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10799648 No.10799648 [Reply] [Original]

I miss him so much.

>> No.10799675

Talk to me David, what do you think about social media, talk to me!

>> No.10799681

You started reading the Wikipedia article on Infinite Jest a month ago, Anon

>> No.10799685

wikipedia article is better written than the book desu

>> No.10799708

I’ve read Infinite Jest, The Pale King, and Consider the Lobster. Part of me wants to go ahead and just read everything he’s ever written, but I don’t know if his sensibility is one we should hope to internalize... I mean, the guy did kill himself. It’s not to say that reading someone will make you exactly like them, but surely his anxieties will rub off. And, as talented as he was, his life was a goddamn mess. Does anyone feel this way?

>> No.10799715

Those type of shoes are coming back into style. Cant wait to roll up on some hoes sportin some DFWs

>> No.10799753

I'm reading it for a third time as we speak, senpai.

>> No.10799758
File: 102 KB, 1024x683, Jordan Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consider the Lobster

>> No.10799766

we have caught a glimpse of the collective unconsciousness here

>> No.10799773

Yeah, his autismic levels of information gathering is something to behold. I've only seen a few other writers sniff at his abilities, in all honestly. I try to forget how deranged he was when I interpret his work, but I end up seeing a lot of myself in his characters. Just have to take it all with a grain of salt, I suppose.

>> No.10799784

>Lobsters' utilization in ancient times varied, ranging from complete
prohibition by the Jewish religion, to that of epicurean status in the Roman


it's an old conflict

>> No.10799837

The Pale King had so much fucking potential it could have been even better than IJ. If only he could have stuck it out. I really wish I could understand what was going through his mind during his last week.

>> No.10799851

Where do I start with him? Some of his essays?

>> No.10799879

If you really want to start somewhere you can read his brilliant thesis

>> No.10799902

Knowing what it could've been really gets to me.

>> No.10799965

Quick rundown?

>> No.10799996

David Foster Wallace.....he eliminated his map before he finished the Pale King. He was only half way through it. He struggled with depression most of his life...changed meds cause he thought it was effecting his creativity but he spiraled into a particularily terrible depression and killed himself in 2008. He was only in his 40s.

>> No.10800277

Was he even sincere?

>> No.10800303


But it was 100% junk information.

>> No.10800523

I'd rather look at baroque than look at a Picasso.

>> No.10800618

ten years ago this september lads
i don't want to get really emotional or anything, but when i was an undergrad, infinite jest was the shit. i remember learning about it from my pseud classmates my first semester. i remember getting my hands on that book in late october and finishing just three days before finals started. i still get that pang of nostalgia ripping through my heart every time i see the stupid cloud cover. it's not just of reading but of college of annie of life during the bush administration when i came to age, the terrible music, the film industry dominated by silly comedies, the sincerity of it all. he eliminated his own map for keeps my senior year, and things changed, in my own life, in society, grad school sucked all of the will to live out of me and it honestly seems like the rest of the country followed suit
i know it's silly to connect those things but they always will be in my mind

>> No.10800717

Can you imagine what he would've written about the like button on Facebook? About the vanity parade that it is Instagram and how people's insecurities work within the social media work frame? Can you fathom Harper's paying him to attend some huge YouTube event and write about his experience? I seriously feel bad he off'd himself. He still had a lot to see and talk about.

>> No.10800723

DFW's suicide doomed us as a society.

>> No.10800729
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>missing a plebeian

>> No.10801233
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>> No.10801279

Read Good Old Neon and realize how (hopefully) unlike him you are, depression-wise

>> No.10801687

>implying he wasn't a chad

>> No.10801699

A must listen:


He predicted VR porn.

>> No.10802157

infinite jest was pretentious long-winded drivel

>> No.10803060
File: 18 KB, 272x204, 63290-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a relaxing night with DFW talking about books and society
>ywn laugh with him
>ywn get to shake his hand
>ywn get to shitpost on /lit/ with him

>> No.10803112


>> No.10803217

Good post, never heard this interview before

>> No.10803240

Those shoes are fire

>> No.10803268

You can hear the pain in his voice. I don't think he was ever cut out for the spotlight

>> No.10803328

Would he have voted Clinton or Trump?

>> No.10803337

he would have been a pro-romney never trumper, remember he supported bush the first, and mccain...he was not a radical thinker, which is why he was promoted to be the "voice of a generation" cuz having some anarchist anti-globalization hippy just wouldn't do

>> No.10803338


>> No.10803339

>railing is more in focus than the actual portrait subject
lol memeblad faggot lrn 2 photo.

>> No.10803379

>He predicted VR porn.
Bethke wrote an entire novel on this and related subjects a year earlier in 1995.

>> No.10803393

who the hell didn't know vr porn would be a thing, my god man how much of a brainlet do u have to be to be wowed by a pseud like wallace

>> No.10804261

dude he'd be like 56 now