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10808952 No.10808952 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you recommend to an impoverished African banana salesman looking for escapism? Moby Dick?

>> No.10808966

12 Rules for life

>> No.10808976

Das Kapital

>> No.10808979

Any Jules Verne book

>> No.10808980

Good on this dude. Probably something comfy like The Hobbit or some shit.

>> No.10808997

The Count of Montecristo

>> No.10809002

The Bell Curve

>> No.10809055

Maybe if he stopped wasting his time reading and started marketing those bananas he wouldn't be so impoverished.

It's not like niggers can understand books anyway.

>> No.10809057


>> No.10809075

The Journals of Captain Cook

>> No.10809089

I'd say the Three Musketeers would be better.

>> No.10809292

Those bananas are about to rot

What do you do with bananas like that, besides hurriedly stuffing then into your mouth?

Inb4 banana bread. I don't eat carbs

>> No.10809304

banana ice cream. Banana smoothie. banana chips. banana pudding. grilled bananas.

>> No.10809313

Outing yourself as not having read GR this hard.
mugsfull of banana mead...banana croissants and banana kreplach, and banana oatmeal and banana jam and banana bread, and bananas flamed in ancient brandy"
And the list goes on!

>> No.10809318

My Turner diaries desu

>> No.10809334

Bananas are healthy as fuck. Full of potassium and shit.

I know this is pol bait, but unironically Ben Okri. He wrote the pants of all the western fly mothafuckers, including Joyce

>> No.10809339

The Time Machine by Wells.

>> No.10809341

Not to mention fufu

>> No.10809355

The foundation

>> No.10809364

I got some bad news for this highly rare Negroidus Employus but where I'm from, bananas like those get scanned out and thrown in the compost bins.

>> No.10809373
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Not recognizing plantains

>> No.10809380


Why is he hiding the book in a bucket?

>> No.10809399

hes reading lolita haha

>> No.10809435

I'm pretty sure the book he is reading is the Bible. It is more read in Africa than anywhere else in the world. To find a bookstore that sells anything but Bibles or bible studies or christian self help in west africa is close to impossible.

Anyway, hereos how Ben Okri opens his 'Famished Road' trilogy

>IN THE BEGINNING there was a river. The river became a road and the road branched out to the whole world. And because the road was once a river it was always hungry.
>In that land of beginnings spirits mingled with the unborn. We could assume numerous forms. Many of us were birds. We knew no boundaries. There was much feasting, playing, and sorrowing. We feasted much because of the beautiful terrors of eternity. We played much because we were free. And we sorrowed much because there were always those amongst us who had just returned from the world of the Living. They had returned inconsolable for all the love they had left behind, all the suffering they hadn’t redeemed, all that they hadn’t understood, and for all that they had barely begun to learn before they were drawn back to the land of origins.
>There was not one amongst us who looked forward to being born. We disliked the rigours of existence, the unfulfilled longings, the enshrined injustices of the world, the labyrinths of love, the ignorance of parents, the fact of dying, and the amazing indifference of the Living in the midst of the simple beauties of the universe. We feared the heartlessness of human beings, all of whom are born blind, few of whom ever learn to see.

Plantain is bigger than your dick

>> No.10809518

>What do you do with bananas like that, besides hurriedly stuffing then into your mouth?

Banana pancakes.Two eggs for each banana, more or less. Blender. Pan. Control yourself not to eat the whole bunch in a go.

>> No.10809639
File: 417 KB, 999x925, Beja man - Sudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being racist

>> No.10809694
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Don't trust this guy. Tried this once and only got a burnt crisp and sadness for losing two good bananas
and ketchup gas

>> No.10809758

The Revolutionary Catechism by Sergey Nechayev
The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner

>> No.10809872

Yeah, i'm not sure why you wouldn't just add the chopped bananas to the batter right after you pour the pancake?

>> No.10810290

Elvis Presley had butter fried peanut butter banana and bacon sandwiches for breakfast every day

>> No.10810299

And there he is, in hell

>> No.10810304

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.10810307

Nick Land

>> No.10810308
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>> No.10810341

I'll just assume the bananas are references to the arc shape of a guided missle

>> No.10810424


>> No.10810434

The banana is a lie

The golden rule my newfriend

>> No.10810453

nah man, the golden rule is an ingroup thing

>> No.10810483

You prefer people treating you like shit?

>> No.10810508

I prefer a nigger not treating me in any way.

Also not pretending someone is something that they aren't is not treating them like shit. I'm not treating my dog like shit even if I admit that it doesn't understand books either.

>> No.10810518

Do you beat your dog?

If not so, why?

>> No.10810584

No because it's my dog and it's loyal. I might beat someone else's dog if there was a reason.

>> No.10810929

I'm gonna try to cut this short, but it will be long.

Your dog is loyal because you show it love. Not because you instill fear in it. Dogs are very simple. Human beings are more complex, but still. People will respect and love you for being respectful and loving. Some wont, but those are assholes you need not worry about.

Now, if you create an artificial arbitrary divide between race, or political observance, or gender, or class, or whatnot, allowing yourself to disrespect and hate some just because, then you are doing it wrong.

And what you will get is disrespect and hatred. Dont expect anything else than that unless you are able to meet any sentient being eye to eye without judging.

And this, my dear newfriend, all boils down to the golden rule.

I'm so sorry your life sucks, but hey, if youre being an ass, dicks are gonna fuck you good

>> No.10810937


Cut them into slices and make a peanut butter and banana sandwich. They're best when the bananas are soft and almost rotten.

>> No.10810949

>boils down to the golden rule
But other people violated it first. They wanted to take my tax money to subsidize their poor choices because "muh abortions" "muh food" "muh cell phone" "muh birth control" et al is a human """right""".

>> No.10810956

No. Youre the one whining about "muh money".

Good luck buying love and respect at wallmart

>> No.10810959

Elvis isnt in hell

Fuck off

>> No.10810961

I hope this is pasta

>> No.10810966

Sorry bro. I pulled it out my ass just now

>> No.10810969

Smelt fresh, thanks

>> No.10810993

It wasn't my idea to take other people's money to subsidize bad decision making. Therefore I should expect people to behave reciprocally to what I consider positive behavior which is simply: personal responsibility. But then they don't and I'm still wrong for drawing a line in the sand? Go back to your socialist utopia, we're trying to be productive over here

>> No.10811027

I like my banana raw. With raw peanuts. Not the ones you get at the suprmarket. the ones you get from the african ladies carrying all of it on their head, walking the street, selling it for less than 1$. I get a cluster of bananas and two handfuls of homeroasted peanuts for that. It makes for an excellent breakfast

Fair enough, you didnt create the social structures that force black people to hustle in order to survive. Now imagine youore a ghetto kid, no education worth mentioning, no parrents to keep you up, no chance of getting a job, etc, you know this shit. What will you do?

Assuming you are a /lit/icen I take it you appreciate Oscar Wilde?

Read this with particular attention to the section that talks about wellfare and crime:


You are welcome. I have a runny tummy (from the beer I suspet), so anytime

>> No.10811040

communist manifesto, and I'm not even a commie Most blacks with an IQ above 100 let it get to their heads and become fucking miserable.
>see: every wealthy intelligent black person who has ever existed

>> No.10811051

jewish ledger concepts have no place in discussions of morality. Life isn't a fucking checkbook. There's a place for discussion of economic systems and wealth distribution, but whatever you are it should have no bearing on how you think of individual people or their choices.

>> No.10811056

Man, you dont know. In Africa that shit dont fly. Every African to ever take Marx seriously got assasinated. True story. Except J. J. Rawllins. But that guy was a gangster

>> No.10811101

>if someone pumps out kids because they get more government dole per head, and works part-time to remain under the income threshold to be eligible for benefits, it shouldn't have any bearing on how you think of them
Hearty alt+f4

>> No.10811119

Sounds just like white trash to me... But anyway. You cant really blame a cat for eating a fish you leave on the kitchen table. You can complain about politics and so forth. In your shoes, I'd be happy politicians have kept the rebellion down

>> No.10811820

>Your dog is loyal because you show it love. Not because you instill fear in it. Dogs are very simple. Human beings are more complex, but still. People will respect and love you for being respectful and loving. Some wont, but those are assholes you need not worry about.

My dog is loyal to me because I am it's master and it follows it's master by nature. Human beings will respect me because I act in accordance with the norms of my society whatever those may be, not because I show respect unconditionally.

>Now, if you create an artificial arbitrary divide between race, or political observance, or gender, or class, or whatnot, allowing yourself to disrespect and hate some just because, then you are doing it wrong.

Why would I be doing it wrong? Ethnic and social divisions are not arbitrary but natural and inescapable.

>And what you will get is disrespect and hatred. Dont expect anything else than that unless you are able to meet any sentient being eye to eye without judging.

Nonsensical. Any community will respect and love someone who has destroyed the enemies of that community.

>And this, my dear newfriend, all boils down to the golden rule.

Nah man, the golden rule is an ingroup thing. Universal moral theories are universally failures because they misunderstand what morality is.

>I'm so sorry your life sucks, but hey, if youre being an ass, dicks are gonna fuck you good

My life does not suck and I am not a dick even to niggers. Doesn't change the fact that niggers are dumb.

>> No.10811859

Why do you think anyone does this? Why aren't you upset about one of the quantitatively substantial ways your tax dollars are being abused or overspent? You know welfare takes up like, a fraction of gov spending? Do you really think that extra .5 percent or whathaveyou going towards military or infrastructure or education would have any seriously changing impact on the state of the nation, is that what is holding America down? Is that the solution to our country's pressing issues?

>> No.10812752

Ouch... Saw this coming as soon as I saw the misuse of the golden rule

>> No.10812766


>> No.10813485

nigga you know why

>> No.10813493


>tfw no room to clean

>> No.10813499

Maybe he's reading a book on how to market those bananas, you never know.

>> No.10813505

i once saw an african guy try to hustle the window lady at the post office out of 800 bucks, it was a very clever ruse, quite ingenious, sadly i had to get to work and didn't see how the situation was resolved, but i thought wow if these african fuckers put that much cleverness into legitimate enterprises instead of scams and fraud their countries wouldn't be total shit

>> No.10813555

you seriously can't be this much of a brainlet.

>> No.10813563

Came here to post this.

>> No.10813582

Notice he doesn't explain what the ruse is.

>> No.10813585

>My dog is loyal to me because I am it's master and it follows it's master by nature.

I can see right there that you have a great problem with egocentrism. I bet you don’t like cats because “you can’t trust them” and they “don’t respect or care about you”.

>> No.10813586

They pay loads of money to gang leaders in order to learn the hustles.

Also: There are lots of real entrepeneurs in west africa, that do legit business and earn big money, but it stays in their pockets.

>> No.10813589


what did he mean by this?

>> No.10813596

they're literally bred to be suicidally affectionate. williams syndrome

>> No.10813603

>there are some rich guys in west africa

every human culture that develops beyond hunter gatherer production produces inequality, am i supposed to be impressed that there's inequality in africa? wow man

>> No.10813670

Im not trying to impress anyone. I just provided some facts people seem to be oblivious about. A lot of people spout shit about africa being a shithole and whatnot. They don't know anything about the reality in west africa. It's like those faggots calling Joyce a bad writer without having read him

>> No.10813679

>people are actually arguing west africa is not impoverished

wasn't that last deadly virus outbreak (which is easily contained and treated in a modernized country) in west africa? yeah, it's pretty obvious the region is underdeveloped.

>> No.10813682

So in order to not be egocentric according to you have to deny reality and pretend that dogs don't attach to their master due to their nature? That is how they are whether you like it or not.

I have no particular antipathy towards cats despite them obviously having different characteristics. The problem is that you confuse conduct with assessment of reality. Acting cordially or empathically towards dogs or niggers does not necessitate entertaining fantasies about their nature.

>> No.10813683
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you shouldn't even bother with that dude. He'll be forever ignorant.

And that's is his fault.

>> No.10813687
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shut the fuck up you troglodyte.

>> No.10813711

>So in order to not be egocentric according to you have to deny reality and pretend that dogs don't attach to their master due to their nature? That is how they are whether you like it or not.

No, I just thought that you liked dogs because they were submissive and had the tendency to flatter their owners. I have met many people who liked their dogs because of that and hated cats because they didn’t show such obvious signs of affection and servitude.

But I was wrong, it was just a guess.

As for what that Anon told you:


I think that you would feel better, more light-minded if you didn’t indulge in aversion towards other people simply because of their genetic material or culture. I honestly think that you would feel better; in a way it would not be a favor to others, but to yourself.

>> No.10814039

what if that's where he found them?

>> No.10814059

Africa is a shithole country, so my recommendation is guides on how to make the country better.

>> No.10814100
File: 228 KB, 1825x1919, Africa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africa is a shithole country
>Africa is a shithole country
>Africa is a shithole country
>Africa is a shithole country
>Africa is a shithole country
>Africa is a shithole country

>> No.10814280

Pray tell how many African countries have you been to?

I've lived in the US, and I can verily verify than it's more of a shithole than the African countries I've lived in.

>> No.10814632



>> No.10814675

Verily I verify unto you.
Also the guy in OP is obviously reading "A Perfect Day for Bananafish"