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10825957 No.10825957 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books who's movie adaptation was better

>> No.10825969
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>> No.10825971


>> No.10825984


>> No.10825988
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This statement may be true in 10 years.

>> No.10826083

The hobbit series.

>> No.10826163


For the movie to be better, the book has to be mediocre or sensationalist, usually.

Goodfellas is the most extreme example I can think of.
(The Age Of Innocence as well, while we're talking about Scorsese. I don't think Wharton is all that wonderful.)

Blade Runner, maybe.

There's a pretty good short film of An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge that was shown in The Twilight Zone series. The story is supposed to be a classic but I think the film is better.

>> No.10826194

yes to these

also TLW would've equaled the first movie if Spielberg wasn't an utter faggot and just followed whatever Crighton wrote down. The first half is pretty good and that came mostly from the novel

>> No.10826228

I would go further than this. Jurassic Park would have been much better if Spielberg had just stuck to the book.

>brilliant, cinematic opening with the boy brought in mortally wounded, and the doctor's camera being stolen
>darker Hammond character
>downbeat ending

All far superior.

>> No.10827159

Ninth Gate

>> No.10827865

the Aviary too, but that's in JP3.
Hammond rolling off a cliff and being nipped at by Compies.

>> No.10827890

Recently... Annihilation. But that probably wasn't too hard of a feat to accomplish.

>> No.10827913

Fight Club

>> No.10827942

>evil Hammond
>unhollywood ending
Considering Spielberg has made a career out of expertly crafted, meticulously executed shlock, no surprise he didn't stay true to the story.

>> No.10827962
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>> No.10827977
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>> No.10828046
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>> No.10828062
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>> No.10828078

A clockwork orange

>> No.10828085


>> No.10828086
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Spielberg hates nuance and wants every film to have a happy ending. His adaptation of The Minority Report is a prime example of this. In the original short story:
>getting rid of the precog system would send society into chaos and martial law would be enacted
>the precogs are deformed mutants who wouldn't ever be able to function in society or on their own
>the ending is very downbeat
Spielberg got rid of all of this. In his film the precog system is shut down and doesn't have any negative impact on society, the precogs are normal looking ESPs, and everyone lives happily ever after.

>> No.10828099

Blade Runner
John Carpenter's The Thing

However, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Who Goes There? are both very good. I'm not insulting either of them. I simply prefer their film adaptation.

>> No.10828102
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Stephen King BTFO

>> No.10828174

The movie is always better. Film is simply the superior art form.

>> No.10828614

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

>> No.10828675

Based on the tag line, I assume this is shota porn.

>> No.10828704

at first I thought you were referring to 'Based on the best-selling novel'

>> No.10828714

>Love Knows No Boundaries

could've sworn the line was "Love is blind"

>> No.10828728

No one has said The Godfather yet

>> No.10828730

are you implying there is ONE phrase along those lines, and the poster fucked it up? Or are you saying you thought Room's tagline was different?

>> No.10828731

>the little kids fucking murder the old man days after the danger has passed
it was a different time

>> No.10828747

Only indirectly.

>> No.10828755

> ONE phrase along those lines, and the poster fucked it up
Yeah man, you never know. People are very strange these days.

>> No.10828759

still felt bad desu
goddamn little shits
imagine a jurassic park, book and movie, without the constant complaining and fucking it all up for the adults
at least the boys idolization of alan make him okay at the start

>> No.10828915

they toned it down enough for the movie though. book Lex was unbearable

>> No.10828922

JP is a novelization of a screenplay, so it's not really surprising

>> No.10828938

Blade Runner movie and book are completely different stories. I don't think they can be compared.

You can compare scenes, though. For example, in the book the scene where Deckard visits the Rosen/Tyrell company (and sees the owl) is an incredible, intense scene in the book. For the movie, even though some of the dialogue is the same, it's completely different.

Now, I'm a big fan of the movie and I thought the book was pretty good, but I really think they should be judged on their own merits and not as the same work in a different medium.

>> No.10828944

Meh, I don't know. Looking back, I prefer the book. The JP movie was only so well-received because of the groundbreaking effects. They still hold up well, and when did it come out? '96 maybe?

>> No.10828993

That's disingenuous to say that it was only well-received because of the effects. It's a fun movie with fun characters, a good score, an exciting thrill adventure...

>> No.10829023

It's only disingenuous if I don't really believe that...and I do. Yes, there were good characters (all in the book as well), a good score, and adventure. But many films have those. JP was HUGELY popular, and, in my opinion, the main reason for that was Stan Winston's dinosaurs.

>> No.10829043

still disingenuous.

>> No.10829064

Is that guy dabbing in Bateman's portrait?

>> No.10829086

I think you need to look that word up.
Anyway, I said:
>the JP movie was only so well-received because of
The 'so' is important there. You are right that it had other virtues, but the absolute craze around that first movie was definitely mostly driven by the animatronics and effects. That, and the subject matter. People fucking love dinosaurs.

>> No.10829125

>That, and the subject matter.
told you you were being disingenuous.

>> No.10829361

Meh, same difference. The subject matter was dinos, and the 'effects' WERE the dinos. My point stands.
JP won the Oscars for best effects and for sound. It didn't win any actor, director, or writing awards.
I'm not slamming your precious movie, dude. Just telling you my opinion of what made it such an insane blockbuster at the time. I saw it in theaters at around the age of 10, and I fucking loved it. I still like the movie, but I prefer the book. It has all the characters, most of the story (and more), and all the excitement. The movie's one advantage over the book is Winston's dinos. Sorry if you don't agree.

>> No.10829511


>> No.10829569

Pleb, the book was way better.

>> No.10829572

I disagree

>> No.10829695

Fuck off Stephen

>> No.10829785

>Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
It's really better? I'm about to start the book, I've heard good things
I loved the movie so I bought the book cause I just want more of the same

>> No.10829803

>any of those movies

>> No.10829924

They toned down the movie compared to the book which I did't like but atleast they got rid of the cringey "I want to be your abortion" line

>> No.10830193

Barry Lyndon, American Psycho, Fight Club, The Godfather

>> No.10830211

They kept the right amount of edge and pushed the rebel but made him less like, legit crazy

>> No.10830215
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>> No.10830303

>it's almost the end of the novel and the park is back online, the characters are all safe in reinforced buildings, the boat has been called and the raptor babies culled, the military is on their way to get them, Rex was neutralized, and all the plot threads are wrapped up with the characters just waiting for their ride home
>Grant demands they go and literally scour the island for raptor eggs so they can monotonously count them one by one despite the fact that the island is about to be fucking obliterated

Jesus Christ Crichton learn how to wrap that shit up

>> No.10830320

there's always one more waterfall to careen over

>> No.10830468

>books who's movie adaptation was better
Doesn't have to be a masterpiece, just better than the book.

>> No.10830480

>Everybody lives happily ever after.
Never happened. The movie ending is Tom Cruise dreaming the happy ending inside the prison.

>> No.10830487

Inferior remake to the Tommy Wiseau original.

>> No.10830639

Fuck, Hellraiser was a great film. Still can't believe that was his debut directorial, what a wasted talent.

>> No.10830664

The word is "whose" and I don't know how none of the other 37 posters in this thread haven't already corrected you.

>> No.10831227
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About to start reading this. Is the movie better? I loved the movie.

>> No.10832430
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>> No.10832487
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>> No.10832546
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>> No.10832573

I, for one, liked Jurrassic Park.

>> No.10833343

it's practically the same story beat for beat, and I really enjoyed the first couple hundred pages, but it just got too dry during the second half.

>> No.10833427

I've not read the book, but I would blindly believe you if you meant the tinker tailor tv series
absolute masterpiece

>> No.10833440

never seen the series, but I've heard it's supposed to be top-tier.

>> No.10833656

It was a little weak, but the reason Grant gave when Gennaro raised the same objection you did was that he wanted to know if any raptors had already gotten off the island. Yeah, we can doubt his ability to ascertain that, but it wasn't a complete wtf moment.

>> No.10833713

>Film is simply the superior art form
>The movie is always better

>> No.10834018

yeah, it wasn't bad. I read it while abroad and it was a fun book that I've yet to read a second time.

>> No.10834091

Thank you. Thought I was the only one.

>> No.10834163

Get the fuck out. Do Androids Dream is leagues better than the movie. The movie barely touched on the importance of owning animals, and completely got rid of empathy boxes, mercerism, mood organs, and Buster Friendly

>> No.10834404
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>> No.10834499

Helen of Troy