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10799738 No.10799738 [Reply] [Original]

mfw 20 pages in an hour

>> No.10799893

it's a real feel

keep going, bro

>> No.10799895

Trade or mass market?

>> No.10799896
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Meh, I can do 20-25 but it's not a big deal

>> No.10799908

Reading slow is good.

Speedreading is for plebs who want to read to have read instead of reading to read. If the book is good you should want to savour it, if it is bad you shouldn't be reading it.

>> No.10799933

>somebody else's successes can never diminish your own
Brainlet logic.

>> No.10799939

Those numbers are rookie numbers, you gotta bump those numbers up.

>> No.10799944

I mostly read philosophy and I read slower so I can understand more, reading slow isn't always a bad thing desu

>> No.10799955

>buy a nice house
>have a beautiful wife
>3 perfect kids
>make 500k a year + investments
>can never be happy because some Jordanian prince was born with millions of dollars and is fucking bitches on the reg while living in a mansion the size of Rhode Island

>> No.10799957

Yes exactly.

>> No.10800028

depends what you're reading don't feel bad friendo

badabing this guy knows. If someone was reading phil at >20 pages per hour they're wasting their time

>> No.10800035

obvi by phil i mean dense primary texts btw

>> No.10800070

oh i thought you meant writing 20 pages in an hour

nigga i read ~100 an hour (uninterrupted)

>> No.10800099

you are making your own life tragic for no good reason.

>> No.10800104

t. brainlet

>> No.10800153
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for me its 6-15 pages an hour
mind just goes blank intermittently, words don't flow properly
been reading 6-10 hours per day the past year, still no improvement

>> No.10800177

>tfw you arrive at a random passage and re-read it 50 times because your mind keeps skipping to something else and even though you're reading the paragraph and even subvocalizing it, it literally does not register as having any meaning, you only know that you finished it but that in turn reminds you to re-read it

>> No.10800362

This but with every paragraph.

>> No.10800646

What are we even doing here, bros

>> No.10800664

I read economics/mathematics, and I've got to tell you, sometimes I spend upwards of 10 minutes on one page! It just depends on what you're reading brosefs.

>> No.10800798

What kinds of things are you reading?
Ofc there isn't anything wrong with reading slowly as long as it gives you better comprehension, no matter the genre.

>> No.10800995

>nigga i read ~100 an hour (uninterrupted)
god i wish that were me

>> No.10801028
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I’m slow as fuck at reading but not because my actual reading speed is that slow, I’m just the poster child of ADD.

Been getting better at focusing with practice and techniques but damn if I could just focus I could read twice as much in the same amount of time.

>> No.10801044

reading 20 pages an hour is not wasting one's time even with Leibniz, Heidegger, Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Kant or any other dense primary texts from this caliber of thinker. You may just be a fast reader. I'd agree your phil reading speed should be about half to 30% what you'd manage for lit but still there are plenty of competent scholars who can bust through whole chapters of primary texts without falling below 30 pages an hour. I think you're being overly cautious. You should absolutely never skim philosophical texts because the form and mechanics of a theory or body of ideas is absolutely necessary to attain the ability to philosophize if you don't see how people do analysis or construct systems then you're a dilettante but if you are struggling to get past 10 pages an hour you're probably not ready for the text.

>> No.10801111

Me here. Just read Completion and Mathematical Investigations... by Alhazen and Irving Fisher respectively.

I read a total of 16 pages in the last four hours. And I have been reading intermittently during that time. I am known to read long stretches of material if it is simple. For instance, I read half of Nicomachus' Introduction to Arithmetic yesterday, or whenever I read The Laws or Republic I'll go ahead and read one Book in an hour and a half or so, in one sitting, maybe in two parts.

But I am serious, when you get into complex subjects you may need to just take some time to make sure you understand everything being presented.

>> No.10801120
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This is my reading pace for a history non fiction book -Robert’s History of the World. For fiction, Moby Dick for example, it’s 40-45 pages a minute.

Remember, my dudes, don’t read to read; read to improve your understanding and/or to enjoy yourselves.

>> No.10801141
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>tfw when took me a week to read The Stranger at an hour a day

>> No.10801142

I only get through a few pages in an hour when reading philosophy or something of similar density. This is mainly because I take extensive notes while reading, and make an effort not to proceed until I am confident that I at least mostly understand what is being said. Is this optimal for maximum comprehension?

>> No.10801150

Have you tried adderall?

>> No.10801174

yes, I always recommend taking notes when studying books, but I never do it, and my understanding suffers from it.

>> No.10801182
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Absolutely, my dude. Although it’s possible you won’t get the full picture until you read the book again. I remember Schopy advises to read his World as Will and Representation twice. Maybe in some books rereading is superfluous, but probably not in dense philosophical ones -The Critic or Pure Reason or OP’s diary.

>> No.10801255 [DELETED] 

>is an emotional cuck and will forever let other people control they feel
>doesn't consider their own logic brainlet.

w e w

>> No.10801270

>make 500ka year

>> No.10801276

>is an emotional slave cuck who will forever let other people control their emotions
>doesn't consider this logic brainlet tier


>> No.10801864


fast readers probably can't recall anything more than 3 books ago, they are too busy showing off their reading list to art hoes

slow readers appreciate literature in the moment like true patricians

>> No.10801936

yep. I would rather read slow and take in every word than skimread 5+ books in the same time with no recollection of the details.

>> No.10802444

what are your techniques ?

>> No.10802455

1page per minute master race reporting

>> No.10802460
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nice work, anon, keep going, my dude, i love you

>> No.10802468

I read even less than that, as I sometimes read while on public transport. It's ok anon.

In the evening I'm too tired to read for prolonged periods. I just read until I can and enjoy my time with the book.

>> No.10802478

>For fiction, Moby Dick for example, it’s 40-45 pages a minute.

Damn son

>> No.10802480
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>he can't read 100 pages an hour

Anon, how can i have you inherit the canon when you won't be able to get through it in your life with your abysmal pace?

>> No.10802542

oof, this shit got me good

>> No.10802544


Why do people say this is impossible? My dad went to public university, studied ag, and now makes about that working as a vp over a division of the company. He isn't that smart nor that lucky.

>> No.10802567
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I wonder (((who))) is behind this post

>> No.10802595

Pull yourself by your boot straps is also a Jewish meme? Oy vey. They're everywhere.

>> No.10802598
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>> No.10802619

I was reading a book on the history of Ancient Greece at a speed of six pages per hour. The book wasn't nearly dense enough to warrant the snailish pace, but the subject matter somehow brought up various lesser fragments and larger shards of ideas which i hadn't thought of before. Think of it as stimulating your brain to think which can yield to far more lucid revelations than absent-mindedly perusing a set amount of pages.

>> No.10802874

>speed of six pages per hour.
>history book
I'd just call that having a shit attention span and shit working memory

>> No.10802881

anyway you will never read all books in the world, then why bother

>> No.10803207

Reminder that if you can subvocalise and don't you have no respect for the writer

>> No.10803214

Adam as a kid?