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10824435 No.10824435 [Reply] [Original]

>Study Greek Mythology
>Never watches Disney's Hercules the same again

>> No.10824616


>> No.10824869

This happened to me last week while watching it with my gf

>> No.10824923

How could anyone watch that shit? It's like being able to sit through Downy's Holmes if you've read Doyle, or virtually any Robin Hood or King Arthur film: I don't get it.

>> No.10825017
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>> No.10825344

aye, all depictions of greek myth turn into piles of shit once you read up on the actual stuff, here's a few things that we cant really put in kids movies

>Zeus's inability to keep it in his pants
>Aphrodite's galaxy breaking libido
>All of the gay stuff
>Death, gore and incest
>Massive ammounts of senseless death
>Body horror

>> No.10825390

>All of the gay stuff
when will this meme die

>> No.10825582

t. poltard who hasnt read the greeks

>> No.10825766
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Actually greeks were (and still are) hella gay

>> No.10825778

>Achilles and Patroclus
The sjws are going all out with their LGBT propaganda.

>> No.10825779


>> No.10825784

>lesbianism is rarely found in classical myths
Because intimate, open female-female affection that is perfectly heterosexual is acceptable in western society. Not so for males. So when you project, you find you can't project hard enough to capture false lesbianism.

>> No.10825787
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>study greek mythology
>Harry Potter is never the same

>> No.10825898

>projects his own Semitic morality onto pagan culture
yea bro.. homosexual behaviour only exists in postmodern cultural marxist WEST !!! INVENTED in 20t H CENTURY by ((Mar)x... hte GREEKS were epic and all muscley and stuf.. check this picture of a grey classicist statue..... BOG.

>> No.10825915

Greeks were bit weird tbqh

>Gay sex and pedophilia is A OK
>WTF women shouldnt drink

Pliny the elder went to Illyria and when he saw that women drank wine alonside men was surprised by such barbaric culture

>> No.10825917

Same, after reading the iliad, troy now disgusts me on so many levels.
Basically, fuck troy it's terrible.

>> No.10825922

>adapt a legend
>take out all the legendary stuff
What was the point of that movie?

>> No.10825937

They tried to do Gladiator when they should have tried to do LotR or Fire and Ice

>> No.10825942

Nah the worst part was how Menelaus was killed.
Stopped watching immediately then, the writers should be lynched for that.

>> No.10825948

>Hercules not Herakles
>Born in Olympus to Hera (not Zeus adultery)
>Hera loves him (doesn't try and kill him)
>Hades kidnaps/tries to kill him (all that potion bullshit)
>Muses = Black women singing Gospel style
>Fates = Graeae (sharing the eye)
>Hercules is after Achilles chronologically- wut
>Hercules is a beta 90s emasculated wimp
>He has Pegasus, instead of Perseus/Bellerophon
>Zeus is apparently unable to just take Hercules to Olympus - he must "prove himself a hero". But what about Ganymede, whom Zeus snatched up to be butt buddies?
>Doesn't kill the centaur Nessus/isn't in turn killed by Nessus
>Doesn't kill Megara in a Hera-induced spell of insanity
>No Eurystheus
>Kills the Hydra with a landslide
>12 Labors skipped as a major part of the story (they just show him beating a few beasts in a crappy montage)
>"Who put the glad in gladiator"
>Herculade drink
>Doesn't free Prometheus
>Some bullshit about not wanting to be a god
The only thing good about the movie is James Woods' voice acting.

>> No.10825949

How did it happen in the film?

>> No.10825959

Lesbians BTFO

>> No.10825968

Of course I love hector and he's one of my favourite characters in the poem but this isn't right at all.

>> No.10825973

>fight Paris
>beat and humiliate Paris
>Paris crawl to Hector, begging him to save him
>Hector say the fight is over, Menalaus have won
>Agamemnon tell his army to prepare for battle as the Troyans have violated the pact
>Paris is crying at Hectors feet
>Memelaus is not happy, scream about how he's going to slice Paris up and is killed by Hector as he try to strike Paris

>> No.10825974

Fucking same. The movie was utter shit. I got into mythology in 2003 when I was 14 after playing Age of Mythology. I read a retelling of the Iliad and many other books before moving on to reading the actual Iliad of Homer, which I loved - it was so gruesome and exciting. When the movie came out I was ecstatic. WOW - talk about timing. Went to see it and was fucking heartbroken.
>No gods - or supernatural anything
>Achilles blasphemously decapitates a head of an Apollo statue and acts like an anachronistic atheist
>No Diomedes, no Teucer, no Ajax the less, et al.
>No 10 year stalemate - it apparently all takes a couple of days
>Battles are few and miserably depicted - none of the spiritual, heroic grandeur and exultation of masculinity as in Homer - it's all "boo, hoo, meanie Greeks are mean - fighting is bad -
look women are crying!"
>The Menelaus bullshit
>Aeneas gets 4 seconds of screen time at the end
>Achilles not killed before the final sack of Troy
>Achilles is in the Trojan Horse
>He is killed by Paris
>Paris doesn't die
>Helen not returned
>Agamemnon is stabbed in Troy, not by Clytemnestra and co. back in Greece.
So much more - but in short: they blew it.

>> No.10825975

How did it happen in The Iliad?

>> No.10825977

>Greeks were bit weird
>Pliny the elder

>> No.10825985

In his writing it tells how the gesture is barbarian
If Greeks did it, he wouldnt be calling it barbarian

>> No.10826005

You are quite right that reading the primary sources really brings home just how debased and thin and worthless Hollywood interpretations really are.

Of course there are extreme examples like the Beowulf movie where they re-cast Grendel's mother as an Angelina Jolie babe. But it's utterly pervasive and has been for a long time.

The first time I really noticed it was Disney's The Jungle Book. The cartoon isn't just silly and vulgar, it also completely subverts Kipling when it comes to the Monkey-People. In the original, the Jungle animals have utter contempt for them:

>“Mowgli,” said Baloo, “thou hast been talking with the Bandar-log—the Monkey People.”

>Mowgli looked at Bagheera to see if the Panther was angry too, and Bagheera’s eyes were as hard as jade stones.

>“Thou hast been with the Monkey People—the gray apes—the people without a law—the eaters of everything. That is great shame.”

>“When Baloo hurt my head,” said Mowgli (he was still on his back), “I went away, and the gray apes came down from the trees and had pity on me. No one else cared.” He snuffled a little.

>“The pity of the Monkey People!” Baloo snorted. “The stillness of the mountain stream! The cool of the summer sun! And then, man-cub?”

>“And then, and then, they gave me nuts and pleasant things to eat, and they—they carried me in their arms up to the top of the trees and said I was their blood brother except that I had no tail, and should be their leader some day.”

>“They have no leader,” said Bagheera. “They lie. They have always lied.”

>“They were very kind and bade me come again. Why have I never been taken among the Monkey People? They stand on their feet as I do. They do not hit me with their hard paws. They play all day. Let me get up! Bad Baloo, let me up! I will play with them again.”

>“Listen, man-cub,” said the Bear, and his voice rumbled like thunder on a hot night. “I have taught thee all the Law of the Jungle for all the peoples of the jungle—except the Monkey-Folk who live in the trees. They have no law. They are outcasts. They have no speech of their own, but use the stolen words which they overhear when they listen, and peep, and wait up above in the branches. Their way is not our way. They are without leaders. They have no remembrance. They boast and chatter and pretend that they are a great people about to do great affairs in the jungle, but the falling of a nut turns their minds to laughter and all is forgotten. We of the jungle have no dealings with them. We do not drink where the monkeys drink; we do not go where the monkeys go; we do not hunt where they hunt; we do not die where they die. Hast thou ever heard me speak of the Bandar-log till today?”

>“No,” said Mowgli in a whisper, for the forest was very still now Baloo had finished.

Just read the original. And burn Hollywood to the ground.

>> No.10826022

did Greek customs and etiquette hold this much weight in Rome

>> No.10826024
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>> No.10826028

>le soye meme xD

>> No.10826029

the Lover’s Band

>> No.10826036

He wasn't killed.

>> No.10826045

He took his ship back to Sparta with his wife Helen in tow.

>> No.10826059

>back to Sparta
I think everyone who uses this word instead of Lacedaemon should be banned indefinitely from this board, it's this awful.

>> No.10826075

We should just call it Rope.

>> No.10826127

The Rope of Helen?

>> No.10826260

there's literally nothing wrong with the term sparta.

>> No.10826274

>Listen, Odysseus, we’d like a word with you.

>By all means. We are all friends here.

>Did you take Helen when you took Troy?

>We rooted out the whole race of Priam.

>When you took that woman, did you all take turns
>and bang her? She liked variety in guys,
>the fickle slut! Why, the sight of a man
>with embroidered pants and a golden chain
>so fluttered her, she left Menelaus,
>a fine little man. If only there were
>no women in the world—except with me!

>> No.10826307


>> No.10826938


>> No.10826987

Just think it's strange to say greeks were weird and then give an example of a roman as evidence.

>> No.10826995
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>/lit/ is actually full of the kind of pseuds that can't watch silly children's movies without sperging out and going "This is inaccurate, it needs more rape and he needs to murder Megara and the muses should be white as the driven snow"

>> No.10826998

>Robin Hood
Two things Disney did as well.

>> No.10827251

Dude, the greeks were super into dude on dude butt stuff, so far the only modern depiction I've found that accepts this comes from Rick Riordan of all people

>> No.10827343

Greeks were pious heterosexuals generally.

>> No.10827357

Stuff like this is why people hate gays. Any kind of fraternity or brotherly love, immediately means that they must be homosexual.
>The gays have pathologized normal male comraderie to such a degree that our absolutely fucked norms are projected backwards & "scholars" imply that the completely normal behavior of men in the past has a "homoerotic" element to it.

>> No.10827500

>Orpheus and Eurydice are two of the most famous lovers
>Eurydice dies and Orpheus faile to save her
>"in her memory I'll never love another woman again"
>"Instead I'll only fuck dozens and dozens of pubescent boys"
>not gay

>> No.10827526

stuff like this is why people hate christcucks. their infinite capacity for delusion means that no matter how many explicit references to gay sex are found in the ancient world they'll still claim it was all just "friendship".

>> No.10827550

i don't think you know what this means in the context of the greeks. here's a hint: the greeks were not following the ritual prohibitions of jewish tribes.

>> No.10827556

Just visit Italy or Greece now lmao. Old men kiss each other and it isn't homosexual, in fact they would probably beat you up if you acted like a fag.

>> No.10827629

just read some fucking greeks and romans and see how often they openly mention the sexual pursuit of boys you illiterate pseud. bonus retard points for referencing the modern inhabitants of these areas as if they had anything to do whatsoever with the ancient peoples we're actually talking about