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File: 37 KB, 634x266, Zizek-terminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10816862 No.10816862 [Reply] [Original]


what the fuck happened to him?

how would cynical alt-centrists take him 'with a grain of salt' with a face like that? I am seriously worried.

>> No.10816883

>what the fuck happened to him?
probably a stroke
sad, he's 68
fucking kissinger is like 300 years old and still walking and talking while slavoj is fucked

>> No.10816914

this, that's stroke face OP, he treats his body like shit its not surprising

>> No.10816916

people who think they're 'necessary evil' die by suicide

anyway just checked he probably been diagnosed with bell's palsy which is moderately (?) serious.

>> No.10816923

he stopped sniffling so much at least

>> No.10816930

lol at his spazout at the end

>> No.10817257

it was nice he still retains his autistic energy

it was boring to see him list his ecology, biogenetic, shit that he always does 2 or 3 times without saying anything

>> No.10817280

I don't want him to die

>> No.10817291
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1520570883440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloom will live for 20 more years lads
nothing keeps you going like bitterness

>> No.10817292

This is what capitalism does to you boys

>> No.10817295

he'll be fine

>> No.10817297

t. school of resentment

>> No.10817312

is Bloom still memeing or is he retired?

>> No.10818422


>> No.10818454

I read on /leftypol/ that it's rheumatism, not a stroke.

>> No.10818456

This is fucking hilarious.

However, I don't think he's going to die. I'm guessing that's Bell's Palsy, not a stroke cause his brain seems to be functioning just as well as ever.

>> No.10818551

that's not of the bones?

>> No.10818573



>> No.10818581

>no longer touching his face and sniffing every 2 seconds

It's an improvement

>> No.10818594

somehow hes less grotesque now

>> No.10818612

Hold me bros, life is a tragedy.
His speech is unironically easier to comprehend however.

>> No.10818622


hes not looking good, its a sad spectacle. whatever hit him is too distracting now.

>> No.10818630

>After a follow-up of at least one year or until restoration, complete recovery had occurred in more than two-thirds (71%) of all patients. Recovery was judged moderate in 12% and poor in only 4% of patients. Another study found that incomplete palsies disappear entirely, nearly always in the course of one month. The patients who regain movement within the first two weeks nearly always remit entirely. When remission does not occur until the third week or later, a significantly greater part of the patients develop sequelae.[38] A third study found a better prognosis for young patients, aged below 10 years old, while the patients over 61 years old presented a worse prognosis.

He'll be fine.

>> No.10818634

so how does this affect Octobers upcoming Peterson v/s Zizek debate?

>> No.10818641

Plot twist: Neither of them lives that long.

>> No.10818647

That sucks.

I will say, though, that it adds another eccentricity to an already weird character.

>> No.10818650

>implying Peter won't sacrifice himself to the Judeo-Christian God w/ forty male virgin fans before then

>> No.10818651

he had a stroke? FUCK

>> No.10818660
File: 19 KB, 553x312, DXEVliIWkAEBoBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably won't affect it anyway if it ever happens, Zizek seems as lively as ever, Peterson looks way more decrepit

>> No.10818665

Peterson ffs wtf am i doing

>> No.10818667

somebody said it's just his face melting, not a stroke

>> No.10818670

that is what a stroke IS

>> No.10818673


chill, y'all:

can rarely be caused by a tumor or w/e, but usually it gets better on its own in a few months

>> No.10818675

no, a stroke is poor blood flow to the brain, his brain is fine, it's just his face rotting away

>> No.10818679

>The cause of Bell's palsy is unknown.[1] Risk factors include diabetes
he has the beetus, so could be this

>> No.10818680

hell be fine

>> No.10818683

Maybe Zizzy ought to take a few months off so he can recover in whatever way he can

>> No.10818691

Dude is such a leftist he doesn’t even use the right side of his face

>> No.10818692

I saw that YouTube comment too, anon

>> No.10818702

it's just a face, you don't need it to live

>> No.10819701
File: 9 KB, 159x199, 1486150806405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10819819

Memerson will be forgotten by then, Zizek dead

>> No.10819855

>zizek will die soon

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.10819929

Aw, no. :(

>> No.10820122
File: 18 KB, 313x286, 1510443704747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot /lit/ now I'm a sad boy

>> No.10820421

This saddened me deeply.

>> No.10820429

/leftypol/ and its rape-babies on 4chan in tears

>> No.10820433

He looks like Jean Chretien now.

>> No.10820435


>> No.10820439

He didn't have a stroke. He has diabetes which made his facial nerve go to shit.

>> No.10820442

>Being this hung up over people being sorry for a sick man
Do you have some underlying trauma?

>> No.10820447
File: 111 KB, 600x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he's up in spirits. I have hope that he'll be the cynical trash man we know and love for times to come
> is it weird that I can understand him better now?

>> No.10820465
File: 34 KB, 350x525, 1517084863991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically kek'd.

>> No.10820473

hung up? nah mate, not at all. soz for upsetting you.

>> No.10820504

Apology accepted

>> No.10821474

I actually think his face will be back to normal by then. He has Bell's Palsy, it's only a short-term thing

>> No.10821523

Seems like he had a stroke.

Common for people to regain all or most of their feeling though, especially if they're not super old. My grandmother had a stroke around Zizek's age and loved to be 89. In these 20 years she totally regained her speech abilities and, very weirdly, her memory loss began to lessen with age

>> No.10821532

Kek the fucker gave himself a stroke trying to figure out how own ideology is still viable

>> No.10821547

>he actually claims to browse /leftypol/

>> No.10821779

this whole place is a leftypol rape baby now. gets worse when the americans come out at night. they're even worse than Euro marxists

>> No.10821791

This made me sad. :(

>> No.10821827
File: 852 KB, 350x214, Zizek-Trash-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All politics are fueled by impotent resentiment; there are no exceptions.

>> No.10821858


>isn't constantly talking about the inferiority of jews, blacks and women

Christ on a bike.

>> No.10821863

but this is more THIS

>> No.10821964

great strawman there. kinda like
>acknowledges the fact that humanities departments across the west are infested by self-indulgent moral relativists only driven by virtue signalling
>doesn't appreciate zizek in the same way as I do
>must be a nazi. go back to /pol/