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10804630 No.10804630 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all the best writers alcoholics?

>> No.10804639

Tortured artist archetype self medication

>> No.10804648

Highly intelligent people need to dumb down their genius in order to function desu. Smart people tend to get caught up with alcohol, benzos, opiates et cetera. They need to self-medicate their unbearable level of consciousness.

Mediocre people need that extra brain activity boost to do anything remarkable and are susceptible to stimulant addiction.

The real idiots are the ones who praise weed and psychedelics because that's the only way they can glimpse the near crazy state of mind the overly intelligent occupy naturally. Their minds are so dull that they even an artificially induced psychosis is manageable and even enjoyable to them.

If you look at a persons drug use it tells you what he is lacking, what he is supplementing. Great minds always seek some repose from their own greatness. Dull minds always seek to escape their own dullness.

>> No.10804655

Wow, great insights

>> No.10804691

>I smok weed because I just can't deal with this DUMB manager of the McD I work in

>> No.10804696

kek, this.

>> No.10804708

Joyce has been constantly drunk between Ulysses nad FW

>> No.10804709

DRD4-7R gene. They are motivated only for things that far exceed expectations. Only a few activities meet that criteria. So either they do drugs, or make up some fantasy world where awesome things do happen

>> No.10804715


The best writing is revealing, and revealing oneself to the entire world, on record, requires courage.

>> No.10804746

A lot of smart people do indeed drawn to benzos and alcohol and opiates, just like a lot of idiots without much inner depth get attracted to weed and psychedelics -- I've seen it in my own life. However, on the other hand, also in my own life, I've seen just as dumb people get drawn to alcohol, opiates, and benzos, and pretty smart people be drawn to weed and psychedelics. Not only that, but weed and psychedelics are the smarter drug choice, in a sense, because they're not as physically hard on the body and not as addictive. I'm not gonna lie, though, I am extremely grated on most of the potheads I know, and am always surprised at how unintelligent and vapid some people are who are attracted to psychedelics. But that aside, this stupid post is ignoring all the mediocre masses of alcoholics, random ghetto people who get addicted to heroin and trailer trash who are experiencing an opioid epidemic, and hedonistic college teenage girls who pop benzos like candy.

>implying that
>Terence McKenna
>Timothy Leary
>Thomas Pynchon
>Philip K. Dick
>Were mediocre, dull minded people who were only attracted to psychedelics and weed because they were idiots

Overall, this would be an interesting and clever post if it was true, but its more of a stupid and self-serving one that sounds like its written by an alcoholic or something trying to justify their habit and their dislike of weed and psychedelic culture

>> No.10804773

I feel like if I were addicted to something I'd at least be part of a scumbag culture and therefore no longer isolated and so terribly lonely. Habits necessitate relationships with people who use and supply.

>> No.10804798

Meditating and striving for self-improvement are the patrician choices to mitigate the problems one faces on the daily.

Escaping reality through drug use is for weak-minded cowards.

>> No.10804805

>Not only that, but weed and psychedelics are the smarter drug choice, in a sense, because they're not as physically hard on the body and not as addictive.
You're assuming that highly intelligent people's prime motive is self-preservation and living 'sensibly', which is rarely the case.

That's more of a mediocre bourgeois approach to life and to assume that it is a universal one betrays something about your own worldview desu.

>> No.10804816
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>not doing this with mainsteam consumer culture like a true post-ironic patricien

>> No.10804880
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>Terence McKenna

>> No.10804887

I don't follow. Do people identify with each other based on the things they buy?

>> No.10804994

Or lowered inhibitions

>> No.10805012
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>tfw no bromance with your drug dealer

>> No.10805013

These sorts of relationships are incredibly pernicious and after sustaining one of them for any length of time you'll be saying to yourself, "Goddamnit I wish I didn't have to meet up with this faggot to get drugs."

Volunteer at a public theater or independent cinema, or even an animal shelter.

>> No.10805051
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Of course. What else should people identify by after the decline of national identity and religion?

What remains is identifying by consumption. Drug culture is an example of that. Just look at weed for example. Or booktubers. Or fashion sluts showing their 'hauls'. Or gamers. Or people getting mad about apple phones vs samsung phones, or even linux autists getting mad about desktop environments.

In a globalist consumerist society what defines you is what you consume.

>> No.10805057

A small minority of people take drugs. You make it seem everyone's doing benzos and are alcoholics. Don't project.

>> No.10805075

You've convinced me, I'm a national socialist now

>> No.10805080

>A small minority of people take drugs.
The vast majority of people take drugs, most just stick to more subtle ones like caffeine and nicotine. A lot of them drink alcohol regularly as well though.

>You make it seem everyone's doing benzos and are alcoholics. Don't project.
You're the one that is projecting, I didn't say that at all.

>> No.10805100
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not the worst ideology you can pick up at the marketplace of ideas desu.

make sure to get the right accessories that signal your identity politics to the world. i suggest a nice hitler youth haircut and 'conservative' menswear and then buy some early 20th century right wing literature to carry around with you and follow the right online news sources.

unless you want the classic neonazi look with a buzzcut and some docs :-) there are nice outfits for every ideology!

>> No.10805122

Ridiculously not true. People's drugs of choice reflect their personalities, but I think there's a lot of merit to saying that acid and speed are a smart man's drugs -- they amplify contemplative and analytic power, that is, they play to the smart mans strength.

Many great minds have been downer/alcohol addicts because intelligence is correlated with mental illness is correlated with downer addiction. It's because they're depressed, not because they're smart.

tldr correlation vs causation idiot

>> No.10805132

I'll explain:

Jews made it seem cool to be a "le tortured artist bro!" after Van Gogh.
They realised its a good way to fuck up and destroy potentially smart people since they convince them that artistry and alcoholism and drug addiction (mainly) are related. They aren't, of course!

Unironically, Jewish media and publications are to blame. Not even /pol/-tier to understand this either.

It's the same reason why rock and roll took off, etc. Without that media push it would have fizzled out within 2 years.

All movements, punk, grunge, etc, were designed and pushed on to the people for a purpose.

Similarly, all 'streotypes' of artists being fuck ups, down and outs, alcoholics, etc, is just a jewish trick.

>> No.10805134

I'm just going to throw in that if you have ANY KIND of depression or anxiety you should avoid acid like the plague, no matter how "smart" you think you are.

>> No.10805136

Yea, probably shoulda made that point. Doesn't go well for most people (and if youre on SSRI youll likely end up in mental hospital)

>> No.10805152

>tfw want to live the degenerate bukowskian kerouacian millerist bohemian neetlife but have no ambition
>use writing as a facade so that art hoes think that i'm deep for drinking beer in the morning and give me sloppy toppy

thanks based jews

>> No.10805155

>ANY KIND of depression or anxiety
that's basically the case with virtually all truly smart people though.

>> No.10805215

Yeah, people like you will never produce good work, let alone great work though. It's always mediocre and you are basically just a massive cunt on all levels, and I don't mean that as personal insult, it's just how it is.

You fell for the meme. Bukowski is a hack. Utter garbage. Why do people like him, then? Well, they like what he represents, they like the idea of him as you just sort of described. They like the lifestyle he lived more than his work, and his work was dogshit anyway.

People like to think they live like like something in a movie, but they don't. You're not gonna be a struggling artist, you'll just be an alcoholic without a job and crippling depression.


>> No.10805228

Good job you stopped reading 75% of the way into the post lol. McKenna has some definite flaws but I think his discussion of the psychedelic experience was/still is valuable and a significant contribution to modern culture.

>> No.10805273
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>le cursed with high IQ like my favorite cartoon
Hahhahahhahaha whatever helps you cope anon

>> No.10805301

It's impossible to escape reality. Chemicals like psychedelics give a new perspective on reality.

>> No.10805314

Smart people like uppers, fucking voltaire drank a shit load of coffee, freud did cocaine as did Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Drugs have nothing to do with intellect, most people chose them do to their psychological deficiencies like ADD, Autism, anger, unconsciously self medicating

>> No.10805323

>I destroy myself bc I don't care about anything and am so edgy fug you dad i meant the bourgeoisie!!!
The tortured artist/cool immoralist trope is so lame.

>> No.10805337
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>be me
>Been described as near genius by my shrinks
>Dangerously unstable psychologically
A-am I going to write the next big western novel?

I didn't ask for this

>> No.10805339

I think you misunderstood my post. I'm in it for the lifestyle, the nonexistent 'work' is just a facade.

Not even writing is the height of the literary lifestyle. Nothing but appearances, the purest of aestheticism.

>> No.10805344

while it's cool to hate on bukowski and his shit wasn't even that good, he popularized a style which is easy to read, perfect for a rainy Sunday or something, you can't live on highbrow shit all the time

plus he is funny sometimes and influenced jude angelini's book, those are hilarious

>> No.10805353
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>I destroy myself bc I don't care about anything and am so edgy fug you dad i meant the bourgeoisie!!!
It's more about self sacracifice and realizing that there is more to "living" than just maintaining homeostasis my dude

>> No.10805358

This is wrong. Definitely avoid hallucinogens if you or your immediate family are schizophrenic. If you are unhappy or depressed or anxious or stressed or generally neurotic, psychedelics in a correct set and setting can gift a very cathartic experience. Hallucinogens (not including MDMA) are physiologically harmless.
This is also wrong. You may be thinking of MAOIs and drugs like lithium which can lead to serotonin syndrome and other bad outcomes when mixed with psychedelics. SSRIs are safe to mix with psychedelics. In fact, since SSRIs regulate serotonin and thus mood, the effects of chemicals like LSD can be potentially lessened when mixed with SSRIs; so less likely to end up in a mental hospital.

>> No.10805375

Alright, but that's a shit way to live.
He didn't popularise anything. The media did as I touched on in my previous post. His work is truly dogshit. I mean, sure, he wrote the book, and the drank the booze, but his work itself isn't even worth the praise it gets. Shit is common. He is the literary equivalent to some record plant band that gets played on the radio non-stop. Drivel, but played enough that some idiots begin to like it.

The media decides what is popular and what isn't, nothing more.

In 100 years when publishing and the media is no longer dominated by a small group of people, there will be classics released again. Blockchain publishing probably, and who knows what media, but it will all (the monopolies, I mean) be flushed within 100-150 years~

>> No.10805383

I don't think it has anything to do with their MASSIVE BRAINS like >>10804648 seems to think. Honestly, I think that writing is a discipline that requires building a really strong and consistent habit of writing everyday and what better way to from a habit than to attach it to an addictive vice. Writing everyday is hard, but smoking everyday feels necessary to the smoker so put both together and suddenly you're smoking and writing everyday.

>> No.10805386

Yeah I mean I'm just being edgy to be honest because I do drugs too. I don't really glorify it though, I don't view it as "self-sacrifice" or some deliberate self-destruction I undertake, Rimbaud-esque, for the purpose of "my art", I just view it as what it is: the desire for pleasure, even if somewhat dangerous and self-destructive. Which even I'll admit is not so noble and smart as what this guy >>10804798 says, or in general living a happy life without drugs.

>> No.10805394
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>Alright, but that's a shit way to live.
The lumpenprole lifestyle is actually quite rewarding.

>> No.10805405

No it isn't. Upward is the only direction in which you should be aiming to travel. Any other and you are a failure as a human being, really. There is a reason why a few great uhhhhhhhhhh writers bro uhhhhhhhh said that "overcoming" is the meaning of life, and not "just be a faggot who dos nothing bro!"


You will look back on your empty life one day and it will all be sepia tinted memories of nothing, it will be other people's experiences and places you never visited, things you never experienced, and media you swallowed and chewed upon like a good little pet.

Ta-ta now

>> No.10805407

>endogenous chemicals projecting and altering my perception are inherently better than non-endogenous chemicals that do the same thing
>believing this in [current year]
Get with the times grandpas.

>> No.10805413

nigga please, top 40 music deserves some praise, making catchy tunes is hard as shit despite their simplicity, same thing goes for bukowski's books

>> No.10805417

they don't understand man

they are not contemporany

time trave is real guys >>10805375
you are living like in the xviii century lol

>> No.10805425


but as i said people like to time-travel ahahahaha

>> No.10805433

No it isn't retard
It's so easy there is literally a formula they follow
You're likely a below average IQ zombie, so maybe it's difficult to you though, yeah.
Also, I'm not your "nigga", faggot. What kind of man uses such a word when they are probably white skinned?

Please do not send further messages my way

I agree

>> No.10805453
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Going upwards in society is stagnating spiritually.

Take the dogpill.

>> No.10805458

holy shit this has to be bait, internet literally eliminated the monopoly on media, there is no big hand that controls all anymore. and if top 40 music was so easy, make one song and get rich, but you can't, son. Write a book as simple as bukowski's, you can't do that either. So what's left but to act high and mighty about your own mediocrity, just embrace it, nigga

>> No.10805462

Nah, everyone goes through that phase of "I'm a le edgy ascetic bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>internet literally eliminated the monopoly on media, there is no big hand that controls all anymore.
Didn't even read past this

>> No.10805470

Many people I know have done psychadelics (I have too, I love them, but I've never done them with a mental health condition or serious emotional stress).

A friend of mine took a serious shrooms trip right after his mom died. Apparently it helped him deal with it, but was fairly intense. Another friend of mine with OCD did a good amount of shrooms and had an anxious meltdown.

You're right that psychedlics can be theraputic, but you probably shouldn't do them in that context if you don't already know what you're doing as it is risky.

To the second point, I'm not a pharmacologist, I just know you should mix psychs with meds in general. If you know better, by all means go ahead, it's just good advice.

>> No.10805471


>> No.10805481

>and if top 40 music was so easy, make one song and get rich, but you can't, son. Write a book as simple as bukowski's, you can't do that either.
i think hes saying that the media decides which songs get played and which dont
they decide if the song becomes top 40 or not
they decide if the book becomes best seller or not

>> No.10805490

>Nah, everyone goes through that phase of "I'm a le edgy ascetic bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Everything is a phase for some people and not a phase for others. Some people go through a fishing phase and some fish for life. That backpacking in Thailand living life to the fullest collecting memories to look back on shit you love is a phase for most as well.

It's just about finding something that fits.

>> No.10805515

Travelling is for weak minded people

>> No.10805521

of course you stopped there otherwise you might had to make an argument facing how mediocre and in denial you are, boi

that's still bullshit tho, there are no more machine produced artist because its cost ineffective, media giants pick random talented people off internet or they appear on their own viral videos, otherwise those singing reality shows winners would be topping the charts and not soundcloud rappers

>> No.10805523

And if you just want something that fits, try a rope with a specific knot tied on the end. Or you can go out stylishly and make your own modified remixed version
It will fit you well and no one will cry

>> No.10805530

You have nothing worthwhile to say. What exactly did you say?
>Oh yeah rbroooo! If making a top40 ssong is so easy why dont u dooo it bro!!!
What is your IQ? You ever taken a test?

>> No.10805540
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>he thinks viral videos and scouted talent is "organic"
its (((organic)))

>> No.10805548

they aren't you dumbass

>> No.10805555

>can't make refute argument
>resorts to personal attack

whatever, nigga

got any proof that every viral video is orchestrated by (((them)))?

>> No.10805563

You didn't make any argument you retarded pseudo-intellectual faggot
You just said, "If its so easy why don't you do it"
This isn't an argument brainlet
Now fuck off back to your Tumblr blog

>> No.10805584

I'm just speaking from experience. I was anxious as fuck every time I took acid and there was nothing cathartic about it, that's why I stopped

>> No.10805606

Making a life of travelling is for weak-minded people. Too much travelling is like too much reading.

>> No.10805614

He is right as well, viral videos are largely decided by various algorithms and whether or not the site deems it acceptable, as well as whatever the flavour of the month is currently. The average reader, music listener, etc, are retarded, they have bad taste, and the other half just listen because it's popular and they want to feel like they're a part of something. As well as the fact that after a while it becomes self perpetuating...
Popularity means nothing anyway of course, but even so, it's all decided and orchestrated. Not in some tinfoil hat tier way, but you can literally observe it in real time.

Take the 'movements' in music, i.e. Blues, punk, grunge, certain types of 'pop', etc. These aren't organic things that just so happened to happen and capture people, they were all given the green light by someone. Someone in a seat with tremendous power said, "Okay, yeah, let's put that out", and then X happened, and now we look back as if organic and forget that someone had to decide whether to market that, or put out this release, or allow that to happen, or publicise that, and so on.

It's a hard pill to swallow, especially if you love music, but pretty much all of your favourite musicians were essentially """allowed""" by someone to be popular, and become an icon that they may be seen as today.

>> No.10805631

The media maketh the man, is what I'm saying.

>> No.10805676

>I was anxious as fuck every time I took acid
What did you think during the trips that made you anxious? Or was it just an unsettling feeling?

>> No.10805681

And just one more thing:

With the power of the media, you can make people like ANYTHING. And I mean, anything. You surely agree with this? Now let's add 'passion' in to the mix like with music or pornography.

All it takes for one to become an 'icon', or remembered as a 'great musician' or influential, etc, is to become friends with the guy who prints the papers and owns the news channel, right? Because then he can project you anywhere, into the minds of the saps, into the hearts of morons, forevermore! And who do you think owns these things? I'm sure you have an idea. Certainly not stupid people, or people lacking in Machiavellian traits right? Certainly not people who do things from kindness and altruism. Sure, the money is one aspect, but there is more to it than that. With music and film, you can steer people in any direction you want them to go. You can not only decide what they like, but how they even imagine things in their mind, or the way they are structuring their thoughts, or the language they use, and the possibilities are endless, really.
Do you think they'd do it for free unless it benefited them in some wider way, or served a purpose, or was part of a longer plot that really takes hold way further down the line...? I don't because it would defy logic

>> No.10805719

Eh, some fucking degenerate shit. I had this friend in college who sat on my bed, looked me dead in the eye, smirking, and said, "I wish I knew a little sissy who would beg for my cock." His girlfriend came to visit him the day I tripped, I thought I was nervous around her because I was into her, and I probably was a little bit, but later I realized I mostly wanted to take her place.

Anyway, trying to interact with either of them made me nervous as fuck because I felt like the sexual tension was going to drive me insane. And they were tripping with me, so it was a little hard to not do so.

Sorry to go straight for the proverbial throat, I hope you're not exceedingly disgusted

>> No.10805735

this thread turned really gay

>> No.10805738

most people are alcoholics, period. add that no bosses or necessary public appearances and plenty of sorrowful rumination, the result is natural. but the alcohol has never made any writing better.

>> No.10805754

No, but the experiences while being an alcoholic probably did alter what they wrote so in a way it probably did
And I'm anti-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetorturedartistmemeshitlifestyle, but its true

>> No.10805791

>The best writing is revealing

>> No.10805826

I don't care how you live your life but it definitely sounds like you set yourself up for failure by tripping in that circumstance. Set and setting is most important for positive experiences, whether on psychedelics or not.

>> No.10805836

can somebody fill me in as to why people make posts like this. I,m not talking about the actual argument here i mean making a post that is just 'no'

>> No.10805853

True, but doesn't that mean you should avoid a setting or set that induces nervousness? In this case it seems my earlier statement about avoiding acid if you're anxious holds good. Obviously, if you have an anxiety disorder but you know you will not and in fact are not anxious during a trip it can be cathartic. But if anxiety is a concern in the moment (which it likely will be for someone with social anxiety or depression), I still say one should avoid it.

>> No.10805855

>can somebody fill me in as to why people make posts like this

>> No.10805856

Writing must be pure, and as such the best writing can only come from a pure person who practices meditation and semen retention.

>> No.10805957

>In this case it seems my earlier statement about avoiding acid if you're anxious holds good.
No, your mindset is a part of set and setting. Anxiety is not an inescapable state, one who is anxious probably experiences anxiety rarely, relative to the time in an entire day. Unless you are definitively anxious 100% of the time you are awake, then the LSD experience is still something worth experiencing with many potential positive outcomes. Stop basing your identity around your own neurotic whims. You are not an anxious person, you are just a person.

>> No.10805993

>No, your mindset is a part of set and setting. Anxiety is not an inescapable state
I know that, that's what I said. It seems like you agree that if you're anxious when you start a trip, it's not likely to be a very good one. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.10806091

>It seems like you agree that if you're anxious when you start a trip, it's not likely to be a very good one.
Yes but I don't want misunderstandings so I go into more detail. A trip can start anxious but end fantastic. That's why I say, unless you are always disfunctionally anxious, then a trip is worth experiencing. Ingesting LSD is usually an 8 hour+ endeavor so you have plenty of time to work through the negativity you carry around. That is why it is cathartic.

And yes, if you have an unavoidably negative set and setting for when you planned to trip, then wait and trip another day. A good experience is not something you can force, but you can control environmental variables to the best of your abilities.

>> No.10806097

w-woah dude....

>> No.10806124

You sound like a pothead.

>> No.10806139

>In 100 years when publishing and the media is no longer dominated by a small group of people, there will be classics released again. Blockchain publishing probably, and who knows what media, but it will all (the monopolies, I mean) be flushed within 100-150 years~
That's a bold statement, what makes you think this could be the case?
Interesting thought, both be heavily ritualized acts. I can see this.

>> No.10806148

tech people who scammed billions from BTC and Uber talking on blogs and at conferences

>> No.10806160

Blockchain allows things to be stored untampered forever and is inherently censorship resistant

You are a dinosaur now

>> No.10806186
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I'm a good writer.
I'm straight edge, never even drink coffee.
Therefore, all the best writers aren't alcoholics.

Now get off my board, degenerate swine.

>> No.10806222

they don't have actual arguments and wanna just say "no" and feel superior in a "my opinion is better" way
it's pseud 101

>> No.10806281

It totally depends on the person.
I have depression and I've taken acid only 5 times in my life and it was awesome every time.

Weed, on the other hand, I have stoped smoking because 2 times in a row I thought so much bad stuff and felt so bad that I was feeling very shitty the entire next day (can't really explain it well, but it was like I felt an immense amount of guilt and sadness for no reason).

I think the sound advice is "if you have any kind of depression, don't risk doing drugs" cause pretty much any of them can potentially bad.
And I guess the sound advice if you are gonna do it anyway is to try a small amount the first time you do it to see how you react to it.

>> No.10806324


weed is the worst drug to do when depressed. It will take your mind into dark places you never thought existed.

>> No.10806423

>I was lonely before it was cool

>> No.10806424

From my experience, a high dose of weed will always be a more frightening experience compared to psychedelics. Trips for me actually get easier the higher I go in dosage. Still, there is nothing more profoundly effective at instilling the fear of God in me than high mg edible cannabis.

>> No.10806426
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>Straight edge being narcissistic
Big shocker there

>> No.10806440

It's healthy self-esteem, kiddo.
You know, the same feeling when you get to the end of the bottle?

>> No.10806448

Let's see some examples of your good writing.

>> No.10806451


drunk clarity

>> No.10806453

I don't drink or do drugs, but I'm not self-righteous about it. I can confidently say that I've never taken a drink in my life. I don't have to flaunt that for self worth.

>> No.10807891

I thought I was the only one who regarded high-dose edible experiences as outright psychedelic, or even high amounts of weed, so it's good to know I'm not alone. I've seen flashing colors, visuals, and patterns from high amounts of edibles, as well as vividly imagined/felt a bunch of demon/fairy voices talking to me and hovering around me.

Oddly enough, never really had a bad trip on edibles, just really intense experiences. I think part of the beauty is it eases on more slowly, whereas with smoking, you can go more quickly from baseline to fucked up, which can be even more disorienting/frightening if you find that you've done a shit-ton with some friends.

>> No.10807899

writers are smart people. Smart people are prone to addiction. Alcoholism is probably the most common addiction.

>> No.10808167

seconding this, my worst drug experiences have been with weed and my best have been with psychedelics

>> No.10808202

Almost all of my experiences with weed have been horrifying. My experiences with psychedelics have been pretty laid back and cool.

>> No.10808218

A shrink would never say you were a 'genius' haha you're just a delusional narricist

>> No.10808404
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Just take it easy, wagie.

Maybe if you worked less hours you wouldn't be so bitter.

>> No.10808436

they feel atacked by your response, but dont have the brains to retort, so they try to make you waste your time by baiting you with an unfounded negative to what you say; also its a passive aggressive way of showing admiration.

>> No.10808444

how cna you scam nbilliosn from uber?

>> No.10808456

There needs to be more research done on weed now that it is almost legal everywhere. I enjoyed it on and off for years and then it violently turned on me. Then again I was smoking at a bad time in my life so I was probably asking for it. I always tell myself if I ever get my life together then I will try it again. I hit the blunt a little too hard and it took me real deep one day, to the point of almost insanity.

>> No.10808469

Neets get nothing done
You all hate your lives and experience nothing
Hence your "writing" is all garbage, lol

>> No.10808500

>Oddly enough, never really had a bad trip on edibles, just really intense experiences.
I should have added this. Fearing God, as in being overwhelmed by the awesomeness of our situation, is usually a positive experience, though it may be somewhat scary and confusing as it is happening.

Don't misunderstand. For me, these are not bad experiences, just scary at times. I vaporize small-medium doses of cannabis oil everyday and that is always a pleasant experience. I rarely go deep with the edibles, but when I do It is usually very intense and takes some effort to hold myself together. Overall, the majority of my experiences with weed have been extremely positive.

>> No.10808525
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Getting things done is a meme.

I enjoy my life and experience plenty. I don't write because getting things done is a meme.

>> No.10808528

If you start again, start very small and work your way up slowly. When I started using cannabis I would get blasted and get anxious trying to keep up with my friends. This is what you should not do. Go at your own pace and don't push your limits until you are very confident and in a comfortable place. It seems you aren't like this, but too many people overdose when they aren't ready and blame their bad experience on the cannabis itself.

>> No.10808592


>> No.10808617

The world is not as ordered as you think it is.

>> No.10808638

its more ordered if anything
however its little by little, day by day. its not some giant plan, its more take each X as it comes.

however the direction of travel is clear

>> No.10808640
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>Try to achieve something
>Friend tells me I should instead just be happy because 100% of regrets everyone has on their deathbed are not spending enough time with their family, not doing what you always wanted to do or loved doing, focusing too much on work
>Allright I'll relax and try to be happy then
>Random anon tells me 'Ill regret that too

>> No.10808654

More memes.

Friendly reminder that the 'overcoming' rhetorician pur sang was a sickly man who lived pure misery and alienated everyone and hated himself.

>> No.10808700

Your friend is a fucking retard
Life isn't about endless pleasure and relaxation
Its about doing shit that makes you uncomfortable and overcoming

How much of a numale fucking cunt is he? Worthless faggot probably reads DFW

Memes how? You have nothing worthwhile to say so you resort to "nice meme ha il ust pretend you never made that point!"

Pathetic really

>> No.10808741

>implying DFW would condone "endless pleasure and relaxation"

>> No.10808762

its about finding a middle ground, you cant suffer all the time otherwise you'll inevitably break

>> No.10808850

become the egoist, not the sensual man, not the spiritual man

>> No.10808866

>Do people identify with each other based on the things they buy?
Yeah, nearly everyone.
t. reformed weirdo gone full normie

>> No.10808872

you havent suffered at all
what you percieve as "suffering" is actually mild slights

you're a shallow puddle of piss

become a straight male again you fag

>> No.10808904

As a jazz guitarist, I also agree. This media controls everything bullshit is way to simple. (Pol) I found Bukowskie in a library and just liked it. The Jews controle my mind, sure.

>> No.10808924

said the mfin dicksucking neet that dont know shit about me

>> No.10808935

Can you explain to me, how Punk was a jewish trick? That really sounds rediculous. Sure the media is influenting people. But the 'we are all marionettes of some jewish media guys' thing sounds very simple.

>> No.10808972

Well, this may come late, but the internet indeed broke the media monopoly. However, as Kant has put it, most folks are to lazy to form opinions for themselves, so they dig into the most populaire explanations, which usually are the ones associated with what they identify .

>> No.10808973

There were some bands and independent musicians who wanted to create a genuinely rebellious and grating aesthetic, but then media execs realized punk could also be marketed to make money. So they picked more palatable punk musicians and decided to brand and market them so many edgy teens could feel unique, edgy and rebellious listening to homogeneous punk music and wearing homogeneous punk fashion.

>> No.10808983

Oh sure, some big boy sat in his chair and gave his green light for Rock'n'Roll. Why dont you all meet up in a conspiracy club? It must be nice to have such clear and simple views on the world.

>> No.10808989

do your own research, i gave you a starting point and things to look for
>the internet broke the media monopoly
Are you fucking insane? I can't even begin to understand how someone could think this without being a dribbling down syndrome

Keep reading, I explained further. Don't believe it? too bad, it happened.

>> No.10808995

No, he said, its easy to do such a song. This can only come from people who are unsucsessfull with their music or from people who never produced or made music at all. The question why he just dont make a top 40 song is justified and shows in a simple and elegant way, that hes talking about thinks, he just read about.

>> No.10809007

No, faggot. Simply saying "if its so easy then go make a top 40 song" is not an argument. Nor is it even relevant to the discussion considering I just told you how top 40 songs come about in the first place.
Saying, "hurr if its so eeesy why dont u go make a top 40 song", is fucking retarded.

It's so fucking easy that most top 40 songs are written by the same person. There is a literal fucking formula that they follow.

Do your research and then fuck off anyway for being a dumb cunt

>> No.10809011

So they monitize punk, ok. But they never allowed punk. What u wrote hear sounds way more reflected and differenced than the stuff you wrote before. Now I can take you serious.

>> No.10809051

Even to write a fucking 2 bar jingle is hard. Never argued, that there are many shallow songs in the top 40. but there is more to it, than a formular. For example to create this shallow sound you have to know your tools. You have to know how to use your compressor, how to make vocals sound fat, how to make the snare snappy. Its not just one formular. Thats just a simplified and angry worldview. And sure, there is much injustice going on in the bizz. But thats just moral stuff. Like, why is this great mathrock not in the charts? Thats so unfair. I love u to my Nigga.

>> No.10809070

Alright y'allllllllllllllllllll
what the fuck are you on bout?
Put it simple alright.
Alcoholics and sheeeiiiit amirite?
if you ain't making shit happen it ain't gonna change the matter if yo str8 or not
peeple can be gr8 cre8tors and inebri8d 2 but there's no causal link
i c lots of anger itt, lots a folks gettin called it i feel
but shieeeett
wat i kno? i just a nibba

>> No.10809077





>> No.10809097

No idiot, they created punk. I'm not that guy. Learn how the fuck 4chan works faggot

They created punk because they permitted it. How difficult is this to understand? There would have been no 'movement' without them. Comprende?

Just because it personally upsets you that this is the case, and maybe makes you question some stuff, doesn't mean it isn't the case. I've done my research, how about you do yours, faggot?

>> No.10809125

this entire thread lmao you sweet summer children lmao

>> No.10809226

xddd upvote my dude

>> No.10809384


To simplify this whilst correcting it.

Most truly intelligent people are in some way on the spectrum. They certainly aren't neurotypical. With this comes a lot of pain and suffering as the answers that soothe others do not help people with atypical minds which leads to alcohol and drugs to help with the stress and pain.

>> No.10809879

it's wednesday my dudesssss :DD :DDDD

>> No.10810031

Oh man, even capslock. Not bad. See, u arent right ... Even with your capslock on. I am a musicion and i know clearly about what im talking and clearly you dont. But keep on pretending and take your nice formula with you. The point, that it is made of a bunch of people dont make your argument better in any way or proofs anything. Could it be, that you are underage? Best regards my Nigger.

>> No.10810043

Ah, now I see. You are the guy that I cant take serious. The difference is pretty obvious now.

>> No.10810058

If you get upset over politics or music, you are underage.

>> No.10810173

You can't even spell you stupid pretentious faggot
You aren't a musician at all
PROVE ME WRONG. Until then, keep that fucking mouth closed retard.

See above.
Prove me wrong, until then fuck off low IQ mong

Or, you know... just passionate about these things
Go back to playing video games and wankign to cartoons faggot

>> No.10810193

>>10810173 (you)

>> No.10810197

happy wednesday my dude

i clicked shopfronts and street signs for this post

>> No.10810210

Not an argument idiot

>> No.10810221
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>> No.10810463

lol,you are so angry haha

>> No.10810474

lol hehe yeah hehehehehehehe u got heheh me

>> No.10812092

lol no

>> No.10812094


>> No.10812097

take your meds, anon

>> No.10812194

>show proof?
>lol wut do your research idiot

>> No.10813018

Revealing and confessional is actually the worst kind of writing

>> No.10813702

thats right
you got a problem fag? i'm not your teacher
I couldn't give a fuck if you remain ignorant for the rest of your life

>> No.10813846

Let’s be honest mate, none us will produce greatness. That would require talent and shitloads of luck, and then a respectable literary authority to recognize it. The best we can do is try and enjoy the process as much as we can do.

My writing is shit, mediocre at best. At least I enjoy the work. I enjoy the lifestyle. I enjoy the attention of artsy hos. I’d be fucked without the tortured artist meme anyways, it’s not the meme that chose me, I chose the meme, because with it, I can have a somewhat more fulfilling life. I’m not better or worse than the local guitar-dude Wonderwalling for blowjobs.

>no job
>crippling depression
I’d end up the same way, memeing or not. I actually found a /lit/ job thanks to it, so 2/3 for now.

>> No.10813879

>I'm a pusedo-intellectual fagot so eeryone else must be a loser like me
Fuck off

>> No.10814225

Not a pseud tbqh. I just LARP.
Waiting for your magnum opus, friend. It’s coming right? I’m sure it’ll break the charts.

>> No.10814235

It makes them too dumb for STEM so they have to do something any retard could do.

>> No.10814243

The charts don't mean anything brainlet

>> No.10814261

I work at a drug rehab and this isn't true. Opiates and alcohol are a security blanket for the weak willed. They're a way to avoid dealing with your problems for a time. It's easier to be a junkie than to actually sort yourself out and grow up.

>> No.10814287

Yes, of course. Something for the ages. To be discovered by the literary men of the future. That, or “yeah well it’s a masterpiece, I assure you. It’s just that, no one has read it but me, you know.”
At least I’m honest about my work. I strive for greatness and fail consistently. That’s the best I can do. I don’t delude myself with being the next Dosto or Eliot. Do you?

>> No.10814367

I'm better than both

>> No.10814886

I don't really think that's true. Highly intelligent people require more mental discipline; they need to be able to control their thoughts and funnel them into productive pursuits so they don't just languish in an inactive livelihood.

Drugs don't do that. They can provide temporary relief to many problems, but by their very nature they are unnecessary and broadly harmful— at least in terms of alcohol, tobacco, and certain usages of marijuana.

I'm a terrible writer now because I don't practice enough, I get distracted by wastes of time, and I suffer from intense anxiety about my personal relationships. These are all problems and personal flaws that aren't going to be solved by me guzzling a bunch of booze.

>> No.10814894

>>Terence McKenna
>>Timothy Leary

>> No.10814909

They aren't

>> No.10814917
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>> No.10814923

Terence McKenna is a great reason not to do psychedelics, he literally rotted his brain out from using them. I'm someone who thinks you really shouldn't play with your brain like that. What good does seeing lizard people, dwarves and other dimensions do for your quality of life?

>> No.10814957

>he literally rotted his brain out from using them.
[citation needed]

>> No.10814976

the decline of national identity and religion also can be supplemented by support of political ideology. part of the reason politics is so divisive in the us currently, its because it identifies your value system just like the products you consume also define what you value.

ur caught between a rock and a hard place