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File: 68 KB, 219x324, World_War_Z_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10826374 No.10826374 [Reply] [Original]

>The incompetence of the American military
>Blind Japanese samurai and a Japanese otaku 2chan poster
>Stupid concepts like quislings and feral children
>Rich people now shovel poo and poor people now run society (cause all rich people are useless and never earned their way and all poor people aren't lazy and on welfare)
>Israel is best rael
>Is North Korea in a tunnel just hiding out or are they all zombies???????? It's like some kinda Schrodinger's cat of asians, so cool!
>"Muh dogs even though I hated them but now I attack people that do and now I'm in a special K9 unit durrrrrrr"
>For some reason only this random African guy has ONE CRAZY PLAN that will save us and nobody else could ever come up with such a brilliant strategy
>Every character is unrealistically descriptive for "interviews", like it's some lonely Jewish hack writing a shitty fiction book that'll be gobbled up by Americans

Oh no, how dare... HOW DARE Brad Pitt ruin such a *snicker* "classic" book - Max Brooks' salient and cutting satire of modern society that still rings true today - how dare he.

Truly, zombie genre fiction has peaked with this tome

>> No.10826399

You think that's bad, try reading the zombie survival guide as a /k/ autist.

>> No.10826416

imagine getting mad at genre fiction, do you get mad at toddlers for not knowing algebra?

>> No.10826431


>> No.10826605

Chinks nuked themselves too
French finally redeemed themselves for being cheese eating surrender monkeys in WW2
and Britbongs had an epic battle in the classic English fog that made a great video for "How Soon is Now" by the Smiths.

>> No.10827115

I am aware of no better book within the genre.

>> No.10827147
File: 124 KB, 821x1017, colossus-fife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you literally have both of these books in physical paperback sitting beside you right now
>tfw you left all your actually descent books elsewhere and if anybody were to see these other books you have they would think you were the biggest pleb

>> No.10828100

I liked it. Paris catacombs was a comfy chapter to read

>> No.10828204

Didn’t Russia also have breeders and zombies went underwater? I think I remembered something like that

>> No.10828252

>Britbongs had an epic battle in the classic English fog that made a great video for "How Soon is Now" by the Smiths
Top zozzle

>> No.10828386

>US Army with a decade of practical experience in urban warfare puts its swinging dicks in trenches instead of in buildings against a plodding, unarmed foe with no ability to scale vertical obstacles
>US military going for maximum "Shock and Awe" factor for the cameras decides not to rain non-stop hell on the zombies with the USAF until *after* it's already a PR and military disaster

I actually quite li

>> No.10828552

>such a *snicker* "classic" book
too much
glad to see this past back tho

>> No.10828666

this was, when I first read it at my 13 years old, quite engaging
thinking back on it it's very superfcial, weak, uninspired and clearly stereotypcal

>> No.10828762
File: 67 KB, 636x960, 1518186091894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah imagine that, a book about a zombie apocalypse that is not an absolute stylistic masterpiece of beautiful prose and well-developed characters
Do you want an upvote for shitting on a pile of shit

>> No.10829431

I thought it was pretty good. Almost every story held my interest.
I liked several of the chapters you mentioned. The K9 one, the blind Jap, etc.
A few others that spring to mind are the infantry soldier at that huge battle in NY, the Chinese submarine captain, the dude in Antarctica who was selling fake vaccines, the Vice President, the woman who built treehouse towns...oh and the guy with the film crew! That was cool.
I haven't seen the movie, so I can't comment on that, but I'm sure it has very little in common. The book wasn't in a film-friendly format.

>> No.10829605

Why is this being posted across multiple boards?

More importantly, why is it ALLOWED to be posted across multiple boards?