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10824706 No.10824706 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books you read

Other anons r8

>> No.10825480


>> No.10825774

>A Midsummer Night's Dream
>King Lear
>The Canterbury Tales
>Beowulf (Tolkien translation)
I've been working my way through the canon chronologically after starting with the Greeks six months ago.

>> No.10825777


>The Call of the Wild
>Into Thin Air
>The Sound and the Fury (2nd reread)
>The Strange Death of Europe
>A Moveable Feast


Does reading it chronologically not make it seem like a chore?

>> No.10825785

7/10 for greek meme

>This Side of Paradise
>This Crossing
>Heart of Darkness
>The Old Man and the Sea
>Under the Volcano

>> No.10825792

City Boy
Strange Death of Europe
Righteous Mind
Cases that Haunt Us

>> No.10825796


>> No.10825800

>the hidden reality
>origins of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind
>no exit
>cg jung the red book

can someone recommend me some good fiction

>> No.10825803

I unironically don't remember the last five books I've read, that's how long it's been

>> No.10825809

>Distant Star
>Strange Weather in Tokyo
>I Hear your Voice
>The Immoralist

>> No.10825846
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>Crystal Shard
>Solar Lottery
>Clockwork Orange
>The Dispossessed

>> No.10825989

Earth Abides.
The Bazaar of Bad Dreams.
I Am Legend.
Geralds Game.

>> No.10826004

Old ass nigga. And a pleb to boot!

>> No.10826031

You are a pleb, pleb.

>> No.10826042

You have the reading habits of a 19 year old.

>> No.10826043

"Meshari i Gjon Buzukut"
"Ata kerkonin lumturine"
"Gjenerali i ushtrise se vdekur"

>> No.10826048

>all this titles
go back to the depths of hell you came from

>> No.10826060


The Left Hand of Darkness
Hard Times
100 Years of Solitude
All Quiet on the Western Front
Dead Souls

>> No.10826064

>The late Mattia Pascal
>The gay Science
>One, No One and One Hundred Thousand

>> No.10826065

>Chantal Mouffe’s The Democratic Paradox
>Roger Scruton’s Where We Are
>Albert Camus’ The Rebel
>Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes From Underground
>Julius Evola’s Fascism Viewed from the Right

Political theory fag here

>> No.10826076

Turner Diaries
The Art of the Deal
Maps of Meaning
Ride the Tiger

im studying for my judicial post in the post democratic race court

>> No.10826078

1) Republic - Plato
2) Crime and Punishment
3) Brave New World
4) Meditations
5) Mythology - Edith HAMAMSM

Now reading: East of Eden - Steinbeck

I find i have to mix the books up otherwise i get bored. I am not sure how people are able to for example take the greeks and just go through them one after another. I need different angles/genres

>> No.10826090


How are you liking EoE so far?
It's probably one of the best 20th Century American novels

>> No.10826092

>currently How to read a book
>on filmmaking by MacKendrick
>Moby Dick
>Sickness Unto Death
>a Clockwork Orange

>> No.10826094

I'm 100 pages in and it's good enough for me to not drop it but i feel i have some more pages to get into before i am fully gripped by it.
I'm confident it will be great as Ive heard many grand claims about it

>> No.10826098

>runaway horses
>ana karenina
>orlando furioso
>master and margarita

>> No.10826105

think more deeply about what you read, you’ll be able to go through a series of books of the same subject or author without getting sick. Having periods in one’s studies for a range of related material is useful

>> No.10826136

>Euripides Volume 5
>Euripides Volume 4
>Euripides Volume 3
>Euripides Volume 2
>Euripides Volume 1

>> No.10826139

How do i think deeply about what i read? I'm being serious...

>> No.10826146

The way of zen
What women want and how to give it to them
A farewell to arms
The bible
Ncbi journals w Sci hub on neuropsych

>> No.10826149

Consider broader implications of what you learn. Relate it to other information and synthesize to arrive at mire original and creative thought. Ask why and question everything.

>> No.10826167 [DELETED] 

>Writing with emotion, tension and conflict
>Violence a writers guide
>Make a scene
>How to not write a novel
>Bird by Bird

>> No.10826186

>What the Hell Did I Just Read by David Wong
>A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
>The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen
>Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
>Mastery by George Leonard

>> No.10826284

A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
Lolita - Vlad Nabokov
Wild Wives - Charles Willeford
Tortilla Flat - John Steinbeck
Dahlgren - Sam Delaney

>> No.10826329
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>The Lord of the World
>Roadside Picnic
>La Pietra Lunare
>Vino al Vino
>Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.10826344

>Writing With Emotion, Tension, and Conflict
>Bird by Bird
>How to not write a novel
>Make a scene
>Zen in the art of writing

>> No.10826348

>The Good Soldier - Ford Madox Ford
>Don Quixote - Cervantes
>Stoner - John Williams
>Decline and Fall - Evelyn Waugh
>Of Human Bondage - W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.10826352

>last 5 books you read
Wuthering Heights
Asimov's Foundation trilogy
Roadside Picnic
One Hundred Years of Solitude

Hi there Solitude friend, nice picks. How read worthy is All Quite on the Western Front?

>> No.10826382

>The Educated Imagination
>On Christian Teaching
>The Voyage Out
>El Senor Presidente

>Stoner and Don Quixote
Did they make you cry? I cried like a baby at the end of them.

Very consistent. I like it.

>Sickness unto Death
I was thinking about this recently. Would you recommend it?

>Political theory fag here
What's the most interedting thing you've read recently?

>> No.10826469

Pimp by Iceberg Slim
City of My Dreams
LOTR fellowship
The Red Room
The Story of a New Name

>> No.10826497

kqyre shqiptarin n 4chan
i kahit je bre

>> No.10826565

>Man's search for meaning
>The life and games of Mikhael Tal
>Notes from underground
>How to talk to anyone
>Das Parfum

I usually try to alternate between books for entertainment and books which I want to learn something from (sometimes it's both)

>> No.10826583

24 years old
>2018 la partida
>How to win every argument.
>5 lenguage form the love
>The republic

>> No.10826595

Nice man, did you read Gjon Buzukut in it's original language? Is Old Albanian much different from the new?

Anyway, here goes:

Virgil, Aeneid Book 6 Verses 1-400 (in Latin)
The Nibelungenlied (in MHG)
Into The Wild
The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.10826623
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>Revolt Against the Modern World
>Chaos Thoery (really poorly written, didn't enjoy)
>House of Leaves

Books entitled "How to..." are the clickbait of Literature. Lolita is good though.

>> No.10826627
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>Cécile, Fontane
>Das Abenteuer des Werner Quabs, Fallada
>Don Karlos, Schiller
>The Vampyre, Lord Byron/ Polidori
>Lanzarote, Houllebecq

>> No.10826630

leave this board

>> No.10826633

The Greek Myths
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
The Odyssey
I, Claudius

>> No.10826639

Actually is good, and Lolita is the worst book I ever read.

>> No.10826652


>Being and time, heidegger
>Nietzsche, deleuze
>Tao te ching, laozi
>The coming comunity, agamben
>GEB, Hofstadter

>> No.10826666

I'm 20.
> Masterson - Countertransference and Psychotherapeutic Technique: Teaching Sessions on Psychotherapy of the Borderline Adult
> Emily Witt - Future Sex
> Yule - Pragmatics
> Barthes - Mythologies
> currently reading Beckett - Malone Dies, Derrida - Of Grammatology, Tung - Group Theory in Physics.. and a load of other stuff. I did finish another book but I can't remember what it was, lol.

>call of the wild
Nice one, I really enjoyed that when I was a kid. How did you find it? I must have missed something; you have 20 years on me at the time.

>the red book
Interesting, I've been tempted by this after reading a couple of his works. A pricey volume though.. what did you think of it?

>Chaos Theory
Check out Problems and Solutions: Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Fractals

>> No.10826673

>working chronologically
>already up to Shakespeare

How the fuck have you gone through the canon up the 17th century in 6 months?

>> No.10826674

The Diary of a Young Girl
Blood Meridian
The World as Will and Representation vol 1 & 2
Intercourse (Dworkin is nutty but actually not a bad writer imo)
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

>Pimp by Iceberg Slim

>> No.10826715
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>The life and games of Mikhael Tal

That's on my list for a long long time. Did you enjoy it? How is Tal as a writer? Does he write as entertaining as he plays chess?

Tal actually graduated in Russian literature. His thesis was about Ilf & Petrov works and humor.

>> No.10826726

Keep going my man. This is great.

>> No.10826739

24. I may have completed 10-15 books in total in my entire lifetime, I think The physicists was my favourite one thus far. The book I hated the most was Crabwalk.

In the last 5 years the books I managed to finish were:
- The Elegance of the Hedgehog
- No longer Human (liked it a lot)
- Fool's life by Akutagawa

What I'm trying to finish for a while now:
- Tractatus by Wittgenstein (20 pages left)
- Ego and his Own (read 150 pages)
- Demons by Dostojevsky (150 pages)
- Critique of Pure Reason (150 again)
- Beyond Good and Evil (read 60 pages)

Yeah, I know it's poor, but I find it hard to finish what I start (After 150 pages some kind of barrier emerges). I generally prefer short books, because they're less intimidating. Also I can't remember plot, family relations and names of characters in novels and have to write it down. Sometimes OCD fucks with me and forces me to start with page one again and again, making me unable to finish a book, like with The Castle (liked it a lot, but got sick of the constant repeated attempts). I generally dislike fiction, especially sci-fi or LOTR style books, never cared for this stuff.

>> No.10826743

>Brothers Karamazov
>Crime and Punishment
>A Confession
>*back in time to last book i remember before those*

>> No.10826757

>>10824706 (OP)
Last few books I finished:
1. Faserland by Christian Kracht
2. Potential by Ariel Schrag
3. Awkward and Definition by Ariel Schrag
4. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

I don' really remember, it's been sometime and I currently read way less than I want to and have like three or more books laying around half finished:

1. At The Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft (45% finished)
2. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote (30% finished
3. Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible by Peter Pomerantsev (70% finished)

>> No.10826763


Forgot to mention "Tao Te Ching" in the books I finished the last 5 years, it got me started with philosophy in the first place.

>> No.10826800

>The Young Desire It
>The Periodic Table
>The Marquis de Sade (biography)
>The Hitler of History

>> No.10826803


Last five books:
>Nicomachus - Introduction to Arithmetic
>Leon Walras - Elements of Pure Economics
>Apollonius - On Conics Books V - VII (trans. G. J. Toomer)
>Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Emile; or On Education

Next five:
>Irving Fisher - Mathematical Investigations into the Theory of Value and Price
>Plato - The Laws
>Ibn Al-Haytham - Completion of the Conics
>Alexander Hamilton/James Madison - The Federalist Papers
>Vilfredo Pareto - Manual of Political Economy

Most likely in that order, too. Laws is the only ''''easy'''' read. And I do read that one rather carefully as well, as this Platonic dialogue, in particular, is structured rather loosely, yet has core tenets that the Athenian stranger will go back and reference frequently.

>> No.10826813

Oh sorry I need one more book I have read.

>Apollonius - On Conics Book IV (trans. Fried)

>> No.10826833

>The hell of treblinka
>10 lessons on Buddhism pasqualotto
>The Self overcoming of nihilism
>The wisdom of life by schopenhauer
>le talpe riflessive (book on introverts)

>> No.10826842


>Chekhov short stories
>Makioka sisters
>A man who sleeps

>> No.10826846


A Confederacy of Dunces
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
On the Road
The Trojan Wars
Roadside Picnic

>> No.10826857
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>The Winter of Our Discontent by John Steinbeck
>Faust 1,2 by Johann Goethe
>Roughing It by Mark Twain
>The Discreet Hero by Vargas Llosa
>The Complete Short Novels by Anton Chekhov

>> No.10826890

>Diary of a madman
>Animal farm
>master and margarita
>inside Delta Force
>the art of war

>> No.10826936
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>L'homme machine by La Mettrie
>Anti-Seneca by La Mettrie
>Der Einzige und sein Eigentum by Stirner
>Nausea by Sartre
>The Magic Mountain by Mann

Life never felt so good.

>> No.10827019

>Grapes of Wrath
>Gone with the Wind
>Red Dragon
>Slaughterhouse 5
>Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

I need to step my game up a little

>> No.10827057 [DELETED] 
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>Infinite Jest
>Ready Player One
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10827081

>The People of Paper
>Critical Essays on Jorge Luis Borges
>The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern American Fiction
>Magical Realism and Deleuze

>> No.10827088


>book of.disquiet
>sun and steel
>wisdom of insecurity
>tale of genji

>> No.10827100

>finnegans wake
>starting strength
>jojo's bizarre adventure
>un homme qui dort
>the bible

>> No.10827205

Almost 21
>current: ulysses
>labyrinths by borges
>inherent vice
>the road
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10827227

Kind of, but not that much, since I am a gheg myself. A tosk will have a harder time reading it

>> No.10827241


Temple of the golden pavilion
Mao II
Sot weed factor
Reread blood meridian

>> No.10827292


>The Flashman Dairies
>Children of Time
>The Dharma Bums
>Sophie's World
>The World According to Garp

>> No.10827307

And now I'm reading 12 Rules for Life. Looking back on it I feel like I've wasted my time.

>> No.10827314

cant remember

>> No.10827352 [DELETED] 

>14 xD
Being and Nothing
Critique of Pure Judgement
The Magic Mountain
Finnegan's Rainbow

>> No.10827362

Turned 18 last month (20th February) and started reading (seriously last November)

5 books I remember reading (probably not the last)

-12 rules for life, Jordan B Peterson
-Notes from the underground, Dostoyevsky
-Brave New World, Huxley
-Mans search for meaning, Viktor Frankl
-Anthem, Ayn Rand

Currently reading:

- Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky
-On Blindness, Saramago (original language)
-Lollita, Vladimir Nabokov
-Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche

Inb4: I know I'm sucking Peterson's dick but I didn't read before and he changed that about me. Say what you will but I'm better off reading even if it's dosto and Orwell

>> No.10827363
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>t. edgelord

Not bad, kid. Keep it up.

>Reddit is leaking again


Don't read only /lit/ memes, kid.

>> No.10827368

No one asked for your next 5, you faggot.

>> No.10827375

>labyrinths by borges
Have you read Ficciones? Is Labyrinths a good choice if you want to read more by Borges?

>> No.10827484
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>Fellowship of the Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien
>Common Sense - Thomas Paine
>12 Rules for Life - Meme Professor
>Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
>The Truth - Terry Pratchett

>> No.10827538

Translating some from italian, can't be arsed to search for every name.
>The black plague and the end of midlle ages
>Secret language of trees
>In wood and stone
>Roman life
>On the happy life (Seneca)
>The late Mattia pascal

>> No.10827555

Well, it seems I can't even count right, I apologize for that

>> No.10827559 [DELETED] 
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> 16
> Animal farm, Orwell
> Norwegian Wood
> Du er så lys, Tore Renberg
> Shyness and Dignity, Solstad
> Mysteries, Knut Hamsun

>> No.10827605


I have a romantic view of living/surviving/traveling in the outdoors, and living as a vagabond, hobo-type, so the story was very comfy to me. Plus, it is written with a beautiful appreciation for nature and man's persistence.

>> No.10827756

See you in 30 days.

>> No.10827784


>> No.10827797

>The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
>Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
>Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Marquez
>The Rise of Fascism by F.L. Carsten
>The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

>> No.10827816

Wanna know how I can tell you’re a twink or a girl?

>> No.10827831
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Also reading 12 memes for life... it’s not great.

>Call of Cthulu, Mountains of Madness, Shadow over Innsmouth, and a few flash fics from Lovecraft, counting all as one bc short
> Ubik - Philippe “Special K” Dicky
>Of Mice and Men - (((STEIN)))beck
>Catcher in the Rye
>Slaughterhouse V

>> No.10827838

age or b&

>> No.10827844


Of Mice and Men
The Metamorphosis

>> No.10827848


Child of the Dark
The Sea and Poison
Wise Blood
Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets

>> No.10827850

>le you can only read classics if you’re in high school meme

>> No.10827855


Oh OP actually specified that, I can’t read and i’m retarded. 24

>> No.10827856

I'm neither, but I'd love to know your reasons.

>> No.10827860


The Picture of Dorian Gray
Three Body Problem
Things Fall Apart
For Whom the Bell Tolls
War and Peace

>> No.10827864


Complete Lovecraft
Complete Sherlock Holmes
Lord of The World
House of the Dead

>> No.10827876

anybody here reach exit level litcore yet?

>> No.10827886

odd books to juxtapose Julius Evola with

>> No.10827902

What's your personal canonical list of works though? 6 months is short

>> No.10827911

Hmm. I read those books in a single session each, while trying to fall asleep and failing. I've already read most major works associated with their authors (except for the 2 chinks I wasn't familiar with). Bolaño's was typical of his style (which I love), Siddartha at least was more palatable than Demian, and Gide's was just another of his works about homos corrupting minors.

The fact you just assumed a 'reading habit' out of 5 books speaks volumes about your mental age though. Were you aware I read the entire Rougon-Macquart or that my favorite Mann is Buddenbrooks? That I'm slowly but surely finishing the Western Canon and the secondary Canon lists?
Probably not.

>> No.10827914
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>Catcher in the rye
>Doctor Faustus
>Notes from the Underground
>The Brothers Karamazov
>The Trial

And I’m currently reading The Idiot
there actually is a similar image of this in The Idiot
damn, I aways feel the need to put some 100-400 pages book between massive books

>> No.10827926


Pessoa - Livro do desasossego
Sabato - abadon el exterminador
Jean Genet- Journal
Mario Vargas Llosa - La guerra del fin del mundo
Mario de Sa-Carneiro - Céu em fogo

>> No.10828011

>animal farm
>seneca's letters to lucius
>meditations - Aurelius
>Discourses - Epictetus

>> No.10828223

Franny and Zooey
Blood Meridian
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
The Claw of the Concillator

>> No.10828233

No Longer Human
Notes from Underground

>> No.10828243

The leopard
1453 the last great siege
Portugal conquerors, the first global empire
Venice city of fortune

>> No.10828247

The Unvanquished
12 Memes for Life
Cyclonpedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials

>> No.10828251

Ego and His Own
Will To Power
The Possessed
Heraclitus' Fragments
Portable Jung

>> No.10828261

The discovery of the mind - Bruno Snell
The western canon - Harold Bloom
El tratado de la imbecilidad por el sistema de Herbert Spencer - Julio Herrera y Reissig
El gigante amapolas - Juan Bautista Alberdi
Dictionary of indo-european concepts and society - Èmile Benveniste

>> No.10828272

>King Lir
>The Old Man And The Sea The
>Fathers and Sons

>currently reading Brave New World

>> No.10828295

Your first name wouldn't be "Felipe" by any chance, would it?

>> No.10828401

American Psycho
The Pillowman
The Collector

>> No.10828546
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I’m not the one you replied to but that is also my name

>> No.10828555

How do you guys decide what to read next? Most of your reading is all over the place

>> No.10828587

Did you or >>10828261 recently publish a book in /r/Argentina/?

>> No.10828599

The real question is..did you steal them,albanian?

>> No.10828627

I read what I can get my hands on (meaning there're books which I've wanted to read for a long time but I can't find a good translation for them or something like that).
If I'm in a good condition I read harder books, if not easier and shorter books.
I read according to mood.

>> No.10828632

nah, I don’t browse reddit

>> No.10828641 [DELETED] 


>> No.10828660

I'm curious, where do you live? I don't think Kosovo or Macedonia Albanians are interested in visiting 4chan or smart enough to read books.

>> No.10828710

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The Book of Disquiet
Storm of Steel
Dead Souls

>> No.10828719
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>Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut
>Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
>Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
>Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
>Animal Farm - George Orwell

>> No.10829183 [DELETED] 

> The sorrows of young werther - Goethe
> Crime and Punishment - Dosto
> Brothers Karamazov - Dosto
> The Iliad and odyssey - Homer

>> No.10829190


The Inheritors
The Devils and Canon Barham
A Kestrel for a Knave
The Rainbow
The Riddle of the Sands

>> No.10829544


AQotWF is really gripping and quite powerful. I missed this book in highschool as it was in the normie class. I expected it to be pretty pleb tier, but the prose is pretty solid, it's very enjoyable to read, and it is quite astonishing to get a first hand account of the horrors of WWI (Remarque obviously fictionalizing specifics, but having been to the front several times over the course of the war. Its veracity seems indubitable).

>> No.10829554

Nope. I'm from Uruguay, I don't know if I share that with Mr. Felipe.

>> No.10830324

>Discourse on Method
>The Meditations on The First Philosophy
>Leviathan (sections)
>Discourse on Inequality
>Fear and Trembling

>> No.10830706

>tfw ekzistojne shqiptare ne 4chan

>> No.10830713

Is there a need to be so edgy outside of /pol/?

>> No.10830719

Henry IV, part 2
Henry IV, part 1
Richard II
As I Lay Dying
The Buried Giant

Been reading Shakespeare's histories recently since I've exhausted his supply of dramas for the time being desu

>> No.10830722

Forgot to add that I'm 20

>> No.10830736

>Wolf in White Van
>Universal Harvester
>A Walk in the Woods
>Alan Watts' essential listening
>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.10830742

>A History of Modern Iran
>The Idiot
>The Death of Ivan Ilych
>Notes of a Native Son

Me at about that age, maybe a year younger. Keep it up and don't stall like I did. 7/10.

>> No.10830775
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>Infinite Jest
>The Odyssey (Fitzgerald)
>The Quran (Sahih International)
>The New Testament: A Translation (David Bentley Hart)
>Brave New World
I went through a bit of a religious crisis and a plan to read through massive volumes of books. What I’ve decided to do now though (and I’ve already read Brave New World) is I’m gonna read through /lit/s top 100. I’m starting by reading everything in the top 100 that’s also in the lit starter pack (Brave New World, Catch-22, 1984, Slaughterhouse-Five,…). I then ordered the /lit/ top 100 chart in chronological order, starting with the Iliad and ending with Jerusalem. I’m then gonna read through this chart with modifications for segments of the top 100 to be included (for example, this chart includes Billy Budd then the Hobbit, I replaced Billy Budd with Moby Dick, I’m then gonna read a bunch of books that chronologically come after Moby Dick (Madame Bovary, Oblomov, Les Miserables, Notes From Underground, Alice in Wonderland) then I’m gonna read the Hobbit, immediately followed by Lord of the Rings which is on the top 100 chart). I cut off pic related chart after section VII (so I don’t read VIII) so it’s a massive list of around 153 books. That should keep me busy for maybe the next three-four years

>> No.10830781
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>Trour Fishing in America
>Be Here Now
>Notes from Underground
>Man in the High Castle
>A Hunger Artist

>> No.10830828

>The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen
Did you find it scary? I sure did.

>that bit where the little girl is seen dancing with the demon in the fields

>> No.10831155

>Sickness Unto Death
The first half is some of the best shit I ever read. It's all about despair and really helped me recognise what was wrong when I was really depressed. I cannot recommend it enough.
The second half is awful though as he simple goes on about God and Sin so unless you're into that or just want to finish the whole thing I'd recommend to skip the second half. Hong and Hong translation is recommended.

>> No.10831277

>I'd recommend to skip the second half
kys anon

>> No.10831545

>Spice and Wolf vol 3
>Spice and Wolf vol 2
>Spice and Wolf vol 1
>Hell Divers vol 2
>The Wind Through the Keyhole

>> No.10831731

>Invisible Man
>The Three Body Problem

>> No.10831746
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>age: 24

>The Teachings of don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
>We Can Build You by Philip K. Dick
>Dr. Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick
>A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
>The Motorcycle Diaries by Che Guevara

>> No.10831752
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M.A.R. Habib - A History of Literary Criticism from Plato to Present
Leo Tolstoy - Family Happiness
Hugh of Saint Victor - Didascalicon
Unknown - Rhetorica ad Herennium
Sister Marriam Joseph - The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric: Understanding the Nature and Function of Language.

>> No.10831765

How do you like the Mishima? You read the prior novels in the sea of fertility serious, yeah? I read him when I was young and loved him, haven't come back to him in a decade though and curious what perspective will change for me.

>> No.10831766


>> No.10831876

>#1 II/23/18: Strawhouse Trail, Louis L'Amour
>#2 II/23/18: Love Poems (Collection)
>#3 II/22/18: The Blah Story, by Nigel Tomm
>#4 II/12/18: Marienbad, My Love, Mark Leach
>#5 I/20/18: Star Wars: Tarkin, James Lucendo

The Blah Story...well, that was pointless.

>> No.10831970

>The Sot-Weed Factor
>Based on a True Story: A Memoir
>Childhood's End
>The Art of the Deal

>> No.10832008

>Utopia (Thomas Moore)
>The Well of Loneliness
>Blood Meridian
>A collection of poems by W.B Yeats
>The Bloody Chamber (it’s meh and I only read it because it was assigned)

Based on that list, you need to read Hesse, my man.

>> No.10832036

>age 19
>Catch XXII.
>To kill a mockingbird
>The invisible man
>Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus

>> No.10832089

>The Great Gatsby
>All Quiet on The Western Front
>Life of Pi
>The Hobbit
>Fight Club

>> No.10832118
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Last 5 books I've read, in reverse order:
>12 Rules for Life, Jordan Memerson
>Win Bigly, Scott Adams
>Fight Club
>Moby Dick
>Paradise Lost

>> No.10832138

hey! you've read fight club recently too haha
how did you find 12 rules? would you recommend it?

>> No.10832316
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I'd recommend it, it's a good distillation of everything you'll hear in his lectures, with a few more personal anecdotes. If you're already an obsessive-level fan (like most of his fans) you won't read anything new, but it's a good way to guilt yourself into doing the dishes.

>> No.10832427

Storm of Steel
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Magick In Theory and Practice
Gulag Archipelago
Chrome Yellow

>> No.10832463

Eugene Onegin
Ghosts (Paul Auster)
The Village (Bunin)
Tales of Mother Goose

>Gulag Archipelago
Would you recommend it ? I'm into russian lit right now but I usually don't read books whose authors are ugly as fuck.

>> No.10832547

>Mark Fisher - Ghosts of my Life
>Iain Sinclair - The Last London
>Alan Moore - From Hell
>Don Delillo - White Noise
>MR James - Collected Ghost Stories

>> No.10832589

Are you religious?

>> No.10834060

Gravity's Rainbow
The Remains of the Day
Only Forward
Apathy and Other Small Victories

>> No.10834089
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>Hear The Wind Sing
>As I Lay Dying
>After The Quake
>The Stranger
>Don Quixote

>> No.10834098
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Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Ethics (Spinoza)
Crowds and Power
Discourses and Enchiridion
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.10834107

Yea, that's the sort of thing I would expect from someone underage

>> No.10834141

Got any tips on reading Spinozas Ethics?

>> No.10834164

I'll give it a shot after I finish my current reads. Thanks for the rec, anon.

>> No.10834172

Great blogs my dudes! I'm posting this on reddit Xd! Post blogs so I can subscribe!

>> No.10834176


Child of God - McCarthy
Dr. Bloodmoney - PKD
Story of Philosophy (3 chapters) -Durant
Backsass - Chappell
Simulation and Simulacra - Baudrillard

>> No.10834180


Hell yeah! Haven’t met anyone else who even knows the name Canetti. Crowds and Power felt like black magic to read, yeah?

>> No.10834188
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Take your time, his arguments aren't that difficult to follow if you ignore the meticulous references to his earlier propositions, axioms, lemma, etc. and trace them intuitively according to the few key general concepts he lays out in the first book. I recommend to have a physical copy so you can refer back to a vital proposition without having to fight with the "Find on Page" function, or scroll for two minutes, both of which I had to do.

>> No.10834219 [DELETED] 

>La Vida es Sueño
>Les Misèrables
>Cervantin Poetics

>> No.10834260
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It makes me laugh to read the negative reviews of its on Goodreads from "real" psychologists, who call it "pseudo-science." It's more well researched than any psychological "study" I've ever read. I think his writing has the same problem as Freud's, in that it offends the more dandified generations. I can imagine how "patriarchal" his descriptions of the mother-child social dynamic as essentially one that satisfies the mother's desire to control another living being would seem to the average psychology undergrad, and how "anarchic" and "unscientific" his account of the sting would seem to a Petersonian. And the similarities between his conception of Schreber's illness as a "disease of power" and Deleuze's "insomniac rationality" are worth noting, namely, that in both conceptions abstract reason's relation to paranoia is the primary factor, against Freud's "latent homosexuality." I also liked the tones of Stirner, as when Canetti says, in relation to the desire of an arsonist to be found out, "Arson is a fixed idea."

It took me about three months to finish it because he isn't the most colorful writer, but I am very glad I took the trouble.

>> No.10834262

Tip 1:

>> No.10834285


>> No.10834314
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> The Crying of Lot 49
> Siddhartha
> The Fractal Prince
> Invisible Cities
> Small Gods