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/lit/ - Literature

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10806983 No.10806983 [Reply] [Original]

recommend/discuss/find a friend


>> No.10807060


>> No.10807299


>> No.10807305

goodreads is the spectacle
speaking of which, a lot of faggy situationist wannabes are attracted to goodreads and pack their profiles full of self-important signifying nonsense

>> No.10807309


>> No.10807315

So what happens if we become Goodreads friends?

>> No.10807334

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.10807339

I'm too ashamed to post my profile, sorry.

>> No.10807356

You can add me as a friend, anyway. It's not like I'll betray you.

>> No.10807365
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I like to read book

>> No.10807376

Funny, same people as always.

>> No.10807400

It's genuinely quite enjoyable to have a place like goodreads to discuss literature with people from /lit/ as we don't feel the pressure so much from anonymous peer pressure to shitpost, meme or insult people based on differences of opinion. Don't get me wrong, it's not a perfect place, but sometimes you just want to get some straightforward recommendations without any of the pressures of /lit/.

Plus, I use Goodreads more frequently than I probably should so it makes sense to visit these threads.

>> No.10807413

No, I understand you. I use goodreads for same reasons.

I'm little sad that /lit/ is the same 80-100 people for years.

>> No.10807467

If Goodreads didn't have half as many women in might be a good place to hang out.

>> No.10807479


im a booklet

>> No.10807551

are you sexist?

>> No.10807556

>I'm little sad that /lit/ is the same 80-100 people for years.
Why, its comfy

>> No.10807563


Define sexist

>> No.10807569

because there are same discussions every day

>> No.10807588


>> No.10807598

go back to /pol/

>> No.10807609


Suck a dick

>> No.10807619
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Wew so edgy

>> No.10807632


There wasn't anything edgy about it.

>> No.10807817


>> No.10808112


>> No.10808130


>> No.10808260
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Reading wheel.


>> No.10808267



>> No.10808287

arranged marriage

>> No.10808309


proud pseud here

>> No.10808420

What I fucking hate is those twats who write pretentious nonsense and then write all lower case. It's this twee disingenuousness that allows them to pose as an intellectual while discouraging engagement with anything they say. The only thing worse than a pretentious twat is pretentious twat who says 'but tee hee, dont take me too seriously!' Say what you like about overly verbose autists, at least they have integrity.

>> No.10808429

i agree. are you btfoing me though?

>> No.10808471

Nice dog, my dude.

>> No.10808501


>> No.10808805


>> No.10808826

No offense intended

>> No.10808848
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>> No.10809110


>> No.10809385


>> No.10809398

You keep up to date on what your friends are reading.

>> No.10809402


Do we really have to see this thread to 300 posts before you'll fuck off for another week? If these threads were worth a shit you wouldn't have to bump them like this.

>> No.10809412

fuck off. you can't use 4chanX, retard?

>> No.10809434


You don't need 4chanX to hide threads. I'm trying to help you by making you aware of how much an autistic fuck you are for sitting around all day keeping this thread alive

>> No.10809449

I bump this thread once in 2-3 hours. But if you don't like this thread and watch for its update, who is autistic fuck? fuck off.

>> No.10809462


>> No.10809473


You know we can see the timestamps right? You're 22 years old and you've been here for 10 hours. Sort yourself out.

>> No.10809503

Hello, smitti!
Booklet means "small book".
More like BAKA-let heh amirite exdidi?

>> No.10809513

Ok. Glad you’re worry about me.

>> No.10809663

Can we PLEASE be more active on the /lit/ goodreads group? There were a few threads in the last days about noqualityposting on /lit/ and what could be used as an alternative. I'm not talking merely about shitposts, there are tons of non-lit threads about self-help books, booktube, peterson, pewdiepie, "insert random word here and a frog pic", "write/confess you are sins" or stack threads. Absolutely nobody talks about literature anymore right here.
nigga...iz u again?

>> No.10809739
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I love you, my dude. I’m here for you.

>> No.10809867


>> No.10809897

manny has good reviews

>> No.10809911


>> No.10809927


>> No.10809973


>> No.10810163

no, manny, you don't
thenk yu fran

>> No.10810168

>read: 85
>to read: 439

my man

>> No.10810241
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>anonymous peer pressure

>> No.10810243


>> No.10810443

I've been really busy, so I'm not super active on it.

>> No.10810484

I honestly hope you didn't buy the "anons r rude bcoz muh 3speech haven they're just venting lol" maymay. No, they have just adopted the chan culture like every other norman. You should know this better than the rest since this board consists largely of pseuds and snobs. It has probably the most ingrained patrician/plebeian dichotomy and people, yea, you guessed it right, anonymous people are pressured into filling the shape!

>> No.10810555

dumping mine here
no bully plez

>> No.10811732


Aaaand I'm gonna read it now.

>> No.10811827

I want some /lit/ friends, but at the same time I haven't updated my Goodreads in just over a year. Am I exiled from these threads?

Also curious if the /lit/ group is active?

>> No.10811963
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>> No.10812152

no, but it should be >>10809663

>> No.10812218


>> No.10812276


>> No.10812690

more friends good

>> No.10812993

it takes fucking 2 seconds to bump a thread

>> No.10813125

There's nothing stopping you from making a Men's /lit/ group.

>> No.10813680


>> No.10813787

Would anyone be interested in doing a physical book swap through goodreads?

Instead of mass adding people and not really getting to know anyone, I think it'd be a fun experience to try to get to know someone in such an unorthodox manner. We'd facilitate communication and track progress through goodreads, it wouldn't be anything high maintenance.

>> No.10814057

Don't know about books, but maybe trying to send postcard each other?

>> No.10814079

Stack threads and write/confess threads are fine for less serious discussion. Stack threads are literally about books.

>> No.10814093

I wouldn't mind sending postcards instead, I've collected a few /lit/ related ones over the years.

>> No.10814095

dumping because i'm too lazy to go through and add everyone.

(disclaimer: i'm one of those twats (>>10808420))

>> No.10814108

pm me (i’m op)
I’ve bought cool Orthodox postcards

>> No.10814283
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>> No.10814286

The write and confess threads are offtopic and you know it. The "less serious discussion"that pertains to the stack threads is pseudcalling, mass replying and narcissistic showoff. But that's not even the bad thing. Those threads are literally the only ones where any such "discussion" happens. Maybe /sffg/ as well though I've never been there.
I'm curious how would you do this "physical" swap, anon, it's not something that comes so in handy.

>> No.10814853

How do I unfriend people? I don't give a shit what you guys want to read, are reading, or what page you're on. My feed is filled with this garbage.

>> No.10815172
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>go to bottom of page of someone's profile
>click "remove as friend"

>> No.10815744


>> No.10815796
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>> No.10815886

well it is pretty boring honestly. portrait is much better

>> No.10816785
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>> No.10816908

Sent you a message.

It'd be a small mail exchange, sorry I thought that was implicit. I know mail isn't practical but it's fun to change things up.

>> No.10817037

What is this book?

>> No.10817102

I love your tastes.

>> No.10817348


>> No.10817389

Entry level desu

>most of your read books are compulsory literature for 12th graders
>Bertrand Russell

>> No.10817632


>> No.10818065


>> No.10818123


>> No.10818455


>> No.10818471
File: 1.58 MB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dude, how many hours do you read a day? How much of the 40 books you had read this year do you think you absorbed? I’m not bullying, just impressed. I love you, my dude.

>> No.10818543
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I'm not that person but excuse me for saying 40 books isn't that unreasonable for one to read in a year.

>> No.10818580
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I mean the 44 books he has read in 2018, my dude.

>> No.10818595

Haha, oh. Maybe Harold Bloom is learning how to program in python.

>> No.10818601

best post ITT

>> No.10820196

Always looking for new people

>> No.10821201

book for book

>> No.10821231

>crime&punish 2 stars

>> No.10822520

not him but it actually isnt really that good desu

>> No.10822529

Here are some quizzes I made years ago.

Most are on cool last lines of poems; there's one on Shakespeare nastiness.

(I might do some more if I ever get back into GoodReads.)


>> No.10822588
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This must be what they call a "pleb"

>> No.10822596
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I am a professional procrastinator

>> No.10822618



>> No.10822838

im new

>> No.10824306

I didn't know they time you during quizzes, that was fun.

>> No.10825566

Hitting the books tonight. How are we doing itt?