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10836938 No.10836938 [Reply] [Original]

Are there books about depersonalisation?

>> No.10836945

David Foster Wallace

>> No.10837390


>> No.10837397

Also interested

I've heard nausea by Sartre has some scenes in it

Also my diary

>> No.10837454

No Longer Human

>> No.10837525

Lol no. Did you even read the book or did you think since it has a similar title it'd be about that?

Not really


>> No.10837535

I had this for a long damn time when I was a kid and wanted to kill myself and only found out about this being a thing like maybe 2 years ago

>> No.10837600

What was No Longer Human about to you?

>> No.10837615

not op but if i recall well protag still had his individuality he was alienated simply because he was a man too different from people since the very beginning who grew up to be a druggie

>> No.10837635

Yeah. I've had phases of depersonalization/ derealization and several scenes in Nausea felt like spot on descriptions of the condition.

I cried at the end, btw-

>> No.10837640

>Not really
Why pretend to know something when you don't? Hal literally has every symptom of depersonalization.

>> No.10837662

precise which book then

>> No.10837667

A depressed person. Depersonalization doesn't mean dehumanization (although I can see where one might make the mistake of conflating the two), it's a psychological term for a state in which a person feels extremely unreal, detached from everything and themselves, almost as if they're in a movie or video game or something and just watching their body go through the motions. Closely related to derealization or dissociation. It may or may not occur with depression -- for some people, it just might be frightening and anxiety inducing. It can happen on a dissociative or psychedelic drug, in response to a very traumatizing and stressful situation, or just randomly if you're unlucky. And, on the other hand, depression can and does occur without depersonalization.

>> No.10837715

If you speak German - I had to write a paper about it in high school and my psychology teacher said it was the best thing he's ever read by one of his students

>> No.10837722

I've also had this when I was a child, I think in early elementary school especially. Is this common for children?

>> No.10837730

Italian poet Camillo Sbarbaro has some poems about it.

>> No.10837732

Not really, he's just anhedonic, cold, somewhat bored with everything and slightly sarcastic. I'm pretty sure DFW expressly uses anhedonic to describe him. Depersonalization is a bit more intense than being bored and jaded with life and repressing deep emotions, see >>10837667. Also if you're talking about the beginning scene, Hal is anything but derealized/depersonalized. He's in fact utterly sincere and hyper-present in the moment, despite having difficult controlling his facial expressions and ways of communicating IMO

>> No.10837752

I'm not OP but I'm German and interested.

>> No.10837807

Give me your discord tag or email and I'll send it to you later after I've edited my name out of everything
Got me 15 Punkte but still it's high school so don't expect too much

>> No.10837820

I don't know. Doing some counting, I couldn't have had it for longer than 5 years, but it could also be much shorter than 5 years. Funny thing, the most vivid memory of me pondering on my experience with it was when I was standing outside the library in my town. I remember thinking about how it felt like I was tired and trapped behind my eyes, no matter what I could do or how well I slept it was always as if there was something between the world and my mind, it didn't really feel real. My eyes weren't my own and it felt like there was some layer obfuscating the world between my eyes and my mind.

I was bullied and got a little chubby and felt worse and got more bullied, so I wasn't mentally well. I think it rose out of that stuff, if I had been in a better place it wouldn't have happened to me.

>> No.10837925

Discord: steurun

>> No.10837954

I need the #numbers too can't add you otherwise

>> No.10837969



>> No.10837985

What retards call ego.death or depersonalization.
Is Ego maximized, it's self-awareness magnified to an extreme.

>> No.10837992

basically, and the scary part is that most people go through life without ever being aware of anything. they are basically just reactive to their environment, they never think any original thoughts.

>> No.10837996

Ah, woopsie. I'm new to discord. steurun#5978

>> No.10838005

Hab dich geaddet

>> No.10838006


i feel like this all the time desu desu i think it's pretty comfy

>> No.10838042

Boredom by Alberto Moravia

>> No.10838060

the man who sleeps from georges perec

>> No.10838143

Yeah, this is actually a state I seek, interestingly enough. Buddhists, Hindus, Sufis, and Gurdjieff people would call it an ascended state if one could employ it properly. The state of detachment, of realizing that what you call your body, emotions, and thoughts aren't really "you" or You. Another common belief/perception depersonalized/derealized people have is that everyone around them is an actor wearing a mask in a sense, another insight common to these religions/mystical systems.

Used to suffer from depersonalization/ derealization when younger, associated it with anxiety, panic, feeling abnormal. Now I seek it through meditative practices.

>> No.10838187

i watched the movie how much better is the book? ive never read perec

>> No.10838236

me too pls


>> No.10838256


>> No.10838304

>got a little chubby
This was the death of me. It was my fault too, I knew that having a little more to eat was bad and that eating while watching tv is wrong, but I didn't care and the other kids tortured me for it when I got to middle school and couldn't garner respect.

>> No.10838397

No /r/iamverysmart guy in this thread to claim mental illnesses don't exist?

>> No.10838420

There just a means to cage people we don't like

>> No.10838450

Meme disorder for those whose parents didn't pay enough attention to them as children

>> No.10838471

>referencing /r/iamverysmart or /r/badphilosophy outside of the liberal humanist echo chamber
you should jump into a vat of acid anon

>> No.10838602

Are there any books that deal with schiziod withdraw into fantasy? Where one relates to themselves and the world around them in a completely withdrawed and imagined way?
Similar to depersonalization and maybe even a special kind. I know it co occurs. I realized that I was doing this one day while scolding myself in the first person, then I realized that o was living my life in a way that didn't exist through a complex fantasies that allowed me to have some control over my problems. I realized exactly how bad it was about a month later after a brief, drug induced dissolution of my ego boundaries. That wasn't new but it really helped me become aware of my relationship to myself. Nothing has changed about the withdraw but I am self aware so I have my identity is now congruent with my actual life and I don't have that fucked up schiziod narcissism anymore. Still I am a wreck.
Any books that deal with something like this?

>> No.10838797

I had it when I was a kid too. Not pleasant but not unpleasant. Talking was extremely disconcerting when it happened. I genuinely didn't know what was going to come out of my mouth until I said it.

>> No.10839639

This guy gets it.

Also vaccines give kids autism, ADHD is just awful parenting and traditional medication is Jewish poison designed to inject soy directly into us.

Only by faith in our lord can we strive to become the Aryan Warrior Ideal. Also global """"warming"""" is a meme.

>> No.10840060

>look it up
>tfw i realize i go through that shit all the time
Its like these strange periods of consiousness where I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing or why I'm doing it. Everything I do just doesn't feel like something I'd do. Hours become minutes and days become hours.

>> No.10840131

I had depersonalization from side effects of a medication. It's very strange. It's almost like your consciousness gets so loud and heavy that it drains out external reality. That's what makes everything outside of your mind feel fake. Emotions, touch, hormones, etc. fake. Everything "outside" of consciousness feels fake.

>> No.10840147

Beckett's Trilogy, Watt as well. But with a more darkly comical bent to it.

A lot of artists/writers had schizoid inclined personalities honestly. Maybe not so extremely severe, but it seemed to add to their willingness to be outside the boundaries. Emily Dickinson is eerily and beautifully cloistered, detached from reality, imaginative and schizoid in her writings.

>> No.10840577

>strg+f "kafka"
>no results

literally everything kafka's ever written deals with alienation, depersonalization in the face of bureaucracy etc.
start with short stories, read the novels after, then go back to the short stories to realize how much superior they are.

>> No.10841264


>> No.10841283


>> No.10841961

I think we're talking about the pathological change in perception like in the case of Depersonalization Disorder not in a figurative sense

Everything is fake is how i felt too

This is accurate too. I would sometimes be afraid that I forgot how to speak

>> No.10841994
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PKD is a goldmine; he was the manifestation of depersonalization.
The short story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale is a good start.

>> No.10842177

that was fucking horrible

>> No.10842279

It's actually """""""""global""""""""" warming, dipshit. Or do you think the earth is round?

>> No.10842383


>> No.10842445

yeah especially in the scenes where everything is turned to slime.

Native Son - RIchard Wright
and a lot of other black literature from the second half of the 20th century deals with depersonalization in really precise and poignant psychological terms that aren't always couched in race

other than that, tons of war lit - like anything by tim o'brien will have scenes of completely falling apart.

>> No.10843196

That's unironically all true though.

>> No.10843234

Depersonalization is the peak of duality. When your mind starts living in a non-dual reality, the issue will dissolve itself

>> No.10843282

Star maker by Olaf Stapledon.
The last man by Maurice Blanchot.
The dice man by Luke Rhinehart

The last one being the worst of the three in my opinion.

>> No.10843290

I didn't know what depersonalisation meant. The Last Man still stands. Nonetheless the rest are great books. Just read them.

>> No.10843648

as i stare into the flame i realize how fragile human life is, it burns so brightly until it is suddenly extinguished by the weight of its own smoke up my ass!

>> No.10844056

For real, Infinite Jest