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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 225x225, sigmundfreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10826142 No.10826142 [Reply] [Original]


I know these guys aren't taking seriously in modern psych but nonetheless, as someone who suffers from mental disorders, I find their thoughts very fascinating.

Where should I start? What books of theirs should I start with? What other psych books do yal recommend?

>> No.10826171

>"mental disorders"
>>>/x/ or >>>/r9k/

>> No.10826261

Introduction to psychoanalysis.

>> No.10826272


fuck u

>> No.10826363

Just read Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety: A Simple Psychologically Orienting Deliberation on the Dogmatic Issue of Hereditary Sin

>> No.10826426
File: 45 KB, 500x324, jung-freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anxious: The Modern Mind in the Age of Anxiety, Joseph Ledoux
Not psychoanalysis but great book on anxiety

Freud and Jung had different point of view

>> No.10826443
File: 30 KB, 472x315, Past and Future of Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ego and Id if you want the basis for the second Freudian theory without having to read huge medical manuals.
The Interpretation of Dreams if you want some the absurd stuff he came up with and be stunned by debunked but enjoyable theories.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks if you want a general idea on neuropsychology and some really funny and well written stories.
General Psychopathology by Karl Jaspers (or Andrew Sims) if you have the time and a real interest to actual psychology.

Or, if you are asking for yourself, I would suggest asking an actual therapist, a cognitive behavioral not a psychoanalyst.

>> No.10826849

From what I understand Freud is somewhat discredited because of his constant connection of every emotion to sex drive. Jung I believe is still widely accepted. I mean Jordan Peterson is a professor of Pscychology and he won't shut up about him.

>> No.10827105

You can't """""debunk""""" Freud's theories because they're inherently infalsifiable which is the main critique. I hate it when people use that word

>> No.10827656


let me guess

your undergrad ba eng lit degree has an intro to analysis module and you're trying to get books to namedrop

>> No.10829419


no i genuinely enjoy reading this kinda stuff im a cs major

>> No.10829424


thank u guys

>> No.10829429

>Interpretation of Dreams debunked
>the idea that people find the things they say, including their accounts of themselves and of their dreams, meaningful, debunked
ok kid

>> No.10830741

That's such an oversimplification of what Freud said it's appalling.
While it is widely accepted in the psychological community that dreams represent a realaborations of thoughts and events, nobody uses Freud's techniques to interpret them as metaphors of an illness nowadays because his ideas that behind any psychological suffering lies a prior trauma during infancy, usually related to sexual behaviours such being exposed to sex or repressing sexual stimulous, are just wrong and disregard actual scientific researches and experiments (something Freud never did, he relied only on his observations) that have been done for the past century.
Freud is still studied for a good reason, he was one of those who laid the basis for psychology, and since he came up with them on his own he shouls be regarded as an exceptional intellectual, but whoever takes his teaching at face value or even worse uses them with actual patients is arming people rather than helping them.

>> No.10830799

Man and his symbols

>> No.10830873

Is this the /mysticism general/?

>> No.10830881

/lit/ is the perfect place for mental disorders amigo

>> No.10830890

>because they're inherently infalsifiable
They're unfalsifiable but they're verifiable, hence psychoanalysis not being taken seriously in this day and age.

>> No.10831038

> implying disassociation as defined by Jung isn’t the most important idea society doesn’t understand
This fucking thread.

>> No.10831041

Hardly hanging onto
Highs and horizons.

Blindly giving breath to dreams: the one’s we didn’t ask for.

Looking nowhere but through
Candid correlations coarsing with choruses of their confessor
Parsing phrases that didnt name us
But we can’t stop.

Riding rhythms rich with wrong-ways to close the door on the question.

Faced: calmly only knows
We do it to ourselves.
Searching for sanctimonious solace in those who never found it.

Giant organs only operating for their own sake.
Offhand on the whole
Notion of drive only saving those along for the
Hide out, high hopes,
Heaving hysteria.

Heightened sense of competence
Fooling no one but the promise of betraying motivation
Objects seized without replacing
The void swelling
Underneath gaps in memory and interpretation of

Dreaming only happens when we stop thinking.
Death is the purpose of life but what comes after?
Dare to say we don’t or say we don’t see doorways that dare.

>> No.10831058

can i get a quick rundown