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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 7 KB, 227x197, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10805451 No.10805451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lol you guys are pseuds

>> No.10805456

>notebook is a book
/his/ should be shadowbanned from here

>> No.10805460


>> No.10805474

Grug make trol post
Grug much smart than soods

>> No.10805479

t. pseud

>> No.10805480

it's true, no bait

>> No.10805545

Honestly, every time I go to /his/ I am just astounded by how stupid every single poster is. It's amazing.

>> No.10805549

Yes, I agree they are
/sci/ too honestly

>> No.10805553
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>> No.10805565

/his/ is a brainlet board for people who get their understanding of the world and beliefs from Facebook memes and “smart and insightful” 4chan screencaps. a step above /pol/, but more pitiable for its inflated r*ddit self-perception

>> No.10806306

sorry but /his/ is /pol/-lite

>> No.10806444


>> No.10806454

More like distilled /int/

>> No.10806456

/his/ went from being one of the best boards to the absolute worst so fast it's amazing

>> No.10806464

I come here rather than /his/ because at least some of you read books. Rest of 4chan gets their information in Tweet-length bits from the internet.

>> No.10806469

it's /int/ without flags at reddit levels of discourse. It has absolutely no unique culture of its own.

>> No.10806472

which board do you think is the best?

/lit/ has pretty good discussions and a high percentage of good threads (not saying it is the majority though).

The good thread to shitpost ratio seems to be higher for /lit/, in context of each respective board of course.

>> No.10806480

/his/ is to discuss history mostly, not philosophy. If this board discussed history then sure, I would come here instead of /his/ because sometimes that place even sucks at discussing about their main topic

>> No.10806481

/lit/ is shit but its probably the best these days, /sp/ 2009-2012 was probably the GOAT, then /lit/ 2011-2014 was pretty good too, /mu/ used to be great, /tv/ was honestly alright (but in a shitty way) until 2016

>> No.10806507

Like >>10806481 said, pre-mod buttfucking /sp/ was GOAT. There's still a semblance of that and honestly anons are viewing it with rose-tinted glasses. It's still pretty good and there are some absolutely fine generals. /lit/ was kinda good once, now it's absolutely fucked by retards and redditors coming here to post about Peterson or other faggots no one in his right mind should care about.

/his/ has /int/ level of discourse without the flags. The reddit part is how fucking flat and uninteresting everyone is. Even the shitposting is bland

>> No.10806509

You can start threads about historians and history books.

>> No.10806512

/tv/ has been horrible for years. Feetfags, paedophiles, pompous attitudes towards anything that isn't deemed what they now call "kino", forced memes more than /b/ ... this has been going on since its inception.

>> No.10806513
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>Not getting all of your information from pablum posts made by mainstream politicians
What're ya queer or something

>> No.10806520

I don't think they ever like anything over there. They just complain about actresses having ugly toes(whatever the fuck that means) and fimmakers not casting literal pornstars in mainstream movies so they can have a new thing to jack off to.

>> No.10806523
File: 34 KB, 720x405, 1520280024091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>People keep telling me to stop polluting other boards when it's the same newfags polluting /pol/ who then go to other boards and start posting /pol/ b8 everywhere
What's worse is that now /pol/ is 100% uber alt right according to pretty much everyone ever because people who never give a shit about politics suddently see all this autistic b8 and assume /pol/ is just a circle jerk for hardcore neo nazis, then start posting "anti-/pol/" b8

>> No.10806524

/tv/ is unironically one of the most genius boards. there is something about it, the endless flow of memetic data tapped from subterranean sources in the collective mind. the perfect acuity of its targeting, the way it takes hold of something, the perfect piece of meat, in its jaw and won’t give, won’t let go. /tv/, though the topic of discussion is totally plebeian and mind-numbing, has probably the smoothest operation of any board on 4chan. you can’t go wrong it. you are in capable (i dare not say ‘good’ - but supremely capable, yes) hands

>> No.10806527

Even non-footfags can tell what toes generally look nice and which look ugly.

>> No.10806534

OK, but you don't look at Charlize Theron or Sophia Loren and think "man, I wonder what her toes look like" unless you're a deranged weirdo posting in one of the worst boards on a Namibian Desert Fox Fucking Enthusiast Mudhut.

>> No.10806539

dude... you just wrote a love poem to /tv/

>> No.10806543

yeah i always hated you faggots but you weren't that bad pre-2015 or so

>> No.10806544

Kill yourself

>> No.10806545
File: 264 KB, 576x324, galnews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ has some amusing content

>> No.10806549

i actually had an interesting discussion about nehemiah in a gal gadot thread on /tv/ like a month ago

>> No.10806552
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>> No.10806556
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/tv/ is 95% trash but it's so much that you can really mine for that 5% of gold all day long

>> No.10806561
File: 263 KB, 800x585, Zimmerman+shot+a+and+became+a+world+hero+_2fd4564559ae5da2fff98537aca94941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bad my dude , these days it's basically a Facebook page that isn't monitored and is constantly bombarded by underage trolls.

Now how am I supposed to discuss controversial political views when literally no one posts there anymore but the low tier shitposters that were the most cancerous feature of the board to begin with. At least shitposting on /pol/ used to be funny with Ron Paul memes and Dorner

>> No.10806563

This is quality? Please leave this board, please.

>> No.10806564

Oliverposting or whatever it's called is one of the absolute worst shit on /tv/. Whenever they try to go political it becomes apparent they're unfunny /pol/tards trying too hard to be comical or on point when they're just autistic little spergs throwing a fit about things they don't like. Baneposting was the best and worst thing about the board

>> No.10806568

Oliverposting, Colbertposting, it's all typically trash for sure, but the one I posted it so spot-on it makes me choke laughing every time I read it

>> No.10806569
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>> No.10806573
File: 236 KB, 433x402, 8a1d42fc-d944-4fa7-887d-3ff24b9826d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparent they're unfunny /pol/tards trying too hard to be comical or on point when they're just autistic little spergs throwing a fit about things they don't like. Baneposting was the best and worst thing about the board
>It's a projecting newfag episode
It's funny because John Oliver is overrated as all hell and there is something cathartic about parodies of his generic format

>> No.10806574

/sci/ could be great but it's a quagmire of wasted potential and lame shit

>> No.10806576

Have you just never been there?

>> No.10806577


>> No.10806578

I don't watch Oliver, his humor is too cringey for me to digest but AFAIK he probably has the best research team on air right now. That post wouldn't be funny even if I knew how accurate it is probably.

>> No.10806582

The humor isn't the politics, it's the tone and mannerisms. I respect Oliver's research too, on the most part.

>> No.10806587

You might have noticed I didn't mention Oliver's quality as a comedian or host because I don't watch the crooked-toothed faggot.

>something cathartic
If you're a butthurt little sperg, yes, probably.

>> No.10806596

mu was never good you were just younger>>10806507

>> No.10806603
File: 44 KB, 308x499, 51ZqnqI0bcL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he probably has the best research team on air right now.
In other words he has like a staff of 5 people who spend 3 hours googling their subjects and maybe get an interview , who then compact all that information into a entertaining format, aka "infotainment".

People who find Oliver informative need to unplug from the idiot box for awhile and think about why it should scare them how people's attention spans have degraded to such a severe degree that they get supposedly important information from a fucking comedian

>> No.10806605

>ever being great

/mu/ is to hipsters what hipsters are to normal music listeners. Now it has reached its final form and 90% of the traffic goes to the most autistic place on the internet: the Kpop general.

>> No.10806607

>scientifically speaking, <insert bullshit here>
>twenty IQ threads
>fifteen 0.999 != 1 and 1 + 2 +... = = -1/12 threads
>ten "Why X major sucks" or "Why X major is the best" threads
>"show us your university" threads
>homework threads
>literal Facebook-tier YLYL threads
>"is consciousness real" threads
>"are we in simulation" threads
>which drug do you use to study for exams
There is math general, and sometimes you can have good discussion with actual researchers/engineers/people passionate about the subject, but most of the time you're just talking to high schoolers larping as scientists.

>> No.10806610

He and that entire comedy Central inspired genre of reporting is essentially just fox news for liberals , so yes I enjoy people making fun of the guy

>> No.10806615

>/leftypol/ is too smart for...

>> No.10806617

>they get supposedly important information from a fucking comedian

Oh, like the jester in the king's court which has thematically been presented as the only guy around who knew what the fuck he's talking about for literally thousands of years? But yeah, this is /lit/ so why the fuck would you ever read anything?

This is kind of true but I just don't care enough about him to find mockery funny.

>> No.10806618

>how people's attention spans have degraded to such a severe degree
This is a myth. Longform interviews and podcasts are taking off in popularity even though it'll be 2.5 hrs+ of nothing but two people talking. People have the attention span for shit that they can tell isn't just trying to force a reaction or money out of them

>> No.10806625

>thread still up
Great literature

>> No.10806628
File: 214 KB, 400x399, fuck me sam fuck me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le born in le wrong generation effay intellectual lad

>> No.10806631

>Oh, like the jester in the king's court which has thematically been presented as the only guy around who knew what the fuck he's talking about for literally thousands of years?
>He thinks archetypes established to make fun of and humanize protagonists/ figures of authority that are just heavy handed write ins of the authors own opinions ought to reflect real life
No? People did not get all of their information from Shakespeare's plays or popular myths either.
>This is /lit/ why would you read anything
I mean I've read what you've read, but clearly I've had more retention of what we've both read

>> No.10806634

>People download podcasts they listen to while doing monotonous tasks, therefore people have the same attention spans as before
I see you like to actively shun logic

>> No.10806635
File: 614 KB, 1209x701, balalaika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just come over and suck my dick, we both know this is how this ends.

>> No.10806636

>Strawmanning this hard
If you got that sense from anything I said it's because you're an underage newfag who needs to lurk

>> No.10806641
File: 3.98 MB, 1046x1600, ti smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6 months ago you were posting on youtube videos how smart you are because you're 14 and don't listen to Lady Gaga but enjoy Queen so much and how everyone around you is a retard with no taste. Find a better way to LARP around here bucko, this is boring

>> No.10806654
File: 11 KB, 350x230, 3d-projection-filters-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're smart enough to understand this one

>> No.10806659

I don't even know what that's a picture of

>> No.10806662


>> No.10806666
File: 5 KB, 424x120, 2018-03-06 23_29_34-_lit_ - lol you guys are pseuds - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you got me...

>> No.10806674
File: 286 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180307-003143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw laptop is kill

>> No.10806675

I forgive you SuperSatan

>> No.10806765


>> No.10806774

/tv/ has demonstrably lowered my cognitive loading capacities whenever i've used it, I can't think deeply after browsing that board for more than 5-10 minutes

>> No.10806947

At times you can find decent threads on /sci/, they just don't get bumped that much

>> No.10806955


>> No.10806962
File: 166 KB, 1500x1291, alien wheat meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon has it right.

/tv/ meme generation is unsurpassed nowadays, perhaps the high point was the era of high frequency Sheev & Bobby posting. It's on par with the Golden Age of /int/ memes.

>> No.10806966

I don't even understand how IQ is big there considering how I've never seen psychology threads there and IQ isn't any more scientific than the rest of psychology

>> No.10806968
File: 81 KB, 1600x672, 70k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta have some sort of brain damage or fluid drain or some shit to find this funny

>> No.10806971
File: 170 KB, 956x904, 1516885132501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's brilliant.

Here's to you, /tv/.

>> No.10806974
File: 3.47 MB, 480x464, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was around the time I left I think. Sheevposting was the last good thing that ever happened to that board

>> No.10806981
File: 387 KB, 1536x1686, wkjNZq1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LOTR tax posting is more recent and pretty inspired. It's an offshoot of the older LOTR memes and the GRRM "but what was Aragorn's tax policy?" meme.

There was a thread a while back which was the most hilarious shit I've seen on 4chan for years.

>> No.10806986


>> No.10806987
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>> No.10806994
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

i don't go much there but always loved this /sci/ meme, do they have any other decent ones?

>> No.10806998
File: 65 KB, 405x414, raffruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal Facebook-tier YLYL threads

the occasional vintage throwback doesn't hurt

>> No.10807034

/biz/ is the best

Only no coin poorfags disagree