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/lit/ - Literature

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10828044 No.10828044 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a board for discussing religious topics? Specifically Christianity? Or is /lit/ the best I'll get?

>> No.10828355

/pol/ have some good people contributing on its Christian threads.
Lots of shitposters, though.

>> No.10828900

Yes /lit/ is probably the best you’ll get. You can probably do some bit to improve it the Christfag posting has been abysmal lately. There is a /christian/ board on 8ch but it is pretty terrible.

>> No.10829136
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>Yes /lit/ is probably the best you’ll get.

fuck RIGHT off. you're one of those massive philosophy faggots who jerks off to Zizek videos, aren't you?

you are the equivalent of antifa in /pol/, and nobody needs you here. talk about a fucking BOOK For a change, whyncha?

>> No.10829140

/his/ is very religious.

You can post about God on /sci/ and you may even get some believers, because there are mathematicians there.

(the evolutionary biologists obviously do not believe in anything: they are shit)

>> No.10829170

I was just thinking of going to /his/ to ask some questions. Thanks.

>> No.10829178

In /lit/ you can discuss the bible and religious related text but not theology.If you want to discuss theology you would have to go to /his/

>> No.10829703

cripplechan /christian/ will be your best bet

>> No.10830500

What are you raving about, loon? If you want try the Catholicism subreddit, it’s a bit too saccharine and tistic for my tastes but better than any other shithole

>> No.10830627

/his/ is full of retards

>> No.10830651


This. There's some really dumb people on /his/ and the problem is that they're dumb people who think they're smart.

>> No.10831193

Only correct answer. The users there know what they're talking about. Don't bother with /pol/ because their only understanding of Christianity are from memes. /his/ is okay, but limited.

>> No.10831245

I’m gonna second this, /r/Catholicism is really really comfy.

>> No.10831256
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>> No.10831270

/christian/ made me an Atheist. This isn't a joke.

>> No.10831371
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>The users there know what they're talking about.

>> No.10831385

8/christian/ is fucking abominable. It used to be okay but it’s intolerable now. There are these low effort/shitpost OPs that will generate interesting discussion in the thread but then get unceremoniously deleted cause the mods don’t like the OP. The only threads they allow are
>catholic posts
>i’m gay can you fix me
They need to just allow interesting discussion
I want 4chan /christian/, where basically anything is allowed as long as it’s on topic and safe for work

>> No.10831400
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>> No.10831458


>> No.10831480
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Go on /his/
/lit/ is for literature, so unless you want to consider your religious text as myth or folk tale and not fact fuck off

>> No.10831484
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>he thinks any text can be considered """fact"""

>> No.10831586

>/his/ is full of Christians
Well, that's what he's looking for, isn't it?

>> No.10831648

>Math book
>not '''fact'''


>> No.10831655
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