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/lit/ - Literature

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10833683 No.10833683 [Reply] [Original]

>supposedly he reads 1000 pages per hour
How is this even possible?

>> No.10833687

the science isn't in yet.

>> No.10833688

He eats the pages and absorbs their knowledge.

>> No.10833691

One page at a time.

>> No.10833692


>> No.10833696

how can you possibly eat ~17 pages a minute?

>> No.10833697

He only reads the pagenumbers.

>> No.10833699

Best comment.

>> No.10833702

190 iq

>> No.10833709

Its because he has already read every book at least once so he basically just flips the pages and knows the contents

>> No.10833738

jew magic

>> No.10833770

They're powdered first.

>> No.10833774

The only Jew magic that I can do is I can psychoanalyze people without trying and I can tell when my time is being wasted. I am not particularly good at counting compared to most smart whites and i'm not good at convincing people of things unless they're dumb

>> No.10833777

he has special eyes

>> No.10833778

I guarantee you he doesnt

>> No.10833793

i swear if i could read that fast, i still wouldnt read jack shit man

>> No.10833795

He's admitted to just Wikipediaing some of the novels he writes about.

>> No.10833798

you havent read enough shakespeare to unlock talmudic speed reading yet.

>> No.10833804

who hasnt?

>> No.10833808

But how long does it take him to read a wikipedia page

>> No.10833837

makes sense

>> No.10833841

Harold Bloom is the Skip Bayless of literature. No one takes him seriously.

>> No.10833854


>> No.10833873

>1000 pages in 3600 second
>flipping the page every 7.2 seconds at a consistent speed for one hour
He's literally too fat to do it with those fat fucking fingers.

>> No.10833876

Audiobooks. Just increase the speed

>> No.10833906

That's why he was so fat in his prime

>> No.10833943


>> No.10834011

photographic memory

>> No.10834015

doesnt exist

and no one can read at that speed and take in everything

>> No.10834019

how do you know?

>> No.10834023

>doesnt exist
Ofc it does... don't be ridiculous. As for that speed, I tend to agree. Bloom argued that it was a matter of flipping back ; not memorizing everything but all the info being available.

>> No.10834033

know what?
give me one example of someone with a legitimate photographic memory

scientists have even done studies trying to test tonnes of people who claim to have it and they all fail

>> No.10834037

photographic memory is a Hollywood invention

>> No.10834111

Even if he could why would he brag about this? Makes him sound like he doesn't care about the nuances of anything and just barrels through it all getting the gist of everything rather than taking the time to comprehend.

>> No.10834116

>rather than taking the time to comprehend.
Most books aren’t worth that time. He wasn’t reading Dante at 1000 pages/hour.

>> No.10834126

when i was younger, without any weed ruining my brain, i had what approximated a photographic memory. i could remember long lines of digits, credit card numbers, many different id numbers from attendance sheets, long lines and even small paragraphs from textbooks after looking them over only once. this got worse as i used it less and neglected my intellectual development to socialize, was a weird sperg and felt guilty, but i think someone who was a full SD above me could definitely have something like a photo memory. I’ve met people who could quote long lines from aristotle’s metaphysics and the bible without really thinking very hard with no errors. My adviser to get into college was capable of this and friends ive had could remember whole sequences from casino and the godfather word-for-word (and they were dumber than me by any measure) so its conceivable if implausible and likely not to the extent of some narcissist who claims to be able to glance at pages and then repeat them back errorless.

>> No.10834128

Probably why he didn't know to capitalize the "Kid" in his Blood Meridian introduction. A book he has supposedly read over thirty times.

>> No.10834136

My brand!

>> No.10834155
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Soon to be 0.

>> No.10834198

He is a jew, therefore superior to all of us filthy goyim.

>> No.10834236

Keep in mind that Middle Easterners (and especially Jews) tend to be boastful liars

>> No.10834284

anyone can quote something if they read it enough times

how do you think actors do it

>> No.10834330

You couldn't even flip 1000 pages one at a time in an hour. It's not even remotely believable

>> No.10834342

According to William Gay, Cormac McCarthy could recite the better parts of entire short stories from memory.

>> No.10834351

This fucker spoiler Blood Meridian for me in the foreword, Fuck this nigga.

>> No.10834371


>> No.10834397

I read the wiki page for Skip Bayless after seeing your comment and now I just feel vicarious pity and self loathing. I can't imagine living life in that strange twilight zone between being an average joe and a celebrity. I imagine him and other sports fags/z-list celebs have massive identity issues and delusions of grandeur.

>> No.10834418

SKEEEEEEEEEP is the fucking man you plebs

>> No.10834446

I feel like bloom tried to time his reading speed but fucked up some math and ended up with a stupid answer.

>> No.10834475

probably because he read them a fuckload of times

>> No.10834498

>falling for the science meme
You're not going to make it.

>> No.10834520
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>scientists have even done studies

>> No.10834526


>claim that people have photographic memory
>refuted by science
>respond with memes

Give me one example...

Someone reading a passage of poetry doesn't mean anything,

>> No.10834562

>Give me one example
harold bloom

>> No.10834568

the guy who claims he can read 1000 pages an hour

yeah ok buddy

>> No.10834582

iirc it exists to some extent, but it's actually a cognitive impairment in that it's an incredible waste of brain processing power to store all of that info in accessible memory. They have so much material available but very little ability to understand or use it.

>> No.10834586

but why isn't this in the copypasta thread

>> No.10834600

>when i was younger, without any weed ruining my brain
Yeah dude I also think I wouldn't be aworthless piece of fucking shit if I hadn't smoke that shit and snorted that filthy garbage damn at least I know I'm not the only one coping this way

>> No.10834601

You are a retard, my friend.

>> No.10834614

im trying to lend creedence to the idea that if avg iq normalfags can memorize whole scenes without being trained to do so, then its possible for high iq spergs to do it with whole pages.
When did i cope? I said my memory has degraded since i started smoking weed, i used to be able to remember the entire plot of books, multiple id’s and credit card numbers just from looking at them, i didn’t have to hold paper out while i filled in info i could just do it from memory which was helpful in math and gaming. fuck off you fucking projecting crustacean

>> No.10834615

oh yeah? show me your source
says the guy who thinks someone lying about reading 1000 pages an hour is proof of photographic memory

>> No.10834616

>reading any kind of foreword not written by the author himself

you did set yourself for failure right there anon

>> No.10834619

photographic memory has nothing to do with reading comprehension
there have been autistic savants who could memorize a 300 page book but couldn't say what the themes of it were. they have no conception of higher order comprehension

>> No.10834629

an average person can memorise something long if they read it enough

its called muscle memory - they inherit cues to continue talking about something memorised

photographic memory is the falsity where if someone reads a page they have instantly memorised it in complete detail forever - bullshit and scientifically disproven

>> No.10834633

>show me your source
kys redditor

>> No.10834642

just fuck off you stupid cunt

unsubstantiated claims are your own fault

>> No.10834661

pedantic fucking nigger, bust your hand in a car door for me. everything you said is retarded and redundant. it is probably possible, i know the difference between the two, no fucking shit you can memorize pages if you try hard, that wasn’t what i was claiming i could do. i hate literati so much, such awful sticky little shits

>> No.10834675

>no proof just insults


>> No.10834683

i gave you a plausible explanation for it

if you can’t accept that it could be possible you’ve no imagination

>> No.10834688

>if the empiricist priests say it's true than I'll believe it
I'm too lazy to search google scholar rn, go ahead though if you want instead of whining about it. How fucking hard is it to imagine that memory is a spectrum and that some people could have something approaching what is thought of as photographic memory?

>> No.10834693

it's not plausible at all it's pure speculation and fantasy

keep watching good will hunting and a beautiful mind

>> No.10834697

because it's a hollywood invention not a scientific theory

>> No.10834724

hey b whats the sitch
i can't even imagine being this bitch
his heads like a ditch
just plain empty
but i'll put it gently
i got rhymes like browning
i shoot dimes like browning
so on my head you're crowning
while your girl is downing
my cock
but theres no one there
to compare
you have less bitches then wittsgen
you're just shit man
bitch come to me bout sources
no remorses
send positivists running like horses
pile up their corpses
i ain't scared of no one on /sci/
hang em high
while they cry
winning with just the cards i get dealt
while you're at the end of your belt
like dave wallace
knowing you have no polis
fuck em up tellin me to fuck off
you're like a moth
sucked in the light of enlightenment
but you'll never know cause your fightin men
wiith calculators and rulers
go back to school nerd
and learn there ain't no objective truth
just objective couth
and you ain't got it
so get out before you get gotten

>> No.10834732


>> No.10834746

>tfw the canon will die in our lifetime

>> No.10834902

You're an idiot if you think it exists. There's no evidence that points to a photographic memory, at all.

The only thing that allows people to remember better, is a connection. It's the same bullshit that moon walking with einstein goes over. If you can create a system of connections, you can create short stories that give details of a past event.

Please stop acting like a psued. Please, just stop.

>> No.10834913
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>> No.10834963


>> No.10835054


>> No.10835076



>> No.10835094
File: 607 KB, 1000x731, Tomoyo after bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has the read a page every 3.6 seconds for the math to work out

>> No.10835100

>taking longer than 1.5 hours to finish Infinite Jest

>> No.10835164
File: 802 KB, 674x931, A34CA9B6-2B71-4F8F-9E7C-D741A9F96AB4-11533-000011364FD5D790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how much more he could read in a concentration camp.

>> No.10835170

Show how you came to that conclusion.

>> No.10835195

t. math brainlet

>> No.10835256

>Can't show working
>doesn't get a mark on the math test

>> No.10835471

Nice image

>> No.10835974

1hr = 60min * 60 s/min = 3600s
3600s/1000 pages = 3.6s per page

Reading speed for most educated people falls between 200-500 words per minute while retaining comprehension. Some visual readers can hit 800 wpm, but with a significant cost to comprehension. The average page contains 250-300 words. That would work out 20s per page for the fastest visual readers, more than 40s for readers retaining high comprehension. Bloom is bullshiting by an order magnitude.

>> No.10836292

Why did he lie about this? Lmao

>> No.10836320

>Professor Bloom's singularly capacious mind and reading habits—he once responded to the "myth" that he could read 1,000 pages an hour by explaining he could read only 400—mean that he actually does know enough about all the writers, books, and literary categories on which he's edited essays to make this spectacle magnificent rather than tawdry. That is, he knows as much as we're entitled to expect a scholar to know when his or her name appears on such a collection.

>> No.10837326
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anon i

>> No.10837431

Who is that? A Japanese general?

>> No.10837939

Finnish, actually

>> No.10839267

Then why are you here polluting our sacred board with your illiterate filth?!?!!

>> No.10839275



>> No.10839308


>> No.10839321

Fun fact : Bloom is surprisingly well respecte (and frequently quoted) in the french reading world, believe it or not.

>> No.10839325

I have an IQ of 146. I can absorb the world as I see it.

>> No.10839651

Where do you want it, actually?

>> No.10839670

if only the world was a bunch of patterns

>> No.10839676

very carefully