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10836344 No.10836344 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most you've read in a single sitting before giving into sleep deprivation or boredom?

>> No.10836491

does 4chan count?

>> No.10836527

In my freshman year when I thought I was a genius and didn't need to manage time I would read a whole book in a night. They were history books too, which is impossible in retrospect for several reasons.

>> No.10836629

When I was in middle school, I read the first Harry Potter book in one sitting. before that I hadnt read an entire book at once.

>> No.10836740

What does a sitting constitute? I read the last three hundred or so pages of Gravity's Rainbow in one day, but I was getting up periodically to make coffee and use the bathroom

>> No.10836768

like 250 pages of Harry Potter when I was a kid

my head hurt

>> No.10836772

I can read a book in a single sitting, in fact I do it quite often ; for university, I have to read up to five books a week for a single class. I can read two or more of them in a single sitting, sometimes. I read exceedingly fast. Mainly because I dont subvocalize.

>> No.10836775

Those books are literally written for eight year olds. 1000 Harry Potter pages is equivalent to about 30 pages of Kant

>> No.10836796

>anon, that's so hot
>you're so good at reading words in books
>fuck me, anon

>> No.10836819

I read the entirety of Animal farm on a plane ride once.

>> No.10836832

> ~100 pages

I read like 250 pages of Infinite Jest on a car ride

>> No.10836833

Short books like catcher in the rye and how to win friends I can read in one 4 hour sitting. But that’s because those books are garbage and written for children.

>> No.10836843

Well don't you feel so special. Did that help you ego little guy?

>> No.10836844

Can you subvocalise?

>> No.10836852

Why do you think catcher in the rye's shit?

>> No.10836862

I marathoned the entirely of the third asoiaf book in a single sitting.

>> No.10836962

For the book to properly let the reader into the mind of the character it had to use repetitive slang, and while it was interesting conceptually, the experience of reading it was not enjoyable. It was a drag to continue hearing about how “he chewed the goddam fat, it really was.”

>> No.10837137
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*tips fedora*

>> No.10837152

Fair enough and not really tips fedora worthy

>> No.10837261

Read the entirety of Blood Meridian in one day (breaks for food, shits, etc.). Started in the morning and didn't finish until about 11pm that night. It was pretty great desu.

>> No.10837281

I was going to read Moby Dick aloud to hype up the literature club I was the president of back in Uni.

I stood out on the green reading it for four hours until I eventually lost my voice when a friend had to leave and couldn't bring me water. Nobody really hung around for more than a minute or two and a bunch of people shouted at me, so it ended up being a bust anyway.

Still, it's the most aware I've been of the duration of reading something.

>> No.10837288

What made you think that would be a good idea

>> No.10837304

Chris Hardwick did it on @Midnight

>> No.10837309

Typically read around 50-100 pages a day. After about 150 I start to get worn out. Most I've ever done is prob around 200 but I've never really tried to max out or anything. I think after around 150 my reading comprehension prob begins to suffer.

>> No.10837338

a bit under 600 pages in a day when the 4th harry potter hit the shelves... although the reason wasnt sleep deprivation or boredom, i would've finished it but my folks pulled off the circuit breaker because i kept putting lights back on.

Other than that if a book is genuinely shit i just ditch it. And even school assignment books usually were half decent. Only books i've ever given up with because of boredom have been literal school books.

>> No.10837350
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Once read King's On Writing when I was about 14 in a single, that's all I can remember.

>> No.10837372
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Read this in a single day in the middle of nowhere. You could say it was a magical realism experience.

>> No.10837387

Bad bait

>> No.10837422

If the purpose of "bait" is to "bait out responses" why would you give a bait post any kind of response whatsoever.

>> No.10837437

>Real Iceland

>> No.10837539

>he makes a valid statement
>the pseuds of /lit/ mock him and defend YA
not surprising. disturbing, but not surprising.

>> No.10837544

glad im not retarded

I read 400 pages of Bros K like two months ago.

>> No.10837695

You sound incredibly annoying

>> No.10838063

Probably like 20 hours

>> No.10838134

When i first learned to read, i read arabian nights in the backseat while we were driving to Spain, from Copenhagen. So id say 10 hours. These days i can do two hours at Most.

>> No.10838180

Probably this, literally used to read them all day when I first started reading them

>> No.10838583

like, 5 pages desu

i read while lurking and shitposting

>> No.10838590

the count of monte cristo, 7 hours

ass hurt from sitting down so I went for a jog

>> No.10838599

Kant is a terrible writer though.

>> No.10838650

I once pulled an all-nighter on a school day/night reading because I was so hooked on this one book. I miss those times.

>> No.10838660

Read a better book

>> No.10838673

Most dont you retard
>i gave in to the bait

>> No.10838676

i read all kinds of books and they all bore me, even if i really love them

>> No.10838677

The entirety of Invisible Cities

>> No.10838689

>uncivilised language

>> No.10838702

~10 hours. ~500 pages. David Wong writes page turners. What can i say?

>> No.10838746

Once when I was really depressed I just laid in bed and read Crime and Punishment all day. That was probably about 250 pages

>> No.10839142

I loathe YA, especially HP, but that baiter and yourself are the pseuds.
Go back and read >>10836344 again, it makes no mention of the merit or density of the pages.

learn to read.

*sheathes katana*

>> No.10839150

Abridged or Unabridged?

>> No.10839199

Most philosophers are.

"Though philosophers have written the deeper poetry, traditionally philosophy has drawn to it the inartistic and the inarticulate, those of too mechanical a mind to move theirs smoothly, those too serious to see, and too fanatical to feel."
-Billy Brapps, Fiction and the figures of life.

>> No.10839241
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Read this in one sitting when I was a sophomore or junior in high school. Also read 700~ pages of the 4th asoiaf in one sitting when I was sitting in a turkey blind all day once a few years ago.

>> No.10840571

i read catcher in the rye and siddhartha in one sitting, not sure which one is longer. siddhartha was an interesting experience to say the least

>> No.10840606

When I was in jail, I read 200 pages of The Three Musketeers in an evening. Had to force myself to stop reading it because I wanted to kill more time the next day and be up for morning chow. M'lady is like the prototypical yandere archetype, and the conspiracies, dueling, and tragedy makes it one of the best historical fictions for any reader.

>> No.10840761

how many books did you burn through while in jail? Hows the selection?

>> No.10841539

Wondering the same thing. I'm probably going to jail one day and as long as I can read I may as well not try to avoid it.

>> No.10841553

Hey, A jail buddy. I went to jail too, read Count Of Monte Cristo, AND three musketeers, and the divine comedy, and beowulf, and don quixote, and Anna Karenina, and Portrait of an Artist, and Dubliners, and the Odyssey, and Dostoevsky's house of the dead, and his notes, and Paradise Lost, and a lot of genre fiction, over the time i've been in this or that jail.

>> No.10841561

best thing is to convince people to bring books in for you, typically it's just bullshit, otherwise, lots of gore and rape fantasy genre fiction that is quite strange to see prisoners allowed to read.

>> No.10842329

One time I had to ride a bus for 13 hours. See, when I was a dipshit tween, I broke my tailbone, as I'm so wont to do, I never went to a doctor. Now, sitting down for longer than an hour causes horrific ass pain that I cannot alleviate. More than that, I have ADHD, so, as you can imagine, this bus ride was an actual nightmare for myself and anyone seated around me.

Luckily, I had just downloaded a bunch of books off of libgen in preparation and I had the Imajica on me. I read probably... 12 hours? I read half of it, so about 600 pages, give or take.

I was 14 or 15 when the fifth harry potter book came out too, and I read it in 2 days, foregoing food and sleep to finish it.

I regularly read 8 hours a day anyway becAUSE I'M A FUCKING NEET.

>> No.10842338

I read 240-something pages from Will Durant's The Life of Greece in one setting. It took six hours, I think.

>> No.10842342


>> No.10842362

yesterday I read 400+ pages of a voltron:LD fanfic in one sitting, and then screamed: "WHAT? NO! NO, THAT CAN'T BE THE END! YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK!?" so, you know, if the author hadn't FUCKED ME then I would have read 200 pages more.

>> No.10842371

that it took you longer than 8 hours to read any of the HP books and that you only read 600 pages in 14 hours is fucking pathetic pseud

>> No.10842375

ive noticed this board is flooded with redditors and hs students in the earier hours of the day. why is this?

>> No.10842377

I was 14, leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.10842407

Also, you know what, point of order, I can read a 400 page book a day, how fast do you want me to read, exactly?

>> No.10842408

i know the you's are probably mocking this but it's 100% correct. I can burn through an entire 300pg light fiction or garbage journalistic nonfiction book in maybe 4-5 hours without missing anything while it took me months to get through the critique of pure reason and didn't really understand it until after I had read it twice and gone through some secondary sources. Nietzsche is like that too, I still find new meaning to his work when I reread an aphorism here or there. Good writing is the kind that will evolve and grow alongside you, stuff that you can see a new dimension in with each rereading. There's none of that in YA literature.

>> No.10842419

when i was 13 i read a 700 page book in 7.5 hours faggot. if id read for 6 more hours i could have eclipsed 1200 pages easily, double what you accomplished.
more than 400 if you’re reading 8 hours a day, daily. though you probably don’t get anything at all out of your readings

>> No.10842421

yeah, I still don't give a shit.
good job being condescending on fucking 4chan, tho.

>> No.10842438

I read the last two parts of C&P in one day, it took me the whole night: probably 7 hours or something

>> No.10842448

8-9 hours on the beach. With only breaks for snacks and drinks

>> No.10842530

What's the most you've read in a single sitting before giving into sleep deprivation or boredom?


>> No.10842563

on a 6 hour car ride I read all of Siddhartha and The metamorphosis

>> No.10842657

lucky. I can't read in cars.

>> No.10842897


>> No.10842922

Read The Two Towers in 8 hours

>> No.10842934

Willy Wind

>> No.10843254
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real iceland

>> No.10844243

~13 hours if sleep and boredom are all that count as interruptions but if bathroom breaks and meals count as well then probably 4 hours or so.

>> No.10844249

is the implication that the Arabs all go to the British Isles and the Jews just take over the now empty Levant after nuking the Palestinians?

>> No.10844270

like 240 pages

>> No.10844278

Not quite a single sitting but I did read A Canticle for Liebowitz in a single day while riding a bus

>> No.10844507

jesus that was funny thank you

>> No.10844526

You are a complete idiot.