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File: 137 KB, 620x412, h_p_lovecraft_alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10824512 No.10824512 [Reply] [Original]

Is HP Lovecraft well received around here? Recently read a few of his short stories and have been really enjoying his writing.

>> No.10824519


>> No.10824522


>> No.10824547


>> No.10824561

My cat was dissatisfied with the smell of my shoes, but it kept smelling them. I understand the dirty pleasure it got from doing that.

>> No.10824563

I like him, for the most part. He came up with some good examples of horror (both sci-fi and fantasy) that weren't just carbon copies of existing material.

On the other hand, he'd occasionally do stuff like describing the sky as a "skyey void":
>I vaguely wished some clouds would gather, for an odd timidity about the deep skyey voids above had crept into my soul.

>> No.10824569
File: 438 KB, 1014x1600, at-the-mountains-of-madness-book-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should read his novellas. They're excellent.

>> No.10824570

are you implying that we are not in fact covered by skyey voids

>> No.10824590
File: 96 KB, 500x731, Mgo-9_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hated niggers
>hated jews
>fucked a jew anyway just to do his part of breeding them out of existence
>hated bostoners
>created his own genre

whats not to like?

>> No.10824593

No, he was a dirty racist. If you want to read racist authors go to /pol/, you racist.

>> No.10824601

He's a good author but can be overrated by some people just because of how famous his works are. Unfortunately talking about him now attracts /pol/ minded shitposters so having a good discussion is difficult.

>> No.10824632
File: 1.76 MB, 3191x3000, 142345634857606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is there to talk about other than racist jokes? you want to talk about lore or something?

i really hate how artists draw things like "dragon like wings" or "void tentacles" as literal animal wings and octopus tentacles. it should be that if you saw this unknowable thing, the best way your ape mind could do to describe how it looked was "dragon like" or "something that reminded me of tentacles". not an actual space platypus of mishmashed parts

>> No.10824850

I feel the same sort of disappointment with the art, but I'm not really sure how an artist would depict something that's supposed to be indescribable and sanity-threatening.
At some point, the guy has to actually put his pen to paper and draw -something-.

>> No.10824862
File: 238 KB, 1600x1341, 1507404464521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i think this >>10824590 does a pretty great job of it really

>> No.10824891

>so, there's this monster anon
>btw, i can't describe it
>but trust me anon, it's really very spooky indeed

>> No.10824905

That is the scariest way to picture something though.

>> No.10824910
File: 148 KB, 1243x643, 1455750000481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he does describe a good bit hes just not autistic about details. also it really is spoopier if you leave stuff to the imagination. how is that his fault? he just does what works

>> No.10824922

I haven't read Lovecraft: the post. Some of Lovecraft's most well known stories are very descriptive.

>> No.10824930

Kadath is the best thing Lovecraft has ever written. It's the only fictional description of dreams that I've read which even came close to portraying the almost hyperrealistic vividness of details in dreams.

Or maybe people don't dream the same way and I just happen to dream like Lovecraft. Either way Kadath was brilliant.

>> No.10824936

remember those things are psychic multidimensional entities that can bend space-time and reverse causality

>> No.10824955
File: 315 KB, 500x569, Shoggoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elder things (the thing in the pic) is literally just a run of the mill ayys. they arent outer gods/elder gods

shoggoths are also just mundane alien servants. they are scary enough to give you ptsd though

>> No.10824964

>whats not to like?
His lack of talent.

>> No.10824985
File: 221 KB, 700x972, 1511461167175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah people tend to think that when they base their opinion off of nothing but incorrect shitposting memes like >>10824891 >>10824936

>> No.10824994

As I write this I am spooked. I was doing a thing, and then something peculiar happened. I inquired about the Peculiar thing, and then something spooky happened. I cannot explain the spooky thing, but it was very spooky. In addition to being very spooky it was also strikingly spooky, and I was struck it was so spooky. I am too spooked, I cannot go on. Now the spooky thing haunts me forever. Goodbye spooky world.

>> No.10825002

wat part did I say that's wrong?
doubt it

>> No.10825009

It wouldn't be a problem if he didn't spend an entire story building up tension only to close it off with
>And then there it was. I can't describe it. But wow.

He builds tension very well. He just can't capitalize on it for shit. If your narrative relies on the unknowable then change the structure so the climax doesn't have to rely on a twist or a big reveal that is impossible to execute well.

>> No.10825010
File: 501 KB, 1000x1547, 1511455168496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. butthurt nigger mad that whitey thinks hes less than an animal

you doubt what?

>> No.10825056
File: 122 KB, 500x668, 62737bb8221dcb76f63308cde6ac898d--lovecraftian-horror-hp-lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then there it was. I can't describe it. But wow.

hmm i sure that exactly how all his stories end actually. thats why youre a world famous writer and hes a hack nobody. great insight. keep the high quality posts coming

>> No.10825429

>eats nothing but candy as a child
>starves himself to pay for postage
>dies of cancer at 46
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10825563
File: 789 KB, 245x184, 1497664822310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marries a jew

>> No.10825574

Jew mad as fuck

>> No.10825742

Grandiloquence defined and insane imagination. No one could beat the guy and there may never be anyone who will.

>> No.10825939

In terms of illustrations, I think this cover >>10824569 is great. It doesn't look like an animal or anything that could actually exist. It fits the bill of being hallucinogenic and hard to describe.

>> No.10825940

he gave us nick land so that's good enough for me

>> No.10825999

f3 -> 'Clark' -> no results

was better than Lovecraft, but they both were great talents.

>> No.10826099

i actually love HPL, but thanks for the (You)s

>> No.10826110
File: 279 KB, 660x440, obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marries a Jewish woman
>rants about the Jews
>she reminds him she's Jewish
>"Oh yeah... except for you, honey."

Lovecraft is a solid maximalist author that straddles the border between literary and genre fiction. He's a bit like Tolkein in a way. Not so much the worldbuilding, but the fact that he had high attention to detail and crafted his works with a consistent tone based on his personal philosophy.

>> No.10826150

idk, i kinda like that sentence

>> No.10826278

I love his craft. Absolutely an amazing writer.
His writing captures the inevitably condition of modernity.
Man is feverish, energetic, willful, and ultimately without a chance.
The hostile forces are vast, cosmic, impersonal and fundamentally indifferent to human existence.
The deaths are never dramatic.

One of these days some physicist will open up the abyss that will shallow the earth.

It is no coincidence strong critics of liberalism are keen students of Lovecraft. For instance, read Houllebecq's excellent essay collection on Lovecraft - "Against the World, Against Life."

>> No.10826798
File: 9 KB, 244x200, 1490888674710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love his craft.

>> No.10826838

Sometimes I felt like the “indescribable” was just a cheap way out of writing in more detail

>> No.10826863
File: 94 KB, 790x523, ligottiart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love him but I've grown much more fond of Thomas Ligotti instead

>> No.10826881

His prose is mediocre but he is very talented in his specific niche.

>> No.10826904

>It is no coincidence strong critics of liberalism are keen students of Lovecraft.
Do you mean American "liberalism" or actual liberalism.

>> No.10826933

that's because he is closer to Land

>> No.10826969

I would like to read this author. Where should I start?

>> No.10826977

Try reading one of his books

>> No.10826981

>Do you mean American "liberalism" or actual liberalism.

The former. Modern "liberalism" with its extreme hedonism, individualism and relativism has little to do with actual or classical liberalism.

>> No.10827056


>> No.10827106

I had to ask because Houellebecq hates both.

>> No.10827112

Yup, and that's the problem with Lovecraftian themes in media outside of literature. Like how Cthulhu is always just a big humanoid with a tentacle beard and wings, being the most obvious example.

>> No.10827122

>The former. Modern "liberalism" with its extreme hedonism, individualism and relativism has little to do with actual or classical liberalism.
except it has everything to do with it, it's what liberalism leads to because liberalism is not self-sustaining and just feeds on whatever tradition it sits on top and corrodes it, that is supposing that the tradition is even able to sustain liberalism, most of which are not

>> No.10827143

Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe.

>> No.10827173


>> No.10827190


This where you start and realize Ligotti is a shitty fucking writer. Honestly Spectral Link is better, anyway.

>> No.10827258

The White Ship, Shadow Over Innsmouth, Call of Cthulu, Mountains of Madness. All short story or novella length. Mountains is longest at 40k words.

Protip: I like to listen to Lovecraft audios on youtube. I find his style is best listened to, but maybe just me. It’s written as if he’s recounting a story to you so it fits.

Also heads up: Lovecraft’s stories are very descriptive and there’s not a lot of action or movement. They’re often written as if they were a creepy wikipedia article about. It’s not riveting and intense like a S King novel, it’s more designed to slowly weird you out.

>> No.10827265

Fuck just realized you weren’t talking about HPL. Well there’s a primer for Lovecraft, anyway.

>> No.10827277

>Protip: I like to listen to Lovecraft audios on youtube. I find his style is best listened to, but maybe just me. It’s written as if he’s recounting a story to you so it fits.
all books should be read loudly, reading in your head is degenerate

>> No.10827326


He should be but for the most part literary fiction fags hate him for being a fucking white male and not writing Joyceian gibberish, and genre fic fags hate him for using multisyllabic words that confuse and enrage their tiny brains

>> No.10827342


>Hated Poles, Irish, and Italians for ruining America
>One of the original proto-NEETs

>> No.10827386

stop it with the 'prose' shit, you sound 12 years old

>> No.10827497

Are you saying his prose is bad?

>> No.10827712

Lovecraft is a meme
Read Edgar Allan Poe.

>> No.10828318


>> No.10828333

The last person I'd expect to run out of words would be Lovecraft

>> No.10828429

Lovecraft's actual prose can be shit, although it can be pretty good at times when he isn't up his own ass describing architecture for paragraphs at a time and using language that was antiquated even in his time.

What's more important than Lovecraft's actual writing is the ideas in it. He changed an entire genre of fiction. Lots of writers have made Lovecraft pastiche but few have managed to evoke the same feelings he did. Everyone seriously making horror fiction, whether it's written, in film, in vidya, etc. is inspired by HPL somehow, even if it's just indirectly.

>> No.10828658
File: 15 KB, 93x114, indescribable_entity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not with nigger-man running around at such a pace

>> No.10829134

Saemen daemon

>> No.10829175

clark ashton smith is only really superficially comparable to lovecraft, though

hardly. lovecraft's 'niche' has the works of chambers, machen, and blackwood, and they're all far better writers of horror. lovecraft had nice ideas but none of the talent to execute them well.

>> No.10829180

he really is. the only real ligotti stories of any worth are the last feast of harlequin and nethescurial. everything else is just the same rehashed, ambiguous shit.

>> No.10829912

I found the Lurking Fear to be quite good.

>> No.10830075

Conspiracy against human race is good though it's not fiction

>> No.10830149

>unironically calling some a racist as an insult

is this still a thing? people actually do this