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10841267 No.10841267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10841277

Why is it a problem for him to consume anti depressants?

>> No.10841280

Why are ad hominem the only things people can criticise I’m with?

>> No.10841281
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>Why is it a problem that a baby boomer who shills radical individualism has been consuming copious amounts of antidepressants for decades

>> No.10841292

1) he consumes antidepressants probably because he battles autoimmune disease and has watched a daughter grow up with rheumatoid arthritis. Most people don’t suffer that much, but even if they did:
2) he doesn’t “shill” individualism to make people happy, he regularly admits that life is suffering. He tells people that collective victimhood isn’t the answer to suffering, and it only propagates more. You wouldn’t understand that though because you’re too busy wallowing in your own romanticised misery to see it.

Why does it make you angry that people’s lives have improved off the back of his advice?

>> No.10841304

Explain how your life has improved, redditor.

>> No.10841342

Well, considering he is selling a program to “cure the chaos” it seems kind of odd that he relies on a medication to cope with life.
>claims you can tell what people really believe based on how they act
>claims to believe his metaphysical notion of truth
>he relies on products from science to live
>he acts as if he believes in the rational materialism conception
>he doesn’t really believe whathe is selling
People can find whatever usefulness they can from him, but it is silly to pretend like he has anything close to a coherent world view.

>> No.10841354


Get what you can from his lectures and stop idolizing his "work". He's a mental midget that relies on a specific lexicon to convince half-baked societal rejects of their faults and how they can improve their worthless lives.

He appeals to the lowest common denominator, i.e. people who are captivated by the rat race and politics and living in a fantasy world.

>> No.10841452

>He appeals to the lowest common denominator, i.e. people who are captivated by the rat race and politics and living in a fantasy world.
unfortunately that's the only way to convince normalshits of anything. normies don't give a fuck about real intellectuals, they want something to appeal to their emotions and tell them what to think. I'm sure Peterson could level up his game, but he doesn't want to on purpose, in order to indoctrinate normies into his cult as opposed to other cults. His simplified rhetoric triggers me sometimes but I do think he's the lesser evil compared to neoliberals and pseudo-marxists

>> No.10841473

Yeah his Maps of meaning is pretty good. His never stuff is basically an appetizer for that.

>> No.10841497

don't ad homoname please. that is not correct arguing.

>> No.10841501

his goal is to divert and catch redpilled altrights. he then transforms them into subservient and god-fearing conservatives.

>> No.10841508


>don't ad homoname


>> No.10841531

Look, the man is not an idiot. Maps of Meaning is good, especially if you're coming off of Jung. I just read Man and His Symbols not too long ago and immediately went to Maps of Meaning which, although grandiose and a bit too autobiographical for my tastes, was actually pretty well composed, worthy of praise even. 12 Rules for Life, I won't even read because self help is not my cup of tea but I believe the only reason people despise Peterson is not because they've actually read him but because he is gaining mainstream popularity and is right on the political spectrum. Maybe he hasn't read Foucault or Derrida, but that is not important. Read Maps before you critique him based off of your predilections for marxist critical theory, or need to go against the flow of the mainstream.

>> No.10841544

Holy shit I should sleep
Also this. 12 rules is meant for r9k incels. No wonder both pol and leftypol go apeshit about him.

>> No.10841548

> 12 rules is meant for r9k incels. No wonder both pol and leftypol go apeshit about him.

>> No.10841554

um no sweetie, we hate him because he is a crypto-nazi spreading hate under the guise of "psychology" and "muh freeze peach"

he gives bigots a pseudoscientific justification for their bigotry

>> No.10841559

He literally tells bigots to sort themselves out and stop blaming and hating other people. Nice bait tho.

>> No.10841572

are you one of those ドSーじぇい-だびりゅうs I've been hearing so much about?

>> No.10841579

the nazis are in constant flamewars with his followers because he refuses to talk about race differences or jews and calls white nationalists insane and whatnot

>> No.10841590

And it's fucking hilarious to be honest

>> No.10841601
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>um no sweetie
>he is a crypto-nazi
>"muh freeze peach" is a justification for their bigotry so it needs to be stopped
I rate it 7/10

>> No.10841609
