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/lit/ - Literature

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10811254 No.10811254 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /lit/ opinion on Dave Eggers? I just got done with Heroes of the Frontier and I'm having a good time with him.

>> No.10811387

I liked your fathers where are they and the prophets do they live forever . It is written entirely as a dialogue and though it isnt amazing literature it is a short enjoyable book.

I also read a hologram for the king but found it a bit boring. But i have never read a book with a failing and self pitying middle class white male protagonist that i did enjoy.

>> No.10811510

I also found Hologram a bit boring. Heroes is like that except the protagonist is too stubborn/foolishly independent to wallow. She goes on an adventure and actively makes a trainwreck of her life instead, which makes for a much more entertaining read.

I'm about to move on to Fathers/Prophets, so it's encouraging to hear that someone enjoyed it.

>> No.10811572

You can read it in a couple of hours so even if you dont like it you wont have lost anything. I gave my copy to a colleague who liked it more than i did.

>> No.10811601
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i've only read YSKOV and hologram and they both fell short of my expectations, to the point where invested in reading more

i think he's an untalented, hard-working guy who just got lucky by capitalizing on a great story that he happened to experience

>> No.10811606

>where i'm not invested
whoopsie daisy

>> No.10811674

I've latched on to Eggers because I prefer reading stuff that speaks directly to the present over trying to tease out the universality of classics. Obviously this means that the hunt for quality reads has unreliable yields. Can you tell me some modern literary authors (other than DFW) that you've enjoyed?

>> No.10811867

Got to The Circle at around page 50 before putting my foot down and declaring it not worthy of my investment. As awfully written as i couldn't get around being confronted with subpar delineations, i am wondering if i'm alone in this, as the cover gloriously preached it was a bestseller..
Anyway the movie was an unmistakable abomination and i remember being rather unsurprised at this and for once not blaming the scriptwriters for this hollywood disaster

>> No.10811881


>> No.10811969

The circle has some problems, sure. The main character goes from bland to vile, with almost no room for connection with the reader. Still, I liked the idyllic, elite silicon valley atmosphere along with the eerie sense that the whole enterprise is fucked and poisonous.

>> No.10811974

anyone read a hearbreaking work of staggering genius?
the circle was awful

>> No.10811997

>anyone read a hearbreaking work of staggering genius?
Yep. Long time ago though. I remember it using a lot of interesting framing devices for inner monologues. Juggling raising a younger brother, making a living, getting laid and wild stabs in the dark at entrepreneurship made for a compelling story.

Recommended, but I read it when I was like 17 so who knows?