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/lit/ - Literature

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10828354 No.10828354 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I'd studied to become a librarian.

I could be working in a university library right now earning decent money in a quiet, comfy job. It would have suited my temperament perfectly. Instead I work long hours in an open-plan office full of normies.

Hindsight is a helluva drug. I've fucked up big-time.

>> No.10828361

You still can.

>> No.10828374

I can't. I'm too old and exhausted. I have barely any energy left. I turn 27 this year and I have no experience of working in a library, so it's unlikely I'll even get accepted onto an MA.

I was just reading about the writer Per Petterson who studied to be a librarian at 20 because in his day you could.

>> No.10828385


>I'm too old and exhausted.
>I turn 27 this year

man what the fuck

>> No.10828395

you need to get /fit/ and eat well if you feel 40 at 27 you can already kill urself

>> No.10828403

I am a sensitive person. Yet I work in the kind of environment suitable for loud people who like to gossip for nine hours a day in a bright crowded overheated room.

Most people, probably over ninety percent, earn their library science degrees at the age of 22 / 23 or after a few years working in a library and wanting to progress. It's rare for newcomers to join in their late twenties.

>> No.10828443

You totally still can, dude. Don't just roll over and die like a pussy. Go back to school at a community college or get a part time job at a library. Don't give up on being happy so easily. It's not as impossible as you think.

>> No.10828785

this, there is a guy in my company who is 28 and he starteted this year a 3 year long aprentice which usually ppl do at 16

>> No.10828835

hate to break it to you bucko but libraries may be nothing like what you described. it is a completely customer service based job and anything involving books is basically incidental.

t. guy who wanted to be a librarian since he was a kid, got a job in the field, and was fucking miserable.

>> No.10828921

Wtf do you need a degree to be a librarian?

>> No.10828933

You need a Master's Degree. A PhD is sometimes required as well.

>> No.10828939

Ridiculous. I've seen younger people working at libraries. I see them all the time. Maybe you just aren't trying hard enough or applying the right way. Sometimes applying for jobs has to be your full-time job.

I had to apply to three different libraries 53 different times, under different names, just to receive the job I have right now. It's about perseverence. We live in a utopia.

>> No.10828947

yeah its prety fuckig remarkable what billion dollar institutes with state sponsorship and the total submission of the upper classes can convince plebs to do for money and gratuitious amounts of time. humans are debased animal fraudsters, con artist rape monkeys

>> No.10828949
File: 90 KB, 1644x1006, df19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dewey system is no joke

>> No.10828958
File: 2.13 MB, 300x300, C7DC7FDA-292A-431E-8B87-E7B607F072D8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is that thing? My god

>> No.10828985

>under different names
What is even the point of doing this? If you got the job you would have to provide proof of your identity

>> No.10828995


This. Public libraries where I come from are cancer due to terrible management.

>> No.10829001

These sorts of things can be stolen.

I'm not saying I've committed identity fraud.

But I'm also not telling you where I hid the body ;)

>> No.10829029

Don't get sad that you didn't. Hindsight is 20/20.
You can start now, but all I'm seeing are excuses.

So don't get sad that you didn't do it before. If you thought of it before, you wouldn't have done it anyways, because you're a lazy, pitiful fuck.

>> No.10829034

does anyone know if there's a place like /lit/ but with smart people? maybe on another chan?

>> No.10829057

Why exactly does being a librarian need a higher education? I can't imagine it being much different or harder than some retail job

>> No.10829073

Tell us, this is an anonymous board after all...

THIS, fucking filled with retards, my god half the time we don’t even talk about LITERATURE.

>> No.10829082

because the job listing says "masters in library science required"

>> No.10829103


>> No.10829254

> I've seen younger people working at libraries. I see them all the time. Maybe you just aren't trying hard enough

I am not a librarian nor do I work in a library. Let me be clear: you need an MLIS or MLS to work as a librarian. These advanced degrees are a requirement to secure a job; Librarian jobs are extremely competitive. You can work in a library doing menial work without any sort of advanced degree at all.

I had to apply to three different libraries 53 different times, under different names, just to receive the job I have right now.

Sounds about right.

>> No.10829259


>> No.10829275

>library science degrees
Is this really a thing?

>> No.10829282

In what kind of a overregulated socialist shithole do you live?

>> No.10829288

You're a normie, if you think becoming a librarian is some sort of mythical bygone era fantasy. You little spineless cunt, you could literally become a librarian at any point in time. And if you want to be the fancy type, take a few classes at night pick up a MFA and you will be top bitch in the library of your choice. I could literally do it in 3 months so you might be able to in a year or so, with a good tutor and a large to medium butt plug.

>> No.10829295

If you are there, then the collective IQ will drop back to under 83. Sorry, but you're a tool.

>> No.10829405

Currently working on my bachelors right now at 22, going to be 26 when I finish and then thinking about library science. You can still do it OP

>> No.10829414
File: 809 KB, 2000x2000, westvsnippon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, I know this is kind of off-topic but what book is the text on the left referring to?

>> No.10829454

Fuck that I wanna know where I can find the book on the right

>> No.10829455

harry potter

>> No.10829493

I think the book doesn’t exists
It would be an interesting read tho

>> No.10829496

If you were a librarian you'd know this.

>> No.10829532

>too old

>> No.10829650

what is your current education / employment

>> No.10830962


That anon isn't joking. I had no idea being a librarian was so complex

>> No.10830966

You'd just be working in a homeless person daycare center wishing you just worked in a fucking office full of normies.

>> No.10831176

Sounds like a reverse Steppenwolf