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/lit/ - Literature

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10816103 No.10816103 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I take so much pride in my bookshelf, /lit/?

>> No.10816763

Probably because you don't have much prides in life to feel acomplished by, so you grip on the idea that your material possessions are something to have pride of.

>> No.10816791
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somewhere between "low self esteem" and "books are cool"

>> No.10816792

Because reading through and understanding some books is a worthwhile accomplishment.

>> No.10816798

because no one has seen it and it stains your memory of unchanging friends.

>> No.10816810

Because you like to toy with the possibility of someday holding all of that information in your head.

>> No.10816818
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because it is a representation of who you are, your beliefs, your interests, your principles, and what you wish life to be or not to be.

>> No.10816838

Because you have sex with books and hope to someday legally marry the shelf and its contents.

>> No.10816999

Can you take pride in anything else, anon?

>> No.10817678

because you have to take pride in something at least
post pic

>> No.10817690

What's the best way to keep your bookshelf and the books free of dust? How often do you recommend dusting?

>> No.10817700

Can't you just dust it when it starts to look a little dusty?

>> No.10817705


Nah, I'm autistic to some degree and have to plan out routines for myself to keep away from killing people.

>> No.10817707

Just do it at 7:30pm every Friday then

>> No.10817711

Because you're a pseud who compensates a lack of wit and understanding with venial displays of association
I for one would never be caught dead with a book