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File: 36 KB, 1280x720, jordan peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10824086 No.10824086[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What other philosophers have gotten hair transplants? Camus? Maybe Derrida?

>> No.10824096

I feel like a hair transplant is someone not properly engaging with their shadow

>> No.10824214

Lmao I was wondering if he got one. His hairline is has returned like a glacier in winter and it's unsettlingly black and oily

>> No.10824219

I think he attritubed it to solving his autoimmune problems by switching to a meat+greens diet because of his daughter.

His daughter is on a carnivore diet, literally nothing but meat.

>> No.10824229

Peterson is not a philosopher and neither is Camus. Common misconception

>> No.10824231

he was an alcoholic in his 20s, it explains /everything/ about him

>> No.10824244

>His daughter is on a carnivore diet, literally nothing but meat.


>> No.10824267

who cares shes hot as fuck. maybe its lobster meat.

>> No.10824276


>> No.10824284

Jesus Christ, this family can't fucking brush their teeth without evangelizing it

>> No.10824298

i suspect things of this nature but there is no evidence for it really

>> No.10824338

It may be beneficial for people with certain health problems but the optimal diet for normal people is almost certainly mostly whole food plant based for the most part.

>> No.10824349

do we actually have any idea what the optimal diet is? they change their mind every few years on completely basic questions

>> No.10824361

its retarded and basically a "reads X nutrition blog/subreddit once"

its possible the petersons are entirely in it for the money, in which case theyre genius and have figured out key market demographics

>> No.10824383

>t. someone who has never done a modicum of physical activity
how can you actually believe this?

holy shit I hate literary types. the majority are literally always these types of limpwristed cumlovers who only got into literature to compensate for the fact that they were too unathletic for sports, then they began to base so much of themselves on this affected identity that they devolve into insipid pseudo-intellectual victims of ideology and their every action is derived from some neurotic insecurity

eat a steak you fucking fag and do some pushups

>> No.10824396

The studies are often very incomplete and contradictory but if you look at populations that thrive the most (long lifespan but also healthspan) there are a bunch of locations that stick out (so called blue zones) and those have very similar diets and lifestyles.

I like Valter Longo's pretty careful research into health and longevity stuff, where he looks at the studies but always checks them against real world examples to make sure you're not fucking around and taking risks.

Keto diets can have great short term results for example but there are no populations that have thrived on it for long periods of time so we can't honestly say it's a good choice in the long run, and some evidence suggesting the opposite.

By looking at diets that are actually practised by populations who have been observed to have lived to an old age healthily you can at least conclude that what they are doing is not wrong, even if we don't know what is the perfect optimal diet is. It's best to play it safe and do mimic the successful then get overly experimental and maybe ruin your one chance at good health based on a few ambiguous new studies.

>> No.10824419

>real men eat epic motherfucking steak you bunch of pussy queers i bet you're fucking gay fag cum dangly wrist
>accuses others of insecurity

>> No.10824426

lol man that guy really hit a nerve. all he did was postulate a bit

>> No.10824431

An optimum diet to what end?

>> No.10824437

>t. boy of soy
stay mad while my dick stays wet

>> No.10824438

>Keto diets can have great short term results for example but there are no populations that have thrived on it for long periods of time

Not even Eskimos?

>> No.10824443

Japanese food?

>> No.10824448


also nice countdown digits

>> No.10824453


>> No.10824459

Eskimos have pretty low life expectancy compared to the blue zone people. They also don't eat keto diets, they get carbs when they can get them (one of the sources being glycogen that they get from the animals they eat). Then there's also their genetic adaptation to the environment that has been formed over the generations, most people who are currently alive stem form ancestors that were agricultural.

On top of that there are differences between eating all the parts of fish and arctic marine mammals and just living on cuts of muscle meat from factory farmed beef and chicken from the grocery store.

>> No.10824460


>> No.10824461
File: 130 KB, 1451x816, blue-zones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tradition Okinawan food is one of the most famous examples, specifically.

>> No.10824469

He should have kept this look. Its better than his current sickly Anglo scholar, alt-right haircut/suspender crossover look. Put that picture in black and white, grow the beard a bit, button up those buttons, add a tie, and he might look like a 19th century philosopher.

>> No.10824491


I'm sure thats what it seems like to someone who has utterly failed to do anything to the best of their ability.

>> No.10824495

I'm pretty sure fat fuck eskimos drinking soda and eating chocolate are included in these studies. It's the classic vegan trick to scew the results in their favour.

>> No.10824502

the irony being soda and chocolate are both vegan

>> No.10824505

i guess ops pic was his pua phase

>> No.10824516

>his current sickly Anglo scholar, alt-right haircut/suspender crossover look.
my sides

>> No.10824529 [DELETED] 

Peterson's daughter can't tell the difference between "You're/Your".

>> No.10824554

holy fucking s h i t nigga, when is this picture from?

>> No.10824557

There's no reason to believe even a pure eskimo diet is optimal for most people and if it were you would have to consume the actual food they consume, while there are a lot of reasons to believe the blue zone diets benefit everyone and is easily mimicked.

It's not a pure or moralistic vegan approach either. It focuses on mostly whole foods and plant based, but there is room for some fish, meat, eggs and dairy used in moderation. And there's a lifestyle component as well.

>> No.10825431

peterson has an obsession with forestalling aging. he has a machine in his basement that blasts his skin with rapid flashes of intense light that he thinks de-ages him. in response to being asked about the resurrection of christ he says, paraphrasing here, "we don't know the upper limits of the physiological benefits of properly embodying the logos." he thinks being the right kind of christian allows you to stop aging and come back from the dead.

>> No.10825510


Number of times Jordan Peterson has called himself a philosopher is fewer than the number of dicks OP has sucked.

>> No.10825591


>> No.10825593

I can see why it would seem that way if you were basing your opinions on what you see in the popular press. Nutrition is one of those topics that gets people really riled up, similar to politics. In fact, a lot of the Macedonian teens who were monetizing pro-Trump fake news in 2016 were planning on switching to health and nutrition news after the election (they assumed Hillary would win).

As >>10824396 said, we have a decent idea about what a good diet looks like at the macronutrient level. There's also a decent amount of variability in how people respond to specific foods (e.g. glycemic responses to certain foods vary widely, to the point where the glycemic index is all but useless at the individual level).

One area that's just starting to be explored is the differential effects of micronutrients of staple foods in various regions on the health of people from that region vs. the population at large. For example, African staple foods like yam and cassava contain high levels of thiocyanate, which ameliorates the effects of sickle cell anemia. American staple foods do not contain significant amounts of thiocyanate, which could be why African Americans are 20x more likely to suffer from sickle cell anemia than people on the African continent despite having a similar genetic makeup. This means that as the global food supply chain becomes more and more homogeneous we're likely to start seeing negative health effects even if people are eating what's considered to be a "healthy diet." Rates of sickle cell anemia are rising rapidly in Africa as their diet becomes more westernized.

Don't worry too much about that, though. For a good run down on basic, everyday nutrition look up "International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition." I'd link it but it's getting caught in the spam filter.

The benefits of Keto diets are due to increased protein consumption. There's no benefit to a Keto diet compared to a diet with the same amount of calories and protein but a higher proportion of carbohydrates. Carbs aren't bad for you, and they're actually more satiating than fats.

>> No.10825600

you’re high retard
ecce homo

>> No.10825621

I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.10825653

Patreon pays well.