni.

>> No.1084568
File: 31 KB, 260x363, Isabela_richard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News flash: EVERYONE in history was fucked up. Just ask King Richard II of England, and his six-year-old wife Isabella.

>> No.1084572

How unusual, democratica font.

>> No.1084575

I haven't read it in five years or so, and I used to believe in it then. Honestly, I don't know what to say about it now. It'd be interesting to read it again, if only to see how I react to it now.


Anatomically speaking, there is no reason to suggest they wouldn't. Whether it would've been socially acceptable or not, is another question altogether.

As an apostate, I'll relate what I know/remember of the issue. He got engaged to Aisha when she was 6 years old. Her father, Abu Bakr, had to be convinced to allow it. My memory fails me a little here (because I don't give a fuck anymore), but I believe his objection was her young age, and seeing as a Muslim girl isn't allowed to get married until she reaches puberty, my best guess is it wasn't normal.

There are stories of Aisha playing with toys while sat on Muhammad's knee, narrated by his companions (that's what they call people that met Muhammad, his companions, or sahaba in Arabic) after she was engaged to him. She used to play with other children as well, and that would indicate she wasn't nearly as developed as apologetics like to think.

He consummated the marriage when Aisha was 9, according to most people. Muslims will often tell you there is nothing wrong with this, but there are lots of them who say reports on her age were erroneous and she was 19. They themselves aren't comfortable with Muhammad's marriage to Aisha.

>> No.1084578


That's true. Children enter puberty much earlier now than they used to. So really, he's even more of a paedophile than one might think.

>> No.1084579


People don't take moral cues from King Richard.

>> No.1084581

So you think its okay to fuck kids?

>> No.1084585

He was the fucking king of England, of course they took moral cues from him. The only reason they still don't is because he didn't author a holy text. Stop being so deliberately dense.

It's a good thing no one takes moral cues from this guy, isn't it?

>> No.1084584


Watch the video I linked. It rebuts you much better than I could here.


No. I'm saying Aisha wasn't a child.

>> No.1084587
File: 12 KB, 450x303, pope-benedict-saturno-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolololol forgot my pic

>captcha: unless molested

>> No.1084589

A 9 year old isn't a child?

>> No.1084597

Why do non Arabic Muslims read the Koran in Arabic?

Do they all know Arabic or what?

>> No.1084602


Because it is God's word verbatim. If you translate the Quran, it becomes a commentary.

>> No.1084608


That's why.

>> No.1084610

But if you don't know what God's saying to you, that's fucking useless.

So do they all know Arabic or what?

>> No.1084612

>People don't take moral cues from King Richard
>Of course people took moral cues from him

You're a fucking retard.

>The only reason they still don't is because he didn't author a holy text.

I never denied this.

>> No.1084614

OP's pic made me hate muslims even more.

>> No.1084619


The polite businessman still wants to fuck the brown chick, he's just being tactical bout it.

>> No.1084625

Then why are you still acting like an idiot?

>>1084568 News flash: EVERYONE in history was fucked up.

>> No.1084669

Cristian women aren't all wearing nuns uniforms.
Burqa is mostly a forced choice in the hardcore muslim cities, the few women that aren't brainwashed would happily go around without it, but if they did they'd probably end up dead, like the ones that dared do it and got killed by their fathers/husbands. Gee.

>> No.1084673


The Burqa is extreme, yes. The Hijab, on the other hand, is not a big deal, and many women wear them willingly.

However, I do believe that women should have the choice to wear them, and shouldn't be forced either way. Banning it is as bad as mandating it, in my opinion.

>> No.1084688 [DELETED] 

As long as the face is visible there's no real problem.
Just imagine if everyone walked around wearing ballaclavas.

>> No.1084735

Theocracy is bad, and Islam has been shamefully corrupted by its un-contested rule over the people of the Middle East at the hands of autocratic, religiously-backed dictatorships. It's not really all that different from the role Christianity played in Medieval Europe. The King was "appointed by God" and his laws were irrefutable, and anyone narrow-minded enough to not see the inevitable disaster(s) this will cause hasn't read history.

tl;dr I'm cool with Islam, just like any other religion, and I think it's a shame that true believes can't worship freely w/o worrying about a fatwah(spelling???)

>> No.1084745


>Theocracy is bad

What if it was democratic theocracy?

>> No.1084751

How many votes does God get?

>> No.1084760



>> No.1084759

Meh, when are new religions coming up ?
Or are we now too much smart to believe in new ones but dumb enough to keep believing in the old ones, written by ignorant fools who heard stories and added of their own which changed over the centuries and lost pieces in translations ?

>> No.1084770

That's an organization, not a religion.
Like Freemasonry

>> No.1084774


But Freemasonry doesn't have a creation myth.

>> No.1084784


>That's an organization, not a religion.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Hence "organized religion". If Christianity fits your definition of religion, so should Scientology.

>> No.1084791

Scientology is offically not a religion, so no point to argue it is.

>> No.1084804


Scientology is officially a religion in the US, aka the only country that matters.

>> No.1084805


This. Tax-exempt status and everything.

>> No.1084810

I'm now officially disappointed by America.

>> No.1084818

I think it's just a retelling of the Tanakh.
All Abrahamic religions are the same or at least they sound the same, I don't know much about the bible or Koran outside of the media, but they seem pretty samey.

>> No.1084857

Boring as fuck.

>> No.1084865 [SPOILER] 
File: 352 KB, 816x1115, 1266021366445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islamic countries are the only countries to regress. 100 years ago they were more tolerant than they are today. In the last century they decided to go back to "traditional values" despite never actually holding them in the first place.

tl;dr Islam is retarded.

>> No.1084892

>What if it was democratic theocracy?
Then you'd be Iran (seriously, they're more democratic than a lot of secular Middle Eastern countries).

>> No.1084899


Sadly Iran and Iraq are the most progressive by our western Standards.

>> No.1084900

Yeah, those rigged elections where the candidates have to be approved by the Ayatollah sure are democratic.

>> No.1084902


Iran isn't a bad example, but the problem there is that their 'supreme leaders', as it were, are not democratically elected.

>> No.1084920

Mind you, part of the reason why militant Islam has grown throughout the Middle-East is because we encouraged it. We were fearful of what secular Arab nationalism and socialism could achieve, so we chose to back the insane fundies as a counter.

>> No.1084933


>> No.1085361


You're still a fucking idiot.

Muhammad still affects the way people live, today. King Richard doesn't.

Just because other people were doing it, doesn't make it any less wrong. 'This just in, Gary Glitter has been released from prison. After all, lots of people are paedophiles.'