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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 5 KB, 273x185, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10807491 No.10807491 [Reply] [Original]

>Thinking Fast & Slow

>> No.10807532
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This just goes on sitting there, not drawing attention to itself, being one of the cornerstones of the modern world.

>> No.10807740

Life 3.0

>> No.10807831
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It's cool to look up the various resources and sounds talked about in it.

>> No.10807834

can u get off this board pewdiepie?

>> No.10807914

The Culture of Critique.

>> No.10807916

Gavin Maxwell's oeuvre

>> No.10807928

The content is great but man the author really needs to learn to be concise.

>> No.10808125


Love, Poverty, and War - Christopher Hitchens


Can you elaborate? Sounds interesting.

>> No.10808453

Well it's very technical so not of that much general interest.
It basically analyzes the efficient transmission of information over any sort of channel, and exactly how much you can compress it and detect & fix errors, depending on how much redundancy there is.
It's all quite abstract but it does have huge importance for the telecommunications industry and it puts everything on a firm quantitative footing.

>> No.10808629
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A thousand years of nonlinear history by Delanda and Gödel Escher Bach by Hofstadter for a gentle introduction to Deleuze's and Gödel's/Whitehead's work

>> No.10808632

ePub or PDF link to this?

>> No.10808639

>Thinking, Fast and Slow
Considering how many studies from it fail to replicate I'd say it's about 50% non-fiction

>> No.10808644
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>> No.10808645
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This one is pretty good.

>> No.10808659


Anyone care to post links to free versions on line?

>t. poor man

>> No.10808843

Loved that book. One of the best finds this year 2018.

I would rec Matthew Walker's Why we sleep and Adam alter's book on addiction.

>> No.10808863

Read the sticky ya dingus

>> No.10808873

That might be the ugliest cover I've ever seen.

I've read a bunch of his essays, is there much added value in the book?

>> No.10809076
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>Thinking Fast and Slow is by Gladwell instead of a respected Nobel laureate who debunked the rational theory of economics

>> No.10809116
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>> No.10809129
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>> No.10810538
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You've got to be kidding me

>> No.10810719
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On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century

>> No.10811157

>muh system 1 and system 2

>> No.10811170
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>> No.10811180

>le respected Nobel laureate
A meme pop-psychology book is still a meme pop-psychology book, no matter who wrote it. You should NEVER read a book written for the sole purpose of making dough.

>> No.10811207
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This is a great anthology of essays on the meaning of life split into sections on theistic and non-theistic perspectives, as well as the meaning of the question of the meaning of life, and a section on death. You've got Tolstoy, Schopenhauer, Camus, Schlick, Russel, Richard Taylor, Nagel, Susan Wolf, etc. etc. etc. Such a rich book and so many different perspectives.

>> No.10811210

Do you really believe there's no value in writing something accessible to explain your work to the general public?

>> No.10812090

Cristians amirite heh?

>> No.10812215


>> No.10812588

>You should NEVER read a book written for the sole purpose of making dough.
better throw out Dostoyevsky then

>> No.10812599

In terms of sheer historical impact, Kevin MacDonald's "The Culture of Critique" is definitely up there in the Great Pantheon.

He uses a fairly standard and spare prose style, but the story he tells is explosive. It's exactly what I look for in non-fiction: well-researched, relevant, and courageous. Before you're even halfway through the book, the outlines of a grand historical narrative have been unearthed. Questions you never thought to ask - or dared not to ask - start percolating, and your bedrock point-of-view is reoriented.

I've recommended the book to people all over the political spectrum, and all of them found value in it. It's criminal that MacDonald isn't standard fare in undergrad. Its explanatory power can't be denied.

>> No.10812604

ESL here and this is indeed a great book.

>> No.10812621


>> No.10812666
File: 16 KB, 330x330, bicameral mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an absolute pleasure to read.
Jaynes is probably the most erudite individual I have ever read. Dude meaningfully cites and critiques (i.e. doesn't just namedrop like most) everything from Aristotle (who he casually claims didn't even exist as a historical character - kek) to mid-20th century cognitive psych & neuroscience.
Even if the whole premise of his book happens to be incorrect (and I'm not saying it is), his insights into anthropological and other historical evidence regarding the development of language and thought in humans is absolutely fucking fascinating.

Just wanted to link to a good article I found, on the idea that "information" may even be the fundamental building block of the universe (rather than matter and energy, as commonly assumed)
Unfortunately I doubt I'll ever remember or relearn all the math I used to know that would be necessary for understanding the book itself :(

>> No.10812667

whoops, here's the link i promised

>> No.10812770

Probably not, depends on your background though.

This was a fantastic read.

>> No.10812780
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>Pinker and the Humanists eternally BTFO

>> No.10813450

No. But pop-psych/pop-econ/self-help (all basically the same thing) is NOTHING but brainlet garbage

>> No.10813470
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if u liked that, check out this, it's like the same shit but less wacky

>> No.10813556

Assuming I have a sound mathematical background, will I gain anything from it?

>> No.10813575
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Napoleon by Andrew Roberts is my favorite biography, my dudes. Highly recommended.

>> No.10813627

Mark Crorrigan?

>> No.10813640
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No, this is Anon.

>> No.10813998

So what differentiates pop psych/pop econ from works for a general audience that you consider to be OK? That book was written by an established academic about his research. So while it's necessarily simplified a bit, it's honest about its aims and It's not diluted bullshit designed to make you believe things that aren't true.
I agree with you in general that books like that are awful, I just don't think this one qualifies.

>> No.10814025
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>> No.10814031

The main problem with those books is that they're nothing but padding. That book is what, 400 pages long? The thesis could be conveyed in a dozen pages.

>> No.10814048
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Thanks a lot, I’ve been looking for one for ages.

>> No.10814049

I should also add that certain works of the past that were written for a higher caliber of 'general audience' still hold up: the Claude Shannon book mentioned earlier, Norbert Wiener, Marshall McLuhan, Thomas Kuhn etc. Godel Escher Bach is a good example of an accessible work broaching more complex academic topics without sacrificing too much in the way of integrity. But the vast majority of contemporary pop-psych/econ TED lambo-in-garage shit is absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel garbage and I have no time for that.

>> No.10814072
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Not even meming

>> No.10814125

Kike shill fucking kill yourself you pathetic worm.

>> No.10814135

Wew lad looks like we found a Kane everybody

>> No.10814182

bump. Gray is total devastation of liberal humanism.

>> No.10814229

Shannon is considered to be notoriously difficult to understand among Math/Engineering/CS PhD students. I don't think /lit/ is the right place for him.

>> No.10814293
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Not memeing either, a good introduction to Jungian psychology and literature

>> No.10814302

Heard it was a mammoth book, not better just to get Jung from the horses mouth?

>> No.10814694
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>> No.10814747


>> No.10814787

Really? I'm a lowly CS B.S. and I understood it reasonably well. I had a harder time with Weiner's Cybernetics. There is a wealth of books explaining Shannon's information theory in slightly easier terms, anyways

>> No.10814892


Do you really think you can understand a titan like Jung without some help? The arrogance of you.

>> No.10815677

>better throw out Dostoyevsky then
Yup, exactly. Trash author.

>> No.10815687


i'm putting off reading this book, what am i in for?

>> No.10816061
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>> No.10816148

Awesome book

>> No.10816169

What did a religious person say to piss an atheist off enough to make this meme?

>> No.10816173
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>> No.10816189

Not that fun to read. It's very dry. The only really compelling parts of the book are when Kahneman talks about his personal experience with Amos. The examples are pretty interesting, and he does a good job of describing prospect theory, but I've forgotten most of it.

>> No.10816214

the net delusion eveny morozov
normie politics book, but some interesting thoughts in it, how its "democratic" effects are overestimated, really recommend

>> No.10816238


Love thousand years. Really interesting history, glad he read braudel so I don't have to.

>> No.10816604

The hardcover is on my shelf, i've heard it's almost the definitive work on Nap-kun

>> No.10817046


The book is concise, it sums up his LIFE'S WORK

>> No.10817051


Sure bud, which ones?

>> No.10817053


YOu are an idiot.

>> No.10817113

Cover makes it sound interesting. Care to tell me more about it?

>> No.10817826


It talks about how we make choices/ why we value certain choices over others/how our brain helps us to determine what choice is better etc.

the title refers to two types of thinking:
system 1 (fast, subconscious, 1+1)
system 2 (slow, calculated, 57*381)

and how system 1 causes various cognitive bias
Its very interesting if you're into behavioral psych/econs or just general pop psych

>> No.10817869
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>> No.10817904
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Insightful, informative, looks at depression from a variety of angles (although admittedly and understandably has a bit of a pro-pharmaceutical bias), and has the most impressive blurbs I've seen a book get (praise from William Styron, Harold Bloom, Larry McMurtry, Louise Erdrich, Naomi Wolf, Adam Gopnik, Kay Redfield Jameson, James Watson, W.G. Sebald, Edmund White, Joyce Carol Oates, and John Berger).

>> No.10817985

care to recommend some?

>> No.10818011

for those interested there is a fantastic youtube series by art of the problem about information theory that kind of builds up from ground 0 to this paper.

>> No.10818054

Library Genesis

>> No.10818069


Agreed, great book. But since then Gray has been disappointing. Also he BTFO’s liberal humanism and progress, but never questions (he doesn’t have to agree) whether diversity is really a multi-cultural utopia. Seems he’s plagued by the same fever dream of his supposed opponents

>> No.10818097
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>> No.10818185
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Awesome thread!

Pic related
Critical Mass, Origin of Wealth are also good

I loved Neurophilosophy

Two obscure ones:
Mathematical Logic, Kleebone
Games Of Life, Sigmund

Its not that good. He makes 3 main points and spends much of the book basically repeating himself

>> No.10818259
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>> No.10818288

Grammatical Man and the Dover book on information theory

>> No.10818300

Just do the audio book on youtube. It's fucking sad that JP went from this to a shitty self help book. Clearly it was for money but still, how can someone put out a dissertation of this magnitude and then shit all over their intellectual credibility with 12 rules for life?!

>> No.10818324

you're an absolute brainlet if you don't think those books are full of padding

>> No.10818379

>Titan like Jung

How freudian.

>> No.10818400

the virgin Jung
the chad Lacan

>> No.10818495
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Economics, history and anthropology all in one. I still haven't found anything like it.

>> No.10818557
File: 245 KB, 1677x2560, sapiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this? It seems like it could fit the description. Anyway I'm searching for something on this topic if anyone has a recommendation.

>> No.10818734

this is pretty good

>> No.10818793

What do I read next from my nonfiction stack?
The Rest is Noise - Alex Ross
Words Without Music - Philip Glass
Miles, the Autobiography - Miles Davis
Thinking Fast & Slow - Daniel Kahneman

>> No.10819219
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Just ignore all the Freud crap.

>> No.10819957

>The New York Times Bestseller
I think I'll pass.

>> No.10819973


>> No.10820130

good stuff

>> No.10820551

I was thinking about this sad little book the other day. Good to see you're still around.

>> No.10820563
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who is trolling who?

>> No.10820584

>how can someone put out a dissertation of this magnitude and then shit all over their intellectual credibility with 12 rules for life
Seriously? How much good can a dissertation do compared to a book that sells millions of copies?

>> No.10820594

Yeah, we wouldn't want to talk about books here.

>> No.10820598

shit, this looks good as hell.

>> No.10820625
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Why does this guy remind me of a reptile? I have no hostility toward the chosen people, but I can't help and see him as some of sort of shape-shifter or general squamose creature. His assessment of humanity is reputable, though I'm not interested in spreading his ideas.

>> No.10821425
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I didn't like it. Taking pic related and making it worse in every respect gives you Sapiens

>> No.10822220

General recommendations:

Poor Charlie's Almanack.
Brilliant insights from the investor Charlie Munger in a unique format.
His expositions range from psychology to philosophy to investing.

Design of Everyday Things
Changes the way you think about every-day things

Influence: the Psychology of persuasion
Absurdly useful book. This book's methodology shows how to influence other people in a near mechanical manner. Very useful!

An Introduction to General Systems Thinking by Gerald Weinberg, illuminates the general laws underlying all systems.

Surely you are Joking Mr. Feynman and Made in Japan are two biographies I recommend.

>> No.10822221

Thanks for your opinions.
I was looking for something mostly based on biology and palaeontology (talking about human evolution, the agricultural revolution etc)... In any case there are a lot of titles I can try.

>> No.10822330

Extremely underrated.

Picking up all of these. Thanks anon!
Some of my recs:
>Phantoms in the brain
>The Ravenous Brain
Thesis: parietal lobe >= frontal lobe > temporal lobe > occipital lobe
>Journeys Into the Bright World
>Persephone's Quest: Entheogens and the Origins of Religion
Even if you don't know the first thing about ethnobotany, Gordon Wasson is a class-A scholar and takes a look at the role of the muscaria mushrooms in the Hellenic world, Asia and Mesoamerica. Unlike McKenna or the Joe Rogan guests you'd expect from the subject matter he doesn't write with an inflated or self-satisfied style.

>> No.10822345


"The Red Queen" is exactly what you're looking for. 90% of archeology pop-sci is hundreds of pages of padding, this is juicy from cover to cover.

>> No.10822354

Harry Kessler and Stefan Zweig are absolutely must-reads for lit biography fans.

>> No.10822372

Why there isn't a non-fiction chart?

>> No.10822386

Wow, all the non-fiction that people reads in /lit/ is self-help or watered down philosophy (turned into self-help).
Well, nothing to be surprised about, it's the only non-fiction the vast mayority of people read.

>> No.10822413

Goethe life as a work of art.

The platonic lit chad.
/r/ing MUST READ biographies

>> No.10822455

Look at when the book was published, diversity wasn't a big deal then. His newer books have moved on to new interests.

>> No.10822582

Sad little book? Did you read it mate?

>> No.10822584

And what do you read, anon?

>> No.10822655

>looks at the OP image and nothing else

>> No.10822684

thanks for the rec anon, i'll check it out

>> No.10822716
File: 7 KB, 200x291, lógica e dialética.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately there is no translation for English.
Great Brazilian philosopher.

>> No.10822850

I love that book, but hearing Kahnemann is on the anti-replication train somehow diminishes his findings. That and a series of unsuccessful replication studies.

>> No.10823160

You bothered filling in a captcha just to be smug and unlikeable?

>> No.10824063

Sorry, i disregarded the pitiful scientific divulgative books people use to get in touch with their inner nature or to find a strong narrative that justifies what they are.
It's just that i expected better from a literature forum.

>> No.10824373

>Napoleon was neet who used prostitutes when he was young

Was he our guy?

>> No.10824385

tysons critical theory today is the best intro for critical theory. literally holds your hand the whole way through and makes it easy but thorough.

>> No.10824411

There is. It's in the sticky.

>> No.10824688

The table of contents

>> No.10825180

the top reviews tearing it apart lmao

>> No.10825200
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>> No.10825223

>Amazon reviews
Literally worse than Goodreads.

>> No.10825488

I’ve the Safranski’s Schopenhauer. Going with you recommendation, thanks, my dude.

Joseph Frank, Dostoevsky. Have it in my shelve but haven’t read it.

>> No.10825492
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He my dude.

>> No.10825651

>looks at the OP image and nothing else

>> No.10825669
File: 30 KB, 250x330, shah_farah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shah of Shahs by Ryszard Kapuściński is quite good in a /lit/ way, not just an informational way like a lot of the books being posted. Rachel Carson and Joan Didion are also excellent.

>> No.10826288

Read it. One amazing book.
BTW you got a virtual copy of Safranski's Schopenhauer book?

>> No.10826306
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 76108788-FBE7-4FDA-8447-94F1FAA7EE83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe related

I bought this after hearing the author on NPR or something. It’s pretty interesting if you like biology/neuroscience/human body stuff

>> No.10827158
File: 39 KB, 326x499, 1506564678578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book changed my life.

>> No.10827691

There is no value in that.

>> No.10827973

Tell me how this is different than any other self-help book

>> No.10827995

I don't get it. Why would anyone want to think slow? Do they have another book that just teaches you how to think fast?

>> No.10828003

>how is this different than any other self-help books

obviously u don't have the slightest knowledge of self-help genre if ur not familiar with david allen, kys

>> No.10828889


As a Persiaboo I thank you, this looks really good.

>> No.10828934


You didn't answer the question.

>> No.10829117

I would like to know as well

>> No.10829138

I was being ironic.

>> No.10829173


I don't recall being asked any question.

>> No.10829603

Why would you do that?

>> No.10829609
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If you like apocalypse now and full metal jacket, read this asap

>> No.10829687
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Newbie here just breaking into non fiction for some variety, never voluntarily read any that I can remember. I'm starting off with Churchill's WW2 stuff as I'm interested in history as well.

Does reading Churchill make anyone else sad? You read his descriptions about how the British reacted to the threat of invasion, the whole society arming up and joining the Home Guard and pitching in to supply the war effort, and then you realize today in Britain they're confiscating locking knives and you need to show an ID card to buy caffeinated drinks.

Churchill is beyond spinning in his grave, his ghost is probably trying to figure out how to die again so it doesn't have to go through the agony of watching his society turn out like this. I bet he'd have preferred Nazi rule to this.

>> No.10830621

Black panther

That's what my black friends would say

>> No.10831436

Saving this beauty.

>> No.10831479

go fuck yourself

>> No.10831578

Can you recommend a book for killing myself?

>> No.10831603

This thread has made my wilkins rock hard. Thanks all

>> No.10832365
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The Federalist Papers

>> No.10832382
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>> No.10832394

literally the beta uprising in the form of 1 man

>> No.10832437

is there a chart for top Non-fiction? It'd be a good pleb filter too
>Favorite: Behave by robert sapolsky

>> No.10832442

I want to pick this up

Care to share your thoughts?

>> No.10832445

Paul Goldman's Growing up Absurd was really powerful when I read it as a teen. I've always been fond of it, even as my politics have changed.

Ivan Illich's "in the vineyard of the text" situates some of the effects orality/literacy guys (mcluhan, Ong, etc) tend to attribute to printing even earlier. To changes in manuscript culture and reading in the twelfth century.

Stanley Rosen's Nihilism is one of my favorite philosophical polemics.

>> No.10832472

Sure. I would argue it's one of the best books on how/why humans act that is empirically backed and supported by neurological studies -imo the gold standard for displaying why we act the way we do. Sapolsky is a strong preponent of deterministic and cultural relativistic thinking, but he justifies it so well that it honestly will drop your jaw. He blows the argument that IQ is inherited so far out of the water it hurts. Additionally, he has an insanely powerful background in biology and neuroscience, so when he passes comments on behavior and explains racism it is at a level of genuineness that makes Pinker and Mitchell look confused and sad.

>> No.10832489

Ive seen it posted before on lit. Does anyone remember about ehat that scholarly book on the existence of soul and consciousness was.

>> No.10832497


i believe you're underestimating him. i'm pretty positive he's trying to have an impact on the world around him and i'm certain that won't happen by writing books that not even five percent of the population will be able to read.

>> No.10832506


>i bet he'd preferred Nazi rule to this

u fookin wot m8?

>> No.10832537

Also, he dismisses twin-seperated-at-birth studies. The book is a difficult book to read, but his wit makes it solluble

>> No.10832552

>he dismisses twin-seperated-at-birth studies


>> No.10832581

Well, yeah, it would be, but Jung's work was monumental and disparate and scattered. There's no real one definitive book of him -- you'd have to read some of his anthropological works, some of his works on alchemy, some of his more overtly psychological books, some of his books on specific archetypes and Gnosticism and world mythologies, etc., to really piece it all together. Peterson, memeing of him aside, is a devoted scholar of Jung and Jungian psychology, so in this, you can get a lot of the major ideas of Jung and Jungian psychology condensed into a shorter and more thematically unified work, besides it also being linked to modern psychological and sociological research and Peterson's own research into various mythologies and religions of the world as well as more modern scholarship on them.

>> No.10832698

He takes from a woman's works that is actually pretty phenomenal
Adopted children are matched to parents that look similar to them
Parents that adopt have much higher levels of education and income than average, because it's so damn costly to adopt
And there's one more I can't remember
Sapolsky talks a lot about the hierarchy of poverty/wealth and how bad it is to be poor in our society -Not a Marxist critique, just how it is.

>> No.10832708

Marmot wrote books about how shitty it is to be poor.

>> No.10832729

Interesting, although I can't help but suspect some ideological motives

>> No.10832844

It was great.

>> No.10832851

>and then shit all over their intellectual credibility with 12 rules for life?!
How the hell does 12 rule for life do that?
You doofus.

>> No.10833055
File: 393 KB, 1600x1214, 15208910464150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs some Vollmann.

>> No.10833411

I was half joking.

Only half, though. Don't you think he'd be horribly disappointed at the state of British society today? And do you think it would be as bad today if the Nazis had won? Somehow I don't see a Nazi regime bothering with such petty bullshit regulation like caffeinated drinks. I think literally Nazi occupation would be less strict on individual ownership of weapons than the British government is. You really think they'd give a shit about pocketknives that lock back or are more than four inches?

Plus, their society would have a lot more backbone due to the adversity and guerrilla resistance and all that.

>> No.10833842
File: 228 KB, 1600x1419, 1495216122392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great War by Peter Heart.

>> No.10833849

>what am i in for?
Gross oversimplification of psychologyical research

>> No.10833855

>backpedalling like crazy because you mistook the author