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10816027 No.10816027 [Reply] [Original]

I loved,
The mystery, the journey, the pilgrims tales, all not what it seems, damn it was good.
The shrike is just this fucking murderous god fuck yeah!

The Fall Of Hyperion:
Okay... not as mysterious,
But I guess everyone is all introduced that’s fine...
Kassad facing off against the shrike, yeah that’s pretty cool. Cool.

Okay, new hero, new journey, new pilgrimage you might say. Kind of amusing.
Ohh the shrike is kind of a hero in this...
Yeah we can see where this is going.... it’s okay.
I like how the cruciform perverted the Catholic Church.

The rise of Endymion:
What is this shit? Fuck this. Fuck this book so hard, what the fuck is this. I’ve put it down so many times.
All Aena says the whole fucking book is “I’ll explain later” so many fucking times.
I hate her so much in this book. Just because she just withholds information the whole time.
And the “oh hey everyone who died is back again, oh ho ho, we never said they died *winkyface*”
The clumsy romances, ages of talking fake philosophy shit.
Aenea just being a frustrating character.
Was this book well regarded? I don’t know how.

>> No.10816045

There's no reason to read past Fall Of Hyperion

>> No.10816064

I wish someone warned me

>> No.10816175

I know how you feel, seeing the Shrike get emasculated by LadyShrikes was a downer and seeing the MC of Endymion get cucked by the entire universe and try to spin it as a good thing was even worse.

Dan Simmons is hit and miss and off his rocker in a lot of ways, but I still consider The Terror to be one of the finest horror novels ever written.

>> No.10816748

>seeing the Shrike get emasculated by LadyShrikes was a downer

.. excuse me? when the fuck did that happen?

>> No.10816809

In Endyimion probably. I haven't read past FoH

>> No.10817211

>Dan Simmons is hit and miss and off his rocker in a lot of ways, but I still consider The Terror to be one of the finest horror novels ever written.
wtf, reading Teh Terror made me retroactively realize what a hack he was after getting confused by all the shiny stuff in Hyperion

>> No.10817242


that man has four arms

>> No.10817600
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>> No.10817667

I just don't understand how can anyone take the piece of shit that the Rise of Endymion and say it's good.

The power of love lets you teleport across the universe. Physics hurt the universe. Stop using technology.

>> No.10817967

And then after writing that hippie book he makes the blog post about the time traveling jihadi

>> No.10819010
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>There's no reason to read past Fall Of Hyperion

wrong. the end of hyperion itself ruins the entire point of the book and shits on the mysteries it created. the traitor and their sacrifice is made meaningless although literally the entire reason for the book and the very first lines of it, all deal with the mystery of who the traitor is and why

there is no reason to read past 2/3 of hyperion. although if you just read the book jacket you get a good deal of what the book has to offer

never looked up the author but i have a strong feeling hes a turbo liberal sjw

>> No.10819057

>book turns into power fantasy about women power, muslim power, furry power, and how laws are like bad and stuff man just be freeeee
>also watch me make all these zany reverences to other media, isnt that so crazy?

>> No.10819120
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>build up lots of stuff
>lol jk, turns out it was all just so that the author self-insert could fuck the young skimo girl for magical reasons

>> No.10819150

forgot jew power. also fuck white men and catholics lol

>> No.10819654

Yep, pretty much

>> No.10819741

First of all, it's a highly derivative work. That being said, I really enjoyed pilgrims' stories. Some of them were excellent, others were fine. Still, that part was very well done.

Now onto some of my personal, more subjective grievances with this shit. Dude taught English literature and had such a massive hard-on for Keats that he wrote all that just so he could jerk off all over him.
John Keats was the second and third coming of Jesus, lol wtf. Also to be a poet is to carry a piece of the divine; to have potential to become a deity, or at least to strive for it. Please!
Furthermore, this entire body of work is called 'The Hyperion Cantos', which is also the name of Martin Silenus' masterpiece, which is the best literary work ever written in the history of Humanity. I mean, how pretentious can you fucking be?

At the end of FoH he pretty much ruins all the mystery that he worked so hard to build in the previous book. The Shrike is here to harvest human suffering for... what was the reason exactly? It makes no sense whatsoever.
Also AI rebels against humanity, I hoped so much that we could avoid this cliche, seems not. The time travelling was utter bullshit and made no sense either. It seems like he was thinking this up as he went along. He didn't have a clear idea where he was going with this and he just winged it towards the end.

I didn't even bother reading beyond the first couple of chapters of Endymion. Too much nonsense all around.

>> No.10820372

did he mean Radamanth Nemes? she wasn't a shrike, she was a Cybrid, also a stand-in Jack Vance fetish character.

>> No.10820376

with his tongue.

>> No.10820392

Been a couple years since I read it, but I really loved all four books.

Remind me why you think this, especially the muslim power, woman power, and law is bad paerts

>> No.10820395
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>> No.10820546

>please spend your night hitting your head against a brick wall

no thanks

i do know that youre a female and/or have a reddit account though. what do i win?

>> No.10820558

Internet autists always call women 'females', it's the most hilarious thing

>> No.10820562

It was a genuine question, please give me a genuine answer

>> No.10820612
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reddit always gets internet furious when you call cunts females. its hilarious and predictable

i literally picked it up from some clip i saw years ago about a sheboon screeching about how problematic it is for niggers to call them females

what in the world about my post makes you think im not being genuine? do you know what the world genuine means or are you just tossing words around?