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10826176 No.10826176 [Reply] [Original]

>chapter 1 starts

>> No.10826196

The publishing industry has to do something, anon.

>> No.10826207

>Translator's Preface
>A Note To The Second Edition

>> No.10826209
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*emerges from the shadows and begins to slow clap* Very good, very impressive, however...

>preface to the 5th edition
>preface to the 4th edition
>preface to the 3rd edition
>preface to the 2nd edition
>1st preface
>3 pages of historical quotes
>another page of historical quotes
>chapter 1

>> No.10826216


One achieves adulthood when one stops reading anything in a book not written by the author.

Contempt for academia is the beginning of wisdom.

>> No.10826221
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>introduction by Gayatri Spivak

>> No.10826236

god I hate shit like this

>> No.10826246


>> No.10826249

Bless you.
Posts like this is why I always come back.

>> No.10826276

>Introduction by Murakami Haruki

>> No.10826302
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>Preface by some guy that isn't the author
>It's a whole plot summary with shitty comments
>They spoil the final twist

>> No.10826339

>Reading for the plot
>Reading for enjoyment

>> No.10826353


>> No.10826383

>mfw reading about this on wiki right now
wow, Polaks truly are madmen. sometimes.

>> No.10826450

You forgot

>A Note on the Text
>Translator's Note
>Further Reading
>[Some short work by the author]
>List of Names

>> No.10826457

Blind contempt for academia is pseud as shit. I guarantee you that 99% of people who see it as monolithic never had any form of tertiary education. People shouldn't follow intellectuals without question, of course, but that mentality should be used to produce measured critiques of specific claims, instead of Alex Jones tier "alternative" faggots smugly shitting on concepts they barely gloss over from secondhand sources without no real attention to existing criticisms or debate.

>> No.10826463

the intelligentsia need to be thinned, if you haven’t published something worth a damn by 35 and you hold an academic post you should be left in wolf country naked and wounded at dusk

>> No.10826470

Are you saying Alex Jones isn't an intellectual?


>> No.10826515


I want Jones to write a sci fi book, it'd be great

>> No.10826658
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>> No.10827124
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I like good introductions desu, depends on what i'm reading as to whether i read the intro before or after the main text though

>> No.10827149

sorry, dude :(

didn't mean to offend you lmao

>> No.10827193

No, I’ve got a masters and I can say with certainty that academia if fucked through and through. Even if there is not some conspiracy to keep certain truths from the public (it’s either this or sheer stupidity), the way that information technology has changed in the last twenty years has really made the value of most professors obsolete and the ‘knowledge’ that they hold and use to produce ‘new’ material faulty, while they have been tenured, keeping younger and more qualified applicants from joining and restoring academia to allow it to fulfill its proper role in society.

>> No.10828797

>I want to preface this by

>> No.10828806

Never read a single preface, forward, or afterward. Gratuitous bullshit.

>> No.10828820
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>tfw afterward is actually a perfect introduction
>tfw would have enjoyed the book a lot better if you read it first

>> No.10828821

"To my wife, who kept up with me while writing this haha :) lol thanks babe "

>> No.10829216
File: 3.00 MB, 3984x2988, 20180312_012053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you and raise you Men among the ruins by Evola

It's only 298 pages long and the first hundred are prefaces, forwords and intrudctions

>> No.10829224
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1501458889751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book starts with an interview with the author

>> No.10829291

This is not real, is it ?

>> No.10829305

Come now, it obviously depends on what you're reading.

If you're reading non-fiction, the introduction/preface/preliminary remarks are very important. Almost necessary to understand the impact.

All these people complaining about intros are fictionfags, guaranteed.

>> No.10829307

It is very much real my friend

>> No.10829461


>> No.10829479

>being anti-aristotelian
>"Science and Sanity"
>"Manhood of Humanity"

Oh boy.

>> No.10829965

>I posture as being less interested in this argument than you, therefore I'm cooler and I win
Calling you retarded doesn't make me offended. Without exception, people with opinions similar to yours are just butthurt that most academics don't agree with their homoeopathy/creationism/jewish conspiracy bullshit

Being one person with a master's in one field (which is honestly almost impossible to verify here and seems like a meaningless appeal to authority anyway) does not make your opinion on the whole of "academia" worldwide generalizable.
>technology makes professors redundant
Internet autodidacts are almost entirely pretentious loons that hate being questuoned. Look at Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky. He's an autistic faggot that takes his personality cult and extremely speculative sci fi philosophy way too far. Unsurprisingly most of 4chan seems to consider themselves trailblazing geniuses because they watch YouTube videos and populate fringe ideological echo chambers.

>> No.10829984
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>Skip to chapter 1
Try and stop me

>> No.10829985

>Skipping the introduction

>> No.10829993

most work in academia that is not strictly STEM is useless, most fields like the social sciences including Law and Econ are useless. Most Humanities is useless, none of the academics have produced anything of value, they lie systematically and insert false ideologies into required coursework, they exhort those who shouldn't be in higher education to metriculate for their own good. STEM is filled with nonsense research, bad methodologies and useless tech that means nothing. The entire affair is further perverted by the academics cooperating with private capital and government institutes for financial and ideological reasons.
this is just shadow boxing, you're obviously upset that the people who resist pharmakos and techne are not in academia
laughable to even mention
>jewish conspiracy
what about legitimate conspiracy?

Again, if you haven't written anything groundbreaking and you collect tax payer money, you produce no valuable studies and your field is a dead end or your research is pointless, you should be arrested and excommunicated from society for fraud and corrupting the youth. Little sniveling pencil neck bourgeoisie parasite

>> No.10830003

Truth. How is this even debatable?

>> No.10830017

>(X) has made (People who study, evolve, and create X) obsolete!
Stop larping please.

>> No.10830024

What about political science

>> No.10830026

>muh utility
kill thyself

>> No.10830048

When it's a book that you love, this is actually the comfiest feeling.

t. I read every introduction to Moby-Dick that I come across.

>> No.10830071

>muh idealism is worth a portion of everyone else's utility

>> No.10830080

I never read the introductions since they usually contain spoilers or shit like that.

>> No.10830089

You're not just pretending to be retarded, are you?

>> No.10830093

i see you've been reading a lot of penguin classics

>> No.10830095

>law is useless
You fucking retard, professional fields are literally pre-job training.

>> No.10830097

Academics do very little more than just give their opinion on things.

Why should I care about their opinion?

The only useful work done in universities is research.

>> No.10830107

You're wrong. And dumb. And someone already said something to that effect so no need to insult me by saying I'm just throwing out needless Ad Hominems

>> No.10830124
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>smearing alexander the great

>> No.10830144
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>vague quotes from writers more talented and respected than the author

>> No.10830378

>most work in academia that is not strictly STEM is useless, most fields like the social sciences including Law and Econ are useless.
I smell a praxy ancap faggot that's afraid of math being applied to human behavior and doesn't like law because of juvenile rebelliousness.

>Most Humanities is useless, none of the academics have produced anything of value, they lie systematically and insert false ideologies into required coursework
Why? Because you say so? Because most of them disagree with your preconceived far-right anti intellectual populist bullshit? Yes, I know you fags hate being called anti intellectual, but it's what you are. You're just bleating "FALSE IDEOLOGY MUH COLLEGE DOGMA". This is redneck tier shit.

>STEM is filled with nonsense research, bad methodologies and useless tech that means nothing.
Lol, STEM keeps 90% of modern society running. What have you discovered, faggot?

>this is just shadow boxing, you're obviously upset that the people who resist pharmakos and techne
Giving your money to new age shills and quacks isn't resisting anything. It's just being fucking retarded and trying to discredit the entire notion of education and evidence so you can justify anything.

>what about legitimate conspiracy?
Cartoonist antisemitic canards based on shoddy jpegs that no stormfag fact checks are not evidence of anything. It's always some big conspiracy to the far right. That way they don't have to discredit anything. A Jew could say the fucking sky is blue and you fags would craft a paranoid narrative around it.

>Again, if you haven't written anything groundbreaking and you collect tax payer money, you produce no valuable studies and your field is a dead end or your research is pointless
Nobody knows what research that might seem pointless at the time could be useful later. Even then, brainlets like you consider ANYTHING beyond your accessibility useless. It's like the shitty kid in middle school whining about algebra. Stop elevating mass ignorance to a virtue.

>> No.10830406
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How mad is this faggot professor lads?

>> No.10830671

I used to always skip the introduction, but that ended up completely backfiring when I read Lolita

>> No.10830681

what edition is this?

>> No.10830691

Brutal truths. You know that by the triggered academicucks responding to it.

>> No.10830696
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>> No.10831376

Sou your argument is basically "anyone who disagrees with me is a redneck conspiratard"? I don't think all that money spent on degrees was worth it anon. Well, at least you can use cool buzzwords like far-right and redneck.

>> No.10831972


>> No.10832070

>anti-intellectual populism
Did you vote for Trump? If you are not American do you support his ideas?

>> No.10832135

>I’ve got a masters

>> No.10832142


>> No.10832178

I really like this Ubu.

>> No.10832189
File: 23 KB, 600x600, Prolegomena to Introductory Preliminaries-a Foreward and Valediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are like a little baby. Hold my beer and watch this

>> No.10832201
File: 473 KB, 3264x1836, 20180312_190150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots haven't seen anything.
This is a random Italian edition of Parmenides that I randomly picked up for €10.00
It reads as follow:

7 Acknowledgements
9 The enigma of Parmenides by Franco Ferrari
162 Chronology of Plato
165 Quotes and academic remarks
175 Bibliography
189 Note to the text

191 Parmenides

The entire book has 365 pages meaning that the Parmenides itself is 174 pages, however it also contains the greek text.
Thus there are actually just 87 pages of Plato in contrast with 191 pages of introduction.
Did I also mention that each page of the text is heavily annotated?

>> No.10832220

professor goldstein has now posted on /lit/

>> No.10833488


>> No.10833607

How would you know if you haven't read them?

>> No.10833612

fucking why

>> No.10833623

Fragments of Parmenides are like 4 pages of text.

>> No.10834640


Thank goodness! I actually got my volume off the shelf and typed it up in Notepad and pasted it into Paint and posted it here. I was concerned for several hours that I would not even get a single (You) for my trouble! But your one (You), friend, that makes it all worthwhile.

To actually answer your question though, it's a major and historically important work of (((non-fictional))) theory so it makes some sense that the printers would go whole-hog on historical context.

>> No.10834772

>now with Gloria Rubelstern's commentary on sexuality, femininity, and the intersection of race, class, and space in Mobias Dick.