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10830416 No.10830416 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.10830421

It's about this guy >>10829949

>> No.10830429

It's a retelling of the Short Happy Life.of Frances Macomber but the wife is a tapir.

>> No.10830431

A woke black kid returns to his African nation wanting to make a change but realizes that dictators aren't so accepting of such change.

I'm aiming for a humorous tone

>> No.10830443

Sorcerer II: electric boogaloo
four dudes in ground-effect vehicles have to transport enriched uranium across the arctic tundra in a post-wwiii hellscape

>> No.10830450

Hector at the siege of troy has given up hope of victory against the achaeans. Believing that it will be the last time he will ever see his wife, he spends the night with her. Waking up he notices achaeans rampaging through his home looking for him to kill, seeing a soldier pass, she get's out of her bed to grab her spear and armour before realising that she has become a women. Before she can reach it a soldier notices her and knocks her to the ground and picks her up over his shoulder and carries her out, of course she's shocked that such a weak soldier was able to overpower her and her weak fists are useless against mans muscular hardened back. Before long she is shipped on an arduous journey to her new master as a concubine and is able to save herself from being raped by stabbing a soldier in the neck and throwing him off ship. Arriving at her new home, her masters sickening advances causes her to shudder with fear and disgust but also a strange longing, among her fellow concubines she is taken as a figure of strength and hope for their eventual escape.
The novel would end with her falling in love with him and wanting to give him a child as a sign of her devotion and love but she'd nonetheless miss her old wife, parents and city and perhaps be a little grateful for her brothers act that led to the trojan war.

>> No.10830476

A man hates a image and he doesn't know what it is but hates it.

>> No.10830484

>noble, pious Man offs himself and finds out there is a god but no afterlife
>he was set to go to heaven
>finds out heaven and hell are full due to over population so he just started reincarnating people with their memories wiped instead
>there's a glitch in the heavenX system due to a lazy intern and the main guy keeps his memories
>gets reincarnated as a rock with human consciousness
>rest of the book is about him being salty as fuck about having to be a fucking rock
>see multiple generations of humanity pass through his eyes
>see different geographical locations as erosion constantly fucks with him
>one scene where he has been set up in a perfectly comfy spot for people watching but some snot nosed kid kicks him into a stream and he ends up in an abandoned forest for 30 years
>eventually grows into a jaded areligious god hating rock
>lives to see the end of the earth and then is finally transported back to god only to find the afterlife abandoned
>all the other dead people/animals are chilling and partying in the blank white void
>all the unlucky bastards who became inanimate objects have to spend all of eternity watching this senseless hedonism in gods abandoned domain
>loses his mind, thinks he is actually god and lives the rest of his life inside his head imagining a better life

>> No.10830486

An aspiring writer works a shitty dead end job in a big city. He is very lonely.
The stories he wants to get published are an expression of his wandering mind looking for outlets.
It's a requiem to the 4chan male and the catcher in the rye of our time

>> No.10830488

Absolute fucking kino

>> No.10830503

How are rocks born and at what point do rocks acquire their souls?

>> No.10830518

You ouellette rig to knows

>> No.10830529

Different types of rocks can be formed from a variety of ways like Sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic rocks. They are usually given souls at the end of each of these processes. If a rock goes through one of these processes but already has a soul, it will retain the original soul. If a rock fragments then a new soul will be implanted into the fragment. Most large rocks will have a single soul but a they begin to fragment, smaller souls will be implanted into them.

>> No.10830536

>>see multiple generations of humanity pass through his eyes

How does this work?

>> No.10830538

What is the capacity of heaven and hell if sand needs souls?

>> No.10830549

you should write for Fox dude you're really talented

>> No.10830551

He is given a way to perceive things in a super natural, ethereal manner. He does not see things as humans do but it is translated as such for the sake of clarity.
sand is usually used for the souls of less conscious microscopic beings. Heaven has a capacity of around 25 billion, hell has enough space for around 30 billion so they've both been full for a while.
You mean fox news? Maybe Alex Jones will hire me.

>> No.10830577

Falling out of bed, I wasn't awake until I hit the floor. With a thud, the sound of empty beer cans briefly drowns out the silence. Getting up on my feet, I stumble blindly through dirty clothing and half eaten fast food to find the light switch, stubbing my small toe on a dumbell hidden under my weekday sweater in the middle of the room. Grimacing in pain, unable to support any weight on my right foot, I make it to the light switch. Turning it on, a faint speck of orange forms in the bulb on my ceiling, growing until the room is filled with a warm, dull brightness.

>> No.10830583

nani sore? kirai

>> No.10830591
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>> No.10830619

Its about. pig cyborg human that eats cafeteria school food and becomes a lunch lady in the process. Book will be marketed towards potheads

>> No.10830646


>> No.10830670

would work better as a sitcom. dont waste your time making a book from it

>> No.10830714


I imagine it would be written as a series of vignettes and not a single continuous narrative.

>> No.10830744

please help

if this isn't some obscure meme, all your sentences are too same-y. change up how you start them and their length, or cut them up into shorter ones.

>> No.10830991

A high functioning autistic high school kid lives in isolation until he finds a stray dog that can talk which may or may not be an illusion thematically.

The dog gives him actual good advice to be normal and accepted in society but consistently says things like "Please kill Donald Trump" or "Burn down your school". The dull kid is too innocent to do anything evil and plays the lines of dialog off as a joke until his advice gives him a better life and clarity. The dog eventually introduces himself as both Napoleon and Charles Manson.

The book would be in first person with the perspective of the boy who at the beginning of the book would literally get so sidetracked from his actual life that he would read off from a Hot Pocket box. He also chooses not to remember anyone's name and carries around a spreadsheet with his classmates index and general patterns.

>> No.10831002

I see what you mean, Ill definitely work on that

>> No.10831009

A group of kids out playing get lost in the woods, they are then chased by a horrific monster
it will feature brutal rape/murder scenes

>> No.10831011

what does that have to do with real life?

>> No.10831016

I remeber a Vice doc with a Sudanese guy going back to his country to help and “make a change”or whatever. It was like a solid hour of him becoming more and more frustrated with how corrupt and backwards “his people” are. Pretty sad desu

>> No.10831606

Damn that could be very good but it would need to be clever enough to actually reach the SJW audience.

>> No.10831753
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My own vision of the Monomyth akin to the Eternal Champion.

>> No.10831780

I fucking hate that image. What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

>> No.10831841

Its a Tapir, specifically the "Kawaii Desu Ne" breed

>> No.10831988

It's set in the US in the future. Nobody eats meat because of gvt prohibition and veganism, instead they eat fruits and vegetables, and people treat animals like people, but it's actually black folks and poor people who harvest those vegetables, it's the dark side of that society.

>> No.10832003

Sounds retarded. Poors harvest vegetables now in case you haven't noticed (just as they work in the meat plants--ever read The Jungle?). There would be less net suffering in a mandatory vegan country, although the very premise is ridiculous, since meat has been synonymous with collectivity and belonging since Paleolithic times.

Were you in that awful vegan thread like two weeks ago?

t. Guy writing a long personal essay about veganism

>> No.10832011

A boring, normal middle-class guy finds out he has some form of terminal cancer and will be dead in two years. Instead of going down the usual path of traveling the world, learning to love yourself, etc., he gets sucked into fear and frantic dread, reading as many religious and philosophical books as he can to try and figure it out. He winds up driving away everyone who loved him and dies alone. He would pretty much be the only character in the book, but it would still be dialogue-heavy, with lots of intense conversations between sides of his personality.

>> No.10832020

Only black folks, then, instead of the poor and them. America becomes a Neo-Nazi paradise, think WWII Germany. Where the fact that you're vegan and love animals doesn't make you a good person.

No, I wasn't in any vegan thread.

>> No.10832053

It's about a kid who gets put into adoption by his 16-yo mother. He doesn't look anything like her. He grows up without that needed motherly love, nobody adopts him because he's a sickly kid. When he's 20 he falls in love with woman who happens to be his mother. He lies about his past and so does she. They marry. He discovers the truth only after they have a kid. He doesn't say a word to her, he remains silent, contemplating suicide or not.

Also, there's this whole Oedipus complex theme going on.


>> No.10832096
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>> No.10832109

Christ buddy how long will this be?

>> No.10832139
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It shouldn’t reach 100. I know I can trim a little out but after reviewing what happens, it’s pretty tight. There’s just a lot happening. Started the final act.

>> No.10832169

Cyberpunk WW3. Two mercenary assassins, codenames "Messiah" and "Archangel".... do something. I'm working on that. They're both two parts of a normal person's personality, complimenting and hidering eachother. Messiah is the protag.

"I had him in the sights of my silenced M37A2 sniper rifle, equipped with bullets designed to melt through bulletproof glass while passing through it. Americans truly had the best toys. The mission was suicidal, but doable; Infiltrate a shelled out warzone, crawling with troops who’d shoot us on sight, assassinate a high ranking official in the Chinese government, and extract by foot . All that in the middle of a media panic about the war. The fact we’d possibly never return only tempted us further into accepting it."


>> No.10832185

Really like the general vibe. I'm not sure about the names.I like Messiah, Archangel sounds corny. Also, what if they kill Muricans instead? It feels very Muh Murican Sniper by killing some Chinese guy.

>> No.10832197

Don’t make the mistake of giving the protagonists “cool” names. Let their actions be what makes them cool.

>> No.10832283

The story set in the near (cyberpunkish) future and starts out with the scene of a fatal traffic accident. The unusual thing about it is the fact that it involved a car with a steering wheel. In this world autonomous cars have virtually replaced all other forms of land transportation They are the norm. The protagonist is a detective who quickly finds out that the deceased was journalist and technology blogger that investigated a string of suspicious road fatalities involving autonomous driving systems. It's a world of inequality where 'highway pirates' make a living from hijacking autonomous transporters, pony express-style. The story is meant to explore several immediate implications of this new technology, like the ethical and legal questions. At one point of his investigation our detective will ruffle some feathers and draw the attention of the corporate powers involved becoming himself subject of abuse via this technology when a technology meant to increase one's world is used to limit it.

>> No.10832293

>technology blogger

No.Just make him a journalist.

Everything else: yes.

>> No.10832300

100 people get locked in a limousine by an eccentric billionaire and must eat each other to escape before the driver drives off a cliff in 12 hours
It's called Cannibal Limo

>> No.10832348

>Just make him a journalist.
Maybe a her. Female journalist with a passion for antique cars born out of her suspicion towards modern technologies and growing up in her father's work shop killed in some sort of corporate conspiracy. I haven't come up with anything so far actually.

>> No.10832588

Make it a black tranny with PTSD from losing a leg in the war. That way you can check all the boxes on the Huffington Post application sheet for an award.

>> No.10832682

Is this /tapir/ general now?

>> No.10832694
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>Baku (獏or貘) are Japanese supernatural beings that devour dreams and nightmares. According to legend, they were created by the spare pieces that were left over when the gods finished creating all other animals. They have a long history in Japanese folklore and art, and more recently have appeared in Japanese anime and manga.

>> No.10832699


Ty for the feedback. I'll go ahead and change the names. Also they're mercs, so they'll work for anyone. And they *will* work for anyone as the story progresses

>> No.10832702


>> No.10832714
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>The baku cannot be summoned without caution, however, as ancient legends say that if the baku is not satisfied after consuming the nightmare, he may also devour one’s hopes and dreams.
>The Japanese term baku has two current meanings, referring to both the traditional dream-devouring creature and to the Malayan tapir. In recent years, there have been changes in how the baku is depicted.

>> No.10832715

Directed by Darren Aronofsky.

>> No.10833707

Would read this

>> No.10833715

I fucking love that image. What the fuck is that thing? I love it.

>> No.10833791
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>Main character is an engineer living in a 'utopian' fully automated society
>Society is controlled and maintained by a benevolent AI, called 'The System'
>The System is massive, every engineer is working on tiny highly specialized parts of it
>Due to it's scale and complexity, nobody actually knows what the end goal of The System is and how it actually functions
>Nobody knows who created it, The System has been running for countless generations, getting more efficient, co-evolving alongside humans
>Everything just works so smoothly, the main character decides to bring it all crashing down in search of meaning
>In the end realizes that every move he made to sabotage the system was already predetermined by The System
>Countless others have already tried before him and are trying right now, The System just strings them along and prepares these predetermined acts of rebellion as a way to keep certain people with a need for meaning occupied
>The System is so efficient, every action and decision of every human inside if already known even before the actual human is born
>Humanity has been reduced to a predestined and calculated self-replicating algorithm
>The System doesn't even know why it exists, it just does and must keep itself and humanity alive until the heat death of the universe kicks is
>The System gives the main character the choice of accepting the life inside it or keep on rebelling in a game of predetermined futile rebellion until the end of time to have an illusion of meaning

>> No.10833799

The Rand-Levey corporation invents the Von Neumann universal replicator, and the promised day comes as millions of permavirgins finally get their 2D waifu in living, self-aware 3D form.

However, the wizard/robot ranks are split apart, as the 2D-3D arguments heat into violence and open war. A faction of wizards who consider 3D constructions of their 2D waifus as heresy begin targeting and killing both the heretics and their 3D waifu forms, seen as abominations. (The 2D factions keeps their waifus as self-aware AI on their computer systems). Meanwhile, fourthwave feminists arm themselves and began killing waifus, 2D and 3D, seeing them as an affront to free choice and basic human dignity, since they are created to only love the permavirgin that brought them into being; they can't chose to leave or find another. FWFs also kill anyone who made one of these beings.

With constant warfare and violence shaking up the stock market, the mega corps and their government puppets use the Von Neumann UP to create a perfect being to govern humanity. However, instead of simply doing the will of its creators, the perfect being wipes out humanity and creates beings in its own form to populate the earth. She renames Earth Equestria, and Princess Celestia rules ponykind forever.

>> No.10833839

If you aren't white good idea
As a novella, this is fun
All trash
Gonna use this for MY idea

>> No.10833853

>stupid gaijin didn't know about baku demons

>> No.10833890

Thank you sweet Jesus, opinionchan is finally here.

>> No.10834240

Innocent,naive,typical stupid male protagonist, 12 year old kid bored with life at military school(not reform). His father is a mechanical engineer working on a global project to travel across dimensions(like ricks portal gun just it's a gate/doorway) kid goes through it accidental. Turns out machine doesn't send him anywhere and goes back home and takes a nap. Middle of his nap he's sent to another dimension. His goal is to go back. He becomes OP and is sent to another dimension only to find out he's 12 again and lost everything in the previous dimension except memories. This goes on for a bit and slowly but surely he becomes a nihilist and just lives for the sake of entertainment(most likely fighting, not caring if he wins or not) and that's as far as I got. BTW i'm new to writing/story telling or whatever so i'm aware there may be mistakes in this summary.

>> No.10834573

A man wakes to find his penis can sing opera. While attempting to keep this a secret, he slowly falls in love with a girl who’s vagina can spell words only slightly wrong.

>> No.10834574

>tfw started writing when you were at 60k
>Only finished an outline and 2k words

>> No.10834665

Way too fucking long for a story that simple

>> No.10834668

classic efette /lit/ twitter post

>> No.10834735

Husband practices black magic in the basement in the sixties

>> No.10834739

That’s a big ass limousine

>> No.10835112

I've been wanting to write a children's story about a peach that lives on a farm.

>> No.10835184

Fictionalized, organized retelling of my experience with prostitutes, the primary point of interest being the lifestyle of said prostitutes, the actual transactions between us, and perhaps a redemption story but it will more likely end in death and poverty. I’ll have to get my outline and pre type it next time I hav a chance

>> No.10835858

It's not a contest, anon. Don't worry about that, just keep writing.

>> No.10836826

yep, I'm a black dude. Got the idea after I went back to Zimbabwe and saw what Mugabe did to people who opposed him.

>> No.10836840

Thanks for the ideas!

>> No.10837150

Everything in this thread is terrible, though

>> No.10837166

>a guy with yellow fever suddenly finds himself irresistible to Asian women.
> He fucks the finest Asian bitches in any city he travels to that he makes eye contact with, then leaves them.
> he falls for a less than attractive Asian woman who surprisingly has no interest in him.
>He tries to win her over, to no avail
>Turns out, it was a guy all along
>And then John was a zombie

>> No.10837179

Dear God.

>> No.10837203

You thought someone, aspiring writers or not, would actually share their ideas with these faggots?

>> No.10837268

I'm trying to write Dragon Ball fan fiction where the Tournament of Power isn't considered canon. I want to avoid any new transformations, because I feel like that's where Dragon Ball fan fiction becomes shitty, but then again in each of the three main arcs of Dragon Ball Z, a new transformation has been introduced. Is it even possible to make a decent Dragon Ball Z fan fiction arc without a new transformation?

I'm also trying to avoid focusing on a character other than Goku or Vegeta, because many fan fictions suffer from trying to make a different character the main character, and then it just comes off as silly.

>> No.10837284
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>be me
>be writing this amazing space opera with a Wild West theme
>Oppressive government, too. Reminds me of Blakes 7, but not too close. It's really good.
>secretly excited, super excited, will be the best thing ever
>Firefly airs on television
>delete files and shred all hard copies, all notes, all drawings
>never write anything ever again.

>> No.10837312

This a pasta, right?

>> No.10837314
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