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10821156 No.10821156 [Reply] [Original]

>David Foster Wallace "dies"

>Sam Hyde releases his first video

>> No.10821170

>my name is David
>my younger brother is named Sam
Can’t be a coincidence, my parents are in on it

>> No.10821174

David has his bandana.
Sam has his beanie.

>> No.10821184

Sam Hyde and DFW are one entity, there is a deep cosmic dialectic of some sort linking those two, revealing something profound about the nature of Man, America and the postmodern condition, or something

>> No.10821322
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MDE is carried by the jarring surrealism of its editing and by the unnerving presence of Charls. Sam has the least talent of the group and has only served to drive its members apart and ruin the possibility of great collaborations with Will Sasso, Shaliek Jenkins, and the full suite of Adult Swim talent.

>> No.10821333

Sam's total and naked abjection is a funny and necessary component of the group dynamic. MDE wouldn't be MDE without its 365 day stockpile of vertical videos filmed by unemployed suicidal sexually confused sam at his mums house.

of course this self-destructive death impulse craves more and more patheticness, more failure, to the point where it begins not to aid but to hinder his creative output and, worse, that of his friends.

>> No.10821336

agree, although Sam's all consuming cynicism is a very useful warning to future generations

>> No.10821357


I fail to see where his creative output was boosted by his impotence. The best of his work is adapted from Tom Green, Space Ghost, and Tim&Eric.

>> No.10821360

I've watched his videos since the days of IMG_0612 and I've gotta say it's been a hell of a ride watching this guy go from a depressed and unstable pimple faced twenty-something to a truly off the rails thirty-something.

>> No.10821361

his deranged mind is its own cosy attraction for a lot of the audience. his talent for graphic design and zeitgeist imitation simply adds a bit of zest.

>> No.10821363

>"Wanna know how to time travel as a man? Just fuck around a lot when you're young"

Samual Whitecobbler Hyde.

>> No.10821364

MDE and Sam's wheelhouse is absolutely slaughtering the innane, pointless consumerism that fills our lives in the modern world. Whenever they deviate from that their work suffers.

>> No.10821368

Sadly that's a well-trodden area of comedy dating back to the mid 80s. Gussying it up with flashy editing, graphics, and racism doesn't do much for it.

>> No.10821369

poor Charls

>> No.10821371

The racism part is necessary though, since their schtick is pointing out how the left is implicit in the consumerist culture of our times.

>> No.10821380

>slaughtering the innane, pointless consumerism that fills our lives in the modern world

At some point in 2015 Sam shifted his focus from that to exposing white genocide

>> No.10821384

Ten hard years of military budget cuts with the funding redirected to public works projects, education, truly brutal executions of terrorists and murderers, and instilling a sense of moral and ethical duty in our population would solve the problems that racists want to solve with HURR ROPE LOL

>> No.10821394
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>David Foster Wallace "dies"

>the global economy collapses

>> No.10822399

If you like chuck a lot, go watch Bombstrap you wont regret it

>> No.10822475

I dunno man, that tedX talk was legendary.

>> No.10823469


This is how you dress when you’re.... in between.

>> No.10823560
File: 73 KB, 960x959, DX4nJ1NX4AE05jZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something eerily hyperreal about Sam Hyde, he's like the demonic tv comedian in Do androids dream of electric sheep? or at least he was once, before he got reterritorialized into just another old meme. This interview with WORLDPEACE featured artist and continental philosophy PhD wanker John Maus reads like a fictional document out of a Phillip K Dick or Ballard dystopia.


TED lecture. Now after everything we've said, obviously I'm like, "Right on. Fucking TED." Then I saw some other stuff, where they were taking a piss on, whatever, cool people in Brooklyn and stuff like that. I liked their target so far as I could see.

I said, "Oh yeah, they look like cool dudes. I'll go and do this." I said, "I want to sleep on the couch." I didn't want to come in and just sing a song and go. I wanted to be on the set and see. It was cool, the whole place, and to be on a TV set. They were super nice.
Then a few months later or whatever, one of the people from the label was like, "Yo, did you see this? You gotta say something." "They're Nazis," or something like that.

Shit. A cult of a race and blood—that's an absolute obscenity. That's nothing other than disaster. That's just inarguably obscene, that sort of ideology.

If the question too is why not just throw in your two cents about it or whatever, it's just so insanely complicated the way the biopolitics and the cults of race and blood, the residues of that, are rearing their ugly faces again in our situation. That's too complicated a thing to try to touch with [140] characters without running the risk of just turning the screw.

>> No.10823872

So much of what Maus said towards the end clearly went right over the interviewer's head. I know it's a cliche of a cliche but vice writers are (with some exceptions) the thickest of twats.

>> No.10823902
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MDE is one of the few manifestations of a counter-culture that fully rejects the beltway-siliconvalley-socialmedia complex (i.e. watch Sam Hyde taking the piss out of a Buzzfeed writer), which is why it's interesting. It is deliberately meant to inflame a certain manifestation of the popular psyche (what some would insultingly call "cuck" or "soyboy"). MDE to a large extent parodies a hyperreal society with an endless number of "individualities" and "identities" that are all a product of a conformative, consumer culture.

>> No.10823943

I'm disappointed this took off instead of "bugman"

>> No.10824312

Sam's deranged antics were a key part of prime MDE. However, the idiot should've kept his mouth shut when MDE got on Adult Swim. His stupidity killed the show and ripped MDE apart.

>> No.10824402

>It is obvious to any devout fan looking for verification that Sam knows his literature. Sure, in the less subtle proofs, he outright mentions Jung when discussing King, Magician, Warrior, Lover, or Keynesian economics, or Slajov Zizek (much to our giddy approval, since he follows up this mentioning with a devious smile and says, “What? I can’t make talk shit on Slajov Zizek?” Leading us to believe Sam perhaps browses 4chan’s /lit/, or at least 4chan, or at least at one point he did—all which we’ll touch upon soon). But in other more subtle moments Sam lets the keen observer know he knows what he’s talking about. On their own these moments prove little to nothing, but together coupled with Sam’s wayward genius prove that he is well-read.

>In episode _ of Kickstarter TV, Sam throws out the words “Western Canon,” when talking about woman’s contribution to society throughout time. After laughing at the idea that throughout time women were beat if decided to produce a work of art, Sam jokes that “80% of the Western Canon is by women,” and that it was a woman that invented “the blender, the stoplight,” and the high comedic point in this rant: “The airplane.” (It goes without saying that this is the high point because of our obvious knowledge of The Wright Brothers). But Sam’s mere mention of the phrase “Western Canon” here leads us to believe at the very least: he is more than familiar with literature.

.>In another episode of Kickstarter TV, Sam is reviewing a girl who would love to write a book. He agrees with her idea sarcastically, saying, “Yeah. This is what you need to read. Don’t read Aristotle, The Bible, Tolstoy, Yeats, or Robert Frost, (or any tried and true plays, in another section of the same video), read this girl’s book.” Similar to George Carlin’s notion of millions upon millions of songs already existing (very nearly all of them being about love, funnily enough considering Sam’s view on this topic [cf. KickstarterTV episode Manstarter, and possibly Sam’s refusal to name Shakespeare as a playwright after pausing to come up with one^1]), Sam drives home this point.

>> No.10824413

I love how after John delivers a monologue about how the modern political landscape is a mess that's manipulated by corporations the interviewer responds with, "You were shocked that they were accused of being Nazis, basically?"

>> No.10824418

they're not the same thing

>> No.10824427

He was a victim of his own fanbase, stupid fucking reddit goobers