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10808321 No.10808321 [Reply] [Original]

Who is you favorite right-wing author?

>> No.10808335
File: 160 KB, 900x750, karl-marx-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was so based

>> No.10808339

the only good right wing author is a dead right wing author.

>> No.10808356

Ernst Jünger

>> No.10808359

Most good authors are dead?

>> No.10808367


>> No.10808368

Most dead authors aren't good.

>> No.10808381
File: 23 KB, 323x359, Stoklasa what is this post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10808433

>rejected irony, resentment, porn, and consumerism
>embraced work, boredom, Christianity, and suffering
>wore dad jeans and didn't know how to dress
>was a midwestern supremacist
>not so closeted homophobe
>his ebonics chapter in Infinite Jest is basically racist
>refers to Chinese as a "monkey language"
>despaired over the state of modernity and technological progress
>made a half-assed attempt at being Catholic
>beat and #metooed women ("audience pussy")

He was definitely right-wing, possibly proto-alt-right

>> No.10808443

>wore dad jeans and didn't know how to dress


>> No.10808448


>embraced Christianity

Except he failed the catechism twice and that's literally babby-tier theology

>> No.10808460

vaguely liking Catholicism but not understanding what Catholicism actually believes is an essential feature of Western conservatism

>> No.10808507

It's also an essential feature of Western liberalism. These days, holding actual catholic dogma practically forces you to vote conservative or not vote at all. The left no longer has any respect for the sanctity of life.

>> No.10808524

And the right does? Pretty hard to promote the sanctity of life and drone strikes, the death penalty, cost prohibitive health care, violent police etc. At the same time

>> No.10808542

>midwestern supremacist

>> No.10808563

>sanctity of life
sanctity of innocent life, sir.

>> No.10808574

Well you didnt specify. Also a lot of those things kill innocent people including children.

>> No.10808746
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>> No.10808821

>rejected irony, resentment, porn, and consumerism
This is as left wing as it gets

>> No.10808836

>kill innocent people including children
Non-whites are innonent nor people.

>> No.10808859

Post the pic from this set of him crouching

>> No.10808869

No, not really. Irony, porn (sexual hedonism), and most of all, resentment, are defining features of the left. A left-wing stance is fundamentally a resentment based attitude. The only thing I'll give you is consumerism, that is not technically left-wing, yet most leftists are closeted consumerists who compare universities and clothes like suburban moms compare leisure sedans

>> No.10808902

patty b/ jim goad

>> No.10808914

Rejection of these things is characteristic of both sides, but the distinguishing factors are the reasons why.

>> No.10808933

I kek'ed at this and I'm a pretty staunch Catholic.

>> No.10808939
File: 133 KB, 536x1200, 9nwdw54z7p501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be "that guy" but did you actually read marx, engels and Lenin or are you just taking like this after having seen some pseudo red liberals in america?
Read carefully what lenin though about sexual hedonism
And read hegel on family
Read adorno and society of spectacle when it comes to consumerism.

What does resentment have to do with this? All socialist states always teached to not hate workers and people from richer countries.
Stop taking american college faggots as an example m8

>> No.10808944


>> No.10808951

st paul

>> No.10808991

>not so closeted homophobe


>> No.10809003

Pic related ia accurate. Americans group liberals, leftists, and democrats as the same shit. They're retarded af.

>> No.10809024

Let's divide these issues into warfare, justice, and charity. Warfare is not always good, but it can be good. Wanting to spread liberty and topple tyrants is not inherently wrong. The specifics certainly can be, but the specifics aren't what's voted on. The death penalty is not comparable to abortion. A man is responsible for his own actions. Death penalty is part of the law, and our government has the authority to make and enforce the law. While I am personally opposed to the death penalty, there are plenty of arguments for it that fit well with much of scripture and dogma. With abortion, there is no defense. To believe an abortion is ever an appropriate measure outside of saving the life of the mother in immediate crisis is to deny that life is a precious gift. To say that their life will just be miserable is to deny Christ, deny hope, and deny salvation. In regards to healthcare, the issues are two fold--that we have a responsibility to care for our neighbors does not insist upon any particular system; what does it mean to care for our fellow man? Many people, like Penn and Teller, criticize Mother Theresa for not providing much medicine in her charity. But this is to completely misunderstand the Catholic understanding of charity and mercy. We all die. Prolonging life is not our goal on this planet. There are greater concerns than our physical comfort. The people she cared for were rejected from other hospitals. They were dying on the street. She gave them a place to find the comfort of other people, the dignity of respect, and the peace of dying in God's light. Health care is less important than Health, and health is not as simple as physical well-being. This is of course ignoring the fact that socialized medicine doesn't actually improve healthcare.

>> No.10809028

That wasn't me, and neither is the first response to this post. My response is here: >>10809024

>> No.10809069

Not him, but congrats. I have never seen such an incredible amount of sophistry all in the same post.

>> No.10809078

>right-wing author

>> No.10809083

Not sophistry. Simply do you research on Catholic theology. Not a single thing I wrote was my idea.

>> No.10809143

Kurt Vonnegut
Vladimir Nabokov
Haruki Murakami
Herman Melville
Oscar Wilde

>> No.10809150

Didn't Melville write before all this left/right nonsense categorization?

>> No.10809162

Left and right wing come from French revolution. About 30 years before Melville was born.

>> No.10809181
File: 27 KB, 400x300, 1455766427381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of the most prominent Latinamerican writers have been right wing, like Borges and Mario Vargas Llosa
>Céline was also right wing
>most of the XIX Century and before writers have been right wing
>even Adorno could be considered a conservative by today standards

I mean, it really makes you think

>> No.10809187

Oh, right.

>> No.10809188

Celine was more on the Nazi-loving part of the spectrum.

>> No.10809191


>> No.10809197
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>> No.10809199

>Catholic theology.
And what has that to do with the American right? You sound mentally challenged.

>> No.10809202

>I mean, it really makes you think

It doesn't?

>> No.10809216
File: 10 KB, 300x180, evelyn waugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Evelyn Waugh.

>> No.10809217

Does TS Eliot count? I feel like he would have hated most of today's Right for being anti-intellectual though

>> No.10809227

Can you fucking read?
This(>>10808448) led to this(>>10808460), which led to this(>>10808507), which in turn led to this(>>10808524), and so on and so forth. It's literally what we've been talking about the whole time.

>> No.10809863

He voted for Reagan too.

>> No.10809876

>Does an anti-Semitic High Tory who wrote about modernity's spiritual desolation count?

>> No.10809878

>Haruki Murakami
is this guy really right wing?

>> No.10809902

Yeats or Dostoyevsky I guess.

>> No.10809907

Everyone except the far left is right wing.

>> No.10809925

Yukio Mishima

>> No.10809956

post prose excerpt now

>> No.10809961

Eliade probably, maybe Robert E. Howards (although he was a little more liberal than others) or H.P. Lovecraft. I've heard Paul Morand was alright.

>> No.10809965

that american pizza looks pretty good

>> No.10809985

Cats is comfy.

>> No.10809994

Thomas Mann

>> No.10809996

How can be Catholic writer be conservative? Stop this meme pls.

>> No.10810069

Who is G.K. Chesterton?

>> No.10810114

Chesterton write himself that he was liberal.
And Chest (with Belloc) is father of distributivism. Can you imagine him being Republican?

>> No.10810172
File: 79 KB, 534x712, B9318305989Z.1_20150801193532_000_GA0BGR2RS.1-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga thomas sowell

>> No.10810542

Why must American politics poison it all?

>> No.10810712

Pumpkin patch nigga

>> No.10810744

The lefties I know are massive consumers, consumerism isn't right wing.

>> No.10810768

>Consumerism isn't right wing
If you define right wing as being only Joseph de Maistre and Julius Evola while ignoring that today "right wing" means "liberal with a 20 year delay", sure.

>> No.10811972

American fusionism is not conservatism.

>> No.10812020

Hes from my great state :)

>> No.10812035

Lmao wtf??? Vergil more like virgin lmfao

>> No.10812037

Og et hav av sau ble sjomannens grav.

>> No.10812042
File: 9 KB, 220x302, Wyndham_Lewis_photo_by_George_Charles_Beresford_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fiction it would be Wyndham Lewis.