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File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, @bidstagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10798892 No.10798892 [Reply] [Original]

Whats a good book about what its like to be a good looking female.

>> No.10798898

Your mother's diary.

>> No.10798900

The House of Mirth

>> No.10798902

my diary desu

>> No.10798903

oh wow thanks anon.

>> No.10798928

Madame Bovary
The Portrait of a Lady

>> No.10799011

wow what a nice compliemtn

>> No.10799015
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>> No.10799107

nigga if dont getcho dumb ass outta her

>> No.10799167
File: 130 KB, 800x987, Marilyn_Monroe_photo_pose_Seven_Year_Itch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlemen prefer blondes by anita loos

>> No.10799175


>> No.10799252
File: 52 KB, 800x546, gib pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

showe pics plez

>> No.10799352
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>> No.10799371


>> No.10799373


>> No.10799375

certified bait, put me in the screencap

>> No.10799407

>omg a ciara pic wow epicK shenanigan lmfaOO exdididi screencap this NAO
die, newfag

>> No.10799417

chill, there's a thread loosely about her in this very board RIGHT NOW
Thought I could use some (You)s

>> No.10799434

Being good looking was like being on uppers and not knowing it. I didn't realize that everything in my life was just "better" than it would have been otherwise. People are nice to you by default, people go out of their way to help you by default, it's not like you notice it because it's all exaggerated and intense. It's integrated into your life because it's constant. Its a 60% increase in smiles in your direction, in people wanting to politely get out of your way when you're coming by, things like that.

I don't think a woman who lives that way can describe it accurately. Because she has no contrast. I only notice it now in hindsight because I got older, I moved to Southeast Asia for 8 years and when I came back I was "old." For two years I was depressed, borderline suicidal, because I felt so out of place when I came back, I couldn't figure it out, I thought it was because I had been gone so long that I had become "out of sync" or that my personality had changed, but nope, it turns out it was just because I was over 30.

Now I can look back to being 21 and go, wow, all those times people did LITTLE things, things FOR ME, and I didnt notice it or think of it as "different". Just imagine someone told you right now that you're actually royalty, and everyone knows it but pretends not to know it. Everyone just fawns over you but in subtle ways. Wouldn't you disbelieve them? Wouldn't you find it hard to pick apart your social life and find all the evidence of people fawning over you? You wouldnt believe it, because that's your baseline. You are used to your baseline.

THat's how a beautiful woman lives.

>> No.10799501
File: 75 KB, 500x621, 1427321929433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly accurate post, attempting to delve into the psyche of the beautiful.
A comparison would be with the ability to be alive. It's so natural you never actively live, never consciously maintain your processes. Living is a must and live we must. For the beautiful women in special (in the current incarnation of reality, that which we perceive right now), there is no knowledge outside being beautiful women. Not-beautiful is not-alive. It's literally death, or rather, the uncrossable bulwark of death, beyond which we have no vision.
Not even beautiful people who turned ugly can know this, as they still have the memory of being beautiful bruising the mind.
Only the ugly know about the condition of being naturally ugly. We are the blind to their sigh, and they are the blind to our sight.

Explain the sounds of a river to a deaf man.

>> No.10799516
File: 31 KB, 295x312, jennifer lien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thats how you go from this

>> No.10799521
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to this

>> No.10799954

it was irony until you started posting

>> No.10800054


>> No.10800065

it was ironic though not even close to screencap worthy or even bait worthy for how well-known Ciara is

>> No.10800081

Based friendly Anon

>> No.10800087

The Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.10800235

You Mother Complimenter

>> No.10800243


>> No.10800788
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>> No.10800883
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Inb4 Infinite Jest's Joelle 'Madame psychosis' V D

>> No.10800890

Miss Temptation by Vonnegut. Part of Welcome to the Monkey House iirc.

>> No.10801148

Wtf this broad has big tiddies?
No wonder you guys like her so much

>> No.10801169

Ah gnnnnnnnnnnnhnnnnnnnnnnng

>> No.10801226

You won't find one unless its a redpill book written by a man that is telling you. If a women writes a book about her life she will always write her problems into it but amplify them to sound horrible and make people sympathetic. If she writes fiction the female characters will be treated like trash in the book to show that women are persecuted despite the book being fictional. No matter which way you slice it, a women is always going to play the victim. It's what they do to manipulate and control. It's no different when they write books, you can spot them a mile away.

>> No.10801959

my dream diary desu

>> No.10801960

I'd say any autobiography by Chelsea Handler, Carrie Fisher or Amy Poehler.

>> No.10802014
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It's similar to being a good looking male. I've had conversations with extremely hot chicks about this same thing and it's basically the same experience, maybe even slightly better as an attractive guy. I'm lucky to be born quite a bit above average, looks wise, and also have pretty good taste in style. Though I think I only get away with wearing what I do because I'm alright looking. I'm 27 and it just seems to keep getting more intense.
At uni, on public transport and especially out drinking chicks constantly check me out, and I get approached fairly regularly. Even in the street occasionally. None of my friends are that attractive, and it's so obvious that there is a huge seperation between how women treat them, and how I am treated. Even by my friends girl friends.
Everyone is friendly towards me except occasionally guys want to fight me at the pub for no reason, but it almost never eventuates to anything because I'm quite tall and broad.
Also, just so you know I've been unemployed for four years, and before that only worked a few shit jobs. I've had a series of girlfriends since I was 16 and basically leached off them, parasite style for all of my adult life. Im conscious of doing it, but don't feel good about it.
If you don't assume I'm lying or something, and would like to ask any questions AMA.

>> No.10802022

My dude i am here to tell you the loverboy lifestyle does come to an end. I recognized it and started working on myself. Hope you do the same.

>> No.10802054

I am, honestly. It's so depressing. I just broke it off with this chick(23) I was seeing for ages, she got left a few hundred thousand dollars by her grandfather when he died (though we were together before she got it or I knew it existed, kinda) just because I know I have to isolate myself and work my shit out. So I'm going to uni doing an English major. I don't know how Americans grade assignments, but I've got a high distinction average for all my subjects and I am totally sure it's because all of my lecturers bar one are women in their late twenties/early thirties.
I know doing a humanities degree is pointless, but I think once I've got any sort of qualification (I have none) I will be able to get an ok job, also on accounts of my looks/confidence.

Hope I'm not coming across as smug or elitist at all.
So, so depressed, just like everybody else.
I am grateful though and realise Im very lucky in a part of life that so many people struggle with.

>> No.10802065

Well don't feel too badly about yourself, compared to most of the world, being born in the northern and western hemisphere is already life on easy mode. And your grades are good because humanities work is all bullshit.

>> No.10802067

don't be a princess. use your luck to help others. Your beauty is not your fault, however, take care of it because it is a precious gift

>> No.10802075

hmm, I can't help but feel you didn't say much apart from good looks get you female gazes, despite your long personal account (by 4chan standards). It's only natural that people are attracted to attractive people, no mystery there.

I'd be more interested in how this reflects on day to day life and platonic interactions and what the " hot chicks" you've spoken to had to say about this. Do they treat attractive men in a way that a once attractive man whose looks are fading would provide an account similar to this >>10799434? I for one have my doubts about attractive men getting the same special treatment as attractive women.

>> No.10802078

t. transient chad sociopath

>> No.10802116

Fortunately this isn't the case for men. I was a good looking man in my twenties and had no problem attracting women but now that I'm in my thirties I get more attention than ever before. Not only that but people take me so much more seriously.

>> No.10802122

It is pretty bullshit work, but other people still fail in large numbers. But yeah it absolutely is bullshit. Covering shit that should be studied in high school.

I absolutely don't feel bad about myself, I understand the position I'm in, but everything is relative. A happy little kid in Africa is still happy. Literature is full of extremely lucky, rich, powerful people being terribly depressed.

I am a fairly benevolent force in peoples lives, so long as I'm not sleeping with them, desu

That's really just it though. Everyone is friendly to me and If I talk to someone, they always respond in the best possible way, but only upon first meeting them. Once you get to know someone it obviously stops being that important. Would you hang out with someone that was a mean asshole all the time just because they were attractive?
Very attractive women definately get special treatment, but there are a lot of very attractive women. Not everyone gives a shit about looks, especially not all the time. If I looked like I do, but I was really stupid (not that I think I'm particularly smart, just well read) I don't think I'd have it so easy. It's just a massive bonus, especially with casual aquiantances.

Honestly, kind of yeah.

>> No.10802130

I'm less like that now I think though. But when I was younger I definately had those sort of tendencies I guess. They were very pronounced.

>> No.10802156

Platonic relationships: my close friends are all weirdos I met years ago at college (which I dropped out of) and I only see them occasionally. Usually I just adopt the friend group of whatever girl im seeing. Doesn't take much effort at all because I like talking and the girl vouches for me. Then you only see them on the weekends or when people are going out/partying. Also, I get friendly with all of her girlfriends and the mild jealousy probably keeps the relationship tighter, at the same time she gets off that her friends like me.
In this post I'm referring to whatever girl im seeing, not any in particular. I recognise there's a pattern, but it's just a learned thing.

>> No.10802719

post a pic of yourself nigga.

blur out your eyes if you have to.

>> No.10802742

bell jar

>> No.10802771

At what point did you stop giving a fuck about what other people were doing? I was 26 when I suddenly couldnt care for it anymore. Kinda late but glad it finally happened, I guess Im too old for this board now.

>> No.10802897

I think he meant pics of diary

>> No.10802918

Madame Bovary is the end-all of getting inside the mind of a beautiful woman.

>> No.10803274


That picture is a perfect encapsulation of womanhood.

>> No.10804315


>> No.10804337
File: 54 KB, 640x602, feelsbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn make ugly face and look good
>ywn be life of party just by showing up
>ywn be fawned over
>ywn make everyone jealous just by being
>ywn cross legs without crushing nuts and bolt
>ywn be the non-disposable gender
feels worse than bad

>> No.10804387


>> No.10804460

Both Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina do a good job of portraying a beautiful woman, but in neither case is the woman very self-aware.

Shakespeare's Cleopatra has more knowledge & understanding of the power an attractive woman has over men, and she uses that power more calculatedly and skilfully. But she's in love (for the first time in her life, maybe) and is at the mercy of her own feelings. So again we don't really get perfect self-awareness.

>> No.10804612

Did you not realise that Anna Karenin actually fits your description for Cleopatra.

>> No.10804719
File: 75 KB, 612x612, 1517867185321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow. I need to read Cleopatra now.

>> No.10804822

There is quite a bit of similarity between the two, for sure. But Cleopatra is more formidable. You can imagine her ruling Egypt; you can't imagine AK ruling Russia :)

>> No.10804841
File: 110 KB, 736x1131, 1503778615298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck the old one's face while the young one holds her mouth open and massages my balls, taint, and hole.

Also Vanity Fair, Sister Carrie, and The Custom of the Country.

>> No.10805029

>Amy Poehler

>> No.10805182

Actually good suggestions

>> No.10805455

oh my fuck
>"search Google for this image"
>"Best guess for this image: Virginity"

>> No.10805498

i'm an attractive guy, not chad more reserved and selective. artsy chicks are usually the ones into me. yet i never feel like i get positive attention from women in public.

>> No.10805518

that got me erect

>> No.10805533


>> No.10805561

what do you wear? how do you accentuate your features to make them above above average

>> No.10807381

maybe candace bushnell? 4 blondes?

>> No.10807401

bittersweet & real nice, anon

>> No.10807422

>guys want to fight me
i love when it happens

>> No.10807910

cuz you ugly nigga

>> No.10808028

i feel the same
the worst part is that it's almost an incentive to get advantage of people
friends asked me several times to act on their behalf because 'people trust blue eyes'
i'm like a natural born con man
it's just so fucked up

>> No.10808028,1 [INTERNAL] 

you are so fuckable biddy