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1082590 No.1082590 [Reply] [Original]

First novel you remember reading

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>> No.1082597
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>> No.1082601

Stuart Little. But I hardly remember anything about it.

>> No.1082618
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Hello, childhood.

>> No.1082637
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This shit. We read it in groups and I was put in the slow group because I was a dumby.

It was 5th grad IIRC, perhaps earlier.

>> No.1082643
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Fuck yeah, early Redwall. This is THE story that got me hooked on giant-sized books at an early age.

>> No.1082646

Ah! I remember reading that when I was reading through my intermediate school library. Man, that was a while back. I just remember it was about a spanish or something girl and there was a campsite or work camp or something. Wish I had better memory.

>> No.1082657
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I remember picking this up in like 2nd or 3rd grade but didnt understand it at the time lol

>> No.1082666
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Everyone bitches about his Christianity, but I grew up reading these books and ended up an atheist. Still love 'em, too.

>> No.1082667
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I read it during standardized testing week in like fifth grade. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.1082670
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It's not the first, but it's certainly one of the first full-length novels I ever read. I was kind of an early bloomer when it came to reading, and when I got tired of my kiddie books my mother decided to give me some YA reading material. Thanks, mom, thanks a fucking lot.

>> No.1082672

I wished to be the little marooned island girl. ;_;

>> No.1082681

dont them books have incest? you read them as a young adult? lol

>> No.1082698

This, even though I think I read part #2 first (moss something(?)).

>> No.1082715


I nostalgiad hard

>> No.1082723
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The Mouse and the Motorcycle, 1st grade.

>> No.1082726
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>> No.1082743

How can you even remember things like that? D:

>> No.1082753

How could you forget the first book you read? I usually remember the first of everything I've done if it was something "monumental" to my life. Being able to read a book for the first time was pretty important to me.

>> No.1082756

I have no idea man, I read so much as a child.

>> No.1082781

same here
can't remember when I went from being read to/reading together/reading alone.

>> No.1082787

The Westing Game.

Lot of stuff in there you wouldn't really expect in a kid's novel. Turtle is anon embodied as the little girl.

>> No.1082799

The first book I remember reading was some book on the human immune system. That's the sort of thing I mostly read as a kid. Aspie, by the way, though I never learned that until later on in my teenage years.

Did read LotR, so I guess The Fellowship of the Ring would be my first novel.

>> No.1082817

BOOK, book? As in, something that is ostensibly a novel? For me it would be that one about the kid who gets two coonhounds and at the end the dogs are critically injured by a mountain lion ... or maybe they freeze to death, or else that's another book, or something.

>> No.1082944


>> No.1082962
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>> No.1082966

Yeah, my mom didn't look at the descriptions of the book, she just thought, "Ooh! That looks interesting!" and said so to me. She used to do this shit all the time when I was a kid. Hell, she recommended Watership Down when I was 11 and described the book as "being just about bunnies", because she couldn't be bothered to read the description on the back. IT IS VERY MUCH NOT JUST ABOUT BUNNIES, and she was shocked when I told her so.

>> No.1082980
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I read it to my mom and she cried. That's the only reason I remember.

>> No.1083064
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I loved Jack London when I was a kid - It's a miracle I didn't grow up a furry.

>> No.1083078
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I hope they make an awesome movie out of this one day. But with hand drawn animation and great voice acting.

Also, inb4 Hatchet

>> No.1083080

a book with no colors but some nice illustrations of an animal parade through the woods

I still have it boxed up with some old stuff

>> No.1083097

Awww, Poppy

You're still the salt of the world :)

>> No.1083098
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>> No.1083101

The Phantom Tollbooth

>> No.1083567
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>> No.1083570

james and the giant peach or Johnny Tremain

>> No.1083586
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now that I think of it

>> No.1083596
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This book was just so amazing. I happened to find it with nobody to tend to it at the park near my house. Lost it though... Such a good read.

Yes! :)
So good! :)

>> No.1083599
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The Hobbit

>> No.1083612

It would have been in the first grade, I know that much. I remember getting a proper book about a kid exploring a cave in search of gold that was hardbound, thick and had no pictures. I think I read Henry and Ribsey around then and was comfortable with reading non-picture books, but the first? Dunno.

>> No.1083615
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>> No.1083618

Ughhh I read the sequel to Poppy before I read Poppy because I didn't know.
So I read when her boyfriend or whatever got eaten and I was like wtffff. Then I tried to read Poppy when I found it but I just couldn't do it because her boyfriend was still alive and it was heartbreaking ; ;

Anyway this Bailey School Kids book was the first book I read on my own. I think I just got out of kindergarten and my dad was like "that book is too big it has chapters can you even read it" and then i blew his face off and so I read that shit.

>> No.1083620
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Hey this was also my first novel! I loved it and feel some kind of deep spiritual connection to it. I talk about it a bunch but no ones read it. Thanks for letting me know that others have too.

>> No.1083621
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fuck you recaptcha

>> No.1083628
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Thats called "Where the Red Fern Grows" bro
Thanks for the nostalgia attack btw

>> No.1083631

forgot to quote... ur thinking of where the red fern grows

>> No.1083639

I remember my mother reading me James & The Giant Peach when I was very little. I think that would probably be my first.

The first non-kids novel I read was This Perfect Day by Ira Levin, I think I first read it when I was 10 or 11. It was my mothers favorite book and to this day it remains one of my favorites as well.

>> No.1083641

That's the one with the kid who's homeless or whatever, and he has that weird skill at untying knots, isn't it? I read it in 2nd grade or something.
My first novel I can remember was The Herald-Mage Trilogy. Before that I'd read some kids' books I'm sure, but don't really remember them, I started reading fantasy/sci-fi at a really young age, 6 or 7.

>> No.1083647

Robinson Crusoe

Also the first time I pulled an all-nighter

>> No.1083653

I can't really remember. :'(
I did read My Father's Dragon over and over though, and that was a great story. ITT: boy who saves and befriends dragon by creatively distracting the various wild animals holding the dragon hostage.

>> No.1084262

The Castle in the Attic