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10806629 No.10806629[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how come chesterton never wrote about jews?

>> No.10806639

He did, but the pages were burned in tribute.

>> No.10806643

>when your heavy handed autistic boomer propaganda isn’t enough

>> No.10806644

>left wing

t_d is like the biggest sub there, if anything a redditor is a /pol/ack

>> No.10806661


>> No.10806692

Generally speaking, as eternal as the jewish question is, there have been long periods where information about them has been esoteric, not widely understood, or excused by Christianity. That has all gone out the window with the internet and now a whole generation of young whites men know all about it.

>> No.10806693
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>le donald
>t. normie

>> No.10806700

I have no idea what that post fucking means

>> No.10806709


>> No.10806719
File: 519 KB, 743x414, da fac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what this is but judging by the pic and title I'm afraid it will give me autism. Will it?

>> No.10806724

Do you prefer /pol/tard, you mentally challenged faggot sucking cocks at unbelievable speeds?

>> No.10806732

>mentally challenged faggot sucking cocks at unbelievable speeds
Imagine beeing that lefty that you consider r_TheDonald of all places to be /pol/ tier. The golden times of FatPeopleHate and CoonTown are sadly over. No amount of sperging will changet the fact that you just have lost track of reality.

>> No.10806734

You redditards do out yourselves immediately. Go back to that shithole cocksuck

>> No.10806740

Reach coming from someone bitching about how nazi right wing hitler tier it is. Daily reminder /lit/ is aright wing christian board.

>> No.10806742

It's not t_d that is deserving of /pol/tier you subhuman trash, it's /pol/ that is deserving of t_d. That you've offed yourself as a redditard as well as a /pol/tard surprises no one for they are the same things. Off this board.

>> No.10806749

Why exactly are you so obsessed with /pol/ and plebbit? Does the thought of getting your opinion challenged destroy your /lit/ comfyness? Keep in mind that it wasn't a Polack starting it in this thread - like nearly always it was someone screeching about derailing and or how about something is muh /pol/.

You people provoce that shit to have something to bitch about. Pathetic. Like a shittesting woman.

>> No.10806758

He wanted to, but every time he started a jew placed a donut outside his window and he got distracted.

>> No.10806790

Can we please just for once not complain about Jews? At least in feels threads they can change their emotions with advice but you /pol/tards just stay made at the same stuff and just shitpost about it at lightning speed. If you hate them so much go do something about it and stop posting here for a week at least

>> No.10806796


No, you see, they want the Jews dead but someone else to do it for them, they're too busy watching chinese cartoons and stuffing their faces with foods that wouldn't be suitable to the porcines that resemble them so.

>> No.10806804

Most alt right redditors moved to /pol/ during the USA election. Left on Reddit are mostly Russian bots.

>> No.10806806

>muh left-right dichotomy
>muh Christianity
>not embracing the esoteric Fascist worldview
You're not gonna make it

>> No.10806813

I think he likes his religions founded on actual historical currents and not abominations from the early 20th century. Christianity is 2000 years old, Esoteric Fascism is 90 years old

>> No.10806814

Jews are the most murderous people in all of history, their entire culture revolves around genocide, so you got it backwards. Aware whites are simply responding to that hatred of us. Unfortunately there are a lot of retarded people like you who are too stupid to understand what's going on in the world.

>> No.10806816

I guess I'm behind in my memeology. Point is, the floodgates are open, the dam broke, the levee collapsed and we're being drowned by these fucking cretins.

>> No.10806820
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>> No.10806827

Yet you just sit here and do nothin about your conceived doom.

>> No.10806831

>Jews are the most murderous people in all of history
backup this statement
>their entire culture revolves around genocide
you mean the coming of the Messiah? they're not supposed to Genocide anyone except the people attacking Israel. The Gentiles aren't supposed to get nuked, the righteous one's get to go to heaven too exactly like the Christian and Muslim judgement (because they're just copying the Jews)
>Aware whites are simply responding to that hatred of us
but whites have actually genocided Jews before and also completely whiped out whole taxa in the baltics, africa, the New World, Polynesia, India etc. Whites are by far the most genocidal people on Earth and then the Mongols/Chinese and then probably the Persians

>> No.10806832

Posting on a Faeroese Whale Blowhole Fucking Enthusiast Drakkar is literally fighting the Culture War

>> No.10806833

Actually I'm into Penmans Biohistory to which Christianity is the best suited and epigenetically given on solution. Any thing else can only be considered larping without a fundament.

>> No.10806834

Pound for pound and taking tech levels into account, Belgians, Zulus and the Aztecs are still The Big 3 of genocide

>> No.10806845

Tech levels and shekls don't matter. Which is why Communism, a jewish manufactored ideology is, as can be read in the black book of communism with around 200 Million deads, is the main killer. Not counting in abortions due to relativism of our current age.


>> No.10806862

lb4lb yeah but totals its def Mongols, Chinese, Persians, Bantus
>Actually I'm into Penmans Biohistory to which Christianity is the best suited and epigenetically given on solution. Any thing else can only be considered larping without a fundament
oh ok enjoy your informed LARP

>> No.10806867

Romans gotta be in the top 5 too.

>> No.10806872

Jews murdered upwards of 66 million Russians last century. It's hardwired into them, which is why nearly all of their holidays celebrate their genocide of others and their holy books like the OT revolve around it. No one has caused more death than jews, whether directly as in their genocide of Russians or through propaganda that has pushed western nations into wars that further their interests like WWII, Iraq, etc.

>> No.10806890
File: 111 KB, 720x1049, rps20180307_091015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm going to take a video series with "normies" in the title and Pepe thumbnails seriously.

Instead of shitposting on a hobby board, leave 4chan and go out and do something about this supposed jew menace.

>> No.10806906

>thinking the fascist worldview doesn't stem from currents expressed eternally through nature,
Nature is fascist. Or rather, fascism is natural. I know Evola is a meme around here, and I actually enjoy Guenon a bit more, but modern 'fascism' (the political regimes that took place within the 20 century) was polluted with enlightenment philosophy and stemmed from liberalism. Go beyond them.

>> No.10806910

(I was referencing Evolas critique of fascism and national socialism, I'm just a retard who decided to post at 2 in the morning)

>> No.10806921

>humour illegitimizes things
It's nearly as if you don't get the YT eye catching system.

It's a joke because most normal people will never bother to read it, it'S for the lazy fucks, usually called "normies". If you question was honest wtch or read it, if not don't ask shit which would otherwise need to be explained in 300 pages with additional notes on a hobby board.

>> No.10806939

the 66 million number is legitimately inflated, the Soviets killed probably 30-40 million people, Stalin can be held accountable for maybe 30 million of them. You can't seriously believe that most of the murderers were Jewish or most of the NKVD who actually killed people were Jews. I'm aware of what you're getting at, the large Jewish presence in the Red Army (not nearly enough to account for all their crimes, not even close) and the NKVD which had a large Jewish presence in its hierarchy. But unless you would not prosecute a USAF for fire bombing dresden because his superiors ordered him, which is ridiculous if we're playing along with your fake empathy for the Ukes and Russians (who your side tried to exterminate), then you can't lay the whole thing on the heads of the USSR Jewish elites and secret police officers. There were mostly Russian and Ukrainian agents doing the killing. The Commie genocides were all directed at their own population for political reasons, not racial. Jews probably relished the killing from a racial perspective, but the reasons for it were basically political. It was to get rid of strongholds of reactionaries, which is still evil, I know you don't think that because the Germans murdered millions of poles under the auspices of partisan terrorism, but that's again not the same thing as a Jewish genocide of Russians and Ukes.
>or through propaganda that has pushed western nations into wars that further their interests like WWII, Iraq
Do you mean just in the 20th and 21st centuries? Did you forget WW1 is just a sequel to WW2 a war started by Germans?
I don't think a political movement regardless how esoteric could be considered a valid mirror of a massive system like Nature anon. I think this is incredible hubris that's also dangerous to the survival of whoever adopted it, as indicated by everyone who has ever tried to behave like a Fascist in history. even the Romans were destroyed by welcoming doom with their behavior.

>> No.10806952

>The Commie genocides were all directed at their own population for political reasons, not racial.
Polak here, our elite was specifically exterminated because they were Polish and to destroy any hope of a ethnic resistance. Same was done in Russia and the Holodomir is just another example of a genoce of a foreign ethnic for thw profits of the elites, which were, and that is just a fact, mostly jewish.

Just like the Jews still partake in actual eugenics towards black jews in Israel or genocide the actual inhabitans of that place on earth, politically manipulating through numbers the west to pay for it.

Yes, #notall, but not wanting such factors in your own country to fight the oods souldn't be considered a bad thing. A people and its culture and therefore religion is the result of their best evolutionary strategy. For jewish people it's multiculturalism of the host country and destuction of ethnic mayorities. Accepting the facts through numbers doesn't mean you have to hate jews, it just means you accept that evolution is a thing and that people flourish under different ideologies. It also means that certain ideologies can't be made into a melting pot without on side loosing it all through the centuries.

>> No.10806956
File: 820 KB, 800x2449, stalin_killed____60_millions_people_by_neetsfagging322297-d9x1s63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviets killed probably 30-40 million people, Stalin can be held accountable for maybe 30 million of them.
Fuck lol. 4 million at worst smoked by the NKVD.

>> No.10806963

>undocumented Kanonenfutter
>not yet UDSSR territory ethnics
>provoved famines

Lefties always try to lie their way through their actual bloody history.

>> No.10806964

You sound like you're just making stuff up. Like the other poster said, jews led by Kaganovich murdered at least 10 million in the holodomer alone.

>WW2 a war started by Germans?
LOL, no. We all got indoctrinated with what you're saying but this is a 'winners write the history' thing and unless you want people to think you're a jew trying to protect your ethnic interests you owe it to yourself to at least familiarize yourself with the other side of the story.

>> No.10806970

>appeal to nature

every time

>> No.10806976

Find a source that negate the popolation growth in the Soviet Union.
And explain how is possible that most anti communist are jews.
North Korea is one of the biggest supporters of anti zionism and hezbolla in the world. Stalin is still accused of anti semitism and became anti israek with time. Is this 4d chess? Are jew killing themself?

>> No.10806989

>you do the work or my meme is right
Nah, my dude that's not how it works. I bed my right hand that you haven't read any such sources yourself and only post it because you favour that ideology.

>And explain how is possible that most anti communist are jews.
Another claim without a source.
Favouring communism for your subjugated people doesn't mean you can't profit from it, which is the main political view of Jews, not capitalism.

>North Korea is one of the biggest supporters of anti zionism and hezbolla in the world.
Yes, the jew fears the chinky man. The only reason they are still here is the fact that they are lietrallya laughing stock, while still the USA, "their greatest ally" tries to push them towards the wall due to israelie politics.

>Stalin is still accused of anti semitism and became anti israek with time.
Stalin wasn't a jew. He was pro-jewish till he got in power, which is why he got there at all. Him changing his world view was never expected. Communism isn't all jewish, the ideology only needs to be spred, just like in the case of western antropology.

I mean, you obviously don't know anything on this topic. Why not actually embrace some "problematic" lit and see for yourself. If you'Re right, you can relax, if you're proven wrong you won a true inside. Winwin.

>> No.10806991

Jews don't think like you think they do. They will take any position and safeguard it for jews, it's not a true believer ideological thing like with whites. Also Stalin purged a lot of jews because they had caused so many problems and couldn't run the system but that came later, and jews initially loved him which is why he gained power to begin with.

>> No.10807002

shut the fuck up you lying faggot and stay out of this
>Polak here, our elite was specifically exterminated because they were Polish and to destroy any hope of a ethnic resistance
by Russians
>Same was done in Russia
Except the Russians were put in charge of the USSR and were for the lion's share of its history. The Communists Russians killed the Monarchist Russians, the rulers of the USSR were the knew native elites.
>nd that is just a fact, mostly jewish
no its not
>Just like the Jews still partake in actual eugenics towards black jews in Israel or genocide the actual inhabitans of that place on earth, politically manipulating through numbers the west to pay for it
whites do this too its irrelevant to discussing whether the holodomer was a jewish genocide
> but not wanting such factors in your own country to fight the oods souldn't be considered a bad thing
was talking about the Jewish genocides, but considering the Jews had been there for hundreds of years its pretty insane to want to kill all of them considering the large minorities tolerated by other nationalities.
>or jewish people it's multiculturalism of the host country and destuction of ethnic mayorities
Yes and for Indians and Muslims and Christians and Pan-europeanists and HIspanics and even Blacks and many other groups.
>Accepting the facts through numbers doesn't mean you have to hate jews
but they're lies and you do hate jews, you want to exterminate them
> it just means you accept that evolution is a thing and that people flourish under different ideologies
right you're invoking evolution because you want to commit genocide, exactly what I'm talking about in the first place, the genocidal nature or lack thereof in the Jews.
>You sound like you're just making stuff up. Like the other poster said, jews led by Kaganovich murdered
most of the NKVD and Red Army were not Jews who participated in the killings, you can't call it a Jewish genocide if most of the people involved and the person who oversaw it (Stalin) are not Jews. The Russian people and their elites are responsible for it, everyone from the KGB especially who is now an elite in Russia should be considered an inheritor of it and all the offspring of the soldiers who did it. The Jewish community of Russia was not in charge of the country and they did not execute a Genocide.
>10 million
no 4 million max, you like to lie about genocides a lot right stormfag?
>you owe it to yourself to at least familiarize yourself with the other side of the story
which part? the 23 million kills from the Nazi regime or the invasion of France and Poland and massacre of the Slavs? Or the theft of billions from central and eastern europe, france, netherlands, norway etc? Or was it the Nazi occultism, pagan LARPing and the hidden corporate capitalism? I know a lot about the other side, they seem like they had what was coming don't you think?

>> No.10807066

Are you jewish? Because you are extremely misinformed or just lying here.

>The Russian people and their elites are responsible for it,
Not in the slightest, and Russians like Solzhenitsyn have explicitly stated this. Jews made up about 95% of the central party and orchestrated most of the murders after they took over in 1917.

You're giving off a pretty blatant and deceptive jew vibe itt wiggling around and trying to dissolve them of their crimes. But I think it's pretty obvious for anyone who isn't an idiot to see through. Jews are terrible people who have been instilled with a genocidal mentality. Worse though is how they will always lie about it to protect their own, but whites always eventually get hip to these tricks and kick you out and we're seeing the beginnings of that process occurring again now. Sad you guys never learn.

>> No.10807084

>but they're lies and you do hate jews, you want to exterminate them
Kek, I don't. Each people have a right to exist, just not to fuck up my people. If they would have taken madagasker nobody would have cared.

>Jews had been there for hundreds of years its pretty insane to want to kill all of them
Nobody wanted to off them, they have been sanctioned to leave. People didn't wanted to waste resources to kick them out. But they didn't leave. Force and death is always the ultimate mecessity of political goals.

>whites do this too
Whatbaoutism. Whites didn't go out to destroy other countries, they just fucked up with mostly good intentions. Even the spaniards which killed indigens in South America were harshly judged by the Church and the Kind, they simply didn't have a smartphone to check daily on them. Shit happened despite what was the goal. WHich is unlike actually undermining such societies with nothing else in mind. People aren't the same.

>no its not
Yes, you already made clare that you don't know anything on this topic.

>by Russians
No, russian born jews. That's the difference. And indoctrinating on ethnic to fight against the other is also nothing new to profit yourself from it.

>right you're invoking evolution because you want to commit genocide
By any chance, are you jewish? This shit is always claimed, which is why jews hated antropology as they have seen it as evolution showing the gentiles that natisemitism isn't naturally wrong. And no, I don't want to genocide anybody. I just don't want them in my country. That's literally it. Not wanting tem isn't the next shoa.

You're paranoid. Nobody wants to off the Jews, they just screech and imply that because muh Talmud and muh people which should not rest. It's literally a self fullfilling prophecy when you act like that.

>> No.10807241

God fucking damnit. Every time you think /pol/ couldn't become more retarded

>> No.10807265

>the 23 million kills from the Nazi regime or the invasion of France and Poland and massacre of the Slavs?
only like 4 dozen max my dude, if you disagree you want to exterminate all Germans